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Posts posted by (PSN)guzmantt1977

  1. 6 hours ago, BDMblue said:

    In the top left of your screen there is a world that needs to be changed to a man(I think). It should say public friends only solo maybe 1 more no idea. If you are doing this as you say a video would be needed to prove it. As you seem to be the only user with this problem and that points to the problem being human error over game bug.

    Also city’s are always public, but this won’t effect rivens.


    Public, friends, invite and solo. I think. 


    Sounds like OP set it to friends and someone jumped in. 

  2. This community is a funny, funny bunch. 

    It's almost as though there are people who don't actually enjoy playing, all they care about is the "rewards"? Which is weird because if they hate playing as much as they pretend to, then no matter what rewards they get they would still complain. And if that were the case then all they really want to do is to complain..... 

    Oh..... I... I think I see what's going on.... 




  3. 13 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    With Alerts, if you missed something, no sweat, it will be back eventually,
    and you only need to beat that one mission to get that item.

    Great for people with jobs/important life stuff that takes up a lot of time,
    who don't/can't play Warframe every day.


    With Nightwave, you need to play many missions to get anything.
    One of my clan mates missed out on the Wolf of Saturn Six armor,
    and is going to miss out on it again, because of life stuff,
    preventing him from having enough time to play Nightwave.

    Let's stop that right there. 

    With the alerts you needed to do "this specific mission, in this specific way, at this specific time". With nightwave you have your choice of how, where and when you want to complete the objective. 

    A lot of the time you can work on multiple objectives in a single mission that you can choose so as to maximize your rewards, or use it to do something else that you were hoping to get done at the same time. 

    And that "they'll bring it back... eventually" system, sucked donkey butt. As a newb I ran into a guy who was playing for months, and he saw an alert for a Vauban part he needed. He told me to come with, so I did. But when he explained that I would have to keep my eyes peeled because he'd bee waiting almost a month to get that part, and I mentioned that I'd already got all of them.... You could just hear the poor guy deflate. Because it was dumb luck of the draw that I'd been around when he hadn't. 

    So, no. Alerts were objectively worse. 

    And even before the catch up mechanics were added, it took people a couple of hours a week to do most of the weekly objectives with only a few time gated exceptions coming to mind. So that whole "you gotta play every day, many missions just to do one objective" is out the window totally. 

    • Like 3
  4. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

    They could buff the grid to allow it to reduce avionics costs as some of them gain no increase to their effects when placed on a maxed grid point.

    I've run into a bug, that keeps showing the base stats on upgraded slots unless I remove and replace the avionic. 

    Not sure if it's visual or actually impacts in mission. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Avienas said:

    Sadly its not even a proper flying vessel, D.E. pretty much just gave us a box that can move in all directions, that awkwardly `simulates` flight, even if we talk spaceship standards.

    There's no real reason for a spaceship to be anything but a simple geometric shape, like a box. 

    The space shuttle NASA used for all those years was commonly referred to as 'the flying brick'. I think that you will not choose to admit that something actually used to get around in space "awkwardly 'simulates' flight" a lot worse than your Railjack. 


    For the boarders, I tend to stomp, roar, and then hit them until the little red arrows disappear from the map. It helps because I have enough range for my roar to boost pilot and both gunners if I do it near them. 

    8 hours ago, Avienas said:

    Certainly would be easier for polite`ness to occur if things were more tolerable in the railjack system, but thats kind of why people just honestly rush to 3k~6k health then completely ignore regular hull breaches and hazards since they will not affect your ship`s durability that much and its just a waste of revolite to keep repairing what breaks every 5 seconds.

    Huh. I figured that people were just saving the little breaches in order to stretch the time that the catastrophic breaches lasted. 

    8 hours ago, Avienas said:

    As for the slingshot, it might as well of honestly got a gunner skill that `upgraded` slingshot further to let you have 360 targeting to resolve the issue of `aiming`, just as i might rather want to replace my tungska cannon with a multi-lock on seeker missile launcher so i can use it on whats the more annoyance nuisance, the massive swarm of fighters that i rather get done first then the crewships i could easily get out of range and leave them for later.

