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Everything posted by DarknessGrima

  1. change divine retribution reduced 14m still doesn't feel great make like 10m or less not going to lie it changed very little in my almost max range of 265 build previous nerf made my build 27 range now this update made it 37.1m still not bloody great
  2. Fix divine retribution 50% range decrease killed the augment that was way over the bloody top now its a TRASH augment
  3. Fix divine retribution 50% range decrease killed the augment was way over the bloody top now its a TRASH augment
  4. Fix divine retribution 50% range decrease killed the augment that was way over the bloody top now its a TRASH augment
  5. DE definitely handle it pretty bad about range I feel like Gordon Ramsay whispering about 50% range decrease in DE ear to tell them #*!% off
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