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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. *Elith is already taking Miranda to the Medbay, (She's a trinity btw). Sh does her best to keep Miranda stable as they arrive. It's clear she's lost alot of blood and the best thing Elith can do right now is try to close her wounds. She claps her hands as a swarm of sentinels begin assisting, removing parts of Miranda's frame, allowing Elith to channel her healing energies into her wounds, a process that is more delicate than it sounds, as her wounds are deep and various.*

    *Meanwhile the rest of the crew are doing what they can to fix the damages to the Dojo during the fight and keeping it's other occupants calm. All except Enderius who remains as he witnesses the disintegration of Spade*

  2. ((I edited my post because ninjas. Please acknowledge.))

    ((Acknowledged, stand by for asskicking)

    *The staff would not let this down easily, they only nodded quickly before mobilizing. Fae acted first, tossing her ripcord, catching Spade right in the shoulder and yanking hard, pulling him back towards her. Once in range she gave him a devastating punch, sending him flying towards Enderius who conjured his snow globe, as Spade entered it he would be moving critically slow, allowing Enderius plenty of time to strike Spade in the torso with his mighty hammer, sending him careening towards Shyla and her entourage of clones, all equipped with a set of Kogake, she quickly slid towards the oncoming tenno and gave a powerful kick upwards sending him airborne. Where Fae launched herself up via ripcord and gave one last powerful double fisted slam into Spade mask before sending him terminal velocity into the ground, creating a major crater in the steel floor*

  3. Spade felt the pitter patter of bullets dancing off of his shields, and then two true forces hitting him. He heard Miranda release a garbled scream. He dropped her. When he turned, he saw the Loki attempting to kick him. "Fool..." He sidestepped out of

    The way, "I thought you would have learned by now..." He pushed Crimson away from him, "you should never engage me in hand to hand combat!" He raised his hand and lowered it with the force of all of his accumulated anger, exploding several bouncing orbs from Crimson's chest. He dragged Miranda by the arm to the door of his ship, which began to open.

    Edit: ((god damn ninjas everywhere...))

    ((Gotta hit Elith, the trinity now too cuz she's running off with Miranda))

  4. Black. Black. Why can't I see?

    You have failed me. You are undeserving of sight.

    Please, you have never forsaken me like this before! Please, forgive me!

    Prove your worth and you shall see again.

    Spade awoke to find himself midair, and soon landed against a support pillar. He stood. "I will not fail you," he said softly before raising his arms. Indiscriminately, all were raised in purple spheres, hovered for just a moment, and then brought to the earth with the weight of all their sin. "No one escapes judgement, Rosaline. No one escapes the inevitable. No one escapes me." He ignited the ground beneath Miranda so as to scare away the medics, and approached her, lifting her up as he ran towards his ship.

    Miranda went up. Then she went down. The impact was bone breaking, and her back went white hot with pain. She coughed up blood within her helmet, obstructing her breath and her vision alike. She only could make out one form as it approached her. Spade ripped the Skana from her shoulder and started again towards his ship. From the little she could see, he was almost there. Miranda's vision began to lose colour as her oxygen levels depleted.

    *Elith was not so easily scared. She channeled her frame's energy to bless her comrades, allowing them to take a majority of the Oberons mighty blow, even Miranda was not as hurt as bad. She picked up Miranda quickly and began to try and move her from the warzone of a grand hall they were in. As she flees she Enderius enters the same door she exits, and as they pass he turns quickly freezing the door solid so that pursuit would be much more difficult. No longer distracted with protection, Shyla calls upon her clones, all equipped with Akmagnus and aims at Spade. Enderius pulls out his Fragor hammer and readies for combat* "Last chance! Stand down and you will be spared!"

  5. Endymion once leaned against the wall as the others brawled around him, when he reached for his clip of kunai only to find it was empty, he grit his teeth and swung his cane at Crimson, before yelling at shyla "Pass me a gun!"

    *Shyla nods as she tosses over a Lex to Endymion. Meanwhile Fae continues her assault, more focused on Spade, but her wide swings still go near Crimson*

  6. *Amidst the Chaos of the fighting, Elith, Shyla and Fae rush to Miranda, Elith being the healer begins trying to heal Miranda as Shyla covers her. Fae however is not so content to stay behind. Her energy flares outward in a vicious battle cry as her claws extend. She charges forward towards Spade and Crimson, slashing and kicking at insane speeds, uncaring of who she hits*

  7. Rael stands in her Scrambler, lounging back with the engines on as the ship readies for take off, it lifts off about to leave the dojo as the alarm flicks on and the blast doors close in front of her ship.

    "What the hell???"

    She pulls hard back on her ship before it hits, just managing to scrap hard against it.

    "Somebody's going to get hell for this!"

    Rael lands her ship and throws on a grey tattered cloak and sets off for the Security office, unknowing of the events within.

    She steps towards the office seeing many of the Tenno group about. She steps up to a Vauban and taps his arm with the back of her hand. "Hey, big guy, what's goin' on?"

    ((*Snickers* Ohh goody))

    *The Vauban turns around and starts shouting, the two would still be in the hangar* "Ty durak ubiystvo nakhoditsya na svobode!" * He points to the image of Spade from the secuirty footage projected onto the wall with a big target around his head saying 'dead or alive'.*

  8. ((Or not.))


