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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. 2 hours ago, Eisdschungel said:

    Already happened. You can find minmaxed zaw builds for pretty much every weapon class on the internet.  Giving People the Choice to adapt their weapon to their own playstyle would just widen the zaw meta. The ideal powercreeps are already well know

    A calculator does not equate actual gameplay. It's not only stats that players often misread, there are also stances, general feel of the weapon type...etc.

    I'd like the possibility to switch parts, but there should be a cost for switching around or some kind of a lock in mechanic so this could be controlled. Because it's first this, then different "loadouts" for zaws, followed by the death of the rest of the melee weapons.


  2. 14 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

    I agree, it would make the system much more interesting and fun.

    I would definetly buy and build all parts there are if i could switch them out.

    It would be fine ofc if there is some minor cost associated with switching a part.


    Edit: I still havent build all Zaws from Hok because i dont bother, and the weird feeling that you can "make mistakes" and waste a lot of time and ressources is annoying. And the best thing about this, for hte most part, you have to gild the weapon first and maybe put at least 1 or 2 forma in it to really see if it performs like you wanted it to perform. If not, well your bad, grind all the ressources and the standing again, gild a weapon again, put forma in it again and pray that it does what you want it to do that time. 


    Edit2: Its not even about crafting the best weapon possible sometimes, but even if i want to build just a fun weapon, thats a huge time investment. And if i end up thinking "no, if only i did use a different link this would be performing like i imagined" and only have to switch 1 part, i am not gonna do that (i have done that one one zaw btw). I would farm the stuff for that 1 part i need for sure, but when you need lots of fish, gems or alloys, standing, time for gilding and so on....naaah.

    While I agree with all of this, making the parts interchangeable will run the risk of turning all other melee weapons obsolete.

    Perhaps a testing before gilding could be a way.

  3. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    stat wise are not really any better then a primed and formad melee weapon on ones warframe.  So can someone explain to me why one should grind and craft a zaw?  Wont it function the same or worse then my normal melee weapons? 

    Simple answer, because some zaws stat wise are actually extremely better than the best non-modular melee and are the best options for a maximized CO or BR build.

  4. Well... you may have two obvious options, but Zenistar is gimmicky and you're not going to have an actual melee weapon.

    Paracesis is one of the better melee weapons. But, for a lot less grind you can get a lot better melee in the form of a zaw.

    Ultimately, your choise of melee weapon doesn't matter much as long as it can support a CO (over 20% status), BR (over 15% crit) or hybrid build and has some range and decent speed.

  5. 1 hour ago, DerGreif2 said:

    Ok I give you that one. The relics are indeed a reason but I as an example got Nova prime (full set) just from randomly doing fissure missions. I think you get them more often if you just do fissure missions and grab what you want.


    It is also rewarding exploring caves, sneaking around, climb mountains and get minerals from around the globe. The missions are pretty boring if you played since the beginning. Better than PoE but still. And btw you dont even need to mine. Since 5 days I just go to ticker and throw in my resources and BAM that it. Thats my standing. I will reach max fortuna rank in the next one or two days.

    I'm not saying I don't enjoy exploring and such, but just as it has its charm so do the bounties. Also as the poster above reminded me of the mutagen mass, saving me 15 extremely boring minutes as AFK Equinox in Defense.

  6. 36 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

    There are no reasons to to the bounties or am I wrong (after you get all the mods of course but they are bad so...)?

    I can name 4 reasons to do bounties at the moment: A5, S4, N9, B3.

    Bounties should and are full, moreover at least for me, but I take it there are at least 1-2 more people who feel the same, is way more fun and rewarding to kill stuff and gain some reward, than spend an hour playing discount guitar hero for nothing but reputation.

  7. Politely ask them to uninstall, mentioning parents and other relatives you can think of along the way, then finish with polite mentions of their lack of skill in a video game, giving a grade of their worth as a human being based on that.


