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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Il y a 7 heures, Sikelh a dit :


    Autoblock forces you to ALWAYS block and it interrupts certain actions. It also doesn't typically kick in until you've been hit once and triggers gliding at times you DON'T want to glide.

    There are also some situations where you don't want to be immediately returned to the ground such as clearing a large gap.

    Gliding is also used to interrupt bullet jump animations low to the ground so you can jump again immediately for fast movement.

    And just as important I don't want the game to automatically do anything related to how my controls work. This system makes basically impossible for me to have the game do what I want and ONLY what I want and ONLY when I want it to do it. 

    It feels clunky as hell to go to glide for ANY reason and have it whip out my gun and zoom in. Or to use a charge attack(usually gunblades or throwing weapons but I occasionally throw one out on my Galatine) and have the game block whether I want it to or not. Or if you felt like fighting the stalker in melee just for funsies? Enjoy getting staggered everytime you automatically block because that's what he does when you try and block him which you now do not have the option to not do.

    Before it changed the control based on the context of "Is melee or gun out?" which is the better way to do things. It gives more potential control options and has less buttons shoehorned into doing multiple things at all times.

    There's quite a few reasons that have been put forth MANY times by MANY people. Especially if you view the main feedback thread that got unstickied long before we got any input from DE and when we eventually did get something it was just a long winded non-answer that told us nothing and was just a polite way to handwave everybody off "Yeah sure we're totally listening guys" is basically all it amounted to.

    No offense but what you said still doesn't make melee gliding more relevant. Perhaps you find glinding with a gun "clunky" for your own reasons but as i already said, melee 2.9 did introduce directional melee slam, it's easier and faster to travel this way, especially with a melee weapon. So if you prefer to complain instead of actually using what DE implements to improve their game, that's none of our concerns.

    Why the hell would you want to melee glide in the first place, seriously ? That was the stupidest thing to do, taking shots freely without being able to retaliate. I don't think that's the pinnacle of fun for any brawler fan, and i don't think that your so-called "many" people (a few guys and quite often the same tbh) would change anything at that cause melee gliding didn't make any sense in the first place.

    Shoot them with a gun or go melee instantly, that makes sense.

  2. Il y a 9 heures, (PS4)mindwarper11 a dit :

    I 100℅ agree here. It's a fun concept, but as it stands it's just a way to waste energy for potentially little to no reward. Any other abilities that come to mind right away with energy drain have either a more instant, or at least far more effective and efficient outcome. 

    Not sure any other abilities may compete with a fully built weapon damage, especially at higher levels tbh. This kind of power could also synergize with her own exalted weapon (older frames really lack of synergies). Plus it still allows Ivara to kill silently, even with her own powers if you're using a silent weapon.

    I don't think that a more common "nuker" ability would work on her tbh.

  3. Il y a 11 heures, (XB1)Architect Prime a dit :

    That is A way. But I found in my experience that I needed something like ferrox or ignis to keep mobs under control with procs and what not. Not to mention the self harm is a bit extreme as you already said. 

    Well i was playing with Ember 3rd augment for a time. It literally keeps a zone under control permanently, thus you can still shoot in there safely (with additional fire as an extra). With a bit of tactics Penta is a really good weapon, sure i have a really decent riven on it but tbh it's destroying everything in a pretty large area (and a nice candidate to Hunter munitions or even gas too).

    Plus napalm pools make enemies burn so it also stop them from moving for a time. It can help that way too.

  4. Le 03/09/2019 à 12:03, Zeclem a dit :

    damage being split makes zhuge prime completely garbage with punch through, because the explosion wont hit most of your targets. its not rocket science. and punchthrough is a stat that gives far more crowd killing potential compared to zhuge primes tiny aoe, which simply makes base zhuge stronger in both dealing with crowds of enemies(because of not sucking ass with punchthrough) and in single target damage(since you can use it freely without worrying about enemies running up to your face when your bolts are embedded in them).

    This isn't true, most weapons work with punchthrough or explosive, not both. And both are dealing efficiently with crowds, punchthrough deals with linear opportunities, explosive deals with tight spots. None is better than the other, it all depends on what you're facing and how you're dealing with.

    That's why some people think that Ignis is still better than Glaxion but truth is that they're both effective, just different. Punchthrough is only the laziest option.

    The only drawback of having split damages is that it may struggle more against armored enemies such as bosses, where heavy hits are more effective. Landing more corrosive procs can help against more common enemies but it takes time, on the other hand Zhuge prime can rely upon slash more efficiently so... Globally Zhuge prime is more well rounded to face most situations (AoE vs nothing - better crit overall - more slash than puncture).

    I'd bring a Zhuge to kill a boss, againt any other kind of enemy i'd keep my Zhuge prime, definitely.

