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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. She chuckles, speaking momentarily to herself;

    "Now wouldn't that be interesting. . ."

    Rael quietly continues to pet the pup gently.

    "Wanna meet him?" *The Kubrow seems to be in heaven the way it' half asleep in Raels arms*

  2. "Hmm..."

    Rael sizes up Krelon suspiciously, then lets it go and takes a pup away from the fight.

    "Come on now little one, no need to fight."

    She holds her close to her chest and pets her gently.

    *The pup embraces Raels warm chest, shooting a look a his opponent who lets out a disgruntled bark before running off with the others. Shyla giggles* "So I'd love to meet your Kubrow, I'm sure they'll be more than welcome here by the others." *Shyla gives a smile at the little pup who's nuzzling Rael.* "You know, most of the others have a Kubrow here too. Even Enderius, and if you can believe it his Kubrow is a dead ringer for him."


  3. *The pup Rael is petting begins barking at the one climbing over Pilot. Pilot's pup jumps down and the two start growling at one another before getting in a play fighting, not really hurting one another, just the two trying to show off for potential masters like the grown ups have. This causes Shyla to giggle and watch as the other pups gather round like children witnessing a school yard fight*

  4. "Easy pal. That Nikana stays in its place. I only gave your kunai back because I know how aggrivating it is to lose weapons."

    Rael comes over and kneels by a pup, scratching behind both her ears tenderly.

    "We never truly got to introduce each other, did we? I'm Rael."

    *The pup does as the other did and really gets into the petting, letting out a happy bark making Shyla giggle* "Nice to meet you Rael. Most of the staff have a Kubrow, if you wanna claim one you should come by and bond with one. Well the pups mostly. The mature ones already have bonds"

  5. *Shyla nods her head as she claps twice and the Kubrow pack disperses. She turns her attention to Rael* "Well hi then, I'm Shyla Offical 'Beast-master' or so it says on those little profile tabs Enderius keeps. As you can probably guess I tend to all...most, of the Kubrows, guest, staff, or otherwise! If you want you can meet some of them, they love visitors."

  6. ((From between the ears))

    ((Okay then)) *The kubrow presses it's head into Pilots hand happily accepting his pets. The other Kubrow being there confirms that they do indeed just like attention, and won't maul him just because he's petting on of the pups* "Aww he likes you"

  7. ((Darn I knew that would be wrong way to present it. Not sure should I use adjective or verb. [[Yet one of those situations where my bad grammar kicks in]] gently as adjective or nicely as verb. I will be editing it quickly for others who reads this))

    you mean pet...did pilot pet the dogs ears?))

  8. (Oh god this goes worse than what it was seconds ago!) Pilot thinks takes careful, gentle but sure grip from puppy what Shyla aligned "Though can not really say am I afraid of them. Not in the mood on having a brawl with these noble companions of yours. Second thing the how you pictured these companions of yours. Is more than fitting" Pilot said as sat down that if the Kubrow wanted to jump off to somewhere there would be small drop or if he would accidentally drop it there would be small fall.


    He pet the puppy's head lightly trying to find the connection to peaceful himself again slowly it was starting that he was able to calm down. He used side of his right hand's front finger to scold behind of puppy's right ear. Looked on Shyla then.

    (Scolded how exactly?)

  9. "They were a type of person. On Earth... We all spoke like this in the south but they spoke diffrently at the north and west so thats British." He smiled

    at her. "I'm not sure what you are... American I persume."

    "Also what's an American? You're saying things that don't make sense" ((All those countries are gone now and are referred to by region, such as Eurasia or Pacific, meaning anywhere in Europe or Asia or any island in the pacific ocean. which many of which have changed over the years))

  10. *Looks to Pilot* "Ohh....you're just scared of 'em. Don't worry though! They're really nice when you don't try and pull a weapon on them, cuz they're really smart and know when someone is threatening and when someone is okay to get pets from!" *She clicks her tongue twice and the Kubrow part, revealing the pup from earlier. She picks it up and holds the pup towards Pilot* "Go ahead hold him they're just big ol' babies who want attention!" *She says with a childish smile*

  11. "Oh thats a shame. I've not died yet." He looked at her. "Earth... Once filled with life but now it's just Grineer everywhere."

    Krelon laughed. "I was British... A couple thousand years ago but now I don't even though. A Mirage? Interesting." He looked at her.

    *Looks to Pilot* "No I mean him....also what's British?"

  12. *The Kubrows by this time have congregated around Shyla, the pups behind the adults. Shyla looks to Krelon* "Well...if anything they're mad at him for trying to pull a sword...also you talk funny."

  13. The newly recruited Ember idly walks about the dojo, Vectis in hands.

    She hears commotion from the nearby kennel, and decidingly checks it out, seeing the three within.

    "Everything alright in here?"

    Her look goes to Shyla then Pilot, as well as the nearby Frost.

    *Shyla nods* "I guess so..." *She tilts her head spotting the badge* "Are you new here?"

  14. "Alright. I'll keep that to memory."

