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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. One Loki fell to the groung paralyzed by the poison but the other one aimed it's Karak. "I wish we would've thought of a better intro..." The Loki said to itself.

    "Stand down!" *Enderius shouted, as the Sentinels surrounded him, ready to unleash a barrage of paralytic bolts. A large Kubrow stands beside Miranda, both keeping her safe and keeping her secured so she doesn't run*

  2. *Fae stands her ground as another spike comes at her. As Bengal came closer, Fae quickly ducked out of the spikes way, while Shyla had snuck around and delivers a quick double drop kick to the spider-womans back sending her careening back towards Fae, they way the two fought together was almost natural, Fae quickly drives her claws deep into Bengals shoulders and attempts to keep her pinned, if she strugges Fae would deliver devastating headbutts*


    The two Lokis ran in aiming their Karaks. "IN THE NAME OF JRUKULIA STOP!"

    *Enderius turned quickly, aiming his Boltor at the two Loki's* "Stand down!" He shouted, having quite enough of the violence

  3. *Suddenly sticky nano-tech webs form around everyone, attempting to ensnare them as Endymion looks in horror at an awakened Arachne*


    ((sorry about all the fight scenes im causing))

    ((You're not gonna react to the bone breaking punch to the face?))

  4. Suddenly Bengal burst from the cryopod, immediately tearing through 2 sentinels and impaling a kurbrow. Letting out a primal roar he then tried to tackle shyla.  

    *Shyla, engraged by the injury to her pets pulls out her akmagnus and as this creature charges her they would phase right through the illusion set up by the Mirage, and then are quickly met with a bone breaking punch from an equally enraged Valkyr. While the three are fighting Enderius turns towards the other two and gives the signal for his forces to begin apprehending everyone not of the staff, in other words Sentinels firing paralyzing bolts and Kubrow going to pin them down*

  5. *Just as things are about to take a drastic turn, half a dozen sentinels, Kubrow, Enderius Fae and Shyla bust into the cargo room weapons drawn and teeth bared* "Nobody move!" *Enderius shouts, his boltor out, Shyla with her Akmagnus, and Fae preferring just to use her claws*

  6. *Enderius, being so left behind lets out a tired and another annoyed sigh before pulling up his personal access to the PA system* "Attention, all Sentinels and staff, there's a fugitive hidden in the Dojo, all able bodied members are required to preform a full sweep of the entirety of the Dojo and report back to me. This includes private rooms, ships and he ventilation system"

  7. ((sorry, ill try to remedy that))


    Ceaser crawled further down the vent, picking off a piece of shrapnel from his shoulder pad, a souvenir from when he was forced to use the untested Emergency Rift System, which teleported him into the sanctuary's air vents. "Phase 2, Engage," He said, his warframe now out of the cloak his shade had provided.  

    ((Again anti-cloak tech, it's on the very first post, mostly to prevent peaking or in this case assassinations for some reason. And again I wanna point out this is really meant to be a social setting rp, not a grand quest to kill or capture so and such. I mean I get you guys wanna have these interesting stories and that's all well and good, but the way everythings laid out makes it difficult to respond to everything going on, and even more makes it a tad confusing to tell who's doing what.))

  8. Ceaser crawls through the air vents of the hotel, having snuck in via cloaked eject pod. Wiretaps on the security systems tell him that his target will arrive soon. Ceaser pulls out his snipetron vandal, modded with noise cancelling mods. He takes careful aim at the hallway entrance, finger on the trigger. Moments later the door opens and a frost runs down the hallway. right in Ceaser's line of sight. "One shot, One kill," Ceaser mutters before pulling the trigger

    ((The place has sensors for this sort of thing...it's a sanctuary so if they don't have the best defensive tools they'd look pretty silly. Meaning your pod wouldn't get by unshot))

  9. Spade contemplated for a moment. The, from nowhere, he pushed Enderius in the chest. "Get out of my way, fool. This is not your purpose."


    He walked past the other Frost and Loki's dispassionately.

    "Bastard" *He says to himself before following behind him towards Miranda and the others*

  10. Ceaser piloted his Liset towards the dojo, popping out of stealth. His ship followed an orangy-grey color scheme as opposed to the blue-ish grey color scheme of the normal Lisets. Additionally, as per standard procedure, he had replaced the lotus symbols on the ship with two crossed sets of wolverine claws. "This is Ceaser of the 12th patrol brigade. Requesting permission to dock." 

    *A background check is run on Ceaser before he is permitted to land, if everything checks out he is given the okay....if not he will be denied, and if they find something they really don't like they'll open fire*

  11. *Enderius examines the badge, and never being one to leave things to chance* "Wait one moment." *He contacted the corresponding number to check it's validity to the Lotus. He returns moments later to Spade's ship* "Come on...there's a criminal to catch" *Enderius said simply before drawing his boltor* "She's on my station and is just as much my responsibility"

  12. When Endymion exited the steam baths, his armor and arsenal in his new room, he felt significantly more relaxed than usual. Dressed in a casual grey T-shirt and blue shorts with flip-flops, the only thing that could identify him as a military man was the red military beret on his buzz-cut brown hair. He walked around a meditation garden, taking in the smells of cherry blossoms in bloom and the sounds of the running brook. Spying a Wyrm sentinel with the signature purple sun, he walked over to it before asking "Could you direct me to the secure storage area? I have cargo there and I would like to check on it."


    ((Are we allowed to have more than 1 character at a time?))

    ((Yes you are))

    *The wyrm beeps and boops as it leads him to the storage area*

  13. ((My apologies for the confusion if there was any, but spade is in his Liset which is currently parked in the Dojo's hangar. He just uses it as a living space and armory as Miranda does. Apologies.))


    Spade nodded. "I had been trying to apprehend an enemy of the Lotus when a bystander interfered. I tried my hardest not to harm her as she technically was an innocent. Any damage caused to the environment is entirely due to either my target or the bystander. I have no quarrel with you, now I'd advise you to leave as I prepare to set out again."

    "Not that simple brother. You gave me no indication that what you speak is truth, not only that, you destroyed private property and must pay for it. For all I know you just came here to cause trouble and ruin the atmosphere of this relaxation area"

  14. ((I imagine that because Spade has legal authority there would be no interference))


    Miranda pounded on the door again. "Crimson... are you in there..."





    Spade sat in his Liset polishing his weapons. He silently cursed himself for failing, but maintain his neutral demeanor whilst preparing for the next encounter.

    ((How so exactly? I might've missed or not remember why))

  15. ((I'm p*ssing off for the night so that when I get back everyone else has had time to get around to replying to this chaos. Good night.))

    ((Was this all in the dojo? Cuz security would've been on you before it really escalated))

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