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  1. I've seen others merge 3 or more accounts before succesfully, though I'm not 100% on how the process goes- I think you had to add each account one by one until they were all done? Hope someone gets back to you about it quickly & good luck whenever the next merge window opens :)
  2. Don't think it'll ever be the case. Current limitation is that account merges can only be 1 acc from each platform
  3. Ah strange, other people have shared that their scores/activity did carry over. If it all shows up as 0 or incorrect scores on your profile stats, it might be a bug to contact DE about? Not sure what you mean? Is the PC account in your situation NOT included in the merged account? If yes, you might get asked to change password/email or something for security's sake.
  4. Yeah it's a whole bag of ''this merges, this doesn't'' with different rules depending on the ''type'' said item/stat is lmao. Conclave stats should carry over tho, since they appear in your profile stats right? Those do carry over, but creation date doesn't I think (as it doesn't show up on the in-game profile anywhere, so I presume it wouldn't). Edit: ACTUALLY I can confirm creation date is taken from the profile that's picked as primary acc. My XB1 acc, with lesser progress but is older, I picked as secondary. The creation date of my acc (found on my WF forum profile of all places) is still the same as my PC/primary acc after the merge. Appreciate the info on both your posts! The slot stuff is really finicky yeah, best bet is definitely for anyone to fill all their slots on secondary accs as much as possible it seems. You can pick your XB1 acc as primary yes after you've added all secondary accounts through Account Management. I presume you would have to use your XB1/Microsoft email/pass to login to WF, since that's the primary acc after the merge. BUT, maybe your PC credentials would still work on the site/in-game? Like an ''alias'', similar to how you can login to some sites using your username, email or phone number. Don't think it'd hurt to try, but similar to what CosmicChaotix said, good idea to check if your account still has 2FA after merging! Edit: Okay actually, I can tell you that I can still login to the WF site with both my PC & XB1 credentials. It might work the same for logging into the game. This does mean that 2FA on all linked accs, like your email, Nintendo acc, etc. should be double checked as there's now ''multiple ways'' to get your email/pass it seems. I'll add this to my post
  5. I think the starting point would vanish yeah, considering the following info is displayed when you select a primary: the username, date the acc was made, mr, login day amount, the platform as well I think & the clan name if you're a founding warlord of any Yeah I prolly could've had about a handful more weapon/warframe/etc. slots as well but ah well x'D better that than losing all my data
  6. Your inability to merge your console to a newly-made PC acc seems to be a bug, a hotfix literally JUST came out where this is supposedly fixed. Maybe you can merge it now?
  7. You can only have 1 account from each platform in a merge tho, so you'll have to pick between your 1st or 2nd PSN acc
  8. Yikes, stuff from both your xbox/pc accs were wiped all together? Hopefully they fix it sooner than later, that sounds like a major bug
  9. I've seen some posts from founders on the forums here, though it's either 1) they didn't do the merge right and thus lost their items or 2) they got their items, but excal prime is bugged as limbo, something like that? Not entirely sure, I can't answer what happens to it 100% myself. I'd suggest trying to contact DE support about your questions or ask other founders on their related posts
  10. Free slots on primary accs for frames, archwing stuff, amps, weapons, vehicles, companions stay after the merge This is because the slots from secondary accs get added to the merge (meaning, it won't take slots from your primary) The only exception to these are slots for rivens, loadouts and railjack parts it seems thus far. Hopefully this answer makes sense?? Wording feels confusing with all the "slots for x and y" stuff x'D
  11. Yeah syndicate level and current standing is taken from the primary account only. If you put your PS4 acc as primary, everything from the PC will be lost yes And after merging you should be able to login on any platform with the primary acc credentials yeah
  12. Ah I see, thank you for your input! The achievements bit seems a bit weird, I've seen other people mention their achievements didn't carry over from PC to PSN for example, so it might literally be dependent on the devices in that case lmao
  13. Everything you have built on secondary accs stays built even after the merge, so you'll just get them Like That Interesting! I did notice I got the XB1 palette also that I can use on PC, but it seems those platform exclusive restrictions are only in place for PSN, according to the FAQ at least. Not sure if they meant ''will not transfer'' as in, straight up deleted, or simply unusable on any PlayStation and vice versa. Yup usernames will remain the same on each platform, but you should be able to use your primary acc credentials now to login to any platform regardless. Not sure if DE will ever change that, so cross save accs have ''one universal username'', but hopefully!
  14. All frames from secondary accs will be added to the primary acc, so you will end up with duplicates! Applied mods, formas, potatoes, focus lenses, appearances and all that are also kept
  15. If you want to get the most out of the extra slots from secondary accs, then yeah! No worries, I did mine on PC. They currently only do cross save for folks who've bought it on there, console prime access players still need to get their wave!
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