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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 03/01/2020 à 11:14, Mints a dit :

    Whereas what I mean is that he needs to prove it. His anecdote and opinion are not enough. Evidence is necessary to make claims like this.

    Or prove him wrong instead, it works both ways. Paranoid comments won't help much, what he said is true, and tbh who does even care if you trust him or not.

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  2. à l’instant, Harutomata a dit :

    It's normal for most content to drop endo. So by doing RJ you're doing an entire line of new content which for some unexplained reason doesn't, and it makes more sense to assume DE forgot, rather than they purposely cut players off from a very important currency needed in hundreds of thousands amount to make their arsenal stronger, and make different builds. No endo drop means the said content doesn't contribute to your mod progression, therefore directly affect your input in literally all content in the game if we exclude flappy zephyr and frame fighter so it actually makes a lot sense that RJ should drop some too. Not talking about there are probably many more RJ mission nodes to come. And we're expected to spend a lot time there.
    Yeah it's not your fault, however you could be more empathic towards people who play the same game as you, or for starters, other human beings in general, which is arguably may or may not be your fault, but this topic is feedback on railjack, not on your personality so I'm not going to get deeper into that. You don't need it, some other people do. Just because you don't need it, it doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't drop any. Would it hurt you if it dropped any? No, it wouldn't. You get literally no downsides from getting more endo than what you personally need, therefore there's no reason it should not drop endo in some sort of way for people who do in fact need more of it.
    I'll agree DE intended this when they'll literally say "Yes we purposely cut off players from a very important currency needed in hundreds of thousands amount to make their arsenal stronger, and make different builds, therefore directly hinder their input in all content in the game by doing this type of content opposed to any other" then I'll just shut up and deal with it. As for you, you're not DE, so if you have nothing constructive to contribute in response to my constructive feedback, then there's no reason you should have done so in the first place. "Screw people who have no endo. I personally have enough so I don't care" is not constructive feedback. It's a destructive feedback clearly showing the lack of objective judgement if anything.

    You're only blowing your own horn here and don't even talk about empathy - when it's not the "vet" argument you seem eager to play the good guy role. You have your opinion, i have mine, deal with it and stop wasting my time with dull insults please.

  3. Loots not being shared really needs to be solved asap, they also need to improve archwing looting mechanics.

    But wasting your (and most importantly other players in your team) time while spending hours farming some stupid asteroids around isn't much helping tbh. You get ressources while doing the mission, just start another one - farming materials only is a complete waste of time. No one cares about the amount you need to spend or anything, truth is that the only thing you need in huge amount is intrinsics - You just have to be more patient and get as much intrinsics as you can instead of shooting at rocks in space for 15min.

    Just get all you can during a mission and start another one to get even more, simple as that. And try to board stations since you can loot a lot of materials quite easily in there.

  4. RJ needs the best out of most players and so far it's one of the most awful cooperative experience i've ever have in games in years. When players aren't griefing, they're just completely dumb or as usual toxic as hell or still trying to play solo in a damn coop game. Since DE seems to only care about stupid grind they're also making afk players a real plague. One can sit in a turret for 20min, he doesn't even need to care about the mission at all and no one can do a thing about that.

    Let be honest a sec, Warframe playerbase isn't that great, and playing with PUGs has been a real nightmare since Empyrean is a thing. The last funny thing i've experienced is idiots who are leaving the team if there's no Sentient ship in your Void mission. Is too much farm causing brain damages or anything ?

    I only wish RJ mission could be done solo or with my wife only at this point, something like the spy mission syndrom i guess.

  5. il y a 10 minutes, Harutomata a dit :

    That doesn't change the fact some people still need endo. New players need endo who might have just pick up the game after hearing about the RJ update (and trust me by the time they'll reach RJ, they will still need endo for a bunch of things, even if they don't "rush" the game), and "ew you guys are not veterans playing since day 1" is not a band aid to RJ not dropping any. You don't need endo, some people who aren't you however do, and there would be ways to add some endo drops to RJ without even hurting the reward pools. Most content in the game yields endo, (even index does) so there's literally no reason for RJ to not do so. Especially considering DE intends us to spend a good amount of time doing this type of content.
    There's some obscene lack of objective thinking on these forums..