    Doesn't make sense. The slingshot is a railgun with a warframe as the projectile. That's why it's a pipe stretching from the back of the ship to the front. The pilot has to recognize that the crewships are the bigger threat, point us at them (and ideally get us within range to do an immediate boarding) and let us do our thing. 

    Hell in the lower levels it even makes far more sense for us to commandeer the crewships and just use their seeking missiles to prune the fighters, than to try to rely on the craptastic guns in the railjack. 

    8 hours ago, Avienas said:

    Granted, i have not had a functional mic for years, since it was Destiny 2 that i actually felt like i needed a mic for Ps4 online gameplay, Did not need that kind of stuff for warframe for a long time and Final Fantasy 14 was basically the same, people learn the attack pattern thru experience, not rely on some person shot-calling the dangers.

    Sounds like you're setting yourself up for a lot of frustration. Wait for newb to learn through trial and error (and worse they may learn the wrong thing) or just say "hey you guys, can someone please hop in the slingshot and get rid of the crewships" or "guys do me a favour, focus on the fighters first, let the ramsleds feed us that extra xp" or "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, guys I need 2 of you to hijack crewships and help me kill these fighters asap. If you have high engineering, please manage the forge and major breaches, I'll be flying this brick and hop back to help with the ramsleds."

    Not to mention stuff like telling them "guys don't repair electrical/shields until we clear the fighters please", which isn't going to be standard for everyone but may be a huge aspect of your build. 


  6. 2 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Pretty much, don't go farming for all the rare loot cause you won't be able to use it.

    Uhh... No... Gotta go farming even more now so I can have different ranked sets for different configurations. 


    Wonder if DE will give us configuration tabs as an option in the future like what we have for weapons and warframes..... 

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    While I agree that there is no true benefit to "trolling" a Troll because in the end you gave them what they wanted. You to waste your time. I can also understand that alot of times randoms don't pay attention or care to talk in pubs. I do agree to try to talk to your team as well. But in many many many cases I can understand why people don't try to as many feel like it's not going to make a difference in pubs. Which it possibly won't 

    Last one I was in where someone was talking, he said he needed someone to take out the crewships. I did that thing for him. 

    I mean he could have asked nicely, and I suppose the gunners that he was complaining about could have nicely asked him to learn to fly in straighter lines while they were also busy dealing with boarders and catastrophic failures. And I figure that I could have nicely asked for him to actually point the slingshot in the general direction of the crewships and to give me a chance to collect some of the drops and the resources we needed for the forges that I was also working on.

    But you know, it was just too much effort to plug in my mic so I left him and his buddy to it (the other guy bailed for some reason) .... Besides I was busy saving their bacon. 

    I should've recorded it, I suppose. Whatever. 

    But tone aside, he was letting us know what he needed and I was genuinely happy to help the squad out. 


    And at the same time he didn't seem to be intentionally trolling anyone. And the poor gunners weren't leeching in as much as they hardly got any damage/kills. So all's well that ends well, I figure. 

  8. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    EDIT: And before DE deleted all my settings and chat filters, I had excluded every riven and could filter for the items I wanted. The trade chat would fluctate based on time of day depending on which region is active. Typically prices went lower after school/work got out and then went back up later in the evening (values adjust based on active player counts). If you wanted items from Baro you got the best prices a couple hours after his items became available. Sure, undercutting happens in trade chat but it is not nearly as bad as you make it sound. If you want a better price, just sell it at a different time; it's like clockwork.

    Negative filters are inferior for the purpose. Positive filters override the negatives, and limiting yourself to just a few at a time, will also remove the vast majority of the Riven spam. 

    No it won't allow you to blind yourself to every message containing a reference to a riven, but let's face it, filtering all Rivens out will also inadvertently remove messages that also contain information that you may want to see. 

    The trade off is that you will need to limit your greed to just a couple of items at a time. Of course it's probably easier to keep track of just a few items and their asking prices. 

