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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. Miranda stood up, a gust of wind running through the room. "I take help from no one."

    "Really? No one, your friend who kept you from Spade, or your comrades who died facing that demon, they didn't?"

  2. "All three of them." Miranda's voice was empty. "The first one even she admits wasn't my fault. But apparently I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't..." Miranda sighed, "I-I wasn't good enough. So, because I couldn't get myself together in time, my teammates got up without me and got themselves shot."

    *Enderius sighed* "Do you know how many comrades I've failed to defend from that monster?...More than I'd like to recall. Whatever I did, whenever he showed up, I was the last line to protect my team...hell once he even came for me. The worst part...sometimes he didn't even need to finish the job right then and there...I've said goodbye to brothers and sisters who took their own lives because of the nightmares they had because of him. It is a hell I would never wish upon someone else...And every Tenno knows this. I'm sure, no positive, the Lotus knows this as well.

    Where am I going with this? I don't think the Lotus took away your ability to go out because she thought you were too weak...She was scared for you. She wanted to ensure you were safe...that you never had to witness that living nightmare again. You don't need to be chased like some sort of criminal...you need help" *Enderius tone had completely changed, almost like he was a different person from the cold calculating Tenno he normal was seen as*

  3. ((Check your PMs Soundwave))

    *Enderius reads through her profile, and instead of looks of anger or anything like that he has looks of confusion on his face* "Your team mate fell...so as punishment your license was taken away?...None of that makes sense to me"

  4. "I don't remember him saying anything about my being a criminal, but he may have, I don't know." Miranda paused, and sighed. "He knows my name."

    *Enderius turned around and sat at his desk, pulling up several holographic monitors, on two he began two separate searches for the criminal status of both Spade and Miranda*

  5. "He was in my ship. He shot me. Cuffed me. When a friend of mine tried to protect me he threw her away. It's only because of her I ran away. I went to the hotel, Crimson helped me get the cuffs off. Then I ran, picked up this snazzy new helmet and some guns. I wandered for a bit, ended up here. Then what's-his-face that was getting funky with the spider b*tch tried to kill me. That's all I know."

    "So you don't know why he's chasing you, but he assaulted you, claiming you were a criminal, and attempted to apprehend you"

  6. Miranda cocked her head. "Spade? Ooooh, you mean that Oberon? I don't know why he wants me. All I know is that he hurt my friend, and he hurt me. I am not going with him."

    "Tell me what happened then...nothing left out"

  7. "I understand..." Sapphire said with her hands on her hips.

    *Enderius nods and undoes the restraints* "Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience" *Enderius says, stoically before letting her out and turning his attention to Miranda* "Now...what to do with you"

  8. "Fine, but if you haven't noticed I'm still bleeding," Endymion said, standing upright even with his wounds which soaked his clothing in red. The two holes in shoulder and stomach were still bleeding, as well as the kubrow bite on his leg. He picked up the unconscious form of Cassandra bridal style and carried the broken Bengal, forgotten as the fight progressed, in the crook of his arm, wincing as his stab wounds, which were healing much faster than normal thanks to a small stem-cell based HP restore pack he held in reserve. "I may visit again someday," he called back to Enderius. "I just hope It'll be on better terms next time." before walking out of the destroyed cargo bay.  

    *Enderius sighs and nods, knowing the ships repairs should be done and that'll be one less problem for him to deal with. He makes his way to Security where Fae is keeping a close eye on everyone they apprehended.* "Alright first things first...You" *He says pointing to Sapphire* "I'm going to ask this only once, that you don't interfere with security on this station, if there is a problem we will handle it. Got it?"

  9. ((Hey that's fine, im a bit new to creative writing and I can take all the feedback I can get. But if anyone insults or has a problem with my writing that leads to them insulting me, they can take it up with my complaint department *spawns in 300 Lephantises*)) 

    ((Oh so 300 *@##$es XD))

  10. Cassandra was free. It was gone, that thing that had taken over her mind, made her do things. Horrible things. She had nearly given up hope when It stabbed Endymion. But then he kissed her. He had chased it away, only for a moment, but it was enough for Cassandra to get free from its hold. The last thing she remembered was her Endy holding her tight.

