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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 03/10/2019 à 08:28, Test-995 a dit :

    ...meanwhile we got a gun called acceltra, much stronger, much safer, much easier.

    Good luck with that 6% status chance only and weaker damages (and no slash) at higher levels though.

  2. Il y a 11 heures, peterc3 a dit :

    Inherent drawback to the Secondaries. If you want lots of PT, you use Primaries. Secondaries are designed for single target.

    Secondaries aren't designed for single target at all, many actually are dealing with crowds (explosive, punch through or multi target). The main difference between primary and secondary is that the first category has lots of sniper rifles and bows with innate punch through. 

    It's quite the opposite actually, many primary weapons are way more rounded for single target than actual close range crowded fights. What's weird though is that a lot of primary weapons do have innate punch through and thus make such mods not that useful - unless i'm using an assault rifle i wouldn't care much about a primed shred.

    • Like 1
  3. Il y a 13 heures, (PS4)Quantaminum a dit :

    Dread isn't underrated.

    Bows in general are.

    All weapons are underrated cause most players are only using Ignis Wraith anyway. 😮

    • Like 1
  4. Il y a 12 heures, AzureTerra a dit :

    You don't HAVE to do anything, you choose to hurt yourself trying to reach X fire rate. 

    But you aren't hurting anyone only shooting twice per sec with such a gun either 😄.

    An akbolto prime with lethal torrent is able to shoot more than 11 bullets per sec, OP is perfectly legit, something is definitely wrong with such guns, especially with a controller or without any kind of tweak (mouse or macro).

  5. Atlas abilities certainly don't need more damage but tectonics is missing something to synergize well with his whole kit. First Atlas should summon a shard of stone, not some angular wall (unless we didn't know he was into masonry) that would slightly scale with power range (better range to summon a slightly larger or higher shard). And most importantly, remove the boulder attack (it never really worked anyway) and make the shard petrify all around it if reactivated (destroy if channel).

    We could also get something like Wisp's 3rd if casting petrify when targeting the wall (casting a larger radial petrify and teleportation to the wall). Thus Atlas could be less stationary while defending. Anyway Atlas whole kit is now based upon petrification so that's pretty much what we need to really make him awesome.

  6. Il y a 7 heures, DRAIXTER a dit :

    Can you please post a screenshot of the build? Just typing information does not make it true.

    Do you really think i care about you thinking it's true or not ? If you can't build a rifle i can't help you there, being paranoid won't help either tbh.

    • Like 1
  7. Il y a 9 heures, AppleJosey a dit :

    Post the build pls, let me see

    Typical rifle build (Full dmg, multishot and corrosive plus a riven (rate of fire/multishot/poison if i ain't wrong) - i've also tested crit. and crit. dmg it seems to work fine especially with an Adarza around).

    But i usually go for a gas build even if it struggles with Grineers cause i really need this Deathcube energy orbs - It destroys Corpus and Infested though.

  8. Il y a 4 heures, OvisCaedo a dit :

    Fire rate IS a stat on the UI; it's perfectly accessible through paper math/theorizing. Though you're right in that people seem to be ignoring it much more than is appropriate. I am seeing a bit of an oddity as far as the Artax goes, though; the game claims it only even has a fire rate of... 1? Is that actually just straight up wrong or something?

    speaking of, i was also confused by what that tazicor debate was about, since the damage per fire rate looked pretty alright to me. And I only just noticed the magazine size versus reload time. I uh. See where the problem probably is now!  Boy they really like gimping sentinel weapons in unique ways.

    though of course, for the actual subject of this thread, the DMRP actually DOES have magazine size to back up its fire rate, so that might indeed balance out fairly well.

    Fortuna sentinel guns are all based upon status but they deal next to no damage because of that weird fire rate / reload balance. They globally need a more than decent buff tbh cause most guns are viable once properly modded (Riven can help tremendously but they're easy to get now) except from them. There's a lot of hype around artax cause it's applying frost procs automatically and once again people are quite naive so they're following an upteenth meta. Stinger is also applying automatically some poison and is dealing way more damage, no one is talking about it, you see ?

    This forum is full of people complaining about anything without even caring about what's really going on ingame - WF needs some serious feedback though, whining never helps.

    • Like 2
  9. il y a 13 minutes, (PS4)LoisGordils a dit :

    It's annoying. If the zoom levels were a toggle that added punch-through on high zoom, and recoil reduction on low zoom, then it'd be much better

    Zoom isn't annoying, it helps aiming at longer range. If you're only shooting at close range, why the hell are you using a Latron in the first place or even zooming ? Or just try shooting from the hip / negative zoom riven. It's just as productive as all of this threads about explosive weapons actually exploding, and once again from people who are running into enemies with whatever gun they're using no matters how they're designed to be used.

    Why would they change a weapon cause you're not using it properly, i don't see why people using it at long range should be punished because you can't choose your gear.