    Ain't nothing stopping you from advertising whatever items you want and having people message you directly for them, while you are actively scanning for your chosen selection of items. 


    I know, I know. It sounds crazy. Focus on selling less so that we can make more with less effort. But I mean... What do you have to lose? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    You're quite dismissive of everything that dosent seem to be tight in your op aren't you? Or at least it seems as such

    Quite probably. Especially when the complaints following each other seem to be self contradictory. 


    I mean you could look at the bit about "countering those pesky trolls who prevent us from leaving". Seems like a pretty trollish move to pull, instead of trying to communicate with the people in the squad, doesn't it? 

    I mean that seems like it would be a good place to start when working with a team of randoms. Just talking to people and letting them know what you would like done can go a long way, ya know? 

  10. 2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    half of 3k or 6k titantium is still a pittance amount when compared to needing 12k for what matters the most to most people, the MKIII parts, especially per part. Specifically zekti on guns with Vidar on engines and reactor and shields honestly one could just use sigma if they give zero cares about `shield regeneration speed` or how big thar shields are once they are rolling around with 91%~ D.R. on the Armor and 5k~6k health with the 2 most important Avionics in the game.

    Plus also since Polar Coil and Gunner intrinstics exist to negate the reason to use Vidar/Lavan guns over Zekti, the huge heat accumulation which can turn a 400 cost per shot with a capacity of 1000 aka 3 shots into a 320 cost per shot with 1660 capacity or 5~6 shots. On the Cold shotgun turrets, one of the 2 best type of guns to use for railjack currently.

    Overall, Avionics are pretty much the back-bone that decides if your ship worth a sheet or not and soon as one can do Veil in some way, it pretty much becomes get a High capacity vidar reactor (praise clem that i got one with about 78 capacity) and even with 13 avionics equipped with a good deal of them max, i still have a little over 10 leftover capacity to manage, Which sure, i had to spend 25 plat thanks to a 50% off coupon i lucked out on, but its certainly a good trade off as i build up the rest of my ship and pop in on veil missions from time to time.


    P.S. there is actually a tactical avionic called Form Up where it has a 4 minute CD to let you pretty much recall all crewmembers to the railjack, which i would assume would `recall` those outside the ship. Have yet to get it to try it, but it certainly would be a nice way to counter `trolls` who insist on staying too long in the mission, when the host already decided to head back to the drydocks or something. Still, i rather get my hands on Void Cloak so i can at least from time to time, get a nice 50 seconds to to blow up 2 to 3 crewships with my ship is not being targeted for nearly a minute, if any randos i let on decide to run off in thar archwings or rush optional objectives, instead of helping to keep the ship repaired or actually clean out the fighters swarming my ship.

    ...As for if you decide to farm resources yourself and you are the captain of your ship...You can honestly tell them to F-off since its your fancy float and till D.E. decides to install `escape pods` for you throw the crybabies into so they can `extract` with thar loot, then they can learn to collect the loot so they can build thar own railjacks too, especially that delicious salvage for dirac we all want thousands of to make our ship very STWONG.


    "Half a loaf of bread is better than no loaf, unless the person asking really only wanted cash so that they could go buy booze and drugs."  That's what I was always told. You been sampling Salad-V's wares? The Ostron cartels got you hooked? 

    If not, I can tell you that those resources come in handy from time to time, especially if you were as hard pressed as you originally claimed to be. And if not, then the next question becomes what you were really trying to achieve by complaining about it, hmmmmm? 

  11. 9 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    It won't if it's npc based as the description suggests. It will be worse.

    The ONLY way commander works is if it's all linked to the pilot seat and/or automated.

    I highly doubt the games A.I. is going to suddenly become intelligent. They can't even path properly....it will take 15 minutes for an idiot npc to navigate the terribly designed interior to access the forges.




    Well we already have limited auto targeting, and auto repair.

    We can probably get auto forging and auto piloting should be doable since the enemies do it. 

