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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 06/10/2019 à 21:29, Sdric a dit :

    Cyanex would be an example for that. It's popularity instantly got responded to with dispo nerfs, though.

    The main difference between Cyanex and any Ogris is that it has innate gas and apply tons of procs at once, thus making any corrosive build highly viable.

    Slow firing mostly status weapons such as Ogris are worthless against heavily armoured enemies though, someone mentioned Penta Secura which is a good example of what performs well at higher levels. Even with a gas build, you can build a Hunter munition launcher with enough critical, which greatly helps with such enemies.

    I would wait for heat procs rework though cause Nightwatch Napalm applies heat procs, maybe this would help the Ogris against high level Grineers. Anyway, i often read people asking for status only slow firing weapons and i still don't get why, slow firing status only weapons are the worst ever.

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  2. Il y a 23 heures, Leqesai a dit :

    Atlas falls into a niche category of frames that are really quite good but may not be the most optimal choice. He has great tanking potential but inaros is better, great cc but nova is better, great damage but wukong is better etc.

    So what, Atlas has great survivability, great CCs and great damages. The three frames you listed could only pretend to only one category. The only thing Atlas should have to get more popularity is a lazy "press 4 to win" ability cause that's how a frame becomes popular.

    I don't think that most players take enough time or even care about gearing/building/learning every single frame - Perhaps they don't like him cause they don't want to play that way or just don't like his appearance (deluxe is really nice though), that doesn't mean he's bad or should be reworked (again), it's only a matter of taste and knowledge.

    I wouldn't mind if they change/improve tectonics though, this ability still feels quite dated. The wall can be useful but the whole boulder ability isn't much interesting.

    But he's no niche at all.

    • Like 1
  3. Il y a 19 heures, RX-3DR a dit :

    I find him to be a tad bit stronger in potential than Wukong and Wisp when it comes to taking hits because of the complete Knockdown/Stagger immunity with Kinetic Plating. I spent about 2 weeks or so grinding Arbitrations with Gauss and one of the things I've noticed, especially during level 100+ Infested, is that a lot of people will get absolutely destroyed if an Ancient knocks them down and sometimes, they don't even get the opportunity to get off the ground to do anything before they're dead. Even Prime Surefooted will leave you with some openings. Granted, I get one-shot by Toxic Ancients, but that's only from Infested which is to be expected since I am also running a high Shield build. Meanwhile, knockdowns are plenty among all 3 factions, placing Gauss almost into inverse old Mag territory.

    I wouldn't gear such a frame without umbral mods especially against infested. 150 base armor is enough to think about a health/armor build cause shields won't ever protect against oneshot mechanics such as viral or poison infested attacks. Thanks to armor, health is also way scaling way better than shields especially when using such an arcane as guardian's.

    I geared mine with umbral mods first and certainly wouldn't change it now, since he's always on the move he doesn't get hurt much so one should only care about oneshots mechanics and hazards such as grenades, poison clouds or mines.

    Anyway i've always found power drift quite mandatory as an exilus in many content for the reasons you were talking about. Even with 30% resistance only it did save me a lot of times ! Gauss wouldn't need that much though.

  4. Il y a 5 heures, Cubewano a dit :

    They don't care now, as shown by the upcoming weapon exilus mod slot.

    DE say they recognize the balance issues in the game all the time, they never actually act on it, quite often they act to the contrary even. Maybe Destiny will force them to act on balance eventually, but that's yet to be seen, and the dozenth acknowledgement of this games obvious balance issues doesn't really change that. 

    Weapon exilus slot is for conveniency, i don't see how convenient mods no one were using anyway would make power creep worse except from a few niche weapons.

    Power creep is a thing only because people who come here complaining about it didn't even understand no one forced them to use a Catchmoon or whatever with godroll rivens in any kind of content. It's just as immature as most lament threads one can read here and tbh you don't need much experience in games to know that games are boring the day you become too powerful (or even start cheating).

    There's no balance issues cause i'm pretty sure DE doesn't want to separate two distinct playerbase, playing with new players can be fun if you aren't killing everything with an upteenth boring build. But this game definitely needs higher level starchart missions at least to add some challenge to vets. Rarest mods, fully forma'd gear and fully geared/level operator can make most content quite trivial. Tbh i don't even get why lvl 100+ missions isn't still a thing, even to achieve such a simple thing as a few Silmaris scans we should be able to scan them in more tedious content than lvl 6-10 missions...

  5. Il y a 14 heures, Voltage a dit :

    Out of all the Arbitration Mods, I would say Vigorous Swap is the most powerful, Adaptation is the most passive, and Rolling Guard is the most underrated (because like Corvid said, you need to be active).

    Passive and easy is popular.