    Is common sense that rare these days ?

  10. My Dethcube prime needs 6-10s to kill a corrupted heavy gunner (lvl 100) alone and it's still missing one mod. So get it, mod it, test it and then deliver proper feedback.

    It's also applying lots of status thanks to its really high rate of fire, so it's a win-win. Cryotra has way higher status chance but it's not applying more status tbh, and it's definitely not killing much either.

  11. Latron prime has pinpoint accuracy for precise long range shots. I can kill pretty much anything at most ranges so i don't get your point at all, nerfing its zoom would make it way less useful at longer range, cause headshots are mandatory on such guns.

    Try using a secondary instead in narrow places.

  12. Allow manual block with sword & shields (power strike command for example) and remove block entirely with gunblades (who would parry with a gun anyway). Not sure this game still needs this atrocious block command no one was using in the first place, lots of players are using both melee weapons and guns.

  13. Limbo's design only big mistake was to make him "steal" enemies and other players unable to interact with Limbo without asking first. Limbo's passive should allow every team member to enter or leave Limbo at will, cause everytime he'll make enemies stuck into Limbo other players will be screwed. THIS is leading to utter frustration and thus hatred of Limbo.

    Cataclysm can be also quite frustrating cause every map needs a different Cataclysm size, and most Limbo players don't care about that. A larger cataclysm is completely worthless against Corpus for example cause nullifiers will permanently dispell it, smaller cataclysm are basically worthless against infested since they're coming for you. I'm pretty sure Cataclysm would be more tolerated if it was able to kill at higher levels cause looking for stuck into stasis enemies all around the place isn't fun at all. Limbo is missing an actual damage ability. Blast and impact damage are worthless elements and even with power strength this power is badly scaling anyway.

    His third power along with his augment can give incredible buffs but once again, it's not much reliable, overcomplicated and leaves tons of enemies stuck in Limbo everywhere, which leads to even more frustration since only Limbo is able to kill them.

    Limbo works fine alone but he definitely needs some tweaks to really shine in a team. I don't mind one personally unless the player really sucks but i don't think that opinion is shared among most WF players (lots of people are basically leaving when they see a Limbo around).

  14. Le 25/09/2019 à 23:48, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

    Revenant will never be viable with his current ability set. Better to just replace his 1-3. Maybe actually make him a proper Eidolon frame.

    Revenant not viable ? He's pretty much immortal and his 1&3 synergy is the only ability in the entire game than can kill any enemy at any level. His 3 even allows him to move faster than anything else while using danse macabre, killing thralls and healing himself in the process.

    I'm not sure you're playing him a lot at this point.

  15. Le 26/09/2019 à 02:07, K4RN4 a dit :

    I personally prefer the old frame design, because new frames often don't have synergy, but dependency, making some abilities unusable or really bad, if used alone. Using "only" one or two abilities at a time is no bad design to me, I would even go as far as to say that that is the better design, because old warframes typically fill a niche, while newer frames are allrounders. With the new frame design each warframe can do everything reasonably well, so your Warframe choice doesn't matter at all. I like to think of my arsenal as a toolbox and if I want to do a mission, I pick the tool that does the job best and while the old frames are regular tools, the new ones are swiss army knives.

    Well my thought are all over the place right now, but I hope this was understandable.

    Dependency ? I only see people only spamming motes everywhere while playing Wisp, i only see people spamming Revenant's 4th, Khora's cage etc. You can skip half of new frames kit while playing them so i don't even get this whole thread point. Oldest frames did already have synergies and are no more niche than Hildryn's or Gauss. I'm even wondering why you're talking about allrounders when one of the newest frame mechanics doesn't even work against infested, a whole faction.

    There's no old world vs new world story to tell here, brand new frames only have more elaborated synergies and complicated mechanics than old toons, that's the whole story, nothing to worry about tbh. Perhaps Devs are more comfortable with game's mechanics now while trying to not designing things we have played with before.

    The only difference between old and new frames is that they're improving old features and thus creating better iterations of older mechanics.

  16. Il y a 4 heures, Zekkii a dit :

    300k is nothing.  It costs 10m to unbind the waybounds, a few more million to get to that point, and another 10m or so per tree if you actually intend to max them.  On top of that, you're citing numbers using a relatively fast farm, with a 2x booster.  Even with all nodes unlocked, a powerful amp, and top tier Arcanes, you still won't hold a candle to Warframes that you could forma in a day.

    Madurai and Zenurik waybounds alone cost around 8m and you only need a few Vazarin nodes to make it viable enough to survive. 10m is what you need to basically make your operator perfectly viable alone and boosters don't give more focus, they just speed up the whole process. It's merely a month worth of ESO and i don't even talk about Eidolons, killing some gives even more focus to spend.

