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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. Since I got two comebacks that left me in awe in the span of 10 minutes, I got curious about other people's experience in this matter.

    Here are mine:

    1. Index, 90 points in, I'm Inaros with Arca Plasmor, Rhino running around as if he's chanting "in brightest day..."

    Me: Rhino please contribute

    Rhino: Sorry I don't have an Arca Plasmor


    2. PoE bounties, at the second or third, two guys have farming vomvalysts all the time.

    Me: Guys, don't leech.

    One of them: Sorry, I don't have an archwing segment.

    The fourth guy leaves immediately.

    That's not really a comeback, but we managed to take out a tridolon in 12-15 minutes with randoms, at which point the Chroma with Unairu starts flaming me (Volt) for wasting Void Strike charges on limbs, that it is all my fault we aren't going for 3x3 that I am basically the scum of the earth and leaves .

    I run Zenurik in Pub.


  2. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    That better not be a Ugandan Knuckles meme...

    I have no idea what you're insinuating....I happen to be completely unaware of the general direction in which this is going and would like you to point it out.


    24 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Idk how to share screenshots on PS4 so I'll type it.

    CP and Speed drift for aura and exilus.

    Umbral vitality and fiber, Armoured agility and Gladiator resolve for 1.2k HP and 850 armour.

    Stretch for spores, Rage and Regenerative molt as a backup plan just incase.

    For arcanes I'm using R1 guardian and R2 victory because getting headshots with the plasmor is easy.

    Well I see your problem, you really went full tank.

    Here's my AFK Saryn build, the hardest part is managing Miasma not to go on cooldown and not falling asleep. The only time you'll need to use W,S,A or D is when you mismanage Miasma. It doesn't matter if you're solo or not, either everything is stunned or dead. Just refresh Zenurik occasionally.

    CP, Cunning Drift, Fleeting Expertise, Regenerative Molt, Augur Reach, Overextended, Vitality, Stretch, Blind Rage, Flow. Arcanes are Guardian and Grace. As for Weapons, Ignis so spores get popped without much effort.

    I guess you could replace Flow and Vitality for Umbral Vitality and Fiber for some more tankines, but unless the enemy spawns on top of you there's no reason to worry and even then you have Regenerative Molt.

    Truly and AFK build to behold.

  3. Since your options are limited to those 5 frames, I say take your pick, its all the same. Just build the archwing segment in the foundry, the required materials from the launcher are easily obtainable, if you focus farm them for 20 minutes you should have enough to build around 200, which should be more than enough, until the update launches and the launcher becomes with infinite uses.

  4. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    I made her tanky with the intention of soloing, and I sold my R3 guardian in the name of cosmetics so I'm still farming it now lol. As for grace I have just one after almost 50 Hydrolyst caps so yeah, no luck.

    You don't need to be tanky to solo, use evasion tactics, hide in tight corners and apply 1 and 4 appropriately. Saryn doesn't require LoS, if you have enough range you CAN nuke 90% of the not so randomly generated ESO maps.

    Even better, with all that range Spores coupled with Miasma will spread faster than you can say Ebola (to soon?), so new spawns can get affected by old ones dying.

  5. Played solo up until Ceres, up to this point I thought that there was more of a stealth element to the game, so anything like exterminate and spy took no less that 20 minutes to complete, since I believed there is a gain to no alarm being triggered. Even quit some missions when that happened.

    Bought Incubator Power Core with starter plat.

    Bough Ash Prime off the market a few weeks before he was given away for free.

    Ongoing: too lazy to build forma, so I spend about 350p a month just on that. Trying to get Nidus and Harrow the normal way.


  6. I don't know why people are discussing armor types and everything, when the problem is obvious:

    18 hours ago, mflames said:

    So i joined a group for a Eidolon Teralyst Hunt, i have a proper damage corrosive crit fire rate build. And shooting at a Teralyst limb i see all sorts of numbers popping up, and i do see the limp loosing hp slowly.

    That 25% won't make much of a difference. I'm sorry to say, but you are actually not doing much damage. Most damage dealers take out a limb in 2-3 seconds MAX.

