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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. If anyone is wondering, this is one of the reasons it is called PC MASTER RACE. Peasants should just accept it and put down the pitchforks and torches.

    Joke aside though, releasing patches monthly is way faster than the alternative.

    If they start sending for certification all the smaller patches and bug fixes:

    Small patch gets sent, 5 days for certification, in that time another patch or bug fix or two is sent for cert, but the first must go through, now you've already lost a few days, then another week for the bug fix, how long before this stacks up. Now imagine that one of those doesn't pass straight away due to reasons. Eventually this method will stack up to years.

    EDIT: Did some looking around, apparently since this May, PS and Xbox have same day certification. In time patches may come more frequently. This still doesn't change the fact that 2-3 certifications weekly would be needed to keep up with PC, not counting the difference in consoles, so even if its 10k a certification about 2 per X-box and twice for PS4, that's about 6 certs a week, 4x a monh, 24, each being 10k (if it is 10k, since more sources point towards 40-50k). How would that still be a viable business model?

  2. Hello,

    I'm not much into Rivens and I've never built a Zaw.

    That said, I got a Plague Kripath Riven with +Toxin, +Fire, +Status Chance a while back, which I can finally use. Obviously even without the riven the strike is good for a status build, so the build should be either CO based or CO+BR I take it. However, i'm left clueless as to what Grip and Link to use. Do I just go full ham on Attack Speed and buff status a bit, the other way around. Spent about 40 minutes fiddling with the zaw builder without any clue what is the most effective combination DPS wise in this case.

    In essence:

    Резултат с изображение за HeLP! meme

  3. What do AFKers do in this game? The main point is to make things explode, if you're not enjoying that you may as well quit.

    They are only annoying for that 1m timer on extraction, couldn't care less.

    Encountered a leach fishing and mining in bounties once or twice though, more annoying was the thought that he was getting more rewards than me for bad behavior, rather than anything else.

  4. It is a good idea, but it should be 15P (maybe for 4 hours). It's easy to get that much just from junk anyway.

    The idea is that it being 10p would be a loss for DE, thus not a feasible solution, hence one that wont be implemented.

    Why? Well I doubt that MOST people get the 3 day boosters and spend 72 hours (slight exaggeration) farming credits/affinity/resources. The time spent will be closer to those 3 hrs, maybe a bit more or less, so most would adjust to the new booster. The outcome will be a loss of 10P, because it will be cheaper to get 3x3hr boosters than a 3 day one. Costing 15P is 5P increase, which while negligible, will be a feasible option for DE, 45P for 3 days, as it would also follow the trend of plat spent per hours of booster.

    After all, sometimes it's reasonable to ask for cheaper "service", but Warframe has a monetization model that doesn't facilitate that need. 

  5. 16 hours ago, SquinkyJunior said:

    As it is, I originally built it around her 3rd ability, so I hadn't thought about putting HoM on there. But it could certainly be used, for sure.

    Well, I really like taking my Phantasma with me into the sortie and beyond, so I put QT and HA along with Gladiator Resolve just so that I wouldn't get instakilled. I also have a lot of Health Restores on me most of the time, that way I don't have to rely on melee and/or my sentinel. It's a good point though, I'll definitely take those ideas into account. Thanks for your opinion! 🙂   

    Haven't done much with Phantasma other than level it to be honest, so I can't judge how Mirage plays that way. In my case I use Arca Plasmor and Twin Gremlins, aim for 100% uptime on HoM and Eclipse and at sortie 3 or ESO 8 she doesn't get hit hard or often enough to warrant anything other than Medi-Ray on a sentinel.

    My Saryn is much tankier and its a lot harder keeping her alive, counting Regenerative Molt.

    One last thing, just to clear up, since its unclear from your original post if you're aware of that, the buff from eclipse depends on light levels and the tooltip always shows maximum value, but doesn't actually grant that value.


  6. Just imagined it...100 people jumping around with Rhino for 30 minutes, all cluster up at the end for that glorious shot from Lenz that takes care of all 100.

    PvP may have a chance, however slim if there are actual servers, more maps and reward other than reputation farm - E.G. put it on the place of the Index.

