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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. It actually does cost more points for some reason.

    Also his other ability (third one I think) costs less points usual.

    That's not really the point; every first ability of every warframe is automatically given at no charge to the mod energy of the warframe in question when said 1st ability is unranked.


    TL;DR Working as intended.

  2. I think this would be difficult to implement and disorienting to the player as well as disadvantageous to the player; you would become a sitting duck for enemies to shoot at while punishing a single foe.

  3. so like... did you make this entire thread just to list off seven fanframe names?


    maybe you should focus on creating one very detailed concept rather than 7 extremely vague ones, just saying

    What's wrong with that?


    Trifle's abilites as envisioned by a procrastinator:

    1) Tomorrow - Trifle will dash away from his responsibilities in an erratic line, causing any enemy he happens to hit to have decreased speed by %40 and to take a small amount of damage from the high-speed collision


    2) Cram!! - Trifle has realized he can't neglect his responsibilities as a Tenno any longer, and as such he grants his cell the ability to shove more bullets down the barrel with a %150 fire rate applied to all weapons, including melee.


    3) Goof off - Trifle will push all enemies/responsibilities away from himself about 15-20 ingame meters, doing a sizeable amount of damage and a guaranteed knockdown.


    4) 0 Ruks Given - Trifle abandons all responsibility, acknowledges the futility of his situation, and lets out his rage in a wreckless wave of anger, slamming all enemies into the ceiling 1/2/3 times and then down into the floor, doing 600/700/800 damage per slam into the ceiling and an 800/900/100 damage slam into the ground. The first three slams would be Impact and the final one would consist of Blast.


    Edit: Format error.

  4. i read the post it wasnt making fun of anything, but i think mabye its your name thats the issue

    I think he would've been asked by DE to change his name, not delete every forum post he makes.


    I would say it was deleted because you were advocating for others to share the idea and possibly create a spam chain in recent topics.


    Edit: $20 Letter13 knows.

  5. It's not really a "bug".


    I have had this happen to me a couple times, mostly on missions where there was a noticeable amount of lag/bad host/bad entrance into the mission/loss of internet at the end. I don't have the best internet connection, really.


    OR Tranquil Cleave doesn't want to be found. Ever.


    But Support doesn't respond to people on the weekends, hence the 2 day wait.

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