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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. "Loyalties? Hm. Normally I'm freelance, but I go by two things; I go where the pay is good and the faction has better intentions. I may be psychotic but -"

    She turns her head to look at him.

    "- and don't tell anybody I said this - but I still have my moral code. I've never hunted for Tenno bounties, either. Otherwise, what's there to tell?"

    *Enderius thinks a moment* "What is your opinion on the Lotus then?" *His gaze hardens a moment.*

  2. "I am fine. Animal instincts I guess what comes on Kubrows of course" Pilot said the golden locket was able to be seen on his neck "I hardly can believe that favorite Lotus is speaking to me" Pilot finished his sounding normal having a hint on Mirage's past or actually warframe's past. (I guess it is my time to move on then) Pilot thought.

    *Shyla blinks and giggles for a moment* "Oh right, human....You know I've never met a human...well one that didn't try to kill me and scrap me for parts: *She giggles despite the very grim image* "I'm Shyla, nice to meet you."

  3. Pilot putted the necklace on "The memories what we carry are eternal. Even after their deaths. I still carry responsibility, admiration, honor, glory, duty and joy" Pilot said to himself as looked around him to see if other kubrows has realized what's going on. Pilot lightly laid his hand on puppy's side and starts carefully scold it then two times pats it lightly. Lowered hand to allow the Kubrow sniff. Pilot saw himself training large blade whip, beam blade and unarmed attacks. (I wonder where these visions comes) Pilot thought as the vision ended.

    *The pup lets out a short whimper. One of the bigger Kubrow seems to hear this and comes over like a mother scolding someone for making it's child sad, and begins barking at Pilot. Shyla, the Mirage, hears this and comes over* "Oh hello!" *She says cheerfully* "Is everything okay?"

  4. Rael doesn't however take much intimidation from the spike wall, nor the frost speaking, her face is just slightly more aggrivated by the obstacle, but turns to a grin when he mentions her psychological being, which then fades to a calm smile as she places on her helmet.

    "Now then, I believe I've passed your tests, have I not?"

    *Stands for a moment, putting his hand on his chin* "Let's see, you've passed the obstacle course, firing range, and have...more or less proven your worth against me. I suppose there's really only one more test." *He turns directly to her* "Answer this then, where do your loyalties lie..."

  5. Pilot remembers how Tenno does petting because he had seen it few times. He pets the puppy like Tenno does. His trail of thoughts suddenly disappeared a puppy had crushed his wall of experience. Broken... Broken again. Reassembled again. He quits the petting after lightly rubbing behind of right ear of the puppy. (It is maybe because it doesn't feel endangered) Pilot thought he dug out a locket opened it up. (It happened so long time ago) Pilot thought as he watched the locket remembering that he used to be able to see picture on the locket.


    But now he is just not able. He closes the locket on his hand by making his hand to be a fist "Heart becomes a fist... Forever" Pilot whispered.

    *The Kubrow lets out a short bark, pawing at Pilot for more attention as it rolls on it's belly eagerly.*

  6. *He keeps his cold glare while she speaks, even with a blade to his throat. His face, unfaltering as she picks apart what she thinks to be he psyche. And part of her might be right, his demeanor changes as he unleashes his powers. Always testing his opponent to see what sort of challenge they might pose to his indomitable powers. As she starts to leave he flares his hand once more, the steam floating about flash freezes, and the moment she'd turn she'd find that she's mere centimeters away from a wall of spiked ice, she would almost feel the serrated edges pressed against her own throat. Her reflection shown to her in each crystal and a chill would run down her spine as single thought would occur, 'one flick of the wrist and that'd be it.' But she'd soon see the ice melt away as with the rest as the shields lower. He removes his helmet and walks by.* "Only one more thing to tend to" *He says before giving her a glance over his shoulder, his cold gaze directed towards her* "We'd have one more...but you've already given me your psychological profile." *He says, a short quiet laugh as he exited the dueling room*

  7. "Sh*t!"

    Rael slams her hands down as a shockwave of fire bursts around her, she then puts her hands up and shoots out fires like a flamethrower, her head lowered defensively, her body crouched tight.

    "No way in hell I'm letting you win!"

    The winds manage to snuff out her flames, hail starts hitting her, a chunk of ice about to hit her, she gasps and dodge rolls away, scrambling to avoid being crushed.