    *Enderius stands over the two, boltor still in hand* "If you two are finished..." *He slowly raises his boltor at them* "You're getting out of my Dojo"

  11. "You attempted to interfere with security" *Fae said simply*

    "In other words you tried to get in the way of Enderius" *Shya said, her attention still on her Kubrow. Which she turns to the medbay to help her Kubrow while Fae continues the escort alone*

  12. Miranda walked compliantly with the escorts, though she cautiously observed her surroundings.


    ((BTW soundwave, due to his direct association with the Lotus and assorted police/government forces you can contact Spade if/when you see fit))

    ((I have something in mind for all of this so I'd ask that right now we wait until everythings calmed down with crazy spider lady))

  13. "What's happening?"

    "We're taking you to our security room until otherwise" *Shyla said*


    (I don't know what the heck is going on there but jeez that Frost what I helped is seriously butthurt) Pilot thought as he is still hanging on the corner of hangar and looking the situation through his sniper rifles scope. (I wonder how they haven't still noticed my ship) Pilot thought.

    *While this has been some Sentinels have come up to your ship and asked that you remain inside until further notice*

  14. (I don't know what the heck is going on there but jeez that Frost what I helped is seriously butthurt) Pilot thought as he is still hanging on the corner of hangar and looking the situation through his sniper rifles scope. (I wonder how they haven't still noticed my ship) Pilot thought.

    ((The situation is actually in a 'secure' cargo room)

  15. Endymion shoots and destroys a Helios, before running and spin-kicking Fae away from Arachne. He grabs hold of the bleeding woman, only to be stabbed in the stomach by one of her flailing legs. "Damn it! Cassie! It's me! ITS ENDY!" He removes Arachne's helmet, revealing long waist length black hair and a set of red irises. Fighting through the pain he tries shaking her, even as a kubrow bites him in the leg while Arachne impales him in the  shoulder. Screaming in  pain he decides to do something crazy and kisses Arachne right on the lips.


    ((Yes I just added romance))

    *Shyla and Fae recover and take a moment to try and understand what they are seeing. Enderius is dead silent as he takes a moment to weigh his options. One one hand his patience has worn thin and is seriously contemplating killing everyone in the room. But his honorable and logical half is telling him something much different.* "Fae Shyla, escort these three out of here, no one leaves this dojo without my say *He says motioning to the Loki's and Miranda. The two are a bit wary at first but do as they are told and guide the three Tenno out. The Sentinels and Kubrow follow suit, the one that was impaled earlier, miraculously survived as Shyla carefully brings carries it to safety* "It's okay girl" *She coos to the injured Kubrow before the doors shut behind them.* 

    Enderius raises his command pad and seals the door tightly, activating a lock down of the entire Dojo, no one leaves or enters. He approaches the two embraced Tenno*

    "Really...right now for this?"

  16. As a Helios sentinel approached Miranda, she stood up in protest. "Ok now, really? No. Not down with this. I'll go with you, but this," she pointed to the sentinel, "is not happening." Her tone had no sense of alarm or fear in it, merely annoyance. "Hell, if you want even get one of those evil poison sentinel f*ckers on me, but THIS," she gestured once again to the Helios, "no."

    *Enderius, having just enough of these demands turns to the loki* "No." *He says quickly before turning to Miranda and pointing his boltor right at her head* "You only get two choices, comply, or resist...guess which one gets a round through your skull" *He said coldly, there was no sign of mercy in his voice, nor in any of his actions.*

  17. *Enderius makes another hand signal, Helios sentinels go around handcuffing everyone who isn't apart of the staff that's in the room. Those who submit find their frame's energy and shields drained completely.*

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