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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. She waved. "Good bye."

    With that, Nyrvynai had set off for the Kennel to greet Shayla.

    *It seems Shyla is also returning from a mission as she is bandaging Enderius' Kubrow Fenrir, it's certainly strange seeing such a behemoth Kubrow to be so weak. Shyla looks up, it seems she too had some tough battles, a new scar formed across her nose, the technonyte filling it in with metallic flesh and the occasional bit of chromatic light peeking through*

  2. ". . . Yeah. . . Mercy killing. . ."

    Nylocke's tone was low, almost in a penitent tone, her guilt shows in her face, but nevertheless, she shakes it off.

    "I don't know what's harder, taking the lives of our enemies, or dealing with the fact that we took the lives of our enemies. . ."


    Rael bought two alcoholic drinks for her and Enderius with a simple wave to the tender.

    "I haven't ran a contract in some time now. Rather interested to see how the Grineer and Corpus have been faring without me blowing up some of their vessels."


    "G'Ack! Hey! Watch where you're splashin'!"

    Nyrvynai cupped up a handful of water and splashed it at Krelon in response.

    *Enderius shrugs downing his drink* "Better I'd say...of course I have a ice laser now so take that into consideration about their situation"

  3. "Ah. Right. /The Lotus./ Her."

    Rael flicks her hair with he hand to make sure it stays up and outward.

    "Well, whatever the hell you did, it certainly shows in the armor."

    - - - - -

    "This is getting very weird."

    Nyrvynai slowly sunk into the water up to mouth level.

    *He shrugs* "Yes well the Grineer are certainly getting better"

  4. "Like I said - Taken. And if you really must know, it's Rael. Now then-"

    Her head turns to look towards Enderius.

    "Where'd you go anyway? I got stuck handling a detainment break-out. I had to recatch 15 idiots who thought it'd be smart to run when the laser prison shorted."

    *He shrugs* "The Lotus called, and I answered"

  5. "Taken by who? Exactly, I may have to fight this person to the death." He managed before his voice cracked, "Alright, Alright, I'm joking, but seriously, you are breath taking, and I'm Halcyon, and I'm bored, so would you mind telling an old fool your story? And J still don't know your name." He said,

    "Taken by me" * An intimidating voice says from behind him. It was Enderius, he was in his frost warframe although it look like it's recently seen battle.* "And I'd appreciate you leaving her alone when she asks"

  6. Yeah....I would hope one could realize they shouldn't bring in a character to start problems, or with the intent to start problems, cuz I've said it once and I'll say it again. This is a social setting, no IC fighting unless it's in a dueling room))

  7. Elith was taking too long, and he took the "Thank you," as a thanks for attempting, and Halcyon doesn't attempt, he does. Unfortunately, he could do nothing but drop thirty or so Health plates on the ground and plCe the Loki Prime Gainst the door to the infirmary, it's doors strangely locked, and then look around for an Oberon or trinity, even a Nekros could help at this point with knowledge of tenno anatomy. He commed his ship cephalon,

    "Nano, Dojo wide check, search for Oberons or trinities, also background check for scientists and biologists."

    "Sir, there is a trinity behind that door, you can do nothing but wait." Nano responded, way pointing the door. Halcyon growled and leveled a had at the door, preparing to drop te lock to subzero temperatures and smash through it.

    oh c'mon i take the night off  and suddenly i'm the $&*^, elith is still on the ship))

  8. *Enderius smirks* "Learned from the best...and what do you mean? You can change your frame any time, so long as you calibrate the systems right"

    *Shyla thinks a moment* "Well if you want vegan there's this organic place here too"

  9. "It's okay I get free meals anyways" *Shyla says happily to Nylocke* "Might as well go to the sushi bar right?"

    *Enderius sighs, taking his beer from the tender* "Thanks" he says pulling the bottle to his lips and taking a drink

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