    And what, you'll get Endo with time. I know that the brand new 21st century hype is to get everything now, but you'll get plenty of Endo as a newb or not. Unless you're only running Sanctuary missions of course, but that's another story. Getting Endo on regular basis (as i said, mods or sorties) doesn't prevent you from doing some arbitrations too.

    Specifically asking for Endo in RJ missions doesn't make any sense. If you're lacking of it, that's not my nor RJ mission's fault.

    And don't bring the stupid "vet" argument, as if older players didn't ever need Endo at some point. As i said you'll get tons of that with time and if you're in a hurry, some missions are a far better way to get some. Asking for what you need at the time in every single content isn't much interesting tbh. We could also ask for more credits, more XP, rare materials, what about some Vitus or even platinium - Everyone needs plat.

    As someone already said, RJ rewards already suck so bad, we don't need to dilute crappy loots with more and more Endo.

  6. Il y a 9 heures, Kaadu a dit :

    Crew ships can instantly delete non amesha archwings. Even though boarding the crew ship with archwings seems to be the crew ship counter.
    Crew ships can shoot the side explosives backwards, which doesn't match it's turret viewfinder if you use them (though technically the guns can swivel backwards). Flying behind one should be a safe zone. And disabling the engines lets you keep the safe zone in one place.

    Crew ships can very reliably instantly deplete the railjhacks hp as soon as they are in weapons range. I feel this is a little extreme.
    Really instead of their side turrets being no warning death launchers, they could use a mmo style or ace combat 7 style 'the enemy is lining up on you, move now to not die'

    Would need to test more, but the crew ship front homing missiles seems to have no counterplay. If they are looking at you, you get hit and die / critical rupture. Also space is typically wide open with no cover. Trying to poke around asteroids doesn't work since the crew ship will open up on you as soon as they are in los.
    The forward crew ship gun is really good when you hijack it though.
    I think the crew ship forward gun should be altered to be a burst fire gun with a longer reload, and the missiles move slower. They are still quick but can be shot down by the railjacks turrents. This would lower their effectiveness in player hands a little, but they would still be good to snipe fighters with homing rockets one at a time (since enemies can't shoot the missiles down)

    Crew ships seem to be able to survive anything except for the reactor being destroyed or death by forward artillery.
    I guess their self restore when on zero hp mimics the railjacks ability to never die. And to encourage solo away teams / slingshot use.
    But even if you kill everyone on the ship, or everyone bar the pilot, they still magically repair the ship some how.

    Crew ships are the real pain in the * especially in one or two players team. their damage/range output is completely broken, RJ is already made of paper but so far this ships are way too much of a threat, at any range.

    Missiles shouldn't be that precise (same with every ships tbh), even some agile RJ will struggle with maneuvers, homing missiles should be slower and less precise. They should also have lower turning abilities, one should be able to dodge them while strafing away at decent speed. Quite funnily no enemy shot can miss its target when all of our weapons are basically missing all of their shots, it's quite poor AI design tbh.

    But the worst part is that systematic boarding pod they launch at all range, it's a mess to track and with one or two players only, boarding crews are way too punishing. This part of the game is completely unbalanced, frustrating and really not fun. I got the concept too, but when players don't have fun, you can throw your concept out of the window.

    Using slingshot to attack them is interesting but (1) if you're the pilot, running through your entire ship to enter your slingshot is dumb as hell and a waste of time (2) yyou can't fly no more so you're being invaded or obliterated by missiles (3) since slingshot needs you to actually see your target, you're screwed cause he's also seeing you....

    All ideas aren't bad but they really need to stop thinking about fixing stuff and starting to rework stuff that simply doesn't work instead.

  7. Il y a 11 heures, PollexMessier a dit :

    and some of us would like to be able to collect resources in peace without our ship being constantly on the verge of exploding and needing to waste our resources on repairs after the task is complete so please don't ask for this

    Asking for more enemies is as worthless as asking for more time to get more ressources. You can get both in starting another mission, both are a complete waste of time. Some players are taking the concept of farming quite literally which isn't even productive since the only real tedious thing everyone needs in huge amount is intrinsics - Wasting your time farming enemies or asteroids in space for hours won't ever help with that.