    It's not more about being passive than about being efficient. Adaptation is saving you all day long while rolling guard is only saving you on command. This is an awesome mod to use when you actually know when you are going to be hit - against Eidolons for example. But it's an awful mod to use in tougher content where only a simple grenade you didn't see coming is killing you.

    Effective, damn yeah. Efficient, damn not.

    It can be useful on really fragile toons such as Ivara or Loki though if you need that extra lifesaver in some situations (when you're sprinting in lots of enemies, walking on mines or even pass through this damn energy leeching door), cause building this kind of frame for survivability is a waste.

    • Like 2
  6. Il y a 7 heures, (XB1)The Neko Otaku a dit :


    Forma are abundant through out the game, a simple day of relics is impossible with out tripping over them. Also it's not like you need the exilus slot  on the weapon

    Still 2 formas for one exilus only is really expensive. Sure you only need one day to get a forma, but how many formas do you need to build a weapon ? 5 to 6 in some cases, so no formas aren't to be wasted either.

    Ingame economy doesn't make sense either cause you need 20p to get an exilus but 45p to get 3 formas. I don't mind spending plat on such things but the marketplace needs some serious overhaul, it's as dumb as putting catalysts at 65 nightwave tokens when some way cheaper auras are selling twice a catalyst platinium price.

    Less discrepancy in market prices would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Le 08/10/2019 à 19:26, Uhkretor a dit :

    It was also pointed out that, up until now, only Ember's upcoming rework will be doing the armor stripping, mentioned by [DE] on a devstream. Extending THAT to regular Heat procs is nothing more than speculation.

    Fire Procs

    With Ember’s rework above, we are making changes to heat proc to be in line with other status procs in that further procs will stack damage over time. Additionally, it will literally melt armor while active, in addition to the existing damage over time and panic effects,


  8. il y a 37 minutes, (XB1)Phantom Clip a dit :

    Not for anyone. BEFORE the rework people were claiming he was fine. Lmao

    Well, it's me and like all the people on this topic. You are 1 of like 4 people who are ok with him as is.

    Same time, even you admit he's better with the rework they dropped for him. They made it a bit easier but If DE improves Redline gain, he'll be just fine.

    No one said he needs MORE power. He needs to be able to tap into his full potential without being punished for having duration to keep his ability going. You can't even refresh Redline. At least make it like thermal sunder. Tap to refresh, hold to explode. Spamming abilities like crazy is not fun. That's all. 

    I don't understand why you're debating about duration when the only thing that matters is that Gauss is unable to use Redline at full potential at will - One has to wait for redline to get to 100% and can't do anything about it. Game itself is deciding when or where you can get your buff - not you - which makes no sense.

    Short duration has lower buffs but you can get your buffs way earlier and so not wasting them stupidly because of ending round, A to B travel or anything. It's a win-win situation so far. Problem is also that not building Gauss with duration also impairs thermal sunder and also doesn't help reducing power cost so...

    Perhaps you're just wasting your time trying to build him without some mandatory duration.

  9. Polarities are such a mess and need some serious overhaul. Vazarin polarities on weapons are used by next to no mods. Some pets still have naramon polarities but only one mod is using such polarity etc.

    Seriously, if only one or two mods are using a single polarity, they'd better remove it entirely.

  10. Il y a 4 heures, Flying_Scorpion a dit :

    The original poster makes a good point though. Armor scaling creates a situation where Grineer or other armored units scale in hit points faster than any other health type in the game. It IS a problem, and I would argue it is a bit of a flaw in the design of the game.

    Arbitration drones are pretty much killing everything upon death except from Grineers, who basically don't care about anything without a few dozen corrosive procs first.

    OP is right, armor scaling is broken, damages need a rework (as opposed to what i read above - gearing everything corrosive or slash isn't the answer, it's basically what's wrong in current balance) and infested/Corpus need better survivability mechanics.

    There's a reason why players are using weapons that can bypass enemies armor, it's just a waste of time when you need 20-30 corrosive procs to begin to deal damage. So we're stuck with only a few viable builds that also make a lot of weapons not worth - slow firing status weapons for example.

  11. Il y a 9 heures, Miyabi-sama a dit :

    I'd name it a "gauss complex".

    When in order to get use of your abilities you should first bash your forehead in the nearest wall several times.

    My concern about Gauss is more related to his red meter synergies being locked by a timer you don't have a control on than a meter fueled by powers.

    They definitely buffed him but waiting for 30s to get what you need no matters what's happening ingame is just plain stupid and devs should have fixed that instead of buffing him by absurd amounts.

    But i'm quite optimistic and perhaps an augment will make US decide when Gauss gets its fully unlocked synergies (no meter cost for instance) and not the game itself.

