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Posts posted by Lewdcifer

  1. Sadly that is the case for a horde shooter. On the other hand, spy missions always have stealthy routes. You haven't played them enough if you say there's only a gun-blazing way.
    Every excuse to play spy is a good one. I love it

  2. Spawns generally are kek'd on excavation solo ~.~. Hieracon is a DS so maybe infected spawn more, so I don't get trouble, so that's good hahah. So yeah Hieracon mostly never get too much spawn trouble. Mostly when you leave drill A to drill B, enemy from drill A take spawn slots and they will run to drill B for you to kill before enemies spawn near drill B.

    Soloing excavation is undoubtedly Limbo. His ability to completely lock down one drill and you can just run off somewhere is perfect for timed objective defense (mobdef & excavation) 

  3. I always think nova is too squishy if you build max range so it's going to be pretty annoying for the nova player if teammies don't join in the portal chain ^^. Sounds like fun though. I still personally prefer excalicopter for my bounties =u=, although being considerate other human beings sound like fun (heheh)

  4. Looks like my point came across incorrectly, so here's for clarity's sake:

    I'm not discouraging people new to the content from doing BOTH the bounties, I'm encouraging them to ONLY do the teralyst bounty. Reason why? Few people can handle 3 eidolons by themselves as contrast to the teralyst alone. The amp grind is not even majorly quills, a lot of it is running around and fishing.

    And to tell you why "teaching" other players doesn't really work out well, have you ever just sit in the middle of the hunt to tell them "why the lures should be charged" or "why you shouldn't run away?". I have never, because I'm going to waste more time if they decide to ignore it and the fact that I'm in a fight, BUT I have always wrote a quick "charge lures first" or "don't run away next time". But people don't listen. <--- Ze problem

  5. Radial Javelin. That's it. Buff this S#&amp;&#036;

    Excal is very powerful, if not for his squishiness due to a delay on blind. I don't see why it's delayed. The skill is just a stun that requires LoS. It's dumb, especially for how squish excal is. Life Strike covers a bit of it.

    EB can pump as much damage as mesa while not eating your energy alive. Hmm. I guess that's kinda it.

  6. I don't really want to talk about this because I am aware that putting myself in a pub matchmaking is no less than just a "roll the dice" kind of situation, but please, for anyone who's new and want to engage in the eidolon hunt train, remember you have an option to queue for a "teralyst hunt" alone.

    I don't mean to discourage anyone who's starting out on it and is unaware of what to do or ill-equipped for the task, but do try to familiarize the fight with the first eidolon or acquire at least a 111 amp before engaging the bigger overgrown groots. I was carried when I started out, but I put myself in a position that I could be carried (the easiest eidolon). Not many people can single-handedly handle 3 eidolons while having few members contribute next to nothing during the shield phase (mote amps) or unknowingly sabotaging the hunt (lures holders run away from spike / synovia kill without lure charged)

    tldr: If you're starting out on eidolon and decide to do the bounties queue, familiarize yourself with the fight and grind for suitable equipment in a place where people can justify pulling you through.


  7. Huh. Okay.

    I agree with the bug. But the hunt requirement part... there is a pub matchmaking if you don't want or can't join the speedrun madness you know... I don't think people bother to get off a pub game when there's a dude with a mote amp or something. It may be not the most prideful thing, leeching in pubs but you need to start somewhere... Besides, it doesn't have to be triple cap... teralyst alone will give you an overabundance of cores, enough to get you through at least t2 amp and for me and a lot of people all the way to max rank.

    Trust me, pub games aren't terrible. Personally, I'd like to run through more speedy and get more focus but I've never gotten into a party from recruit ever since the matchmaking came out. 1 tridolon + 1 double cap, maybe 2 triple or chime in an extra teralyst if the party is quick. IDK. Leeching is the way dude.

  8. I've been burrowing my head in this focus grind for a bit and it's turning up pretty ok. I'm ready to cool off for a while so it's a good time to "investigate" some questions. Hopefully they'll get answered.

    - I'm planning to make a 323 amp. I've been using 212 and that's been turning out ok (shwaak can't go wrong). Mostly I need a gild granmu for mr anyways but how does granmu turn out killing the shield? Is there any particular place I should shoot like how the T2 work? Also, the t2 alt fire stat-wise and from what I've seen (somewhere) it can turn out well. How does this t2 alt fare for the eidolons?

    - I'm planning to invest in madurai next. It's probably going to be less grindy because no need for unbounds (yay) but the capacity is stacking up pretty insane. Anyways is there a cap on void strike damage boost? How long do you justify staying in void mode for the damage boost? Does it boost all of granmu's projectile damage in one charge? On wiki, the t2 alt is said to be only boosted on one instance of damage (t2 has 2 damage with the piercing shell and the explosion) but does it consume 2 charges to boost both?

    How does unairu wisp compare to void strike? (set aside the damage passives from madurai, not always dps haha)

    I can't believe I'm grinding for something to make that grind easier...

    Also fix that damn broken shrine bug ffs. All the "shrines of eidolon" updates...

  9. 44 minutes ago, TwitchTaricTheHealer said:

     Slash Damage is one of the three physical damage types. It is effective against all forms of flesh, but it is less effective against IconGrineerBGrineer armor and IconCorpusBCorpus Robotics.



