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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. -snip-

    I could see Valkyr's ultimate being tweaked to the OP's suggestion; it sounds fun.


    The life leech and red-glow field could be removed to accommodate. Also, I'm pretty sure new attack animations would have to be included with this, so it's not like that wouldn't happen if Valkyr was re-worked.



    while most ultimates involve a large area effect all at once, valkyrs is less attractive in the fact that you need to run to enemys 1 by 1.

    The suggestion does make Valkyr more attractive; I feel like her ultimate is a forsaken, clunky, handicapped invincibility mode currently, we don't have to keep it that way.

  2. Sounds good; I don't feel like this combo system really belongs in Warframe. Introducing the "R" key would probably make Melee 2.0 feel more original and less like a hassle.


    Pressing R to throw my Glaive would be much more preferable to this somewhat unintentional Tap-Hold E thing.

  3. The Stalker was of the Orokin Guard, but not as high as the Tenno.


    Now, I'm pretty sure that a psycopathic villain/vigilante such as the Stalker would have a good amount of knowledge on the Tenno and their Warframes (like how they work) and would therefore know how to keep us from using our powers against him. 

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