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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Hmm, never knew asking question was considered "weird".

    OK, DE never really stops working on an update, they just give it to us once it's at a place where they're certain it's playable, but they know it has a few bugs to work out. And we all know how buggy this game can be.


    So, just wait until the last possible, justifiable second.

  2. You are mad for ONE orokin cell ?


    So, you are quitting and you had to share it with us.



    Do you expect compassion from forumgoers?


    Why are you complaining about 1 single O-Cell?

    Why so cynical? Why aren't you at least giving some suggestions?


    20 minutes on Mimas gives me about 2 cells. If you can handle higher level content, go for the derelicts or Lephantis

  3. you have to understand there is really not much skill in warframe


    anyway one thing you can do is lure the heavys into doing their slam, then jump and slide kick them to the ground, besides that you might try dodging and running, or find a group until you get good enough gear to kill them. 

    And yet you just showed you need to have some skill in Warframe.

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