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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Your claim that "no one could actually figure that out" is untrue.

    Clearly, VentiGlondi and DarkLizalfos understood that Hydroid's abilities have aberrant costs.

    I can figure out Hydroid's Tempest Barrage has 4, the question is: "Why does it matter"?


    DarkLizalfos said the same thing I first did, so I don't see how the way he phrased it makes him any more right than I.


    That's blatantly false.

    All unranked first abilities cost zero mod points.

    Now that Tempest Barrage has been brought in line, it also follows this precedent.

    I fail to see how being correct makes me "an ignorant newbie".

    I'm sorry, I didn't know unranked first abilities cost 0 mod points.

    They have no effect on the mod energy of the warframe; they're basically "built-in". Same goes for every warframe.

    I apologize.




    But what do unranked first abilities still have in that upper-right hand corner? A "2". So, when you say "Hydroid costs 4 mod points unranked", no one is going to immediately see the issue since it's a first ability and it doesn't matter how much the mod cost is if it's unranked. The "ignorant newbie" part is basically a result of making a thread to report that a first ability costs 2 more mod points than usual.


    However, I don't see how you're "correct"; it's a bug, not a debate on abortion.


    By the way, next time you try to correct someone, make sure you aren't egregiously wrong first.

    You might be familiar with the phrase "check yourself..."

    I'll check myself if you check yourself.


    But, I'm not trying to correct you. I don't see how I can correct you on an issue that has no right or wrong. I'm merely trying to make you understand I can't read minds.

    I have never experienced such a bug.

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Shouldn't be hard, given how "common" it is.

    In any case, your alleged bug is irrelevant.

    My thread concerned a very real mod point discrepancy that has since been fixed by DE.

    Sure, you may not have experienced it, but about every 3 weeks someone reports having 61 mod points. 





    Now, my "alleged" bug is not irrelevant since having -2 mod points definitely sounds like a UI bug with the mod points counter. Also, your thread didn't address a real discrepancy in mod points until this post:

    Additional complications include Hydroid starting with negative two mod points, not being able to remove and reinstall Tempest Barrage, and not being able to install and remove an aura.

    Which, again, would've been good to know in the topic post.

    Is it that hard to fully explain the situation where things are usually fully explained? (I'm referring to the Topic Post if you need some direction)

  2. I did not realize that it would be unreasonable to expect the average reader to intuit that being two mod points over the max of zero is equivalent to starting with negative two mod points.

    I'm not sure if you noticed, but every single response, including mine, clearly illustrates that no one could actually figure that out.


    Technically, every first ability is over the max of 0 when first acquiring a frame (They still have that 2 mod-point cost), so when you say that it sounds less like a problem and more like, well, an ignorant newbie who's making a fuss over nothing. I'm not trying to offend you, but that's really what I, and, I'm certain, everyone else thought.


    Besides, the indicator of the mod points glitches out from time to time, and it's not really a big deal when it happens; it's a common bug.


    Now, the difficulty you're having with your mods, that's serious. However, no one can figure that out from two vague sentences, and that makes understanding/helping a whole lot harder.


    Are you still having problems with Tempest Barrage? Or has it fixed itself?

  3. I have no words that suffice.


    Though, I'm probably border-lining on being one of those unproductive people.

    The problem with forums is a lot of the time things can get misinterpreted and you don't get that same sense of honesty when you can't hear that persons voice. That's a problem with the internet in general too. Sometimes it's hard to tell if somebody is generally serious or not.

    It's still annoying when people get mad at you even though they haven't fully explained something they expect you to figure out on your own through an extremely obscure inference.

  4. Oberon's Smite is, for me, something to run around and spam, cackling maniacally as enemies explode and fall helplessly to the ground. It's a game, you're supposed to have fun, so for me it's not about the DPS/Utility/CC but the power it brings.

    Hallowed Ground - great for Defense and can be spammed for greater effectiveness.

    Renewal - If you don't like Trinity.

    Reckoning - Not my favorite ability, but not bad. Radiation damage helps a lot against Corrupted enemies in the Void.


    I think he's fun and a pretty good frame to have.

  5. It obviously has an effect on Hydroid's mod points.

    He starts off at negative two because Tempest Barrage, being auto-installed in an ability polarity slot, costs two mod points.


    Additional complications include Hydroid starting with negative two mod points, not being able to remove and reinstall Tempest Barrage, and not being able to install and remove an aura.

    OK, that info would've been helpful in the original topic post.


    Literally the only point of my post was to point out that Tempest Barrage, unlike other 1st ability mods, costs 4 points unranked.


    Just saying the mod itself costs 4 mod points doesn't tell people much other than that his first ability, unlike other frames, has a "4" in the upper-right-hand corner rather than a "2". That won't raise any alarms since first abilities are pre-installed and don't affect the frame's mod energy when unranked. 


    Clearly stating Hydroid has -2 mod points at the start of this thread would have been much more helpful.

    (And what is this "2, 4, 5, 10 mod points" nonsense? Abilities normally start at 0, 4, 6, and 10 when unranked and cost 3, 7, 9, and 13 when maxed. Hydroid starts at 4, 6, 2, and 10 and maxes out at 7, 9, 5, and 13.)

    No way!? Calm down, it was an example that only applied to first abilities, not the whole set of them.


    Example: Some frame could have a first ability that costs 8 mod points and DE would have to give it 0 effect on the mod points of that frame simply because they've done it with every other frame. That most likely won't happen, but that's what I was going for. Though, that was before you clearly stated the problem.

  6. -snip-

    2, 4, 5, 10 mod points.


    If it's an unranked first ability, it doesn't really matter, it will always have no effect on the warframe's mod points. DE, for whatever reason, decided to mix things up a little bit. Now, if they were to actually make it cost Hydroid some mod points for being double the cost of all other abilities, there would definitely be a sh%$storm.


    Or it's just a typo.

  7. That's why it's criticized so much.  Because it's so good, when we see DE start to slip towards the corporations that we hate, then it makes us try to help keep them on track.



    *This is me being seriously inquisitive* - Corporations, such as EA? Microsoft? (I've never had to deal with Nexon)


    A few delays = corruption = path to the dark side?


    Your back-up suggestions are great; giving us something to do when faced with a delay is awesome, but I think, before jumping to conclusions that they're on "that" path, that you should ask a dev if they've ever thought of doing something like that for us. They're only human, after all.


    100% sure the answer shall be a stupefied "No, but that's a keeper!". (Somewhere along those lines)


    Suggestions > "DE, I'm disappointed." - I'm not saying that to be rude since you do have some suggestions, but many people seem to give up hope when DE does something they don't like rather than just taking initiative and throwing out some meaningful ideas (which, again, you have done, and I thank you for that).


    Edit: Yes, I really am responding to 1/4th of your post to clear out any traces of hyperbole. The rest of it has been debated a million times, and there's not much more left for anyone else to say anything about it. Well, at least, for me to say anything about it.

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