    That's 4 items, maybe x2 for different levels of competence, and then the forward artillery may be another. One or two, giving a possible 10 already. Or possibly one for the boarding parties. 

    Would be great if we can instruct on the level of aggression that we want out of the pilot, avoid, defend, and pursue. 


    Doesn't seem like much cause for doom and gloom seeing as we basically have more than half of what's needed already. 


    So why the prediction of..... Oh.... Forgot where I was. 

    Sorry... Carry on. 

    • Like 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Daily player counts are well under what you are stating. If you are betting the farm based on millions of players actively trading across 4 unique and isolated platforms then you will be living in a trailer home very soon.

    1) Currently. But we have had concurrent peaks recorded of over 100k unique players on Steam alone since I started playing. 

    2) You're free to do your own research as to the current number of registered losers. 

    3) I only need to bet that I can consistently undercut players on PS4. You on the other hand need to bet on there being nobody on PS4, willing to undercut your price at all times. Since I have consistently been able to buy and sell items for less than the going rate on warframe.market I'd say one of those is a far safer bet than the other. 

    4) Trailer parks aren't really a thing in my country, though recently some people have started converting multiple 40 foot shipping containers into affordable housing. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    I have something most gamers don't: patience. I have been around gaming and player markets for more years than most gamers have been alive. Yes, the bottom of the market moves fast but if you understand prices and demand you can easily get a fair price for your items, you just have to wait for the supply of desperate prices to be removed. If that supply never gets used up then perhaps you were overvaluing that item.

    Also, super low prices get bought up by resellers, not by players that need it. This helps to regulate the prices. Only if an item has a very limited supply can a market price be controlled and usually this promotes farming to help offset the limited supply, which often gives old content value.

    And like I said, if you limit the number of listing per day then you create value based on diversity, so if you list items that have a common market then you can expect more competition with pricing, whereas if you list rare items you have less supply to compete against.

    You can have more patience than a statue. The lack of enforced repeat demand, or uniqueness of most items, coupled with the fact that every Tenno who owns one of the items is now on the seller's side of the equation, and you're looking at heat death of the universe coming before your sale. 

    And that's coming from someone who's been around gaming and player markets since before most of the people playing have been alive. 


    If there are people trying to corner the market doesn't mean that they will succeed (again no enforcement of repeat demand) and especially no guarantees that they'll be charging higher prices than your 80 p. 

    Value based on diversity is well and good, if you only have a few players. Warframe currently has tens of millions of registered losers. With peaks of hundreds of thousands active players on a daily basis. 

    Split that by hundreds of items and you are still only about as significant as a drop of water in the river. And the rest of us are actually trying to move while you are insisting on standing still. 

  14. On 2019-12-27 at 2:08 PM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    I have to vent about this. I've been farming the same stupid Veil Mission for the last five days nonstop to get a reactor with capacity above 50, since it's the only to get them, and it's the only thing holding back my railjack for reaching it's full potential. It's like being stuck unable to equip potatos and formas on a frame.

    Let's do some quick math here.

    • - Average run of a veil mission takes 25-35 minutes, depending of the quality of your team. Let's assume 25 minutes if you're good and you run the one mission that doesn't have side objectives (just kill the ships).
    • 2% Drop Rate = 1 theoretical drop Every 50 Runs = 50 runs * 25 Minutes = 1 possible drop Every 20 Hours of farming on average.

    Already unacceptable... But let's add insult to injury.

    • The Vidar Reactor can roll from 30 to 100 capacity.
    • The Lavan Reactor can roll from 23 to 70.

    This means there's a very likely chance that once that reactor does drop after 20 hours of farming, it will actually be worse than the majority of common zekti reactors that  drop and often are near the 50 capacity cap... Which is exactly what happened to me and most people in my clan. I'm now the proud owner of a lavan with 32 capacity and a vidar with 46, after a full week of pretty much farming veil nonstop.

    So yeah, this is really lame. Always hated 2% drop rates, but when you combine them with random rolls that can roll lower than the common drops, you got yourself a world of pain and frustration. It's making me hate Railjack and burning me out of the whole mode.

