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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. Read up on the wiki how his abilities work.

    You need to use his teleport on a marked target for Ash to join the shadow clones in the assault.

    Stay in stealth as much as possible, his 4's cost is halved and you have a damage multiplier against enemies that are not alerted. His 1 is only good with the augment and against armor heavy enemies, otherwise you're better off slicing through enemies. If you want the teleport to kill the enemy get the augment for it.


  2. 1. Steel charge (aura) Coaction Drift or Enemy Sense (Exilus),Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Negation Swarm, Gladiator Resolve, Gladiator Aegis, Hunter Adrenaline, all maxed. You can replace any one mod but the Umbrals with Adaptation. You do not need both Rage and Hunter Adrenaline, it's overkill and you don't have the energy pool to validate the existence of both mods in your build.

    2. Whoever tells you a healing weapon on Inaros is useful is wasting your time, Inaros has healing coming out of his ENTIRE KIT. No need for more. Depending on play stile either go dagger with Covert Lethality or a zaw if you want faster gameplay. Lesion is good for now if you can't make a zaw.

    3. Desiccation - Spam, if you've gone the dagger+Covert Lethality route, or use when you need to top up hp with a finisher if you're with another weapon

        Devour - If you're having a hard time stunning enemies to heal with Desiccation+finisher hold down the 2 button until HP is maxed, alternatively tap 2 and hope your allies know they can heal from the ability.

       Sandstorm - Whoever tells you this is anything more than an interesting gimmick doesn't know what he's talking about. Unless you specifically enjoy this one, avoid it like the plague.

       Scarab Swarm - Keep it topped up at all times, if you or your allies require healing you can target an enemy and press 4 for some heal over time.


    Inaros is the best passive tank, meaning, he requires the least ability use to take it like a champ. Also his build is pure stat stick, you don't need anything but hp and armor, anything else is added flavor, but not needed. If you really feel like you want to overkill on the healing, instead of Healing Return go with a pet with a hunter recovery/pack leader or a sentinel with Medi-ray.

  3. Problem is that the backlash of changing anything about rivens right now would be insane.

    The only way I see it is for DE to offer a horrible solution to be implemented in 6 months or so, the community to lash out, on a proposed change, instead of lashing out to a given fact, DE offer progressively better solutions, community calms down and eventually agrees to said changes.


    DE: We remove rivens in 6 months

    Community slaughters a goat, drains its blood and starts chanting, mentioning the letters  S, t, e, v, e  in that particular order is considered blasphemy

    DE: Rivens remain, but all will be with 1 disposition

    Community has forgone ancient ritualistic murder and now only burns DE banners, also buys merch to burn it to teach DE a lesson

    DE: All rivens will be with 3 disposition and will replace endo in sorties

    Community grudgingly sharpens its knife, denying to admit to itself it's not gonna use it, secretly enjoying the idea of Aterax with a disposition of 3

    DE: Riven disposition will be reevaluated and will replace endo in sorties

    Community puts the knife away, shrugs and accepts it. Except for those that managed to omit the entire ordeal and bought a 1k plat riven the day before.

  4. I say the opposite, double the spawn rate. Then add more enemy types like Manics, buff them and have them pop often.

    Result: Manics pressure and require focus, the swarming enemy builds up in threat, there's actually tention.


    If you halve enemies but buff their stats, you'll wait two more seconds with Saryn, do 1 more hit with Valkyr...nothing really changes but slowing the pace for some frames. Or perhaps we'd have to use cover, for every enemy? Is this CoD?


    I mean, you're basically asking for a tactical shooter. You can just play R6

  5. They have a high spawn rate, which may not be visible by the 90% of the players  *cough* Rhinos *cough* in arbitrations, but it sure as hell becomes annoying, when I use Volt or Saryn and I take out a drone, only for there to be one more and one more after that and oh... look another just spawned.

    Currently there's no incentive to go with something other than Inaros/Nezha/Valkyr/Nidus/Oberon, or maybe Gara on excavations. I take it this was meant to be the polar opposite of ESO, with nuke frames being less effective, it does that quite well, but was the mode really meant for buff and tank frames only?

    Just to clarify, I don't complain, I'm adjusting to the new mode, but it'd be nice if caster frames were more useful and yes, a Saryn can still top damage, but she's not the only caster frame there, is she?


  6. 17 minutes ago, (XB1)Wazzup bruhhh said:

    Any reason to keep this underwhelming weapon when i already have a better aoe weapon like the amprex and better shotguns like the tigris prime and corinth?

    First time I built it I too was wondering why do everyone claim it's such a good weapon. Kept it because I thought I had missed something. Turned out I did, proper moding and this thing now mows down rooms of sortie 3 enemies in 1-2 hits. Keep it.

