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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Another problem, in my opinion, is actually the amount of enemies that spawn and how many types. At some point, they just get to be too much to take in all at once; you have a Helion over here, a Bombard over there, a few butchers coming in, and several lancers and an Elite or two just hiding over yonder and taking extremely accurate pot-shots.


    They each represent a significant threat (except the Butchers), but I can't take steady aim at the Helion, or the Lancers and their higher counterparts, while trying to successfully dodge the Bombard.


    It's hard to adapt to an enemy if there's several other guys that require different strategies of their own to dispatch, and that's what I think just motivates us to get rid of them the fastest way as possible - Press 4 or go to town with my primary. I'll get somewhat stressed trying to figure out the fastest way possible to get rid of large groups of enemies without using an ability.


    Like you said, the Shield Lancer is a great enemy, and he was extremely interesting to fight when I was a newbie, but now, when he spawns in on Apollodorus (xp farming) at 15 minutes with those Bombards, I only ever think about how to get rid of them both as fast as possible. There's not really any room to spare or time to waste to get him to open up so I can finish him when I'm opening myself up for a deadly missile barrage. 

  2. Let's compare.


    A maxed hellfire gives you 90 percent fire damage


    A maxed thermite rounds give you 60 percent fire damage plus 60 percent status chance.


    Its only fair that rifle aptitude(rifle status mod) gives you 90 percent status chance, instead of a 15 percent status chance increase.


  3. He's just displeased that you took a two week hiatus.


    This sounds like a crazy bug, though. He likes to spawn when you have low-ranked gear, but I guess it's taken to the extreme with Kubrows. Guess he's not really a dog person.

  4. I prefer the muscular/large build Kubrows when they are tall. A lot of People like large build Sunikas and Raksas, So the height and build, combined with having a lotus emblem, make it pretty solid for breeding potential. The color scheme isn't to my liking at all, but those other factors might fetch a decent buying price.

    On top of that, blue is a rare coat color.

  5. too much tech science is to much for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh !!! 



    Then what's the point in posting?


    Mr. Lord, you may have to try and contact Glen (or another dev in the same department). I'm sure he's knowledgeable enough to help you out.


    Edit: Lazy punctuation.

  6. Have you ever tried a Nightmare mission? (Just curious)




    No shields.

    Reduced Gravity (Kinda fun, actually).


    Health Vampire (Constantly lose health).

    Energy Vampire (Same as the above)

    Enemy damage buff (Triple, according to the wiki)

    Lethaler Explosive Barrels.

    Higher level enemies.

    Longer reload times.


    And the most insidious of them all!


    Ammo Storage Deficit. (Storage lockers no longer drop ammo, but enemies do! (It's evil, I know))

    We do (or did) have missions that will (or would) switch objectives after the primary goal of the mission was completed, but now you're given a voluntary choice whether you want to sabotage the ship after rescuing the target (but I haven't seen one in a while).
    Surge would be awesome, though.
  7. Then you shouldn't bother with the Kubrows yet, and you should stay with the sentinels until getting money is easier. As I said before, the Kubrows are obviously meant for the more experienced players, hence the credit costs.

    How experienced, though?


    Based off of Mastery rank, an MR3 or 4 can get a sentinel, but the 100,000 credit maintenance of a Kubrow is something that my brother, an MR9, can't even keep up with.


    Seriously, it has to change. Someone who is at MR7 or MR8 should be able to realistically maintain a Kubrow.

  8. I personally think that it's overall bearable. It's endgame material, endgame content that they gave us with nothing else to do. Personally I have one of the four at 30, two matured and my third maturing now. They hit 30 kinda fast, too, and they're EXTREMELY easy to keep alive in missions once you know how to do it.

    I might be a bit more understanding of labeling the Kubrow as "endgame content" if the quest to obtain one wasn't unlocked through Jackal, the second boss of the game and if it wasn't available to MR1's. However, I think an MR6 or MR7 should be able to support one if an MR2 or MR3 can get a sentinel.


    As for carrying the burden - Getting and maintaining a Kubrow would definitely be bearable if the capability of a player's Kubrow was not gimped every 24 hours for little discernible reason and at such a high cost. That's not fun.

  9. It fits into lore. Kubrows as of right now are cloned from genetic material from BAD clones of them, so ours degrade, ableit a lot slower. They are far, far more powerful than the wild ones and far, far more powerful than a Sentinel. They are living, breathing, organic-like things in the game, so we must take care of them, or they die.

    DE should probably add in another stage into the Kubrow quest, because I haven't gotten cloned, genetic material for my Kubrow yet.


    I'd rather the DNA stabilization be changed in one of the following ways:


    1. It's made cheaper.

    2. It lasts longer.

    3. It's a 1-time deal (because the impermanence of stabilization does not make sense to me; if it's impermanent, let the dog die, but if I can actually stabilize it, why does my dog continue to degrade?)


    My justification for the 1-time stabilization - I've already spent 100,000 on the power core. That's twice the cost of a carefree sentinel. Then there's the argon cost which is a lot more than any sentinel as of now requires. And there's the longer timewall. And longer grindwall. And the loyalty upkeep. 


    All that could be made bearable if we actually got cloned DNA and the stabilization cost was toned down. 


    You might not see a problem, but for quite a few players, 100k is too much. Even for a week. 


  10. i wish they gave us just a shield they already have a perfectly fine balistics shield in the game id love one of thos 100% shield bashing and bullet blocking while attacking from the front yes please its melee attack could be block so you can block with a gun out and its block could bem elee so you can shield bash while blocking in stance mode

    That appeals to me, but I'm not sure I'd like the melee attack of a buckler to be a small off-shoot of parrying. 


    Like Nagisawa said, it is possible to slash enemies with the edge of a shield, and I would still rather our hypothetical shield came with an accompanying, more offensive weapon (the Silva & Aegis kinda reserved the dagger/sword category).


    (I want an offensive quick-attack. Sorry)

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