    But enough complaining , here's some solutions.

    1. Dramatically increase the drop chances of the reactors. They are essential for a fully modded railjack, it's unfair to lock them between such a low drop percentage. Maybe 10% would be a good number, just remove all the crappy relics and other clutter from the drop table and let us farm them reliably.
    2. If you don't intend to make them easier to get , at least fix their stats so they start at 60/70+ capacity or something. Finally getting one only for it to be much worse than even a clantech mk3 variation sucks. Note that  is only a half-solution, as once you do get a 60/70 one, this means you'll still have to run multiple 20+ hours stretches to maybe get an upgrade.
    3. How about making them drop from actual enemies too. I'm sick of getting only zekti parts from most missions, and getting frequent lavan and vidar would really help in feeling you're getting regular drops and potential progression on your railjack.
    4. This one is more of a re-imagining, but I think the avionics capacity should be decoupled from reactors altogether. Relying on RNG to mod capacity sucks, and you can literally spending months running the same mission over and over and never get lucky and get a 90+ reactor, let alone attempt to get a 100 reactor. Why not just make it so that every point spent on the grid gives you avionics capacity, and reactors are only used for their flux capacity and their added perks.
    5. Alternatively, why not allow people to reroll their rare parts, so when they finally get a vidar or lavan with bad stats, they can pay some of the new endo to reroll it till it gets a good capacity ?

    I'll try to keep this bumped so you guys see this once you get back from vacation, but this is really a huge problem... That plus the exorbitant prices of repairing parts which also needs to be address so it doesn't feel like a pay-to win scheme to get us to pay 50p each time we get an upgrade.

    Also, why do  i have a feeling this will all be pointless ,as you guys are bound to release MK4-5-6 parts sooner than later, making all this stuff obsolete.


    So..... Quick question, would you be amenable to having the drop rate reduced to more realistic levels if they took out the RNG? 

    We're talking about a small fraction of a percentage, the way it is in other games. 


    I'm also curious if anyone has any math to show whether that really impacts on the probability of getting a top tier drop. Because right now it just looks like we're being given the lesser drops and can eventually upgrade to the better ones as warranted. 

    I figure it's a case of "half a loaf of bread is better than no loaf of bread, unless the person asking really just wants money to buy booze and drugs". 

  15. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    If DE took a small plat tax from the seller for every successful transaction then they would be actively removing plat from the game. Just use a minimum tax of 1 plat and make it 5% of the trade . This would discourage listing items like rivens, but make it convenient for prime parts and mods where selling items for 10-100p only incurs a nominal fee of 1-5p but saves the seller time.

    Would you sell an item for 80p if you didn't have to wait for a buyer to message you and you got 76p for the sale? You could always do this on warframe.market but this would be accessible by every player in-game.

    I have hundreds of items that are not worth spamming trade chat for hours to sell so this would be a benefit to me and it would give DE a way to remove plat from the game other than the market.

    LOL you think that with millions of people all willing to undercut you, that you are going to get 80p for whatever you are selling? 

    Because we all have hundreds of items that we don't care enough about to spam trade chat. We often take just 1 plat for them. It's called prime junk for a reason. 

    And here's the thing, if you list for 80 and I list for 70, you can bet your bottom dollar that someone else will list for 50 in no time, then 25, then 10 and 5.

    Auction houses are a recipe for prices to "race to zero", because there's always going to be someone just a little more desperate for that plat than you are. 



  16. 15 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Hey Guys,

    Was doing some number crunching for theory crafting the ideal Railjack build (for me)

    Noticed something very peculiar,

    It is currently not possible to get the best (and most drain expensive) avionics even with the best reactor that gives 100 avionics, no surprise there right? its all about sacrificing for what you want.

    But, its not even possible to get the worst (though most expensive among the weakest) avionics in the build currently without a Vidar reactor atleast in the 71+ range.

    Reference table:
    It is assumed that all the grids and avionics are maxed to get these values.