    Arcanes are now the most easiest thing to get on Earth, we don't even need to craft them anymore. Amps are also easy to craft, sure you'll need standing but that's how this game works - you don't get anything for free. An operator can achieve any kind of mission alone once properly built so why complaining ?

  17. Le 22/09/2019 à 23:51, NekroArts a dit :

    This is literally bullet sponge, something the player base is not fond of.

    Not really, less armor and more health won't make you struggle to kill them. It'll only make corrosive less mandatory cause every other damage type won't be mitigate by an absurd amount.

    Tbh heavily armoured enemies already are bullet spongs, bombards, nox or gunners are definitely bullet sponges. Anyway, armor scaling is going to be reworked so maybe they'll rework how elements work too. I'm tired of gearing corrosive or viral/slash all day long, gearing is fun until you gear everything the same way.

    • Like 1
  18. il y a 8 minutes, Klaleara a dit :

    Theres a reason that they can be killed.  Wave based modes.  Pretty annoying when 1 MC'd is preventing the whole mode from moving forward.

    Thralls do not prevent next wave from happening. In fact it makes the next wave happening faster if you can control a really tough eneny.

  19. Le 24/09/2019 à 20:29, (NSW)Badger a dit :

    See, I've been testing this against level 110 enemies in the simulacrum. I have a 190 range and 200 (with Growing Power activated) power strength. Against corrupted heavy gunners it takes a long time to kill them outright, and Miasma doesn't nuke them. In an early mission with lower enemy levels Saryn is truly OP. But around 100 she starts to fall off hard, having the player rely on weapons/statuses/cc. 

    TLDR Saryn is indeed OP in earlier levels, but she does not pack quite as hard of a punch once the enemies get higher in level. 

    It's just too bad that truly difficult enemies only appear long past the average player's exit, and other than for your own enjoyment there really is no reason to stay that long. The problem isn't from Saryn, it's from not having hard enough content/enemies. 

    Also, she's not very good in Open Worlds. 

    Any Equinox, Revenant or Mesa can impair her whole miasma mechanics by killing all hosts. Saryn is no better at "nuking" at low levels than pretty much half of other frames, what makes her really powerful is higher amount of spores. And as you said, it takes some time. I've been cleaning maps with a Mag and no one was whining about that here, but Saryn is quite popular and kiddos like to spam ultimates, 2019 is so braindead gameplay.

    Saryn only issue is that some people are playing the game as if it was a job or anything, looking for efficiency more than fun, especially other players fun. It's quite a guy thing since lots of guys are obsessed with performance for some reasons but tbh everytime someone is complaining about Saryn i can only think "hey, Saryn doesn't suck, players suck".

    • Like 1
  20. I'd look for a Dmg/crit.dmg/poison riven so it may save you one slot to get that viral, corrosive or gas. I'd also use sacrifical steel along with primed pressure point to get max damages and quite a decent amount of critical. Nikana prime isn't a good candidate for status and thus would be better at dealing crits.

    Try to get rid of drifting contact and get the new aura (6s combo duration), i'd also only use 60/60 element mods to be sure viral or any other element is applied in no time. Orange and red crits is what you need with such weapon, thus Adarza kavat or even Helios prime/deconstructor prime with gladiator mods can be quite useful.

  21. il y a 20 minutes, DoomFruit a dit :

    Yet you can use covert lethality for a flat damage increase on a dagger built for speed, or maiming strike (or equivalent riven) for a flat crit increase alongside a high status zaw part setup.

    Also, I want fulmination for my Tombfinger.

    The whole point of Gaze is that it's quite a powerful weapon that trades range for damage, no other weapon works that way. So i don't see much why you're talking about covert lethality or maiming strike - comparing anything anytime isn't necessarily relevant unless you can find another kit weapon that is built the same way of course.

  22. Le 23/09/2019 à 07:46, TylerFreeman a dit :

    That shouldn't be the case nor do I find it acceptable to gauge their usefulness through a riven. No matter IF the acquisition for one is easier. We are discussing normal sentinel weapon stats that should be given a balance pass. That's final.

    No. I do own them all but if you're implying that I'd go through the trouble to forma them all to justify the 'fully-built' weapons then sorry but I'm not gonna subject myself to that extent.

    You are discussing about normal weapon stats, not us - and tbh you're not the one who's choosing what subject has to be discussed or not unless you're into soliloquy.

    You don't want to consider rivens, even if they are damn easy to get - truth is that rivens are mods, and so they are to be considered as such.

    You don't want to discuss about how they're performing even if you never tested them fully built so i'm wondering what credibility you may have while discussing the whole subject.

    You don't want to forma anything at all to make them perform better so i'm wondering how you're managing your whole gear at this point.

    No offense but what are you even doing here ? I don't see even a reason to discuss further with you, it won't ever be productive cause you don't have a clue about what we're talking about.

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