  5. Il y a 16 heures, (XB1)Architect Prime a dit :

    Her passive sucks. If there is an efficient way to set ember on fire that's actually practical in combat, I'm all ears. I'd like see accelerent turn all incoming damage to heat in order to trigger the proc naturally. 

    Penta Secura with napalm mod. Just walk into the napalm pools, not sure most people would play with an explosive gun and Ember though since you pretty much add another way to die all by yourself.

    But i did enjoy a lot playing with both Penta (corrosive+fire) and Ember tbh.

  6. Il y a 5 heures, FrostDragoon a dit :

    or why. The only problem is that those weapons are despised by the majority of the community because that pointless, arbitrary, $#!7 mechanic keeps them from being fun to use.

    You are a vocal minority and don't have a clue about what the "community" is thinking or not. Stop thinking your opinion is automatically shared and thus matters a lot only because you're expressing it on a public forum. Not even 1% of WF community is reading this lines, and many of them are only using it as a catharsis for their own frustration. People aren't using Synapse either, does that mean this weapon is despised too ? I've seen a lot of people using a Lens or an Ogris and they weren't complaining about it - some of them were even joking about how they just killed themselves with them, death is not the end you know. If you're frustrated cause you just died, that's your own issue, not DE's.

    If DE were actually caring about each people opinion (since most of them are more about taste than actual feedback) from this forum they would have completely shut down their own game. Many people here are only whining all day long about things they don't even understand. This whole thread is an upteenth "[insert anything one doesn't like] sucks, change it asap", as if Warframe was some sort of interactive game handled by his community.

    • Like 2
  7. Il y a 5 heures, TylerFreeman a dit :

    Again, I said I'm not going to bring rivens into this discussion because it wouldn't be fair in regards to actually making sentinel weapons good.

    But they are, and since they're easy to get now i don't see why one shouldn't be using them. One riven every 3 day with enough MR is perfectly fair - even one per week tbh.

    Truth is that you don't seem to own enough fully built sentinel guns to judge them. I do and i can tell you that you're wrong, sentinels can kill quite efficiently on their own. But as you pointed out, some of them seem quite inadequate (Vulcax for example - but i may add Mulcron or even Tazicron) and if something should be reworked i think they should buff the two or three underwhelming guns first.

    I don't think that sentinels were or even are meant to oneshot level 200 bombards anyway and i'm fine with that. As long as they kill up to sortie level enemies, i don't see anything wrong with them.

  8. Il y a 16 heures, TylerFreeman a dit :

    That isn't what I'm saying.

    Again, I'm already stating that sentinel weapon's SHOULD have some normal damage across the board. Not just 'I want my burst laser rifle to deal 200 dmg!' but at the very least, would like to see my sentinel do some work besides dishing out procs 24/7. I want more than just 1 single status-support weapon. That's like being complacent with ember's lack of power.

    Oh another one who thinks Ember sucks. Well i guess you're also wrong about sentinels. Fact is you used Vulcax as an example when this weapon is pretty much an exception - a downgraded Vulklok to be short - and tbh i really think something is missing in this gun and perhaps it should be fixed one day. Quite funnily you didn't choose Vulklok to show how bad sentinel guns were.

    But many sentinel guns are far from being as bad, almost half of them are killing enemies up to sortie level with not much effort if properly built. Rivens are damn easy to get since you only need to get Silmaris targets so not having one is no excuse either. In fact sentinels are more effective than Kavats or Kubrows cause they're shooting from afar and not missing much their targets. Pets AI is pretty dumb, they also miss at melee range quite easily - if they aren't stuck somewhere, dying.

    Vulklok, deconstructor, sweeper are all damn effective. Stinger, burst rifle, laser rifle or even death rifle prime (soon) are able to kill in no time if you build them well. At this point i don't care about them applying any status if they can kill anything alone.

  9. We need two things right now, more balance between critical and status weapons and fast/slow firing weapons.

    First status we apply should always be consistant enough to rely upon one proc only to not impair slow weapons. Additional status procs should stack and scale properly with some additional effect. Perhaps implementing some higher status chance threshold would be intersesting too such as 100-200% status chance for an additional status proc, 200-300% for a third. So really high status chance weapons (quite often with really terrible critical chance) could perform better if one can't build them hybrid.

    More synergies between elements, game is missing physical rare mods (60% slash 60% status chance) and more synergies between physical and elemental damages. Cold procs could make enemies vulnerable to impact damage for example. Raw armor strip is quite poor, armor total bypass is a bad idea too, getting rid of full defensive mechanics is always bad for balance.

    As long as everyone will be gearing themselves with corrosive/viral+slash game will still lack of balance.

  10. Il y a 19 heures, Miyabi-sama a dit :

    Gliding with melee was huge.