      Hide contents


    Note it is not all the avionics ,

    The per drain is just to give a "effectiveness per drain" idea and does not indicate bonus gained per level,


          Sigma Lavan Vidar Zetki
    Avionic Type Effect Effect drain per drain Effect drain per drain Effect drain per drain Effect drain per drain
    Bulkhead intergated health 90 3 30 120 5 24 256 10 25.6 506 17 29.76470588
    Hyperstrike intergated Turret damage 40 5 8 76 8 9.5 101.2 13 7.784615385 121 13 9.307692308
    Hullweave intergated Armor 35 3 11.66666667 70 5 14 216 8 27 253 13 19.46153846
    Maxima   Shield 30 8   48 8 6 56 8 7 71.5 13 5.5
    Conic nozzle Integrated Base speed       25.5 13 1.961538462 10 5 2 19.2 14 1.371428571
    ion burn Integrated Boost speed       39.6 13 3.046153846 22.5 5 4.5 33.6 8 4.2
    Ripload Integrated Ordnance reload       32 8 4 25 7 3.571428571 40.7 17 2.394117647
    polar coil Integrated heat limit       56 6 9.333333333 42.5 3 14.16666667 66 11 6
    Hyperflux Integrated Flux energy       45 7 6.428571429 56 8 7 99 17 5.823529412
    Predator Integrated Critcial chance       40 2 20 47.5 3 15.83333333 72 8 9
    Section density Integrated Critical damage       42.5 3 14.16666667 64 8 8 77 13 5.923076923
    warhead Integrated Ordnance damage       56 8 7 60.5 13 4.653846154 71.5 17 4.205882353
    Forward Artillery Integrated Artillery Damage       32.5 5 6.5 44 10 4.4 93.5 13 7.192307692
    Battle Forge Tactical Reduce forge cooldown 120 8                    
    Breach Quanta Tactical Pause breach 30 8                    
    Fire Suppression Tactical REmove fire 8 8                    
    Void cloak Tactical Invisible for duration 50 10                    
    Form up Tactical return to ship and heal 100 10                    
    Death blossom TActical Remove cooldown 30 10                    
    Flow Burn Tactical Speed ?? 13                    
    Void hole Battle3 Damage and CC 100 , 250 , 300 10                    
    Particle Ram BAttle2 Damage 6, 500 8                    
    Blackout pulse Battle1 Damage and CC 25, 150 , 300 10                    
    Munitions Vortex Battle 1 Damage 15, 150 6                    

    Just for information


    I checked what would be the 9 integrated + 3 Tactical + 3 battle in various fields

    Most effective and expensive :194

    Middle effective most expensive:142

    Weakest most expensive: 101

    Note i am not checking the actual effectiveness of the gear in a mission , just the cost to build.

    Least expensive with no tactical or battle take 34 capacity (and this build really isnt any good beyond earth).


    This leads me to the conclusion that you will never achieve that "ideal " build even with the best Vidar reactor of 100 capacity , (if it even drops) so start picking what you really want and be ready to see a few empty slots. Those with OCD better stop now.

    a 50 capacity sigma 3 reactor will not even get you enough to fill half your slots properly.

    My 82 capacity Vidar still has a battle slot and 2 tactical open, many of my integrated ones are subpar or not maxed so they would fit.


    Note: This does not mean you need to have all of the avionics to get good , it is quite possible to complete veil with sigma 3 and a decent squad, but it will need more skill and co ordination. the equivalent to playing with a frame or weapon without potatoes.

    Interesting. Thanks for compiling it. 


    I suppose the lesson is that maximizing all is impossible, so we should pick and choose what level we want to have them at, to achieve the effects that we want. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

    *laughs in 170k titanium*

    Seriously thou, I agree they need to be less aggressive on that grind especially for more casual players, but the reality is .. it's not that hard to farm those materials.

    I have tons of them materials/resources and usually repair one component per day more or less (depending if I get something worth repairing ). And this is just by playing normally - I don't specifically go farm Titanium etc.