    *The Avalanche ends as quickly as it begins, leaving the two of them covered in ice and snow. Enderius climbs out and stands atop the mound of snow. His gaze directed where Rael was standing*

  8. *He's down for a moment before he get's back up. Facing away from her.* "Not bad..." *he tilts his head and cracks it* "I think it's time we wrapped this up." *The ice around them begins shaking violently, the winds blow like they would in a blizzard, snow forms in the whipping winds as he begins channeling his holds his hand high. Large boulders of ice begin forming above them as a torrent of hail begins falling. He then pulls his hand down, causing the avalanche of icy boulders to fall.*

  9. She stays low to the ground, legs spread outwards as well as digging her hand into the ice, her sharpened claws rooting her in place, she lets out a wave of three Kunai at the frost, all the while her feet spark into flame, as well as her hands.

    "You know, I quite -"

    She launches herself forward as she glides along the ice towards him.

    "Like this! This is exciting!"

    She laughs, a flaming fist hitting the frost in the chest, although the punch causes her balance to stagger her on the ice, falling back and leaning on one hand, a Fang dagger at the ready in the other.


    *Quickly ducks out of the way of the Kunai and stops dead in his tracks, somehow. And when she'd punch his chest, she'd feel like she might've just punched the side of a mountain, her flames leaving little more than a few scorch marks. And as she falls back he grabs her by the arm and does a seismic toss towards the shield covering the room, hardened by the ice he's created.*

  10. *Slides back with the blow, as he slides he shoots more ice bolts around the dueling room floor. Making it harder to keep balance for her, but easier for him. He circles around a few times, a few bolts aimed towards her, but knowing full well they'll miss*

  11. *Keeps his stoic look as he grips his helmet and places it back on, he tosses the bolt of ice towards the puddle, slowing her boiling process with the intense cold. He then conjures up a sphere of ice around him, whipping winds fill the room, making it much harder to conjure flames, the chilling winds would slow her down. He then begins throwing more bolts out, but this time towards the floor, creating a sheet of ice on the floor. Not to freeze her. but to make him more mobile as he skates towards her at scary speeds and begins swinging his mighty hammer.*

  12. It merely melts.

    "And you've yet to hit me. It takes-"

    A sudden Kunai flies towards him.


    She clasps her palms together.

    "And a bit of surprise."

    *Lazily tilts out of the Kunai's path, tossing another bolt of ice at her* "You're right....it does take surprise to win....but even better. It takes planning. Take a look at where you're standing. What's sitting at you're feet." *He says waiting for her reaction. The bolts of ice had created a good size puddle of water at her feet, some of the steam was lingering in the air as well*

  13. She does a courteous bow, her defenses lowered, albeit on purpose.

    "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Somebody who's actually smart enough not to rush me. You know friend, I quite like you. You'll be the second person on this station to see my face."

    She slips off her helmet and tosses it to the side, her face is pale white, her eyes a wine red, half her head is shaved and the other half has hair, shoulder length and black, hanging off to the side, her lips black with a scar slashed through them closer to the right corner.

    "And thusly we can fight, face to face, isn't that right? What's a good fight when it's not up close and personal? Hm?"

    *Enderius sighs and pulls his helmet off, his white locks of hair fall out, blowing slightly in an invisible wind. A look of grim determination on his face as he stares her down.* "If you're quite done talking you've yet to attack me." *he says tossing out another bolt of ice*

  14. She does a courteous bow, her defenses lowered, albeit on purpose.

    "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Somebody who's actually smart enough not to rush me. You know friend, I quite like you. You'll be the second person on this station to see my face."

    She slips off her helmet and tosses it to the side, her face is pale white, her eyes a wine red, half her head is shaved and the other half has hair, shoulder length and black, hanging off to the side, her lips black with a scar slashed through them closer to the right corner.

    "Come on buddy. I took off mine, how about yours? Hm?"

    ((His was off when you entered his office))

  15. Rael casts a fire blast around her, patiently standing, waiting, fire surging around her.

    "You're playing with fire, friend."

    She grins under the helmet and pulls up her hood.

    Rael sheathes her Fangs, and slips out two Kunai Despairs,

    silently she beckons Enderius closer, her stance calm and taunting both at once.

    "I said I'm ready."

    She chuckles.

