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Posts posted by Lewdcifer

  1. Welcome back.

    I'm not a fan of endurance, and I never did a lot of it, but I think I can give some pointing fingers in the rough direction, so someone correct me if I'm wrong

    Warframe for endurance would be Ivara + Covert Lethality or Octavia.

    Both has infinite scaling damage and survivability, so they can both scale up forever with the endurance and survive long enough. Octavia especially doesn't need any weapon but a dagger with stinging thorn and covert lethality is enough to instantly gib a heavy unit with the finisher combo as you like.

    Edit: Ancients might become a problem for octavia, but she works in a way that "if S#&$ doesn't die, they die faster", so it might not. Nullifier isn't a problem period.

  2. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    (still haven't farmed regular Trinity because of this)

    Must suck for those who didn't get her back at vor&kril drop. They did make it easier to get to ambulas in 1 update, but I don't remember the specifics.

    The fight itself is quite hard without a hard hitting burst weapon and/or debuff, plus the sortie condition sometimes being a pain in the ass. I went solo today at first with umbral inaros and made the drastic mistake of not having negating swarm. On my ass the whole fight. Second time went with nezha. Chakram > unload a rubico clip in it > done. Actually pretty ridiculous that it took 5 rubico shot with riven, so it's understandable on the side of those who can't do the sortie by themselves.

    • Like 2
  3. Put simply, nezha does chew up a ton of energy at 100% efficiency, so much that es can't exactly cover it (it doesn't take rocket science, 0.6s > 6/10s > 60/100s. Barely over half what divine spear take in 1 cast in 100s. Just don't. The reason why people won't use es even on build that require tons of energy is simply the parameters on that thing is too weak. TOO weak

    I really do suggest putting on some efficiency if you can't handle it. Nezha actually doesn't take a ton of duration since it only majorly affect his 1.

    I actually occasionally can't handle setting up for a big 4-1 chain even with arcane energize if I abuse it too much, so my other suggestion would be just throw your chakram and kill stuff with your weapon. Makes full use of the debuff, less energy. Ta ta.

    Other suggestion is equillibrium. Actually never played with that, so I don't really know. It seems like nezha force pick up his spawned orbs even at max hp, but I might be mistaken.

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  4. Plains of Eidolon specific. Load from orbiter specific

    Game freeze for 5s at the black transition from load screen to plains then proceed to disconnect from squad (Connection to host has been lost).

    Not a problem on solo, but still freeze for 5s, then plains appear normally

    If hosting, game also freeze and kick squad other than me out

    Any solution?

    Vallis works fine.

  5. Plague kripath - seekala - ekwana jai ii (hybrid) / ekwana ii jai (maiming strike) | polearm

    Dokrahm - shtung - vargett ii jai / vargett jai ii (full crit) | heavy blades

    Cyath - peye - vargett jai ii / vargett ii jai (hybrid with cyclone stance) | machete

    Some of the zaw I use ^.

    Modular formula I use:

    Strike: weapon type. Whatever you like. More slash like cyath is better in general and kripath is the consensus best

    Grip: peye/seekala for status builds : fast swings for more procs. Also work for hybrid build that rely on combo procs
    korb/shtung for crit build: Harder hits, better dps. peye/seekala is ok for building combo as well. Not much loss

    Link: Vargett jai ii / vargett ii jai: obviously for crit
    Ekwana jai ii / ekwana ii jai: obviously for status, although building hybrid is better than full status

  6. There definitely need something to be done about extraction-based endless missions. I think just the continuation popup between every 5m like defense is okay. Then again, excavation is more like every 2m, so it should get annoying real quick.

    If you die in solo arby, you get kicked out with your stuff. I don't see why you can't just do the same for arby squads where you just yeet off with your S#&$ when you die. (*cough* except the part where this game has been out for almost a decade and is still terrible at host migrating, despite all form of coop play is p2p....)

  7. It really has

    Before fortuna, amps was pretty limited. Put simply, there was only 2 use for amp, that are severely limited to certain combination. There could be only 1 combination for eidolon hunt. And there could be only few combination that make normal play with operator strong enough, and fun to use at the same time.

    Vox solaris changed that. Even the ever rigid meta of eidolon has seen a new direction of using x77 OR x27 (still broken btw, please fix it thx). The Profit taker brought another meta of phahd scaffold. The appearance of Plaga Brace brought ALL the incredibly ammo inefficient firing mode into something we can enjoy instead of excruciatingly try to cope with waiting 5s every 2 shot (yes, literally dissic scaffold right there). In addition, we got 6 new firing mode from this update that are all fairly decent (which they would not have been without Plaga brace. Thanks for adding it, I'm very happy). Virtuos trojan and other elements add new options to the status parameter of amps.

    Overall, I'm very happy our little kid has come so far.