    Everyone has different ideas about what is normal. But I have been in missions where people insist on warping out while I am scrambling to collect the drops. Had one guy yelling because he was not hearing the slingshot being loaded (he was too far from the crewships and they were practically stacked on the map, so I was hoping from one to the other and hanging around for the drops). Needless to say, we warped out before the engineer (also me) had a chance to top up the ship and refine. 

    Hopefully @Avienasknows that they can scrap previously built wreckage for a partial refund of the materials. 

  18. Just now, PookieNumnums said:

    You forget everyone started at zero. Better does not equal good or great. Especially when you're starting so low. 

    I didnt say i dislike railjack. Truth is, though, that the current intrinsics leave a lot to be desired. A whole lot. Is it a ploy by de to gradually release better, more valuable skills with ranks 11 through 15 in order to stretch out content? Likely not. They say they dont do that AND with their history of releases and subsequent improvements, intrinsic skills may never truly be improved out side of minor tweaks or feature removal. See: solar rail conflicts, lunaro, archwing, etc.

    No but some of us have clearly forgotten the difference that ranking them up has made. 

    Hence your "underwhelming" comment. 

    Either that or you were just trying to be a proper edgelord and a couple of someones came along and spoiled it for you. *shrug*

    2 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

    I actually just did that while helping my son build his Railjack on his PS4. Personally it was most noticeable on piloting, not to mention there's stuff you can't even do unless you have the right intrinsics level.

    It's .. a big difference.. 

    Yeah. Being locked out of the main gun, not being able to warp to and fro, not having the slingshot, and no boosts on the forge.... Anyone claiming that it is underwhelming clearly isn't basing their opinion on reality. 

  19. 17 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:


    Judging by how underwhelming the other four are i expect very little of command

    If somehow it allows for perfect repair and perfect ai aim then ill invest 

    But then it becomes solo meta which isnt what they want so i wont hold my breath . 

    Tell you what. Start a new account and do the Railjack stuff at rank 0 on all intrinsics. Keep it that way for a while. And then hop back to your main account at rank 10 everything. 

    Should be interesting to see if you notice a difference, and if that changes your tune. 

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    The fact you took the time to read it so soon clearly proves you certainly `enjoy` these rant tangents.

    I'm on holiday. I'd had the thread open looking at the crap that people have been using trying to justify institutionalizing their own greed. The notification popped up. And really it's not like I haven't read and responded to that from you before. 

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    I think it would be kind of silly i have to flaunt my education level to justify what i say as a long-time player of a game i enjoy enough to give out my opinion and what i have noticed on plenty of people have said also thru various medias, especially when asked about what they think of the marketing system in warframe.

    The fact that you can't figure out how supply and demand work in this game, strongly suggest that whatever education you have... You ain't going to be flaunting it. 

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    I usually try to avoid the `many people` joke, since people will start a sheet fest over it and start `counter arguing` you are not the word of the people. 

    You should learn to identify when someone is making a joke. I don't need to be the word of the people, because fortunately what "the people" want, doesn't matter. What matters is the game, and the health of our in game economy. (Hint, that's also why you're unable to make trades, nobody cares about what you personally want.) 

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    Oh hey the filter joke again! You certainly act like the SHARK you are and bite at that bit every time. I`m not even going to argue against this cause you just LOVE biting at this bait every time and maybe i should just randomly slip it in to troll you with it.

    Followed by:

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    And trust me i already have an efficient way.

    • Filter out anything i do not want to see if i want to `earn` platinum by selling goods on those who want to buy
    • Filter out anything i do not want to see that involve items i definitely do not plan to sell including: Riven mods, prime parts, prime sets, Kuva Liches and Arcanes.
    • Filter out anything i know would only be stated by trolls: Girlfriends(or gf), Coupons, Nudes, Core aka `Legendary cores`, *insert terminology normally found in those too lazy to say riven in weapon texts* aka groll/grolls/hexa/crit.
    • Filter out all the EXTRA b.s. terminology people use to get around trying to `sell` stuff at the same time of wtbs.