    Also, your operator damaging the shield contributes to your damage, if you don't use it or still have mote amp, then that's one more reason you're not doing much damage.

    17 minutes ago, mflames said:

    Does the eidolons limp explode doing damage to the eidolon which gives the player like 10% damage contribution on the result screen or something.

    The damage % is based on damage alone, so the one killing a limb doesn't get a bonus. In fact limb HP resets if another limb is killed, but the damage you dealt counts towards mission results.

    17 minutes ago, mflames said:

    Dixie pistols hit harder and faster than any of other primary weapons (Excluding Dread). is Rubico/Prime the only way for me to go, instead on relying on exhalted Dixie pistols?

    Lanka is an easy option. From my experience it is currently debatable, which is better. Seems most Rubico Primes that outperform the Lanka have a riven, but I cant 100% confirm.


    Not a Titania expert, so I'd advise you to find someone who can help you with an Eidolon build, so you can deal appropriate damage.

    Also, I'd advise you to check out a guide on Eidolon hunting if you haven't.

  7. Worst to play, definitely Nyx. Feels like a crutch to whatever weapon I have equipped and I so wanted to like her.

    Worst to group with - Rhino. 99.99% of Rhinos have picked it because they can't play and have been told that he's good for everything, so not only do they suck, but they think they are "as pro as they come" while doing it.

    Lately, when I see a Rhino in the Index or Eidolons I feel like the game is throwing extra challenge my way.


  8. The only place where this bothers me is ESO, since often the entire mission is spent with 0 energy, it just slows down the game and makes it a bit boring.

    Also, obviously I can spaz about and look for a place with no leeches so I can regen some energy, but that's even less exciting.

  9. - It's good design that challenges the player's build and ability for the content that follows and provides basic tips needed in the future.

    - Also, remember when games were fun, because you had to figure them out, not just follow a step by step tutorial?

    - Isn't it immersive going through the system, trying to find what you need, or are you just trying to speed through?

    - Google on your phone, if you need a guide and switching annoys you.

    - What does the chat system have to do with all of this?

    - These are not boss mechanics and all apart from Valkyr need no tactic and are stat checks. As for her, run when the red circle's there.

    - I would finally like to call for the best, the greatest, the most used, the most cherished advise around the forums...anyone care to elaborate?

  10. Warframe does lack in the space department and 3 archwing tiles don't do much. I'm all in for anything that adds to that, as long as it stays optional so it doesn't hinder the rest of the game.

    Every time I'm on the star chart I remember the old freelancer game, imagining going from relay to relay exchanging resources and fighting space pirates...

  11. Gara is great, but she is no tank. All frames have a damage mitigation ability. Nova can go up to 95% if I recall.

    There are no real "tanks" in Warframe, since there are no ways to focus agro, so it would seem that the standard in Warframe is for the frame to be able to "take it" consistently - sustain (Inaros, Nidus), invulnerability(Rhino, Valkyr)...etc.

    In terms of damage, Gara has the ability to scale better than most, but some tanks scale just as well or better - Nidus, Valkyr, Inaros.

    Also, you should take into account what you play the most. Sure it feels nice to have a build for lv150+, but when will you realistically use it?

    In no way, however, am I trying to say that Gara isn't awesome. She was my second frame and I still enjoy he massive CC and damage potential. Shattered Lash can be hilarious.

  12. A lot of people are ranting a lot regarding fissures, eso, endless modes and other things recently.

    So, going through the forums, this Frankenstein monster, stitched up of different parts, came to mind:

    Cephalon Simaris has been kind enough to offer a new Void Fissure Simulation:

    Starting Level of enemies is SO/ESO level, selected in the same manner as is currently, with the same requirements and rewards

    Efficiency requirement drops faster and resets to 100% each wave, however is now personal, to avoid leeching. Efficiency is also now based on casting, moving and firing, not only kills. 

    Waves drop 5 reactant each, 2 waves for opening a relic

    Void Traces drop at 10/15 for SO/ESO for first opening and add 10/15 for any following opening. E.G. 10/15-20/30-30/45-40/60..etc.