    Spade flew into the air, and as he first felt the pull from his back he started a single thought. I failed you. Then pain, agony, bone-crushing destruction. His limbs, torn, his bones, turned to powder. The death was quick, and when the vortex was over, only scraps of metal and droplets of blood fell. Except for one, small item. A data carrier ((future flash drive)) encased in a diamond cube, untouched due to it's superior integrity.


    Miranda saw blurs of black, white, and grey. She felt the blood on her face and managed a final expression, capturing all that she was in a single frame of identity.


    A smile, mischievous yet somehow at the same time sincere, crept across her reddened, broken face as Miranda stopped breathing.

    ((If you really wanna wait I'll undo that))

  9. ((By the way for anybody who's read Miranda's bio, yes, the bleeding was done on purpose.))

    *For his size and reacts surprisingly fast, throwing down a bounce pad launching him over the blade and as he lands he comes down on the low to the ground Spade, using all his weight to kick down on Spades body. He then grabs Miranda and uses his free hand to stick two orbs onto spade's body, one bounce that activates immediately separating him from Miranda, and another on a delayed charge, a swirling vortex of energy that crushes down on every part of spades body, the magnetic forces alone distorting and decimating his warframes systems*

  10. As Spade found himself airborne, his grip on Miranda failed him. She flew from his arms, and due to the nature of her warframe continued up several meters. Soon however, she had to go down. She attempted to manipulate the wind to her advantage, however, only a stifled breeze came forth. She fell. The impact was bloody, liquid life splattering across the polished floor as she impacted. When she opened her bloodshot eyes there he was, standing above her. He picked up Miranda again and continued on his journey. He drew forth his pistol, unloading several expertly placed bullets into the Vauban - not shooting to kill but merely to incapacitate. He entered the hangar.

    ((Gonna wait for Revel to take the shot actually))

  11. *The vauban tucks and rolls out of the flames and tosses another orb at the two. It sticks to Spades chest, and he would feel an amazing amount of force hit him in the chest, sending him flying upward. It was a bounce orb. and with any luck having the wind knocked out of him would cause him to release Miranda at the very least*

  12. *As Spade made his way to the hangar he'd find only a single Tenno waiting for him, a vauban wearing the Espirit helmet, his arms were crossed as he shouts* "Stoyat' ugolovnoye penu!" As Spade would take one more step inward he'd find himself floating in mid air from one of many of the Vauban traps and the sound of a dozen tesla coils priming, ready to fire*

  13. *Ederius sounds the alarm from his device, all the tenno, sentinels and kubrow on staff begin grabbing their weapons and mobilizing. Images from the security camera pop up all over the Dojo with Spades face and a big target around it that says 'Dead or alive'. Enderius begins his pursuit shortly after tossing freezing bolts at spade as they run through the halls, he however is much slower than Spade.*

  14. Spade paused at the three bullets that hit him, unflinching. He then wheeled around with the speed of a practiced expert, landing a forceful roundhouse kick directly against the chin of the Loki. ((Sorry)) He then turned to the Frost and grinned a cruel smile. "You're disarmed." He then delivered a powerful kick to the abdomen of Enderius before dragging Miranda out of the building and clamping restrictive cuffs back onto her.


    ((My logic strain is that Radial Disarm has a few settings. A: Disarm non-Tenno. B: Disarm anything that isn't me. C: Disarm all the things.))

    ((Enderius is still on the other side of the room, far away from kicking distance))

  15. Spade dropped his shotgun, drawing one of his skana. He took Miranda by the shoulder and while she resisted he forced his grip upon her. "I am taking Rosaline with me. I do not care about your rites or your beliefs, Lotus has requested that I bring her with me and I am to do so." He threw Miranda to her feet and turned for the exit.

    "Unfortunately failure to follow these laws is punishable..." *He quickly turned and pulled his boltor out* "By death, and with the lockdown in effect there is no where for you to run, lest you yourself be considered a wanted criminal for failing to uphold the still legally binding laws of the Tenno"

  16. "No...she doesn't. As right hand to the master of the Violet Suns clan I invoke the Tenno rite of Redemption on Miranda, if she accepts her crimes are my clans responsibility and her punishment is to be alleviated unless otherwise decided by myself or my superiors. This rite can only be overturned by the master of her clan and or her 'owner' and since she lacks either the decision is to be hers and hers alone. If she accepts however her redemption is to be carried out under my command, effectively making her an indefeintly member of the Violet Suns

  17. "What is your name Frost?" Crimson focused his sight on Enderius.

    *His name is shown on his desk on a little plate Enderius, Cheif of Security, Right hand of the Violet Suns clan. The only sort of proof that shows he's not the one in charge*

  18. *Enderius doesn't take her hand he instead stands and opens the shutters in his office so that the best view of the Dojo is seen, the very void of space lies just beyond the now open window and Enderius stands before it stoically* "You know...aside from being a resort...we're also avid archaeologists, digging up every scrap and piece of our history and putting it on display...it turns out that we had much more practices, rites, laws than we do today...Some of them are quite interesting. We even had our own language...imagine that"

  19. Having lost any and all trail on Miranda, Spade contacted Enderius. "I've lost my quarry. Have you any idea where she might be? She wears a slate Zephyr warframe, and I took her helmet from her."

    *Enderius looks up at Miranda before looking back to Spade* "Not a clue, but the station is still on lockdown, she won't be leaving"

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