  12. il y a 3 minutes, Balistica a dit :

    I think nekros's 4 augment makes him good for a lot of content, but I do think he's got a couple missing abilities

    People are using his 4th only to give him better survivability. His minions aren't much useful except from a few eximus here and there. Khora's Venari is way better at killing stuff than a bunch of this guys (and it's way less visually disturbing when players are only choosing stupidly flashy colour as energy)

  13. Il y a 9 heures, Balistica a dit :

    In the last devstream they showed the Ember rework (which is fantastic and makes my main feel neglected) and they talked about frames with bad outdated animations, but they didn't bring up Hydroid.  They also didn't say anything about a future Hydroid update in the post about the farm frame change revert. 
    Feels really bad, I stopped playing as much because it feels really grim for Hydroid, I don't feel like his update did him justice and I don't see a rework coming soon.  I feel really cheated I guess, especially since every new rework to old frames gets sooo much more passion and flexibility than Hydroid's did.  
    After the farm frame nerf, it really felt neglectful, and I don't even think his uselessness played a part in the revert.  Obviously after the rework, between Nekros and Hydroid, you would always choose Nekros.  But even before that, the only reason you chose Hydroid over Nekros was if you preferred him thematically, which I do, but 3000+ hours in and it really starts to wear on you knowing that the other options in your category are better than you.  I just think it should be a lateral decision to play Hydroid instead of Nekros, or they should both have types of missions they excel at.  But even if they were even in usability, I think both of them should be extended to other roles.  Frames that are purely farm get played so much less because of how few scenarios they fit, but I wanna play Hydroid in other stuff.  
    I just feel crushed down a little more every update, my drive to play has been leaving me since the Hydroid rework.  Breaks my heart.

    Don't think a rework is fantastic until we can test it by ourselves.

    People always pick up Nekros cause they're mostly spamming some spin-to-win all day long, his kit is boring as hell and not much effective except if you want to increase your drop chances. Nekros is in a far worse spot than Hydroid atm. Hydroid's kit could definitely get a tweak or two but if you know how to play and gear him, he's damn effective.

    Anyway i guess that he'll get a rework at some point cause some of his abilities are now quite dated and since Grendel (soon) is looking a lot like him (but way more mobile) perhaps devs will share its tech, experience or whatever with Hydroid current powers.

  14. Il y a 9 heures, Miyabi-sama a dit :

    So again...

    ... says who?

    Says me. Good luck quoting any dev saying that their main purpose is to create lazy frames for lazy players and ruining other players experience in the process.

    Saryn is fine, players are idiots.

  15. Saryn doesn't need a nerf nor a buff but two things:

    First Damage 2.0 rework so corrosive and viral would stop being overpowered compared to other elements.

    Second global line of sight fix for many frames powers the same way they did with melee weapons. Killing enemies you can't even see two tile sets further doesn't make any sense.

    I really understand how it can be frustrating for new players to see a lazy player sitting in the middle of the map and only casting her 4th. Perhaps some weird people do have fun doing that but no game should be played this way.

  16. Not sure the whole "i'll stop supporting your game cause it sucks" argument was necessary, you could have created a simple feedback thread tbh, it would trigger less people. 🙄

    Anyway, there's a lot to discuss about all your points. Warframe is more a collection game than anything else, even if some missions are obviously made to please older players (not really endgame but more tedious or punitive content). Problem is that no one forces you to play overpowered frames with overpowered weapons either, one can also have fun trying fun builds or underrated guns etc. I really thinnk there's a misconception of the whole game there, most people are only stupidly grinding everything just like any other MMO but if you do that you're really missing all the fun. ("you" is rhetorical).

    Melee upcoming changes can be interesting to discuss though cause that's the biggest update to come, and we don't know much about it yet. As far as i'm concerned i think that melee definitely should have a risk/reward factor. Dealing more damage with melee weapons is legit but it should be more punitive, hence melee enemies dealing more damages. Cause once you're at close range, you can't avoid much this kind of enemies as opposed to range gameplay.

    What this game really needs apart from some balance tweaks is a far better AI and really smart gameplay. Enemies are really dumb in this game. Smater enemies and more tactical approach of most fights (stronger eximus for example, with various mechanics/weak points) would bring a lot of fun, and most importantly difficulty. Problem is that working on AI in most games nowadays is almost always optional, they prefer to work on fancy stuff to put fancy screenshots on twitter, but in the end AI is what makes fights interesting.

    AI overhaul should come with or after melee 3.0, including pets AI of course.

  17. Le 16/09/2019 à 23:54, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk a dit :

    Well because at this time DE had bad warframe designs with inaccurate themes

    Take revenant for example

    Is he vampire? Is he eidolon? It's just so bad

    Because designing Revenant as an upteenth vampire would have been a better design ?

    You'd better play Castlevania at this point. 🙄

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