    Just tell him that his ability is slowing down the mission and (actually) politely ask him to stop using it. Tested 9/10 will understand, 1 doesn't read the chat.

  8. Finally someone who doesn't see a discount caster.

    I do agree with most of what you said, so I'll just give my opinion on the rest.

    Passive: I'd like more damage to her claws, but I doubt this would happen. What I've came to realize is that they deal somewhat lower damage to squishy enemies but do a lot more to tougher ones. E.G. my Valkyr wipes the room in seconds, but takes about 15 to take down a Nox, Garuda takes a bit longer to clear the room, but the Nox dies in 3 sec max, damage reduction and all.

    1. I like the idea of the threshold being affected by strength, I can just see ~300 Strength builds running around with a 100% HP execute 😄  that is probably why it won't happen 😕.

    2. I think it's fine, after all you're not meant to be at 100% hp and the ability heals you based on missing hp, so you're never low and you're never full. + you can spam it like 1 to keep healing.

    4. Amen. But if coupled with your proposed synergies change it would be a pre-nerf saryn level of OP. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    Thats trinity, harrow and revenant for you and this list pretty much excludes some of the fully melee thematic frames like excalibur, ash, atlas and nezha.

    The list wasn't exclusive, Trinity is already considered the best tank by many, where is Harrow's heal and how does Revenant's kit work if you don't build for his abilities?

    You're just nitpicking at this point. Ash is a stealth melee and I was obviously referring to tanky melees, also how is Nezha is a melee frame?

    1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:


    1. Provides inconsistent damage mitgation and requies mods to scale in damage. Charging locks you down and costs absurd amounts of energy.
    2. Blood altar scales off your own hp and locks you down into a small area to get the healing. It also needs los.
    3. Requies 160% efficiency to be worth casting and can still result in suicide.
    4. High utility damage buffer but the cast time is slow and locks you down.

    1. No it isn't inconsistent, if you fail to take advantage that's another thing. It doesn't need a single mod do scale, this is plain wrong. It scales off absorbed damage, but like any ability it benefits from mods. Also you don't need to charge it, it can literally be fired in .5 sec.

    2. And is also spamable and restores 25% of missing hp the second you land, she does benefit from not having 100% hp as well.

    3. No. It's suicide when you build for Volt.

    4. Just because everyone think it should be max charged for some reason doesn't mean it always should.

    1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:


    Well lets see, a gap closer, high hp and armor and an inbuilt melee weapon? Thats atlas, valkyr to some degree titania.


    Point taken for Atlas. But a gap closer is a gap closer, non-melees don't use it.


    1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    The reason why people say that garuda is a caster frame is pretty simple, im sure you have already read it here or somewhere else but if not i can tell you:

    First the dread mirror might come with a sudden finisher attack but otherwise its main point is a directional small size shield what is most effective from far away and a blood missile what is slow to cast therefore for safety you need to do it from far away.

    Second we have a blood altar what is a great healing tool but it needs bot los and you to be in range. This gives the impression that garuda was meant to stay at that circle for the duration of the fight, what is not really what a melee player would do.

    Third ability is a classic blood sacrafice, not part of the caster impresson but also doesnt help the melee impression.

    The last skill is slow to increase coverage, grants damage boost and in combination with the first skills orb its devastating. The problem is that this skill too feels like something what was intented to be used from far away so the charge is both safer and requies less charging for larger coverage.


    So effective at a distance that it staggers enemies in melee. The blood missile is obviously a secondary effect, otherwise you'd cast the missile first, then some sort of mark would allow you to dash.

    The altar actually gives you less benefit the more you stay in it.

    How doesn't it help the passive?

    You're not saying anything relevant to melee about her 4 and rarely need that much coverage. Just because something has range doesn't mean that it has to be used a mile away.

    2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    Because thats the wrong strategy.

