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Posts posted by Lewdcifer

  1. Ok so yesterday sortie was the ambula assassination. So I tried it.

    First try, solo, put in it roughly 1000 bullet (yeah, no joke) with a Baza, fully modded, corrosive. Yeah, it died once. Which then it got revived.
    Second try, solo. Vaykor Hek. Yeah, that blocky shotgun of pure damage. About 50-60 round put in its face. Didn't die. Ok what is this.
    Third-fourth try: Ok internet tell me. Oh mesa / valkyr shred this boss. Hysteria. 3 slides. Dead. FYI it's a basic hysteria build, 175 ef 95 dur 130 str, no forma or double mod cap.

    Yeah... what am I missing. And don't even start to tell me hysteria is as strong as roughly 500 rounds worth of vaykor hek damage or ~2000 bullet with its armor entirely stripped. No.
    Safe to say though, the worst part of that experience is the anasa at the end.

  2. Recently paying attention to my focus tree and is slowly maxing zenurik. Eximi stronghold is really great to just get it and get murdering for a decent amount of focus. (Loki actually kinda work with the spawn not putting 10b enemies in one closet.... Still equinox though)
    Now, sometimes the mission spawn normal enemies toward the end or for a few tilesets. It does hurt the consistency a little. Is this a bug?

    Poor the operator dude, I let him die like 5 times now. Sorry but I need to murder all these shiny *@##$es

  3. The Vaykor Hek's stat is really incredible, but also make it hecking confusing to mod. What to work with are 2 incredible stats (25% crit and 25% stat). Obviously you can't have it go everywhere, and formaing polarity makes things more rigid and uninterchangeable. 2 ways obviously goes that should I build for crit or stat? (this thing can rock (near?) 100% stat, it's @(*()$ nutty). Obviously it's somewhat of a question of at which level of play I'm using the gun, but tbh, it's so strong it can handle the star chart no problem with no proper build (or so I think, except endless missions ofc)

    The second question is with Hunter Munition being an incredible addition to stacking tons of slash, is it more effective to build viral so the proc can hack through enemies' health easier or stick with corrosive to back the slash up with pure damage?

  4. Things change as you encounter higher enemies so here's a few question I kind if want answers:

    At which point does halving EHP (Viral) is less effective than reducing EHP through armor stripping (Corrosive). Of course slash procs exist, so maybe it's not that easy to say.
    At which point does trying to get more Slash procs to stack up more effective than pumping full damage and killing the enemy outright?

    Personally, I feel like around 70 does the finisher from slash and reduction of armor matters (maybe?)

  5. (Will move to PC bugs if this wasn't discussed prior)

    I've been running plenty of Lua spy Pavlov and trying to get over the C vault of satan (I love spy missions honestly) and MANY pretty broken &#! stuff happened.

    MAJORITY of time during pub runs (never had trouble during solos. Weird), The console markers will disappear. This renders the level unnavigatable and you end up have to stick to a guy's butt for the entire mission.
    Vault C (the longest vault) has a lot of problem to it. First, the floor of the main hall in the "future" which should be intact without the chandelier in the past shot down is ALWAYS (confirmation needed?) broken and open. The only thing the chandelier being shot down do is add a broken chandelier in the future (which don't appear half the time)
    This similar issue through the level also involves with the case of explosive barrels open up path in the future will already be blown up (a prominent example is the near-last room with the moving button portal)
    There is a severely broken problem that may render you stuck for the mission. If you go the long and proper way (with the popup consoles and the ducking behind cover lasers, y'know) eventually you get to a part with a portal in the future moving back and forth a blocked off door in the past. The portal won't move. Yep. You can't progress, and worse, you can't go back. YEP. Stuck in an orokin construct full of security lazors and bull crap. (I'm not sure but having data purged open doors through the level so maybe you can get out that way?).

    Honestly, I love creative puzzles but my GOD Pavlov is the cancer of this god damned to hell game mode. Not even talking about the bugs. Yeah, have you seen the wall latch puzzle? How did people even figure that out...


  6. So I spent some time doing bounty for Zenurik lens (picked madurai from tww, pretty solid I guess but I still need the meta school lul) and now pondering which piece of equipment do I put it on

    Obviously I know the basics of affinity distribution but stats can't really say too much so I'm here to ask.

    Few options to me:
    + Put it on a frame: seems pretty solid, but party share only 25% affinity gained. Also some different option I can put on as well (Trin / Rhino / Loki. Trin mostly benefit from party so this is not good I guess)
    + Put it on a primary: I actually find myself not using primary that much (?) so is this effective at all?
    + Put it on the farm stick (atterax): Obviously pretty solid, clearing room like no tomorrow. (Please don't nerf this thing. MMO don't need "balanced" weapon but something stronger to work for.)
    + 1 shot weapon (stealth): Probably the most recommended online from what I've seen overall. Which weapon is quite the question (Pretty much the only weapon for this for me is Broken War. Atterax arguably can do it but I'd not rely on a crit weapon too much. I do have Lesion/Orthos for some solid damage + large aoe but I'm not using them quite as much to justify a len.)

    Side note while we're at it, is stealth so broken that I have to sleep enemies to safely cleave them without losing mult (for example, if I invis as loki and cleave a group of enemy and one die JUST a bit earlier than another, they get alerted and the multiplier get jacked up)

  7. I started out roughly a month and a week ago and now that I've got things in order (get a few frames, do some easy trades for plat for slots, modding weapon, etc etc) I'm very excited to explore a major, major feature of most MMOs more in depth (trading ofc)

    I've quite some experience with trading or more traditional MMOs, but that's not the case with a special game like Warframe, plus the economy is surely different as well. I'd appreciate if I get a few tips on starting up on trading some stuff around.

    I'd appreciate any tips but some particular questions I do personally have:
    1. Do credits become a problem in trading (tax?). So far it's a pain in the &#! to farm credit, not because it's hard but it gets boring easily doing Hieracon over and over and over (and over) again.
    2. What are some highly demanded products (of any price) that can guarantee you a trade if you offer an ideal price? It's very useful for me to know that the time I spend farming for something is surely going to be rewarded, plus this info will be helpful for merching (buy lower offer, sell high) later on.
    3. Baro! Are there some certain prime parts that will certainly effectively yield me ducats that isn't particularly desirable for trading?
    4. I'd like to ask many more questions on more trading techs I naturally inherited from other games so I'd appreciate if a trader willing to help can answer my question ingame (because it's easier to pm and talk to one person than posting threads or spending time looking up info that might be outdated on this forum). IGN is elcion (of course)

    Thanks for any help

  8. So I've tried this setting, looked up a bit and personally see it but the question for me is does shifting resolution for better speed sacrifice too much stability and overall makes the smoothness of gameplay worse?

    This is quite important for me because I'm using a potato (not the good kind that double your drain cap) (Also intel card intergrated laptop) (Kill me).

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