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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. "Of course, I'm thankful for your hospitality and I'm sorry for the display earlier," Endymion replies. "Just in case, I'll have my engineer work with him, just to make sure nothing goes wrong. PETYA! GET YOUR SENTINEL, YES THE ONE WITH THE TRANSLATOR!" he yelled back towards the ship. moments later a Vauban with a Gambit helmet waddled out of the ship and began conversing with the other vauban, his shade translating for him. Endymion took this time to stare at the other cryopod, the one with the female, and his mind quickly filled with memories and mourning.

    ((The shade would have a had time seeing as how he's speaking a dead language))

  2. "actually," Endymion said, glancing at the time function on his UI, "The drug we put on this one should wear off right about now." As if on cue the right one, the male, awoke, immediately beginning to thrash around the pod, his movements stopped by the restraints. the blades on his fingers tearing into the plush material lining the pod. Primal screams erupted from him, as if he were a caged bear attempting to break free. Endymion somberly stared at the frame inside the pod as he pressed a series of switches, injecting a powerful sedative. After a moment the frame, code named "Bengal", calmed down, his head finally listing to the left as he fell asleep. "They were failed test subjects inside a rogue facility," Endymion said quietly to the group before him. "I just couldn't have sat there and let them die." Now that that's over, shall we talk about business?" He asked. 

    *Fae clentches her fist she watches the Tenno inside go insane. Enderius turns his attention back to Endymion* "Yes....business." Another Tenno arrives on scene, this one wearing a Vauban warframe as he approaches the ship and assess the damage* "Our head Technician will begin assessing and repairing the damage...you may not want to approach him, he doesn't speak a lick of Basic (English I imagine is the word no longer used to describe english) Just some dead language that, records show, was the base for Grineer language (He speaks Russian)

  3. *Enderius examines the Tenno* "Hmm...I've never seen frames like these..." *He looks to the other two with him and Fae is the first to speak* 

    "I don't like the looks of them, the suits bear signs of being compromised, the virus composing their base components might have mutated."

    *Shyla speaks up next* "Maybe their just new? I mean you guys didn't find me until last week"

    *Enderius considers the two of them before addressing the captain* "I'm afraid if you intended to awaken these Tenno here you must either wait until we subject them to a test or awaken them outside the boundaries of this facility*

  4. "I assure you this is one of the most secure safe havens in all the system for Tenno, a dozen Galleons would fall before this stations defenses. I am Enderius, chief of security on this station and right hand to this Clans master. *He motions to the Valkyr at one side* Beside me is Fae, a lady of many talents, primarily our chief historian, *He motions to a Mirage* and her sister Shyla, head of Kubrow training currently. *The two sisters bow respectfully before Enderius continues* "I understand you have dangerous cargo aboard your vessel. I must examine it to ensure that it does not pose a threat to this station and it's inhabitants"

  5. Will a bleedout indicator, like the ones players have, be coming soon? It's very difficult t be mid firefight and have to constantly worry how my kubrow is doing and where they would be in the heat of battle

  6. This is Captain Endymion Auranos of the 107th Children of The Gold Guard regiment, call-sign "Macbeth". My unit has hijacked a grineer galleon after a successful raid on an infested research site. However our engines and AAFTL engines are damaged and in need of repairs. requesting permission to dock with your establishment and conduct the necessary repairs. We are also holding some very dangerous items on board and would like to relocate them to your dojo for safekeeping while the repairs are done. any costs can be paid upfront.

    *Enderius pulls up a record of this captain and his crew. After being pleased with the results her responds* "We're sending someone to tow you towards our facility. Our technicians can service your ship during your stay. We will however need to examine this  dangerous cargo of yours...standard procedure"

  7. *Enderius barely escaped the fiery grasp of then dying grineer ship, his coat a bit singed but otherwise he wasn't worse for wear. After taking a moment to catch his breath he pulled up his communications contacting his master* "It is done..."

    *The silhouette figure responded* "Are you sure the device can be modified?"


    *Enderius bowed his head* "I'm certain when our technicians get ahold of these blueprints, these...traitors will return to the light of the Lotus"

    *The silhouette nodded* "Good...our lady is simply...concerned for her children, but dare not harm them..."