  7. 5 minutes ago, mflames said:

    Thank you all for the advice.
    SO.. im getting more focus from doing Sanctuary Onslaught, from doing a normal exterminate mission on seda, gives me about 8000 - 11 000 focus. Doing Sanctuary Onslaught gives me about 15 000 - 20 000 focus, however it does take longer than the normal exterminate mission, but yields more rewards, so in terms of efficiency farming when it comes to time, it maybe better to do exterminate.
    When doing Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, i cant remember how much i got, because 1) it took long to find a group to play with, 2) i was dying tons and felt embarrassed playing with elite Tenno's.

    My set up was Equinox Max range & efficiency, i didnt have any tanky mod in, day form maim (4th ability), so i can clear tile set. at round 4 of ESO i had to use night form Sleep aoe just to not get 1 shot, because the enemy levels were ridiculous for me and we lost due to not keeping the onslaught efficient up.


    But after last night farming focus i finally have Energize Dash, so i dont have to worry about energy anymore YEH!

    Please help me with a proper ESO build so i can also get those 100-200k focus farms. Below is my strongest gear so far.

    Equinox - Max range, efficiency.
    Dex Sybaris - Split Chamber, Serration, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Vigilante armaments, Infected Clip, Stormbringer, Empty Slot.
    Atomos - Sure Shot, Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Scorch, Pistol Pestilence, Ruinous Extension.
    Atterax - Pressure Point, Reach, Organ Shatter, Relentless Combination, Gladiator Rush, Blood Rush, Body Count, Drifting Contact

    I do have: Braton Prime, Dread, Hek, Ignis, Lenz, Mara Detron, Mire, Ohma, Orthos Prime, Skiajati, Phatasma, Soma, Guandao, Hirudo, Dex Furis.
    The only prime mod i have is : fever strike. I have almost all warframe ability mods, just not prime ones.

    I dont have: Ivara, Mesa, Ash, Harrow, Gara, Hydriod, Atlas, Mag, Nekros, Nidus, Nova, Oberon, Octivia, Revenant, Saryn, Trinity, Wukong, Zypher. 

    The thing about Equinox in ESO is that you have to always keep running, he can easily top damage over Saryn and Volt, but even if you put some defensive mods he goes down in seconds. If you want to run with him just put in some defense and make sure your space button is welded to your arm.

    If you want to go in ESO calmly, I see you have Inaros, Valkyr and Rhino, build one of them full tank, use only Orthos Prime, no main or secondary needed, build it for crit* and give the resident Saryn a run for her money.

    *Meme strike is broken if you feel like it.

  8. Wouldn't you need Hall of Malevolence in this build, with it your clones will do more damage than you.

    Also, Mirage doesn't seem like a frame that can benefit much from QT and HA, the combo is useful if you have a way to regen health and even if you had life strike on the melee, it's still situational, since by the time you swap and channel you may be dead already. As a frame focused on avoidance, she shouldn't get hit anyway, I'd put intensify and something else instead of those. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Lixon99 said:

    Is there any better frame then him?

    It'd be good if you specified, better at what?

    Inaros is the most reliable tank, because his defenses are not reliant on timers and buffs and nullies heal him if he's stacked his Scarab Swarm, while other tanks will drop. Relies on HP

    Valkyr can be immortal 100% of the time if built for it. Relies on armor (Warcry) or Duration/Efficiency/Power (Hysteria)

    Rhino has a team buff for damage. Relies on his Iron Skin and power Strength.

    Nidus I haven't played but from what I know is more of a CC drain tank, who takes a while to get rolling, not optimal for short missions.

    Those are all tank frames, there is no best as you can see, now if you're looking for something else, that's another thing entirely.


  10. 1 hour ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Of course, the stuff you got was worth what you paid

    I'd argue that a virtual object with 0 real world convertibility could be considered worth anything, there is no real scarcity of the object as well.

    That said, this turns the whole argument that "unlike slots you always win something" upside down, you never win anything.

    At least in the case of direct purchases, like in Warframe, you make an educated decision to give money for the "nothing" you want.