    Bonus points for using it with a Mirage. Who needs abilities, when your weapon literally clears everything in front of you in 1 shot.

  7. 14 hours ago, (PS4)dewhiskeys-uk said:

    Seriously, I wish I titled this post as "The reason I'm disappointed about Arbitration is so complicated that you might actually want to read the post before writing any crap like how easy it would be to complete the star chart, or any quit-like thinking"


    Wouldn't have changed a thing. Mainly because there's nothing complicated about your whine.

    Content is spread out to incentivize playing as much of the game as possible. If we can consider, the current end game content is Arbitrations, ESO, Eidolons. Each respectively gated behind Star chart, Warframes and Operators, this looks pretty balanced to me.

    Lock it behind MR? Harder to do than clearing the chart.

    Lock it behind some MR promo type mission? Either would be extremely easy/cheesy or people will complain how impossible it is.

    Your whine, because that's what it is, is as complicated as me screeching about how I have to run defection for Harrow, how I have to do infested salvage for Nidus, how I need rank 2 with Quills for Revenant. I have to complete some quest, which I may not want to for Limbo/Mirage/Titania/Nidus/Umbra...etc.

    But this is a mode you'll say, not a new frame, well what about ESO then, players cant access it straight away. Can't access fissures before some nodes are cleared. Why can't I enter Nightmare mode straight away, but have to clear an entire planet. Also I cant use extractors. Can't do Kuva missions so far into the game, can't do sorties until I complete some quests, why is the Index locked all the way on Neptune and not on Mars...etc.

    I can make the exact same thread about any of the mentioned aspects and it would be just as pointless. In any game with progression there are aspects, which certain players dislike, this is not about to change to cater to the whim of someone specific. Come to think of it, there were complaints about most of these things as well. I imagine if DE decided to listen to every snowflake that believed his enlightened opinion is fact, the game would end up with 1 immortal frame smacking at a dummy.

  8. On ‎2018‎-‎10‎-‎13 at 6:17 PM, DeaHamlet said:

    Since this was introduced, my shortcut for the simaris scanner is acting odd. Most of the time I use the hot key, my gun gets put on my back, but I can't zoom in to scan. It just does a regular little zoom just like my ignis. No scanning. I honestly can't even tell you what fixes it, I keep swapping gun scanner gun scanner until it decides to work. 

    I don't mind the new wheel, but the scanner thing is really annoying. Another bug was at a melee only sortie, where pressing the scanner button sheathed my Galatine...









    ...and equipped Centaur.

  9. Yes, please, MR0 should be able to join Elite Alerts. I miss the experience from Tridolons, where me and a Trinity 2 man it, because an MR0 and MR3 silently watch and won't leave.

    I am sure if there's no gating that there would be no failed runs because of leeching newcomers who die in the first minute.

    I have a better Idea, if they are under MR 5 they can be ressed. So they have a reason to call you names if you don't. Wouldn't that be great.

    MR25 would be a great idea for gating by the way. Much less effort than clearing the star chart.

    Thank god there are no people who don't like farming MR and stay at 14-15 who would say the same as you.

    You are definitely not another whiny kid, you bring up great points.


    It should be gated and it is in a minimal way. I actually appreciate that all nodes matter for progression now. But then again in our age there must be at least one flower triggered by anything new or else it wouldn't be right, would it. Although I'm ok with adding an either/or requirement. Star chart or MR25, lets see what you'd do first.


    One last thing. If you're far enough into the game it should be trivial for you to clear it, semi-afk. I had 17 nodes and it took me a little over an hour to finish them, most were defection and DS. If you actually struggle to clear something on, say, Neptune, solo or not, you don't have a place in the Elite Alerts anyway.



  10. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)InstaFiz said:

    I'm only in the middle of "The New Strange", so I'm not that experienced. If I may ask another quick question: how else do you regen energy besides Energy Siphon? Because I've seen videos of solo players regenerating energy way faster than Energy Siphon can. Sorry for the noob question.

    Not to be an A****** and spoil it for you, but after a few more main quests you'll be able to as well.

  11. 1 hour ago, AlinaBee said:

    This better not be real.

    @DE  dont lock the little new content you add behind arbitrary requirement that is impossible to achieve because of your bugs!


    Wow you really went there?

    Which mission exactly can not be completed because it's so buggy, elaborate please.

    The autistic screeching for having to spend 30 min to an hour to finish the no more than 10 missions required is unneeded.

  12. 5 hours ago, (XB1)InstaFiz said:

    I really appreciate all the responses, guys. I'm gonna go ahead and respond to what's being said in general.

    Yes, parkour helps a lot, but then it's hard to shoot at baddies.