    You go in the room and cast dread mirror on the first mook you see. While hes on the ground you convert him into an altar. Since your health is now replenished you cast your sacrafice skill gain energy and then dash away. You mark everything from a safe distance and you either orb them to death or pick out your ignis and make them melt.

    If i wouldnt know what game is this i would say that the whole thing sounds like something out of naruto or something similar, sudden attacks then a ranged finisher.

    By that time anyone else has wiped the room, also the orb is obviously not a spam ability to "orb them to death" and if you havent stacked it, which requires more time, you're barely doing damage.


    I wanted to show alternatives, but you just want to argue and prove your opinion is fact. She obviously feels lacking to you since you're shelving her, yet you deny any view but your own. Those "everyone" you mention that play her as a caster also screech that she lacks....get the hint. 

  10. Mesa with Lanka, everything else was irrelevant. But all of a sudden, there were so many Mesas around, that it's mostly a game of who will do most damage, killing the ships and spamming peacekeepers. Naturally I had the option to be a better man at the end this never ending dispute with pubs.

    But I didn't.

    After much deliberation as to how I can make all those Mesas' life miserable to the furthest extent, the answer came in the new shiny - Garuda with Lanka. At ~100 HP there's a 92% permanent damage increase, allowing me to 2 shot the corpus ships. Naturally 10% of the Mesas don't seem to care, but 90% jump around like mad trying to pop whatever's alive to prove they're "top DMG".

    Am I that petty you ask? Why yes, yes I am.


    2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    She has almost no survivability skills what fit a melee char, shes more like one of those support casters like trinity or nova where you stay out of range to provide the goods.

    I've come to the conclusion, that every truly melee/tank character has tree important aspects: a (self)heal, a way to mitigate damage and the ability to be built only with survivability mods and still excel. That doesn't mean that their abilities don't benefit from mods, but they don't require any to perform adequately, unlike caster abilities, that actually need the buffs in range/damage . Be it because their abilities scale well without mods or because they're mainly utility:  Nidus, Valkyr, Inaros, Wukong (albeit by resurrection)...etc.

    Let's look at Garuda:
    Dread Mirror has both utility and doesn't need mods to scale and is a way to mitigate damage.
    Blood Altar scales off HP and is a healing ability.
    Blood Letting is only utility
    Seeking Talons is also only utility

    If you try to build what I've mentioned above on Mag, not only will she still be relatively fragile, she will also be completely useless outside of using weapons.

    Garuda can still heal, debuff and deal high damage with her abilities.

    I'm not going to discuss whether the skills "fit" a melee character, because WF rarely goes by the books, otherwise you wouldn't have what is essentially an ADC with a 95% damage reduction.


    2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    2 range closing skills wont make you a good melee frame, if that would be the case nova, zephyr and anybody with dash skills would count as such.

    A gap closer is not a mobility ability, please acknowledge the difference. She also has higher HP and armor. That inbuilt melee weapon should ring some bells as well. She is the only character after Ash with a mobility skill that actively engages an enemy, it really blows my mind when people say she's only a caster.

    If you're not comfortable with the frame, it doesn't matter, plenty of others to your liking. But she is a melee frame with caster/support functionality. Building only for her secondary role will not have the effect most desire. I'm not trying to convince you or anything, just trying to explain how she can actually be strong.

    Yesterday I tested her vs 140lv Bombards, no damage immunity, no paused AI, took me ~30 sec to clear the room and didn't even get below 80% hp. The play style feels a lot smoother, when you're weaving Seeking Talons in your melee (a tap is enough to mark everything in front), when the enemy gather, release a Dread Heart that has stored 1000s of damage, leap on a target with Blood Altar, use Blood Letting once or twice, this feels really smooth and works against high level heavy enemies.

    On the opposite side you have a caster with one damage spell, who has to set up her damage or heal spell by going into melee range for a reason that can't be explained, with a slow to cast ultimate and extremely energy hungry, because half of the energy got sucked into Dread Heart while aiming and nobody dares to use Blood Letting out of fear some stray shot will finish the job, then in order to repeat the ordeal, prep time of another 5-10 seconds is required.