    Void Relics gain an increased chance for an uncommon and rare drop, based on the number of previous relics opened. For each previously opened relic, they gain 2/4% uncommon and 1/2% rare chance increase at the expense of the common drop % for SO/ESO. E.G. the current intact relic : 76% common, 22% uncommon, 2% rare. After one opening the chance would be 73%/24%/3% for SO or 70%/26%/4% for ESO.

    In order to not make original SO/ESO obsolete, no focus orbs spawn in these modes.

    This may work as a half baked solution to an endless mode, provide SO with more options and make the grind for E/SO rewards more bearable.

    Edit: fix efficiency and keep old void fissures


  13. 13 hours ago, MechaEmperor7000 said:

    Dargyns on the plains only count as a "Dargyn kill" when it has a pilot in it and is airborne. 

    There may be different hidden modifiers, but the other day, out of frustrating lack of pilots I tried going for the lone dargyns that spawn here and there. On the ground they didn't count, but getting them up in the air, jumping out of and destroying them mid air did count.

  14. If its that big of a deal for your buddy just promote him to your position.

    If you both want to be equal, create a new account, to which you both have access and make it founding warlord.

    Also in real life two people can register one firm, but also cant travel into deep space to fight sentient buildings.

  15. Резултат с изображение за warframe primed bait

    "balance", for more "strategic gameplay"  is the excuse in most cases, is what's killed a lot of fun games. It's what killed LoL for me.

    If I wanted balance, strategy and careful management I'd be playing chess. What is fun to me is to eradicate scores of helpless victims.

     Bet a lot of people feel the same.

    Also, put CDs and diversity takes a dip, everything will be tanks with 1shot or mass aloe weapons.

  16. Great ideas.

    Expanding on the customization options, I was looking at the Jupiter rework and being able to pick on which planet the dojo is would be awesome. Perhaps also allow us to use the rooms from that planet's tiles. Maybe even add NPC idling about.

    Along with your idea if using archwing outside of dojo, entire colonies could be built.

    I know I'd be thrilled to be able to build my Bespin cloud city.

  17. 11 hours ago, (PS4)Raging_Storm8853 said:

    Atm i have wukong being built, ive seen reviews on him but they're all outdated. 

    So is wukong still good? 

    Flashback to Infinity war, talk between Spider-Man and Starlord "it never was"

    Honestly, this has been my biggest disappointment with Warframe. Since I came from LoL and there Wukong was my main, I was so hell-bent on getting him only to be extremely disappointed.

    He has no passive, his 1 is...there. His 3 is useless, his 4 is worse than any other exalted weapon and most melees. His only saving grace, his 2, requires you to build towards it, forget about using it as a get out of jail card, it has a cast time that feels like ages when swarmed and it drains energy so fast. So you either build for duration and efficiency so you can just press 2 at the start of a mission and forget its there (recast if you keep dying etc.) or you barely get to make good use of it.

    Inaros with an Orthos filled the void, however.

  18. It seems a lot of people in this thread haven't played Inaros at all, to call him "just a tank".

    Passives - Rhino's is pretty much useless. Inaros' sarcophagus is also entirely useless, the passive stats are just there, but the healing shines.

    Defenses - Rhino has active defenses that need some upkeep, Inaros' is mostly passive. Also, nullifiers destroy Rhino.

    Invulnerability - Rhino has a window of invulnerability from both his (1) and (2), which require some management, but keep him active, while Inaros has up to 40 sec invulnerability in his (2), but he must remain stationary for the duration.

    Healing - Rhino has none. Inaros, on the other hand can heal from his passive 20%, (1), (2) and (4).

    CC -  Rhino has a spamable (1) or an extremely reliable, but costly ability (4) , Inaros' is less reliant but spammable (1), single target (2) or borderline useless (3).

    Team utility - Rhino can buff teammates for bonus damage, Inaros can heal teammates through two abilities.

    Rhino can also be used in Eidolons down the road, good for pub runs.

    Inaros is easier to build, he doesn't NEED anything but health, armor and Hunter Adrenaline and is more effective in hijack missions.

    Overall, both Rhino and Inaros are top tier tanks. I'd go with Inaros, however, because he promotes a more active play style, while Rhino is mainly maintaining buffs. 





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