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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Holy cow; that's complicated, but cool.


    Rhino and Excal could probably headbutt their enemies and Valkyr, well, I'm sure using Ripline to bash an enemy around would be pretty awesome.


    Vauban could probably Bounce the enemy back.

  2. They're working on the technology, go to phobos, sometimes the rock walls visually block or clip through the terminal, but you can still click it.

    What can we do? Get a jackhammer? A stonemason? Or use their own explosive barrels against them to remove the rock?

  3. I was under the impression the Conclaves were going to be expanded (As hinted at in the Conclaves Tutorial in the Codex)


    Also, the devs said this was going to be a year for lore, and they usually give us some chunks with events; I'm referring to Vor's prize.



    "The MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor is a technologically advanced combat exoskeleton system designed to vastly improve the strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and durability of a Spartan-II, Spartan-III, or a Spartan-IV supersoldier in the field of combat"


    Well, DE will get sued by Bungie, Microsoft, and 343 Industries, but it explains why this frame is OP.

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