  8. Il y a 8 heures, Harutomata a dit :

    Speak for yourself tbh, I still have plenty of mods to upgrade and I'm nonstop short on endo, and railjack is the only content right now probably that straight up gives 0 endo. But I guess Nano Spores, Plastids etc. we get from RJ is far more important than endo and we definitely not have millions of them sitting around. Obviously. Just because you don't need it, others shouldn't get any? How thoughtful and considerate. 
    Plus DE doesn't necessarily have to put them on the strict reward pools where it'd dilute the pool in a way you'd get it over rewards you specifically want, which I never claimed it should be changed that way, but you instantly jumped to that conclusion. The RJ enemy targets could drop some endo too. That wouldn't hurt anyone now, would it? Or it could be an extra roll, therefore not diluting the loot table at all, still. 

    Only players who are rushing the game need that much Endo cause Endo is everywhere. Selling mods or Sorties only are giving tons of Endo alone. So if you don't have enough Endo, that's only because you can't learn patience or play the game in some weird ways.

    Anyway Spores or plastids shouldn't even be a thing, especially in higher level missions. One can spend A LOT of time in some Void missions, especially with a 1-2 players team only, and tbh rewards suck really bad. So far between the ridiculous amount of rewards and all the gamebreaking bugs, Railjack is a complete waste of time.

    Even new materials are obtained in ridiculous amount compared to how much we need to repair or craft high tier RJ gear. I'm still wondering if a single thing works fine, did anyone @ DE ever tried to craft anything or even tried to complete solo any kind of Void mission (with the kind of RJ you're playing with, not the magically fully upgraded one).

  9. It happened a few times so far, my screen is going black. This time i was entering a transport ship and ... I got this: 


    Teleportation to the RJ didn't change a thing, in fact after a few tries i finally solved it using my operator - transference sort of fixed it this time. I joined a screen from the game itself if datas can be obtained through it.

  10. This bug is screwing mission completion over and over again in last Saturn RJ mission. Sometimes only 1 transport is missing and fails to spawn so mission can't be completed, i've even seen 5 missing ships once.

    Seriously, stop wasting our time with such broken content, and please think about compensation for all the time we've lost since Empyrean has been launched. I haven't been able to complete DOZENS of missions because of this bug alone, and tbh i won't even talk about other bugs... Well, maybe i'll talk about another bug later cause this one was a great adventure.

    We aren't beta testers, Empyrean is definitely broken.

  11. Edit. I've solved the controller issue by myself. There's a bug most certainly related to controllers settings (not Railjack ones, but standard ones i guess). Reinstalling was keeping my old settings so i had reset everything manually, now it works - i can fly my RJ again.

  12. il y a 4 minutes, PollexMessier a dit :

    the issue with revolite is that you need it CONSTANTLY. and that's a big problem when you need thousands of pustrils to craft anything. its not so much that the revolite is too expensive, it's that everything else that needs the same materials to craft are.

    also this makes drop boosters feel almost ptw. It's an issue when something that's just suppose to decrease grind actually gives you an advantage in an a game mode with this sort of stupid difficulty

    That's how they want us to grind now. Spending hours to grind ressources in missions you're meant to spend this same ressources. How rewarding !

  13. Il y a 11 heures, Bhyd a dit :

    This right here DE. Spot on.

    The #1 rule of Railjack is Don't use the Railjack. We have to literally hide it and put bubbles if it's under fire. This sucks. 

    4 people, 1 on Railjack, 2 with Amesha bubbling and killing S#&$ and one on enemy ship is the best way. And it shouldn't be. It really sucks that the enemy ships are so much better in every way. 

    Best way so far is no one in transport nor RJ but 4 Amesha since they're even more helpful than Izatl to deal with enemies we can't aim at, without being squishy. Since missions are braindead shooting any other option is a waste of time and energy. RJ basically sucks in all strategies and it's only here as a deadweight to protect for no reasons. Other archwings are next to worthless since they never reworked Archwing, even before launching an all based upon archwing Empyrean... 🙄

    Without Amesha you're pretty much dead in space cause they never bothered implementing health management in Archwings, you're just slowly dying if no Amesha can heal you. Some are even playing Wisp to get some health buff before they launch their archwings. Players actually have to work around bugs and design issues, that's quite pathetic if you want my two cents.