    Which still leads to me still seeing people spamming out untradable BPs like Quellor/Pennant, avionics/salvage (which we STILL do not have the hotfixes for on ps4 yet) plus many other things that cannot really get `caught` by the filters.

    That proves that you are doing it in a very inefficient, (and frankly nonsensical,) way. The fact that you are plainly unable to grasp how much your greed is impacting your strategy, and unable to step away and try a different method (after being told other ways that would work better for your claimed goals) says that you are highly illogical.

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    Ayatans had trade weight, im not wanting to complain about the value of Ayatans, Its because its the only dang thing one could use in place of platinum at all. Its literally the Warbonds argument honestly, because people buy warbonds to expect to get money back after a war is over. Too fking bad that just like investing in stock that it becomes useless. Which honestly would not be an issue if warframe never `overly relied` on a platinum-based system for its marketing.

    But lets not go further on that card since Warframe system was already fked in many ways when it had to over-ly rely on platinum to get to anything at a reasonable speed, especially when most of its systems are even more b.s. mobile on a CONSOLE GAME, compared to real b.s. mobile games.

    Hint, all systems using fiat currencies inevitably go to hell in a handbasket. Also the fact that you suck at speculating is not a great surprise right now. 

    And I'm also pretty sure that warframe just topped the Steam sales charts for the year 2019, so you'll forgive me if I point out that your opinion doesn't carry much weight. 

    2 hours ago, Avienas said:

    One can only adapt to a changing market if there is actually any ground to stand on and your not blinded by a freaking sand wall that you are forced to look thru with no goggles at all in attempt to read those grains of sand that are INSIDE that sand storm, on what everyone is saying.

    Learn to filter effectively. This is literally a "you problem". 

    1 hour ago, Avienas said:

    R.Relics, R.Mods, Kuva lich `rerolling`, Railjack parts and avionics would like to have a word with you. Which clearly D.E. is going to likely steer that damn ship further into b.s. Random number systems if Riven mods did not hint that at all.

    Random number systems are literally the only way to give us what you are demanding, you silly pollock. Think about how little those things you just mentioned are compared to the rest of trade. 

    1 hour ago, Avienas said:

    Doesn`t need to be an auction house, but plenty of ways could regulate that `infinite supply` such as a limit on how many things you can post and how often you can put stuff up, maybe throw in a REPEAT tax to prevent people selling the same items in the same week, plus maybe add in a ascending credit tax as the quantity of goods increase for particular things that keep being put up, lulz?

    You remind me of the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz, talking without thinking. Credits are meaningless in this game to anyone but a newb. And think about how many people play this game. It's not one or two people, it's hundreds of thousands per day. So the repeat tax will only hurt the people who grind hard on the day1 items. 

    1 hour ago, Avienas said:

    Plus the same can be said that you could implement the same system into multiple different games and a different effect could likely happen to them. This is why i will keep freaking vouching we need an improvement to warframe`s marketing. Does not need to be an auction house, but certainly needs something to happen. Since its already a pizza that has become a entire fungsus and is covering most of the fridge in spores and the people who own the fridge (D.E), clearly are not showing any concern at all.

    Warframe.market is this game and, this system. It gave a small scale insight into what you want to impose wholesale. It hurts the economy. 

    Which part of this can't you wrap your brain around? 

  21. Just now, (PS4)thegarada said:

    Considering the game size it is kinda stupid that we do not have an auction house. This was discussed before, an online trading system is far superior in every economical aspect, for both the players and DE. And the current trading system brings players together the same way buying stuff from grocery store bring me and the cashier together; it has nothing to do with building community. 

    No its just a very quick way to crash our economy. 

    Our economic model doesn't enforce repeat demand. We don't have to repair or replace most items. Almost every item we can buy is identical to all other similar items, so there's no need to worry about quality, only price. 

    Put an auction house in place and you allow infinite supply to meet highly finite demand. 

    According to the historical posts people immediately complained about prices dropping on the introduction of warframe.market which doesn't include every player. An auction house would probably be many, many times worse. 

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