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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. ((Sorry, I don't understand pronouns. Or names. Or English for that matter. I had just imagined that it was a sort of, "take the guns from the criminals thing"))

    ((No no, Shyla took her and Nyr's frames out with them, no one elses))

  2. *Enderius nods* "I'll call up a vessel to take them to a neutral colony, hopefully there we can get rid of all these people at once, no more '3 strikes'. From now one, you start -anything- you're out of here"

  3. *Enderius places a shoulder firmly on Storms chest* "I wouldn't test her buddy, we've both have had just enough. Consider this your first...no second warning, you are here as a -guest- this is not your home, this place is not your playground. It is a place of peace, and I will do anything in my power to keep it. I do not tolerate violence nor the instigation of it. Failure to comply will result in your -immediate- departure, and I don't care if it's in handcuffs or a bodybag" *Enderius' voice was colder than it's ever been, his grip would send a literal chill down Storm's spine* "Am I understood?"

  4. (Sh*t's getting outta hand.)

    Nyrvynai goes over to a pile of sleeping pups and curls up amongst them and hugs one for comfort.

    *The pups sense Nyr's discomfort. Shyla comes back with a towel for her to dry off as the pups and even some adults surround her to comfort her.*

  5. *Fae's hysteria seems to wear off as Shyla leaves harms way. While Enderius sighs* "Droben I know what that thing is, I've seen you use it as a weapon. As far as she knows she was doing her job. We'll get someone to fix it, and as for these two we'll do as we always and give them a warning, but please, in the name of the Lotus...stop instigating problems, even if you don't start them don't fan the flames"

  6. *Shyla tries to wrestle her wrists away from Drobens grasp, sadly without her frame she's less likley to do so. Thankfully however Enderius and Fae arrive. Fae already in her hysteric mode, wastes no time asking Droben to calm she shouts in a bloodrage.* "LET GO OF MY SISTER!" *She charges across the shallow water and goes to slash Droben with her claws while his back is turned*

  7. ((Shyla assumes it's a weapon, she's going to react like it is, plus the way you described it seemed so, and honestly if you do start anything at this point you're either being deported or killed. Just sayin'))

  8. *Shyla sighs picking up her Akmagnus and firing a shot into Drobens tripod before it can even fire, silencing it quickly before turning her guns on both the arguing volt and Droben* "Enough!" *She shouts* "Both of you are -guests- and you seem to forget that...I'm going to call Enderius, he's going to come down here and take you both someplace where you won't bother anyone else"

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