    And Imperator Vandal as an archgun cause well, other guns also suck in such fights. Seriously, we really needed an archwing QoL before that new content. I'm still wondering why the hell we don't have targeting systems that help with moving target in a damn space content, that's stupid as hell. Even RJ does have it but i suspect it to be part broken cause it doesn't help much either.

  14. Il y a 9 heures, HeartPurity a dit :

    Overall, empyrean is fun if DE can smooth out all the bugs.

    Not sure bugs and balance issues are the only thing that prevent Empyrean from being "fun".

    Missions are...well. repetitive and boring, uninspired and cliché. there's absolutely no strategy whatsoever, RJ is all but mandatory, you'd better leave it and run the whole mission with your archwing only.

    The whole RJ concept is cryptic, i really don't get why we have to use that thing. If we're going to escort it, then we need objectives that actually need a RJ. Quite funnily you can't reach objectives with your RJ for now cause it's being obliterated by defensive lasers, missiles or whatever. Seriously, except from being a huge useless ship, what devs did have in mind while implementing this thing ?

    Missions could have used way more strategy, we could have protected our RJ as an escort until we reach some station and use one of its feature to help with it (using the catapult to enter it, connecting your RJ to the station to board it or even using a big gun to force the entrance). First we have to destroy long range defense systems with our archwings or even infiltrate the station thanks to some enemy transport we can borrow, then escort the RJ to the station, defend it until he can board/force/whatever, and then destroy the station.

    Seriously, Kill X ships in space in 2020 without a single option ? No thanks. No strategy, no fun, only an upteenth grind with some players who can only think about farm. We're far from talking about fun here.

  15. Le 13/12/2019 à 21:41, RS219 a dit :

    The fighters all loop and spin and take sharp turns and half the time I'm emptying my 300-round Imperator Vandal on a single fighter.

    I'm wondering what kind of space games devs have played with to end with such poor space dogfights and awful targeting system. Frames are so full of technology they're basically trying to destroy spaceships while throwing stones at them. Without Izatl/Amesha or frost proc, this fights are quite terrible.

    Between lag, awkward enemy ships movements, terrible controller sensibility, i don't feel like i'm having fun shooting at stuff in space right now.

  16. Il y a 2 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

    He did get buffs tho

    That's how they're reworking and designing stuff now. Get some buff, problem solved. It also works with your kids, if they bother you, give them some cash - problem solved.

  17. Le 13/12/2019 à 16:06, _______ECHO a dit :

    I seriously hope the resources are rethought now that the railjacks are useable. From what I'm seeing, just using the railjack costs enormous amounts of resources only found through the grueling exercise that is mining. I would like to play railjack like I play normal Warframe: Not having to worry about all the supplemental missions and resources I'll need just to play the game. I've spent an hour just trying to gather less than 100 pustrels.. almost all parts cost 1500 of them. This is just disrespectful that loyal players who have been looking forward to this for so long just to learn how much of a pain it will be to not only get started but continue using the railjack system. Is is really okay to the devs to expect a lone dojo owner to spend 15+ hours of MINING. For ONE thing? I hope I'm missing something here because I'm not impressed with the outdated implementation of resources in such an important addition to the game.

    At first i thought RJ was a clan project and thus didn't mind the ressources. Truth is way different, and there's way too much grind for next to no reward so far. I mean, spending some time getting focus can be used everywhere but why are we spending so much time individually "farming" RJ, especially in such repetitive content - to be able to run RJ missions only ? I would have prefered some shared Clan content tbh, costs are way too high and you need way too much plat to build some decent RJ.

  18. il y a une heure, Midas a dit :

    ^^ I think most people need a clan then. Clans have 0% purpose and I think railjack intends to force teamwork. Doing fine with pugs lately on Saturn.

    People are smarter than you think they are just lazy.

    So far i've mostly experienced some really lazy and selfish players who were basically rushing stations, thus not caring about archwing at all (perhaps they don't like that or whatever - don't care) and staying in them for the entire mission duration. Each time i asked them why they were doing that, they told me they were helping. Truth is that destroying the final station is only a matter of a minute when 99% of the job (especially the most difficult part) is to kill enemy ships while trying to not die.