  12. Well... There I go with my 5 forma Volt out the window....

    Frankly, I agree there should be gating, 10 Teralyst hunts in under 10 min each or something alike.

    But those suggestions of yours? Damn...

    1. I've been grouped with MR25s who suck and MR10s who could carry, if this is to be a thing it should be MR5-6 or whatever was TWW

    2.  If I had to go like you I'd even ban Rhino, as he is only used by those low to mid tier wana be limb breakers that rarely do anything else. Frame honestly doesn't matter if it's not a healer. If the player can 1-2 shot a limb I don't care if its Nyx.

    3. Guess it wouldn't hurt that much to lock Tridolons, not Terry, behind a short quest requiring you to build any amp, but you're enforcing meta so bad its not funny.

    4. But Why? Where do you draw the line if a weapon's worthy? What about a Vulkar Wraith with or a Snipetron with godly rivens, what about some secondaries?

    5. Easier said than done, I've done it with 2 MR3s and a Trinity that was solely on lure duty in ~20 min, that doesn't quite match your expectation does it?

    I've encounter too many intentional leechers or people who think that they should be getting first hand experience at Tridolons at MR5 with MK weapons to not agree there should be gating, but at this point this has been discussed so many times that I'd rather build a godlike frame and if the team is so useless, as long as they're not 100% intentional leechers I'll hard carry.


  13. 48 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    First of all steel charge is a terrible aura mod are you only use it for extra points?

    Second dont take this as an offense but your build can make pretty much all frames durable. I can apply this set to my mag and call her a melee frame too.

    Garuda has a weaker but aimable variant of volts shield, a decent healing ability what was not designed for a melee frame, literal suicide and finally a damage support skill what is slow to cast even with natural talent.

    I was going to get into detail, but I realised you and a lot of people just lack imagination and view her as only a caster. She has a wow's death knight feel, half caster half melee, better at what you decide.

    If this build outlasts and outdamages mr26 umbras/rhinos..etc. then I cant say she's lacking.


    2 hours ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

    work toward the rewards

    Funny definition of "work" you have there. You're essentially running a tab in the background.

    2 hours ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

    So its okay to reward people with BS just because of a few bad apples.  Jeez this is getting pretty hard to stomach these days.  You punish the whole for the sins of what 300+ tryhards.  I can't stream any of it due to bandwidth limitations so I'm not even a part of it so its like someone is getting my rewards anyways.

    A "few" bad apples? Believe me everyone are leeching to the best of their abilities.

    Apart from that, when the system can be cheesed in so many ways you can't expect 10% drop rates, that would invalidate so much content for a huge portion of the player base and progressive rewards won't help much either. Alternatively if there was a cap of 10 drops and the % of Riven/frame was higher people would still complain for not getting anything and it would be worse for DE's marketing.

    But as I said in an earlier post, there's not a thing DE does recently that isn't met by screeching, naturally people have to also complain about the free stuff they are getting.

    There's this expression, which people need to be reminded of "Don't look a gifted horse in the mouth."

  15. She doesn't live up to her full damage dealing potential of discount Saryn with heals. Her 1 is not that reliable for consistent damage, since it requires quite the buildup and also drains energy unlike anything else in the game. Her 2 with some strength and range is godly, 3 is meh, 4 is the best damage buff you could ask for, coupled with a stun and a minor bleed. She is technically a caster/support pure and simple and a good one.

    Having said that, you'd think that an inbuilt melee weapon and strong comparisons to Valkyr would ring some bells to people, but I'm amazed by the lack of common sense that's been going around on the forums, with people claiming she's a glass cannon or synonyms.

    What about a more melee oriented build?