    *Does not fall for her taunts, he keeps sending out bolts of ice, each bolt melting into water as it hits the floor. He keeps his distance, and his hammer drawn*

  16. Rael chuckles and slings off her Vectis, quickly popping heads of all that appear in sight.

    (This is justified by the fact that Rael is an experienced sniper mercenary lol.)

    "You call this a test? It's child's play."

    *Enderius sighs as she easily takes down the holograms* "One final test then." *He says stocially as he leads her down the halls once more, this time to a dueling room. Enderius takes his position at one end of the floor* "When you are ready then"

  17. Rael dual-handed vaults over an obstacle, quickly turning into a roll forward under a low arch, before she does a frontflip off to jump over a gap to the next platform.

    Coming to the sprint course, she dodges the pillars as they rise with ease, and jumps to the nearby wall, her sharp clawed fingers of her frame lodge in as she springs herself to the next wall and quickly keeps launching herself up with her fingers digging into each section of wall she touches.

    With a backflip off, she reaches the next platform, and leaps off the edge to the platform below, before she has time to think she's on the lines, no gear used, simply holding on and gliding line-to-line, hitting the next platform, she sprints across the field, a floor section below her drops, quickly reacting with a front flip off, and a dive roll aside as one ahead of her drops, then a leap off one's edge as she hits the ground just before the lasers.

    Rael sprints forward and slides under a laser as it just barely reaches her body, followed by a jump over one, and a roll under the last, she steps onto the end panel, not a drip of sweat broken.

    She drops off and to the lower platform where Enderius lies.


    "A minute, not bad. On to the next test then" *Despite his words he sounds hardly impressed. He takes her down the hall to the next room. A shooting range* "Take down as many targets as you can, bonus points for accuracy, even more if you take them all down. Ready...go" *He presses a button and holographic images of grineer and corpus begin popping up at random. Some stationary, some moving*

  18. Pilot looked at the kubrows then at the Mirage then turned his head to look the nature. Started to make a note with the mini computer installed on his helmet (I kinda wonder how somebody can have fun when there is thousands of heat and cold breathing battles. Far away in this solar system... But one thing is sure. You do need to spare time on something else than on the war what is going berserk filling the ships and leaving spots of the fallen soldier bodies on the ground) He created a note.


    Then took a place to sit and looked around still his sound vision told him a lot what is going on around him seeing that Kubrows had responded on his presence and plausibly thinking him as lesser being not to be bothered with at anything (I kinda do have forgotten... How it has felt like to just leave yourself to one spot and wonder about things what surrounds me) Pilot thought as started to sleep. Slowly giving himself time, allowing to sleep and let his guard down.

    *One of the pups, tuckered out from playing. Waddles over to Pilot while he is lying down. It sniffs him a few times before letting out a short bark and curling up next to him to nap*

  19. "Naturally. All I gotta do is reach the end of the course? Sounds easy enough."

    Rael opens her fists into claw-shaped hands.

    "Then one question; When do I begin?"

    She speaks with a confident grin beneath the helmet.

    *Enderius, with a dead pan look points her to the start gate, first part seems simple jumps and slides and running, Then wall runs, then a series of ziplines that criscross. It'll be up to her to decided when to leap from line to line to cross over the pit. Then the portion where the floor drops out to test her reflexes, until finally a series of lasers that criscross and move at varying speeds.* "You're time starts....now!" Enderius shouts

  20. ((Human. Lost eyes on a travel at Earth after rescuing a Saryn who plausibly saw Pilot as threat who cloaked as helper but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't be a danger. Thanks to sound vision what was installed by few of his friends he was able to see again except no colors mostly black and white. Mostly the sound vision provides vision as the sound (as pressure wave) hits something this is the way he spots something for either to his rifle, handgun or hand to hand combat))


    ((Not really necessary to have a sentinel following him but he wouldn't mind either))

    ((It's just a station precautionary for non-Tenno. Nothing personal, just standard procedure))

  21. Soon Pilot wandered to place where Kubrows are being kept as his first thought. They would attack him leaving him no other option than run away even if he knows that these are seriously fast beasts to make run for it. He was totally quiet and looked around quickly nobody else than few puppies. Decided not to touch any of them.

    ((Also explain to me what Pilot is again? I know you said he wasn't tenno, and if that's the case he'd have a little security sentinel follow him about))

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