    Now each time i meet one, he gets a host migration - I don't want to waste my time with selfish smarty-pants. Tbh i don't even get why stations are targetable before we deal with ships first, all of the missions aren't well structured and really need some work too. Especially since the whole (Kill X ships, destroy X station) is really boring and uninspired gameplay.

    Empyrean seriously lacks of strategy, RJ sucks so bad i've found missions way easier when no one cares about it during the whole mission - this thing isn't helping at all. Everyone enters his archwing and job is done. We aren't only talking about number tuning here, we definitely need designers to do a better job.

  19. No, only joking. Here's how far we can loot in space now (if someone is having trouble with perspective, i'm just in front of it) :


    I wouldn't call that attraction, in fact we have to go through it to grab it so let's call that...well, looting.

    Seriously, in a few days we're in 2020 so stop this awful loot mechanics in archwing - make us automatically loot, period (and fix the loots no one is sharing, in stations for instance). Next time a dev lost his keys, throw them into space and check how much time he'll need to find them - if he does.

  20. And here's everything i have experienced so far, in no particular order:

    1. No more transports are spawning, sometimes only one, last time 5 out 6. Thus we're basically throwing 20min of gameplay out of the window. Out of curiosity, i've dropped the new gun in my last mission, does anyone at DE care ? After i've left the team, some were spawning really slowly but most of them have the bug i'll talk about later (stuck in - can't destroy them).

    2. Everyone is stuck everywhere, doors aren't opening and people are stuck in transports or stations, without being able to go back in space. As host i was able to open their door and thus "liberate them" but after any host migration the new host can't. And since everything is crashing or bugging, i can tell you that host migrations are quite common in Empyrean. Sometimes we can also find other doors behind opening doors....

    3. After a freeze, my game literally crashed. For some reasons, now i can't fly my own ship anymore. I can only move my guns around, but my RJ can't move, my guns can't fire. I've restarted the game, checked the cache, nothing works. I can't use RJ no more

    4. Since my RJ issues, something is also really wrong with stations. Here what i see:


    No station, only waypoints (when they work) and turrets/or the red thing at right. Good luck finding the entrance !

    For instance it was the station where the boss is dwelling, last mission on Saturn, it was literally invisible. The other one was perfectly visible though. This is the place where we finally found the new gun schematic before we have to leave because of the transport ships bugs (once again, 20min of our life we'll never get back).

    5. There are TONS of connection issues too. My wife and I are playing the game together, most of Empyrean missions are really nightmarish. First we can't look for a party if none of us is using his own RJ. Second, sometimes my wife is disconnected and she becomes the host of her own party. After we've gone back to our dojo (after a mission then) we can't launch another mission directly or she won't be able to join once again. Good luck playing coop with such a mess.

    6. Using your Omni also failed quite a lot. Trying to teleport yourself sometimes bugs out and fails to teleport into RJ. I've also been teleported in a Grineer environment, a transport, a station, who knows. Yesterday i've also been blinded after a failed teleportation. I was in my RJ, but i wasn't able to see a thing, only a black screen. Sometimes i'm also stuck in the crouch/sit position and then can't move anymore.

    7. "Start" (or "esc") also can fail to work. Last mission i've done, i wasn't able to use the start menu because of that reason. Once again, i was stuck.


    Thanks for allowing me to use my RJ again (worst bug so far, not sure i'm supposed to enjoy a content i can't basically play), i'm not sure you'll be able to replicate all of this bugs, but after having experienced all of that mess of a new content, i can say that nothing as crappy as that should have been launched in the first place. I don't mind testing but having to test broken stuff is quite insulting tbh. Especially since nothing i've lost in the process will be refunded.

  21. Increased the vacuum radius on Archwing and Railjack 

    • Railjack 200-250 
    • Archwing 25-50

    I'm kind of worried here, do devs actually play the game or even read our feedbacks at some point ? Do they actually know how ridiculous 50m is in space, cause unless they have some better idea to make us loot properly and thus solve this way too long archwing issue, perhaps they should log in, join a team (if they can), and try to mark a loot.

    50m is pretty much what you get when you're just in front of a loot, we have to deal with objectives that are miles away, so you're going the wrong, really wrong way here.

    I don't get why you're stuck with this terrible mechanics, stop looking for a perfect tuning number that doesn't exist, make us loot automatically and call it a day, seriously...

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