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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. Damascus and Nitaname entered to kennel as they walked to see is Shyla there Damascus explained what he has found out about himself when he was first time in here "Kinda awkward that you haven't dared to take a helmet off since we came here" Nitaname said trying to taunt Damascus to take the helmet off "Sorry but I see it much more better not to show my face" Damascus said as took deep breath as he received another wave of warframe burrowing on his mind.


    "Another wave?" Nitaname asked "Yeah... They are getting more frequent. Maybe I should stop fighting against it" Damascus said "I think you should you are a Tenno now after all" Nitaname said "I just still don't have any idea why you did this to me" Damascus said "I have said it already two times you deserve to be a Tenno. Because of loyalty and being forgiving. You could have killed that Saryn who had blind you but you didn't" Nitaname said "I don't see those to be enough good reasons to make me be a Tenno" Damascus said.

    *Shyla observes the back and forth between the new arrivals in her Kennel, a few brave pups circle around the tenno, but avoid Storm outright.* "Welcome to the Kennel" *Shyla says* "What brings you all here today?"

  2. *Waves of Rael and moves to Krelon* "Alright, if you want to join security you have to prove you're capable in every aspect. Parkour, firearms, and the most important, tenno to tenno combat. Think you can handle that?"

  3. "Depends on what you wanna do while you're here. Security, you speak to Enderius, Gardening speak to Fae, Technician speak to Vladof, or medical stuff speak to Elith, otherwise speak to some of the humans who we have working with us on anything else...Oh and puppies speak to me" *Shyla says with a smile as she nuzzles one of the pups(

  4. "Great.  I'd love the job.  Now what goods do you guys need?"

    *Enderius thought a moment* "I'll provide you with a list when i have a moment, for now go about your business as usual" *His and Raels patrol eventually pass by the newly arrived Oberon.*

  5. "If I were to become a supplier, would that make me official staff?  Because personally, the purple suns you guys have look really cool."

    *Enderius shrugs* "I suppose we could see about getting you in the staff"

  6. *It is the next morning, and hopefully everyone and everything has calmed down. Vladof has taken Droben's speaker thing and started its proper repairs, Enderius and Rael are on their daily patrol, Elith and Fae are enjoying a cup of tea with one another in the Gardens, and Shyla and Nyr are training the Kubrows*

  7. Alright so I'm gonna move the last scene on for a moment kay?))

    *Enderius undoes the lock on the door, leaving Nyr in the care of Shyla and her small army of Kubrow. He and Rael go on their last patrol round for the evening, making sure that everything and everyone is safe for the evening before he and her retire for the evening*

  8. Okay so few parameters if you wish to run


    A) Have to not be a recent player to the forum. Seniority means that you been activley here since around page 100

    B) You must be polite both OOC and IC


    C) Be somewhat active at the least and willing to give a warning to those who need it. If a moderator is afraid to speak up, then what's the point?


    D) Must be Active


    Winner will be chosen based on community vote, runners may not vote for themselves, but may vote for opponents

  9. ((Since I can't always keep things in check I will indeed appoint a second moderator to help keep the peace, this person will also act as the NPC's including receptionists, waiters, unnamed security staff, etc. So who wishes to be my second))

  10. ((Look let's just say Droben has his frame for right now, and he's going to get his stero fixed, and that when everyone calms down the kennel unlocks it's door and Enderius and Rael go about their patrol...but I please ask of everyone, unless it's in a dueling room, no more fights, and no more starting fights okay?))

  11. ((Okay, that's settled; let's try to avoid: 1. Too many characters in one "scene", and 2. Violence that takes place outside the Duel Rooms.))

    ((Please, I'm getting rather annoyed you guys keep making characters that seem to forget their in a place with high security))

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