    But, there is still more to be done:

    As I said, Plaga and the new fire modes and virtuoses brought many and many more combination to the table, which is why now I have this conglomerate of 5 or so amps that I have to annoyingly switch from my operator screen. That is why it's about time we have amps available in our arsonal. Very nice QoL addition, and it hurts nothing.

    Void damage is weak to grineer and ancients for no particular good reason at all. Well, I dont even have to say out loud how to fix that because its so obvious what to do.

    Armor scaling is still bad (which is most things but well, it's extra bad because ^^^^^^^). I think something like 50-75% ignore armor, like radiation, would alleviate some trouble and even the corpus and grineer viability.

    Edit: I forgot, but also cut down the farm. It was NOT fun getting those repeller system (on top of leveling up vox solaris which take 5 as well...), 100+ fish and too many hespazym/thyst/zodians... And whose idea it was to drop only 1 type of toroid on profit taker...

  8. 13 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    I would probably go about it by balancing the eidolon shields value and the amps damage values and then make them ignore every secondary protection (be it shield or armour), while giving them neutral modifiers on everything and a very high modifier vs sentient HP. 

    Well, we have all the craze over bleed ticks, so adding a weapon that can directly do that sounds a bit busted. I did think of that, and it does fit the theme of void weapon, but idk how hard it will be to find the right value that amps doesn't outright vaporize everything nor take too long to kill. Consider also that DR scale much harder than HP in the game, so completely ignoring that scale kind of mean if you make it good at low level, it will pretty much stay good for too long a time, in contrary to everything else. On the reverse, if you make it bad at low level then it's just outright bad lmao

    Interesting though

  9. 4 hours ago, b4timert said:

    Just asking but isnt the new Vox solaris t3 brace better than the quill t3 one since it add purely crit chance instead of crit and status? or do you want crit and status?

    Just crit. Certus is the best brace rn.

    It breaks shraksun rn, so you'll need propa to abuse it in eidolon hunts. Once that gets fixed shraksun should still be on top with just a shift in the brace. I recommend a long range prism if youd like to do some profit taker, since you can swap the shield from far away with it.

  10. 2 hours ago, (PS4)d_HopeCraft_b said:

    So, whit Fortuna 2.0 on PC, new AMP parts were added , has a PS4 player, my question is simple...

    Whats the new "META" ? Is there a new "OP" combination for the Eidolons ? If so which, and why?

    I am asking this so i can "start farming" so that i can quickly get the BPs and craft them, it would be great if anyone could help me on this.

    Yep, new meta is here

    x27 or x77 will both work, but x77 have the problem of no multishot, which mean there's 20% you'll whiff a crit (50cc + shadow), while x27 is less but is much more consistent with the amount of time you hit the shield. x77 also has some delay, which make using it a bit annoying since you need to prefire.

    However, x27 is currently broken and the cc is basically just bugged the hell out, so the cc is really low for no reason

    That being said, x77 is certainly the meta until x27 is fixed. You can definitely choose to stay with x23 until you get the new parts as well, since having better equipment is just making the hunt easier, not much faster

  11. Probably said a billion time but here it is again.

    There is no reason for operators to be weak against grineer flesh and some infested heavies. Aside from the questionable choice of putting a multiplier in the first place, why even make it -50%.
    Amps are getting stronger, and operator is inching into higher level viability, but the one thing that has never changed is that their grineer scaling is extremely bad. That can be said the same for anything without corrosive, but stacking the resistance on top just completely stomp operator out of even sortie 1 grineer, while amps won't have any trouble clearing out corpus into a decent amount of content a person will realisticly face.

    It won't even be overpowered. Armor will still completely push void out of the table up around sortie 2, and there is many and by that I mean about half of weapons that exist in the game can completely outclass the best amp setup. And the grind is. Much. Much. MUCH shorter for those.

    Yes, I know that there are new arcanes that convert damage
    No, I won't give up either virtuos shadow or fury for something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. And the fact that it take forever to get enough rep as is because of daily cap...

  12. 11 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    Wow.. when I thought I can't get disappointed before the year 2019 anymore, I found this.. clicking the hidden text, just to see that I can't see the picture.. thanks..

    Sorry XD. Got that fixed. Let's hope link stay alive this time


    1 hour ago, trst said:

    Also removing the cooldown on Archguns would kill any future potential they could have to be a unique mechanic.

