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Posts posted by (PSN)de_sch0sch

  1. vor 32 Minuten schrieb Marvelous_A:

    Most exalted weapons are so powerful you don't need to forma to take down sortie 3 level enemies anyway. Only if you like a frame a lot you'd put forma on it.

    +1 to that. I like the new system, it allows me to youse excal in sorties more often. And since excal is the only frame with an exalted weapon that I've put forma on I do not feel that much loss as others may. On to of that I get an upgraded version of my favorite frame. Yay!

  2. vor 37 Minuten schrieb (PS4)deadbeef001:

    Huh.....how did i miss sacrifice rolled out to console?

    You didn't miss it. It will hit consoles tomorrow, hence now my priority. It also includes farming credits&endo for ... reasons.

  3. Nothing on the long term really. My last priority was getting Nekros and Galatine Prime. Then I thought I'd want to get Banshee Prime for farming focus and started to try the regular one w/o success. Now I'm not sure if I should get the prime or do/get smth else.


    Now I want to finish the Sacrifice quest asap and build Umbra.

  4. vor 3 Minuten schrieb SastusBulbas:

    Index on Jupiter is more suited to higher level frames and weapons with some mod experience. 

    The Index is on Neptune, but I agree that it requires a setup to be efficient/reliable. until that any quick dark sector survival/defense/excavation will do.

  5. Am 25.6.2018 um 04:49 schrieb (PS4)iQuedas:

    Alternatively, you can try transmuting mods. I got 2 COs like this.

    Is there any way to guarantee to get a melee mod as a result? I've "wasted" a couple of transmutation cores and ended up getting warframe and archwing mods.

  6. I like the new interface in general, but there are some minor improvments neccessary. One thing I noticed is that the cursor skips several items on the main menu when using the D-Pad. I'm not sure if it may be language related as some items have a longer decribtion as others on the german UI. It usually happens when moving from an item with a long description the cursor moves from there to the next one with a similar long description, skipping any item with a shorter description.

    I also feel that precise inputs are hell of a lot harder now, especially when there is no D-Pad support. At least I had a hard time hiting the right notes on the mandachord with the cursor at mediocre sensitivity.

  7. There are a few frames wich will help you with specific tasks/mission types and make your life easier in genreral.

    The order I went for was (more or less) like this:

    Starter -> (Rhino) -> Frost -> Nova -> Loki/Ivara -> Nekros/Hydroid -> whatever else you may like

    I'm not concidering primes here, as their availability is not given at all times (regular trinity is a nightmare to get and trinity prime is vaulted)

    Rhino is optional as his primary use for me was not to die in missions I did not have the propper gear for. I used him to run my first nightmares and sorties, but after I got decent builds on my other frames I stopped using him outside of farming credits in the index.

  8. vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iQuedas:

    you can farm other lenses and trade them with someone who has the ones you need.

    I'm aware of that, but so far I had no success in trading the other lenses I got while farming relics.

    vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)iQuedas:

    Oh, you play on PS4.

    I can give you the lenses for free. Got a few dozens of them.

    I appreiate your offer, but I'm not looking for freebies but for a general qol improvement. 

  9. Hey DE, hey fellow Tenno,


    I'm not sure if this is the right spot to post this but I'll continue anyway 😉


    I recently wanted to touch base with that focus thing. Few months back I've picked Zenurik as my starter school because I spoiled myself with the effects and the engergy gain appealed best to me. Now I'd like to unlock more than the first 2 nodes of that school and to do that is pretty simple: Farming focus with a frame and/or weapon of choice. So I've tried various combinations to find one that fits my taste and here is where my problem and idea kicks in:

    With the few hours I've available to play Warframe I find it difficult to hit the right reward pool that holds the lenses I need. What usually happens is: I log in, drop by old man Konzu and check his bounties and in most cases he doesn't have those available with the rewards I need so I go back to my orbiter and don't bother anymore. So I've come to think that it might not be a bad idea to introduce "unbound" lenses as a general reward for bounties and add (reusable) blueprints to the foudry for each schools basic lens. Just add them to the Quills. If these blue prints would require Cetus materials there would be more incentive to actualy do the bounties and roam the plains.

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