    I love this game a lot, but it's hard for me to play the field with different Warframes.I just don't have the time and patience to gather stuff to make a crap ton of frames. 

    Energy management is hard for me. Yes, I know that Energy Siphon is a thing. I'd love to have that. I'm actively hunting for it.

    And yes, I think I'll finally put that Furis blueprint to use. It's been sitting in my Foundry for ages.


    Above all, I think I might try to go for Rhino and see how I like him. His first ability seems to be a good cc ability, just live Volt's Shock. His second ability is basically a godlike shield, at the same energy cost as Volt's shield. Advantage? He's tankier. 

    I'll report back.

    I don't know how long you've been playing since you don't have Energy Syphon, but once you get improved energy generation you can spam volt's abilities, at that point you can cover yourself in shields in 1-2 seconds. Volt's thing is he's supposed to be either between shields or in constant movement, that's why you have the 2nd ability. For further added effect, increasing duration means longer stuns with his 4.

    Volt is squishy but don't give up on him.


    If you want training wheels mode though, go Rhino.

  13. Since I got two comebacks that left me in awe in the span of 10 minutes, I got curious about other people's experience in this matter.

    Here are mine:

    1. Index, 90 points in, I'm Inaros with Arca Plasmor, Rhino running around as if he's chanting "in brightest day..."

    Me: Rhino please contribute

    Rhino: Sorry I don't have an Arca Plasmor


    2. PoE bounties, at the second or third, two guys have farming vomvalysts all the time.

    Me: Guys, don't leech.

    One of them: Sorry, I don't have an archwing segment.

    The fourth guy leaves immediately.

    That's not really a comeback, but we managed to take out a tridolon in 12-15 minutes with randoms, at which point the Chroma with Unairu starts flaming me (Volt) for wasting Void Strike charges on limbs, that it is all my fault we aren't going for 3x3 that I am basically the scum of the earth and leaves .

    I run Zenurik in Pub.


  14. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    That better not be a Ugandan Knuckles meme...

    I have no idea what you're insinuating....I happen to be completely unaware of the general direction in which this is going and would like you to point it out.


    24 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Idk how to share screenshots on PS4 so I'll type it.

    CP and Speed drift for aura and exilus.

    Umbral vitality and fiber, Armoured agility and Gladiator resolve for 1.2k HP and 850 armour.

    Stretch for spores, Rage and Regenerative molt as a backup plan just incase.

    For arcanes I'm using R1 guardian and R2 victory because getting headshots with the plasmor is easy.

    Well I see your problem, you really went full tank.

    Here's my AFK Saryn build, the hardest part is managing Miasma not to go on cooldown and not falling asleep. The only time you'll need to use W,S,A or D is when you mismanage Miasma. It doesn't matter if you're solo or not, either everything is stunned or dead. Just refresh Zenurik occasionally.

    CP, Cunning Drift, Fleeting Expertise, Regenerative Molt, Augur Reach, Overextended, Vitality, Stretch, Blind Rage, Flow. Arcanes are Guardian and Grace. As for Weapons, Ignis so spores get popped without much effort.

    I guess you could replace Flow and Vitality for Umbral Vitality and Fiber for some more tankines, but unless the enemy spawns on top of you there's no reason to worry and even then you have Regenerative Molt.

    Truly and AFK build to behold.

  15. Since your options are limited to those 5 frames, I say take your pick, its all the same. Just build the archwing segment in the foundry, the required materials from the launcher are easily obtainable, if you focus farm them for 20 minutes you should have enough to build around 200, which should be more than enough, until the update launches and the launcher becomes with infinite uses.

  16. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    I made her tanky with the intention of soloing, and I sold my R3 guardian in the name of cosmetics so I'm still farming it now lol. As for grace I have just one after almost 50 Hydrolyst caps so yeah, no luck.

    You don't need to be tanky to solo, use evasion tactics, hide in tight corners and apply 1 and 4 appropriately. Saryn doesn't require LoS, if you have enough range you CAN nuke 90% of the not so randomly generated ESO maps.

    Even better, with all that range Spores coupled with Miasma will spread faster than you can say Ebola (to soon?), so new spawns can get affected by old ones dying.

  17. Played solo up until Ceres, up to this point I thought that there was more of a stealth element to the game, so anything like exterminate and spy took no less that 20 minutes to complete, since I believed there is a gain to no alarm being triggered. Even quit some missions when that happened.

    Bought Incubator Power Core with starter plat.

    Bough Ash Prime off the market a few weeks before he was given away for free.

    Ongoing: too lazy to build forma, so I spend about 350p a month just on that. Trying to get Nidus and Harrow the normal way.


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