    "Which is where we come in."

    *There was another silent nod* "Return to the dojo, collect your reward, oh and Enderius..."

    "Yes master?"

    "Lighten up...maybe get a massage" *There was a short chuckle before the image disappeared, leaving Enderius to let out a chilled sigh*

  8. "Ah... Shoot... I have a friend who also needs this" Pyefa said thought a moment walked back to the console and started doing something inserted the blueprint he made a copy of it and took both blueprints projected the hologram of the blueprint on his right hand "Here. I will be on my way to my home after this" Pyefa said as aligned his hand to upload the real blueprint to Frost.

    *Examines the blueprint briefly before nodding and turning towards the exit, the ship near it's explosive end*

  9. As Enderius arrives to command bridge of the ship he sees a man with some kind of bird on his right shoulder helmet mostly vizier but from behind it is armored bird knocked few times on person's helmet "Hmm? What is it?" Person asks as seems to be staring at the bird but vizier color is $#*(@ black so it is difficult to say is he watching the bird. Bird hoots towards Enderius person turns around "Oh... Tenno. I didn't know that you were signed for this ship" Person said but console started peeping.


    "YES!" Person said a loud as picked up blueprint from the console "He chose the right person for this job" Person said as he stared at the blueprint what is projected from his hand. He turns back to Enderius "Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda" he said introducing himself. Person has nice sniper rifle on his back. Might be the way he fights.

    *Enderius stood cross armed* "I need that blueprint" *He says coldly*

  10. "Twisted is coming out here and killing because you can, honor is because you have to kill. You two go, I need to finish -my- objective" Enderius said before quickly turning and sprinting towards the bridge

  11. Rolling about the floor giggling, Miranda bumps ((literally)) into Enderius. "Oh, hey buddy! What're you doing here?" Suddenly, Miranda recalled Enderius' position as a guard of the Dojo, and that he may have potential ties to the Lotus. She hopped to her feet, leaping off of walls and objects as needed. She pointed her pistol at the Frost. In a far more serious tone she asked, "Why are you here?"

    "Keeping the balance" *He said coldly before sending a frozen bolt at what seems to be right at her, but it goes past and strikes a bombard that was about to open fire. He walks past her, bumping shoulders before walking up to his new icy statute, he lets out a short, yet dark laugh before smashing the frozen grineer to pieces with his backhand. He lifts his hammer over his shoulder and continues towards the bridge, but before entering the next door her turns and shoots a cold piercing gaze at Miranda* "And if you have any sense of honor as a Tenno you'll do the same"

  12. *Enderius mid fight feels the sudden shift, and activates his own set of magnetized boots, s grineer fly to the wall he clothes-lines one or two with his hammer as he begins making his way through the halls towards the bridge*

  13. *Further down the hall from her gun fire is heard, the icy tenno is making quick work of another squad, his fragor bloodied and chunks of frozen grineer lie behind him as he continues his work.*

  14. *Yet another Tenno vessel swoops in admits the chaos, unseen by it's powerful stealth field. It carefully hovers over a ventilation shaft and a single Tenno leaps the short gap of space into the vents. As they sneak through they find where the cannons are firing upon the other teams ship. He leaps out of the vents, his Fragor hammer in hand as he lands upon a Grineer smashing them open like a melon. The rest of the grineer are alerted to the less than stealth presence and open fire. A quick wave of the Tennos hand and a ball of ice surrounds him protecting him from the fire. He smashes the ground sending a icicles towards his targets, some dodge, others are quickly impaled. Quickly the Tenno charges out and begins swinging his hammer sending Grineer scattering for cover, only for them to be caught under an avalanche of ice and snow, the sound of the cannons on auto fire being the only one left, he calmly hacks their consoles and turns their fire on Miranda's pursuers before he turns and starts making his way down the ships halls, hoping to gather more attention away from his allies*

  15. A purple and black Oberon approached the customs desk, checking in weapons and materials. "Permission to enter?" His voice was cold and unfeeling.

    * The desk clerk was a little taken back by the imposing figure, enough to run a background check on him* Name?

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