    Blocking shots in the air felt awesome.

    Facing some direction holding block on the run (not sprint) felt awesome.

    Block hold was saving from accidental grapples and bombs knocking you down. It does still but less consistant since you basically have to look at enemy now.

    And do not underestimate those 85% damage resists while blocking.

    All in all people do aknowledge it is temporary changes within transition process. But it takes very long time. Long enough to start missing old mechanic.

    I don't get your point at all. Autoblock makes you block the exact same way as before - it's not less consistant it's working the same way - automatically.

    Perhaps you did have fun blocking shots in the air but it's pretty much pointless now that we have directional slam attack. Why they hell would i hang stupidly in the air while enemies are shooting at me when i can jump at them in a second now ? Aim gliding is still a thing but tbh directional slam attack is way faster to reach far places.

    Lots of people are complaining about this features but i still don't see any viable argument except from a few bugs and tweaks here and there such as gunblades and a few mods to be reworked.

  11. Game isn't idiot proof. Self damage is an issue only if you have bad habits you can't get rid off.

    Not running into enemies, shooting from high places, landing careful shots instead of spreading the whole room randomly, using this damn bullet jump or even aim gliding to fire from above etc.

    Not dying while using explosive weapons is damn easy, you just have to adapt instead of just playing the same way and then complain here.

    • Like 2
  12. Le 21/09/2019 à 01:58, Duality52 a dit :

    Gauss's battery is never dependent on enemies, unlike Nidus or Baruuk's own variant. All you need to do is to keep moving with the addition of Mach Rush's reduced energy cost and Thermal Sunder's cold attack.

    It is once you're using kinetic plating, hence using his own kit.

  13. Il y a 15 heures, (XB1)Taz Deduction a dit :

    I've been playing this game pretty heavy for about 6 months now and I cannot think of a time I've been knocked down while airborne. Can you? What does it look like?

    Eximus blast when you're jumping, all you need is tons of Eximus to happen. Is it worth a set bonus ? I don't think so. ^ ^

    • Like 1
  14. Il y a 22 heures, Loza03 a dit :

    I feel like you misunderstood my post. Being that his battery is what makes his kit only work when on the move. If managing it wasn't important, or if it was gone, there'd be no reason for him to use speed.

    I've been able to keep both up fine in a pinch, and is it really bad design for a frame to be unable to acquire a large defence and offense buff easily?  And I know - lots of frames can, but any argument to that effect is Tu Quoque. Other frames having instances of poor design doesn't mean that it's good design to throw risk/reward to the wind. 

    I mean... yes you can. Like I said, his buffs and synergies aren't tied to the % counter, so you can hit the maximum values of his buffs right out the gate. You want the buff? Hit Redline. Tap Mach Rush to push over the limiter. Now you have all its synergies and buffs, and can maintain them as long as you're good at fighting on the move

    As above: No, you get his buffs immediately, when you want.

    No you can't sustain redline along with kinetic plating, unless no one is shooting at you. And it's even worse if you're using thermal with fire.

    And no you don't get all buffs immediately, his synergies only apply at higher redline amount. If you want to be able to use kinetic or thermal without any battery cost, it only happens once during your redline period (if you can reach 100% which will never happen while using kinetic or thermal with fire) and once again, no one can decide when he'll be able to benefit from this buffs - most of the time you'll wait stupidly 40s to get enough redline and then... no more enemies, next wave etc. This is one of the poorest design ever, players should have control over their frame, not the opposite.

    Are you sure you've ever played Gauss ? Or perhaps you think that spamming Mach Rush against a wall to compensate bad design is the pinnacle of fun, you'll loose way more battery with kinetic than what you can gain through Mach rush anyway. Let be serious a second. Half of his kit doesn't make any sense and no one uses it cause it can't work atm.

    • Like 1
  15. il y a 8 minutes, Dragazer a dit :

    Extra surviveability while gliding being able to block damage, also alot of guns like snipers have a really strong zoom in while gliding making it hard to navigate while gliding 

    Really not worth tbh, as i said it doesn't bring more survivability since a slam attack is way faster/safier, so you don't even need it even with a sniper rifle. You can also switch to another gun since most people who are complaining about that did like the switch feature a lot.

    Never died in the air though, not sure we need to revert back for this reason only... But hey, i'm using my operator a lot to jump from one spot to another so.

  16. il y a 58 minutes, Dragazer a dit :

    block and glide at the same time like we used to be able to

    I did get that, but why ? What's the point in blocking a few seconds while gliding, unless you're into acrobatics of course. Defensively it's way more interesting to just aim down and slam the ground instead of watching enemies shooting at you for no reasons.