    Loot boxes are not only gambling, but gambling with only a chance to be content that you've won nothing of value.

  11. If any company in specific is insulted because of this joke, then said company is one of those predatory scum that deserve to crash and burn.

    EA are closing in every day on a Chinese mobile app level of micro transactions in AAA priced titles, most are sure to follow, this needs to be ridiculed as much as possible. Along with the annual release of the same game, but different, requiring the same purchases, gaming will slowly become like contemporary movies, the same action/comedy time and time again with different looking things in between.

    Also, comparing inability to cope, for whatever reason, with obvious abuse and gambling?

    A joke like that wouldn't do much in any regard anyway, but if it can make some one smile every once in a while, why not?


  12. 21 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Hmm...nobody's judged me yet.

    I'm only MR7 (about 5k from MR8) and I recently had a go at the first mission of that new sortie trilogy...the one where you're only allowed to use bows. I think Level 40-50 enemies are about my limit really...wouldn't dream of attempting the other two.

    I found it hard going...my abilities didn't last very long, or do nearly as much damage as they do on easier missions. I had to resort to parkour-ing around to stay alive, just getting off opportunistic shots as and when I could. I had by far the lowest scores at the end, but I didn't get any grief from the other players, for being relatively useless.

    I think griefing is less to do with MR than the kind of players you get matched with. If people like to mouth off at other players, they will find any excuse to do so.

    And you can tag along for the other two and you won't hear a thing from anyone. There is only one distinct situation in which people will make a problem out of MR rank - Eidolons

    What would hiding MR accomplish though?

  13. I'm more amazed that some tool decided to make a 1h video of this.

    That's some Nyan Cat level ridiculousness.

    Then again, I saw a kid not so long ago, staring 30 minutes at Burger King's promotional screen so nothing surprises me anymore.

  14. I'd really advise you to look up a guide, most random players wouldn't mind someone who's new to hunting, but would be extremely annoyed and maybe even leave if it's obvious that said person has no clue where he is. E.G. I had an Umbra with Cernos the other day, which caused an MR24 Trin to leave 😕 

    Also, it's not that important to do top damage, what is important is knowing your role. If you can't deal damage (take out a limb in max 2 or 3 hits), get Trinity or Oberon, collect lures and make sure they stay alive, heal them here and there and keep them off the pillars, run with Zenurik and give energy to the team.

    Once you've upgraded your operator with a proper amp and an arcane or two you'd be able to deal more damage to the shields as well.

    Last but probably most important part, yes there are the usual MR25s with Volt or Chroma who 1shot limbs with a godlike Riven, but 50% of the time that 1shot is actually Void Strike or Unairu Wisp with an additional buff (Chroma, Rhino) or shield (Volt).

    TLDR: If you can't do damage go healer -> Teralyst -> Better Amp/Some Focus -> all 3 -> More Focus/Operator Arcanes -> Run whatever you like.



  15. @mflames It's much faster if you run ESO, you'll probably get carried by a Sarin (this does not imply that you should be in full leech mode) and you'll get about 100k in 8 waves, which are about 20 minutes.

    Also, the fastest way to gain focus are Eidolons. You can start doing the Teralyst bounty, if you do it 3-4 times per night you'll get 100-200k, which don't go towards the daily cap. When you gain enough rep with the Quills you can get a better amp and should have some focus nodes unlocked by then, start doing Tridolon and even In public its possible to do 2-3 per night, which will be about half a mil in focus.

    Almost forgot, make sure that you have a lens on both your frame and your weapon and if doing Eidolons read up on the wiki, nobody is overjoyed by the umbra with cernos that deals 1% of the damage.

  16. Considering wisps can be acquired in 3 ways: PoE, Bounties and Quills, it's more than enough. Also after some minor investment Quill rep starts overflowing and the only thing inhibiting players from purchasing thousands of wisps is the daily reputation cap.

    Also, whoever thinks wisps are a grind has never tried to get 60 Sentirum , for me rewarding one from alert will feel like a greater reward than Nitian, which shouldn't also be a thing.

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