    She does a casual salute to him as a good bye and wanders off, stopping at the door frame.

    "Oh, and by the way-"

    She turns her head slightly.

    "I enjoyed that fight. More excited than I've been in a long time, give me a heads up if you ever want to do it again."

    *Enderius rolled his eyes as she left. Glancing idly only once towards the door before looking back at his work*

  15. "You have my word."

    The Ember picks up the badge and installs it to the shoulder of her armor so it faces front.

    "Now then, if you'll need me, I'll assume I should start patrolling to make sure nothing's happening that shouldn't."

    She grins.

    "Isn't that right?"

    *He nods* "Yes, please make sure everything is fine. The badge is equip the the personnel comm codes for the station. If you need anything let the others know. Also fair warning, Fae doesn't like to be disturbed during her own work, neither does Vladof"

  16. "Hmph... Spitting mocking okay then go ahead feel free to say what you want now" Pilot said then get back to topic "So have you seen deep red nova anywhere in here?" Pilot asked from Shyla.

    *The dozen or so Kubrow all perk their ears up at the sound of a blade being drawn, even the pups turn their attention towards the threatening presence and a chorus of threatening growls is heard. Shyla places a hand on her Magnus* "You might not want to do that..."

  17. Rael replies on the comm with an "On my way."

    She leaves her weapons behind aside from her Kunai, hood up.

    Reaching the office, buttons for Enderius' corresponding office were pressed in to buzz him to Rael's presence.

    *Enderius buzzes her in, he's still at his desk working on something. He looks up for a moment and grabs something from behind his desk, setting it on top. It's a badge projector.* "Wear this at all times while on duty, you'll have indefinite access to the facilities and services. Not unlimited, indefinite meaning if you abuse your privliges we'll take them away. While I'm willing to look the other direction on what you do on your own time I do not tolerate the instigation of violence on this station. You're here to protect the inhabitants, not harass them. Am I understood?"

  18. "Actually was mostly walking around wondering *remembered why he actually was walking around places* Darn *he gasped* You happen to have seen a Nova somewhere and I need to ask about person named by Echo but before you answer. I will tell you whole thing *Pilot told what he had witnessed yesterday* If you ask why did I touch her it was because of checking the heart pump rate to check is she pretending to be in shock or is she on shock" Pilot said. *then he hears the same Frost. Releases a gasp* Why would somebody's relation ship touch you?" Pilot questioned.

    "I uh...what?" *Shyla said, confused by the whole thing* (I've not read what has happened recently, so I'm a bit confused)

  19. "Though. Not sure do I want to see again. I have mastered the current vision what I have. Sound vision even if I don't see anything else than white and black. Changes must happen were they unable to be reversed or able to be reversed. Just like becoming a Tenno if it is actually plausible. Is unable to be reversed. Not sure would today's technology regenerate or allow me to see again but I do admit. I miss the colors" Pilot said and released small duration dreary laugh.


    "Rarely somebody cares to ask do I want to see fully again" Pilot finished and stand up slightly taller than Mirage and muscles were slightly more able to be seen. They pretty big. Maybe thanks to all his psychical training and age. For a 22 year old man he might be on better shape than most of the Tenno. "I hope you don't see my appearance... Intimidating" Pilot said somewhat sarcastically.

    *Shyla giggles* I've seen worse than a big human. So how come you came to the kenell? Did you wanna play with the pups?

  20. "Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda. Lost my first name's meaning when I was blinded by one of your kind. Who thought me as a danger who cloaked himself as a rescuer. Saryn. It didn't leave me hard feelings. After seeing a man brutally executing all three Grutags... I guess there would a be a reason to be afraid of me. It is sad truth how... Both of our kind's destroys each other with the tools of chaos and order. Both working in name of order but doesn't realize at the end. Both are the worst" Pilot said.


    "Extremely difficult to say which ones are being correct and working correctly but what comes on Tenno freeing civilians from Corpus, Infestation and Grineer. I laid my trust and gave my word that Tenno future must be brighter than my past. Where I was broken by my enemies I reassembled myself because of rage. Where I was broken again because of the flame being extinguished. Flame of revenge. I reassembled myself again and now here I am. Man sworn to do anything and ready to sacrifice his own health for a Tenno" Pilot finished.


    His voice calm all the way giving picture of a man who fought and fights still... Warrior without an army but with really sharp blade.

    *Shyla blinks, giving a blank stare. The Kubrow pup bounces around the mature one and the two of them run off to play* "Umm....okay...that's quite the story." *She rubs the back of her head, she wasn't really expecting all of that* "If um...you want we have someone on the station who can help you see again..."

  21. Rael grunts in annoyance.

    "I don't quite like taking orders from somebody I don't know a thing about. Needless to say, not too fond of... I've still done work for her though. Lotus is damned rich with credits. That's all I can say. Anything else?"

    *She would see a look of zealous rage flash across his eyes before he takes a deep breath and calms himself* "Very well...I will need some time to fill out the appropriate paperwork, I will contact you as soon as it's done"

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