    With Steel Charge, Power Drift, Adaptation, Gladiator Resolve, Gladiator Aegis, Flow, Umbral modsand Hunter Adrenaline, mine has over 1k armor, 1200 hp and 180% Strenght and infinite energy, along with Guardian and Grace and a Kavaat with Hunter Recovery and Pack leader it's pure and simple overkill on the tanking department, I had forgotten her 2 even exists. It's a glorious kangaroo build in which you spam 1 and melee.

    Her 1 perfectly suits that playstyle, 100% of the time your targets can't damage you and should you feel like it you have a nuke if you charge it. Her 2 is used once per mission tops or to help allies, her 3 if I feel like I want more damage and her 4 on enemies who would live longer than 3 seconds vs the hybrid build CO+BR talons (almost none) or you have a map wide nuker in the team, which you want to enable.

    With this build she keeps roughly 50% of her support potential, but she's a Valkyr with better mobility and an occasional nuke.


  16. 16 minutes ago, German said:

    Oh so you'd be fine with how long it takes to obtain something cause of time gating, as long as you can get it?

    I preffer time gating to RNG.

    "Theoretically" less time means nothing to me when in fact it took me over a month to get Khora and  I've yet to see a Nidus part.

    This method at least provides certainty as opposed to blind hope.

    At the end of the day RNG is time gating of its own but without the "its a matter of time" comforting feeling.

  17. You've made one simple mistake - Tried to form a group in chat.

    You don't need that, you're not doing 4x3 anyway, go with randoms, just make sure to follow these rules so as to not waste your time on failed attempts:


    1. Make sure you have a healer - Healers aren't always mandatory, but if you want to kill all 3 with randoms, then they pretty much are. If you are doing only Terry, then having a healer is entirely optional.

    2. Team frames - There is no real meta, but learn to tell when your team mates don't know anything, an Inaros with melee only or an Ash with Ignis (real examples) are a sure sign that that player doesn't know what to do in or out of operator mode.

    3. Team MR - If below 5 they will be useless, if below 8-9 take with a grain of salt.

    Conclusion - I'm not saying that if any of those conditions aren't met you have to bail, but often times it may be better to do so.


    1. Frame - Despite popular belief Having a high damage frame with a sniper is in fact the least important job in a hunt. Only one person is required for it, if you don't have that setup to a very good almost excellent level, there's no need to focus on that. There are plenty of min-maxed players joining pugs, damage dealers most of them. That is why it's best to go Trinity or Oberon for a start, learn how to handle lures and nothing else will be required of you.

    2. Operator - 223 is the amp you should be going for. Before you get it its best you do mostly Teralyst hunts.

    3. Weapon - If it doesn't shoot down a limb in 2 sec max you may as well not equip one.

    Conclusion - If you're not doing the limb damage and you don't have a solid operator for shield damage, your only option to not only "tag along" is to heal. If you don't want that, then start off with Teralyst only, until you get 223 and some focus. Also Chroma is horrible for pugs, go Volt, Rhino or Harrow if you don't want to be a healer that mutch.

  18. 3 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Actually Umbra felt like quite an achievement for me...mainly cause I didn't get a proper amp until the last part of the quest. Also the whole Sacrifice quest felt like a pretty big deal to me, as much for the story as the gameplay. But obviously thats just me.

    Agree with everything else though. Whatever DE does, there will always be people who complain...

    For me Gara has been the worst grind, so far, in terms of farming resources. Revenant was a pain due to RNG refusing to give me the Neuroptics on bounties. Other than that, can't think of too many frames that have been a real effort to obtain. Had to kill Vor & Lech Kiril quite a few times to finish Frost, but thats been about it.


    I mentioned Umbra, because I still have a fresh memory about someone complaining that him being free and instant felt cheap.

    I've also had similar experiences, did the Europa boss 30 times in a row in one day for Nova was it? To this day I don't have a single Nidus component and I relented and bought Ivara at the end.

    But my main point can be summarized in one short sentence: Why does anyone expect instant reward in a grinding game?

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