    I think it's less important be "unique", since archgun is so underpowered and is, in the end, just another gun.
    When it's something like an extra weapon in your arsonal, it's important to allow player to switch their playstyle on the run anytime to promote flexibility and freedom for the player to play at their own rhythm.
    I might agree with a cooldown if it became something like an "ultimate mode" where you go and vaporize everything in front of you with a big, big #*!%ing gun. Then again, 5m is too brutal. A typical non-endless mission spans about 5m, and even if you consider long missions, you're practically waiting 1 survival/defense rotation to use an underpowered gun. A lovely underpowered gun

    And while I talk about balance and rng in the orb fight, it's not limited to it. Remember, there is NO heavy ammo outside the PARTICULAR bounty. It means you're 100% FORCED to wait it out. Sucks, right?
    On the side note about balancing, it is not about how easy you can find the unit, it's about you HAVE to find the unit in the first place. It's random. It's almost the vomvalyst problem in eidolons, except you can manipulate RNG in that fight. It doesn't excuse that both sides require certain rng, and like rng manipulation, the alert level is almost the same, but even less consistent. I don't even look at ground troops during my fight, so alert is always at 4*, and somehow sometimes, it's still missing a fluctus guy. Sucks

  13. K drive being purely mobility is just an undisputed oversight. Having 1 use in the first place restrict most reasons to use it, and that one particular use that it can do is worse than archwing in everyway is just a big joke. Agreeably, mesaing on a hoverboard would be the mucking coolest. (Aaaand no all the mobility mod doesnt help. All the jumping one solve the verticle scaling problem, but the speed is too slow anyways)

    Fishing, mining and hunting is pretty much meant to be a break from the normal bloody gameplay, so it make perfect sense to be linear and kinda chill. Cheesing it with brute murder is just... think about the fishes man. *hops on elytron and fire a nuclear warhead*

    On that note, yes, the mucking corpus on every corner of your vision is annoying. Why are they here? I'm in the middle of nowhere. Can these piece of S#&$ not interrupt me trying to mate with this kubrodon?

  14. You see, we have this ongoing trend of different deployables that change the playstyle, k drives, archwings, and now the atmo archgun (buff our bfgs <3). But maybe it doesn't have to be so complex as to deploying something different from normal gameplay.

    So, this random weird bug happened in the end screen



    Deployable warframes. Ordis drops a mucking warframe, and kiddie transference in an entirely new suit.

    Multiple warframe isn't a new thing to talk about (i think), but deployables might seem to be a pretty solid way to go about it.

    As for balancing and what not.... who cares. We have a space goat that grows irradiated flowers and mass murder deformed clones with a blender on a string while scraping his ass on the ground.

    Also, on the topic, remove the damn 5m cooldown on archgun...  it's porpotional to ammo reserves, but still not short enough to make the orb fight at times an rng fest to find a fluctus corpus... Yes, we ascended to requiring farming in the middle of a boss fight.

  15. 1 minute ago, (XB1)sp4wnersiak3 said:

    I'm playing Oberon Prime or Rhino Prime mostly. Don't have time right now to farm Chroma Prime.

    then your build is fine. thermite round goes to wildfire, the straight upgrade.

    if you're oberon it can go to primed fast hands for more consistent damage.

    idk how good your rhino is, so see if you can kill the limb before reload without thermite/wildfire and consider putting in pfh if you cant.

  16. depends on your frame you're playing, and if you're solo, whether or not you have sarpa to strip armor.
    primed fast hands is definitely good for non-riven, but is unneeded if you're playing dps.
    swap serration for primed cryo round for chroma, and thermite rounds, errr, is fine i guess.

    edit: thermite round is straight downgrade from wildfire for eidolon, so switch to that

  17. Well, it's not like soloing is absolutely impossible for a newbie, buuut I highly doubt you can do it without proper gear. 1x3 is not hard, certainly even less so if you set your time limit at 50m, but it's 100% not for newbie. ever.
    If you're talking about soloing teralyst though, that's very possible. Very.

    So, I wont be giving any too confusing tips, considering your position.
     - Don't be shy to join a team. You start somewhere, and it's necessary being helped to have the gear you need. Just put solo in your bucket list, it's not terribly far, but it's going to be a pain and a half if you do it without the tools. Madurai (void strike). Unairu (unairu wisp, potentially better for soloing). Vazarin (only good for non-healer runs to heal lure, no need to consider this for teralyst)
     - Your having a lanka and rhino almost doesnt matter. Make sure to build them right. The mods make the weapon
     - Charge your 1st lure before taking the rest of what you need (in more efficient runs, you do this between spikes)
     - Heal your lure. This is almost why for x3, you won't be able to settle for a rhino/volt without vazarin.
     - Your amp should be x23. If you want to really get into this, that's what you're using. (shraksun scaffold + lohrin)

    im lazy so idk what to think anymore. feel free to ask more

  18. iirc any kind of damage (even enviromental) except self dmg can proc it, like guardian. On shield or whatever. Even during the 3s invincible phase of iron skin which you technically still get hit

    Rubico without a cc riven: definitely. brings 95% above 100%, with enough to spare for some lucky orange crit
    Crit/hybrid weapon in general: good. 30% is additive which ignores your base cc and add it on top after everything.


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