    I get the whole "i liked that and you removed it" lament but tbh what was that precious in melee aim gliding in the first place ? Just curious cause i don't feel like i miss that much.

  17. Le 18/09/2019 à 05:31, Grahark a dit :

    There IS NO META in this game. Camping Mot for hours is not META. This game is about Fun. Like fun or leave fun. DE don't care if you want to camp and "feel" like you a re E-Peen "winner". 

    Don't ever talk about fun in such a thread you fool, everyone knows that games are about grinding, farming or complaining about both.

    • Like 1
  18. Il y a 5 heures, FrostDragoon a dit :

    I get what you're saying, but (1) I still see it as "off topic," and (2) power creep is an inherent part of the game. There will always be a meta and people will always complain about it. None of that seems to be a good reason that we can't/shouldn't have more choice in how we configure our operators.

    Power creep is what players choose to do with what the game is offering. No one forces anyone to use any so-called meta gear and content doesn't necessarily requires it either. You can still use low tier weapons and frames and still have fun while completing absolutely any kind of content.

    Anyway i'm not sure we can talk about anything being meta in WF, once most weapons can oneshot anything with the right build, what's the point of a "meta" ? We're more talking about popular stuff (for some sheepish reasons) than actual viable options to beat utterly difficult content.

    Quite funnily popular weapons aren't necessarily the best ones but Sshh, don't tell anyone cause i don't want to see my favourite rivens be nerfed. 😮

    • Like 2
  19. Le 01/09/2019 à 18:42, Oreades a dit :

    Well lets see, I can go two ways with that lackluster reply

    1. I can toss a low effort "why does a weapon have to be exactly how you want it?" right back at ya,
    2. I can point out the simple fact that the way "I want it" checks everyone boxes because people who liked the Zhuge Popper get to have a nice side grade of the Zhuge without having self damage ducttaped to it and the people who enjoy the split/delayed damage mechanic get to keep that in the form of an alt fire..... it's almost like everyone heccin wins.....

    I really don't know why I have to keep pounding it into peoples heads that the issue with the Zhuge Prime having explosive/delayed/self damage as it's one UND ONLY VUN firing mechanic is predicated entirely on the fact that the Zhuge..... doesn't. If the Zhuge had explosive/delayed/self damage then it would be no issue that the Zhuge Prime had those "features" but again it doesn't. So people (who don't read the forums) aren't going to know the Zhuge Prime has explosive/delayed/self damage until they build and take it out the first hand full of times. 

    Secondly you don't have to shoot the enemies at point blank range because the explosion has about a second or so delay on explosion..... so if they are already running at you (and the weapon fails to kill them) they're going to bring that explosion to you.... 

    Oh hey it's the tried and true "U R just bad at explosive/self damage weapons, don't use em LOL" 

    But just to assuaged your clearly genuine concerns, I likely won't use the Zhuge Prime in any serious capacity. Which is a real shame because I gave exactly zero heccs about everything else in that prime release. The one thing that lit up my eyes was "OMG THE ZHUGE, they PRIMED IT!!!!!!" which was followed shortly by the realization that they'd wrecked the firing mechanic in the process. 

    So literally my favorite crossbow in the game, finally got a prime and this was what they did to it.... 

    First time in my Warframe history that I've kept the Base weapon after building the prime and only keep the prime in the unlikely event that they maybe just maybe fix the firing mechanic. 

    Tho at this point we've been through how many hotfixes and a strait up mainline and they have failed to change the Zhuge Prime so I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen and my favorite Xbow is going to end up getting as much use as conclave. 

    Guess it's time to cross my fingers for the Attica Prime whenever that comes out and just hope that it doesn't get the Zhuge treatment. 


    No it just makes it an unfun mess that was 100% avoidable by having it an alt fire mechanic out if the gate. Which should have been the case (again because I have to hammer this into peoples skulls) because the base Zhuge DOES NOT have self damage. 

    But riddle me this, how would having the explosive damage as an alt fire make it any less of a "beast" but hey enjoy the Crossbow you're probably not going to use in any serious capacity while fighting to the death to keep it unfun for the people who would have GG my friend GG. 


    Enhanced weapons can definitely have different features than vanilla's, maybe you should deal with that. You may agree or disagree with how DE is handling their own game but you're only entitled to your own opinion at this point.

    This thread brings the same old arguments than Opticor Vandal's, plus the "change this gun, i keep shooting myself cause i stupidly run into enemies with an explosive gun". Same old story about people complaining instead of giving proper feedback. Sometimes game is fine, players can suck too.

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  20. Le 12/09/2019 à 21:34, Otakuwolf a dit :

    Still, is a bit of a problem to have M2 also bound to both aiming and gliding if you want to glide with your melee out

    Why do you want to glide with your melee out in the first place ?

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