    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Slash_Damage  for more info

    "Bleeding" is the effect of slash proc and deals "Finisher damage", which its only multiplier is +33% for Sinew flesh.


  10. The weapon is already niche for clearing crowds because lots of weapon do the same already without the risk of instantly @(*()&#036; yourself up if you aren't careful

    Battery ammo means adding wait time because what's the point of it if the battery doesn't run out right? And that's a nerf to the weapon because it evaporates crowd with ammo mutation built in. AKA it can shoot without stopping because you're getting at least 2 ammo back for every shot you shoot.


  11. It's an open world certainly, but not really for many people. If you know the problem with host migration also, have fun dealing with 5x more chances for a host migration ruining your day. Also 20 people? In poe? The map isn't as big as you think. Think of it as just a free-style mission with a fixed tileset that's @(*()&#036; huge.

  12. You can check your schools at the somatic link in the back of your liset.

    Each lens will grant focus for a certain school, and once you have 50k focus for that school you can opt to unlock that school (the button is very obvious)

    Cores serve nothing other than quills rep.

    You can use one school at a time and only benefit from the active school's skills. Only unbindable nodes can be unbound and used by other schools. Change school with the "make primary" button.

    I'm surprised you maxed the entirity of naramon without knowing all this. Or did you mean something else when you say "maxed naramon"

  13. Just saw a trin on AS hydron nuking with link and castana and it looks cool :o. Never saw this use of trinity

    Always have the config c on trin open because always needed ev and blessing only so I'd like to experiment on this.

    Q: Wiki says she reflect 100% damage back. Is this affected by str?
    The guy used castanas but will concealed explosive or just other self damage in general reflected?

    What a niche and weird use for trinity. Just asking for fun, I'll stick to maim for nuking ( > v 0)

    E: Is the damage reflected after mitigated by link / armor

  14. Just pure status without the elemental won't be nearly as effective imo, even with 90%. Secondly, shotguns savvy already does its job if you're desperate for a status build. Rifles and secondaries, melees don't exactly need 100% status. The dual stat will already serve its purpose there if you want to strip armor and stuff.

    But won't hurt anyways. Ok idea.

    Also base status... I'm sure memestrike is the only mistake we need in the game

  15. Archwing required boss but without the atrocious weapon. A use for the coast line of poe.

    Yes. Sounds like fun. Although the archwing insta destroy can go before we do this. Please.

    Although I'm not sure about the 8 player raids stuff with how crap poe optimization is.

    Shadow of the Eidolon pls

  16. Yes. For variety. Not forced though.

    Honestly people all have their opinion but I would much appreciate Ordis mission directives.

    Those are not necessarily annoying jokes, as seen in limbo theorem

    Also, if op haven't done chains of harrow, ordis will narrate your missions after you complete a quest that comes after that... not in the way you think though.

  17. Me personally don't understand the incentives for someone to do long hour survival atm. Maybe for a challenge?

    If there's something I expect from survival it's just QoL for solo run. Spawns ramp up pretty slowly and you can just kinda cheese it with life support until they spawn fast enough for you to camp. It's just a delay and bothersome, so get the spawn ramp up faster on solo play...

  18. There was a limbo... he did cataclysm during energy spike.... It fascinated me. It was cool. It's... harrow and oberon can do it with more offensive capability while not being semi-restrictive of what your teammates can and cannot do. It's just that.


    Also 180 duration harrow lmao.

  19. Beam changes just walked out from the void so let's hope melee comes tomorrow.

    Memestrike make melee pretty much the most proficient weapon type in the game right now so I expect just some QoL changes like combo duration / decay really. As much as broken the mod is, can't really think of which interaction can balance it as an optional increase to crit for low crit weapons... Maybe making it not usable along with blood rush and buff the crit or something. Don't know. It might make a case where it just put meta melee in an even stronger place while invalidating other melees. So just keep as it honestly.

  20. 31 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

    euphona on its own preaty dam hard hiting gun , the only cons to is what it fire projectiles with ark and basacly no status chance for its primary fire

    I know it's a big gun, that's why I'm cooking it right now. But the overgrown groots need big, really big. Bigger than Saryn's ass guns. So can it do work on the groots?

  21. Before the chroma fix there were people who used the euphona to one shot synovias. How does that fare now or is the weapon just a decoration in your capture loadout?

    Never into using secondary a lot since they felt like just a primary with a lack of umph so always had the akstiP just sitting in my loadout for reliable alternative for random times ~_~ Switching it up so just checking out if I can dust off my secondary slot for a specific thing. Thanks

  22. For syndicate missions, it's pretty much max range and efficiency with loot radar + animal instinct.

    For playing with other players, Limbo's problem is not that people don't understand his mechanic but his kit forcefully force players to play a certain way. The reason Limbo is so strong is because you have so much control with cataclysm and stasis. The problem is it's strong enough to control your allies lmao.

    Generally, please don't use Limbo in squad games except for mobile defense or excavation.

    He get some niche use by using cataclysm as a nuking skill but I think you'll find more comfort playing other frame if you enjoy that kind of playstyle (clearing large waves of enemies)

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