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Posts posted by Numerikuu

  1. On 2021-10-03 at 1:58 PM, Silescere said:

    The thing that still puzzles me is: How could anyone think (no matter in which game) that Autoexposure is a good idea?
    Allow me to share one or two sentences about myself.

    I enjoy going for walks at night. I love the cool, clear air and in the winter the absolute silence aside from my breath and the crunching of snow under my feet. I have good eyesight. All I need to see where I go is the light of the stars. Moon not included. That alone is enough so I can see single blades of grass on a meadow.
    Now, of course my eyes adjust themselves to the darkness and if someone were to shine a flashlight at me, it would A) seriously hurt me and B) make me blind for several minutes afterwards.
    While games emulate the same effect for whatever reason (dark cave and a spotlight in it), they usually do not blind me or even reach the pain intensity of a modern day flashlight because the monitor is forgiving and my room properly lit. I still flinch, squint my eyes and it stings. I'm disoriented ingame because I have to look away and run/fly/fight blind for a couple of seconds. If I ignore those lights for too long and simply grin and bear it, I will have a migraine right the next day. So that isn't exactly an option either.
    It is an absolutely unnecessary implementation of a hurtful RL effect, that adds nothing to a positive player experience.

    Why would anyone think the emulation of intense light shone at one's eyes and the pain and "blindness" is something desireable in a game? Because of RealismTM? Jeez shove it someplace the Treshcone feels home. With all the other games around that don't care, I was always so happy I could go to the menu and switch that abomination off at least in WF. Good old times, eh?


    On 2021-10-05 at 5:36 AM, tipsy_princess said:


    this is bad explosions effect itself. but even in case it get fixed, a next gif is great demonstration of adaptive exposure should be a toggle:


    ^ this is not an explosions problem. this is dead light system issue and goddemit that light equalizing should be a toggle.

    (btw all effects off. all. literally)

    "YoU GuYs ShOuLd JuSt cAliBrAtE YoUr MoNiToRs" comment ^_^

    @DeSteve sunglasses pls.

    Seriously. What the ever loving hell is going on in the decision department when it comes to these 'changes'? I've had several of my friends abandon the game because of the initial ones, but these new changes made them never want to even look in the direction of this game again, lest they end up with splitting migraines and other health issues.

    • Like 5
  2. 29 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:


    There seems to be an issue with the Animations tab in the Arsenal after this update. I'm no longer able to scroll within it without it locking up the UI. I can't Esc or go back or anything, the only way out is to click on my icon up top, or alt-f4. Character sound/jumping noises/running noises also stop working from it.

  3. I know this is nearly a 5 year old thread necro, but I'll never forget this part of the Deadlock Protocol 😂


    Parvos: "Hmm... I have watched you. Monuments to narcissism. Demanding others sweat in your stead. Gorging upon that upon which you have not earned. Watched... as you claimed for yourself my teachings of self-reliance, perverting them into a flaccid philosophy of sloth. Of... Idleness. Is that you, my son?"

    Nef, crapping his pants: "No, that must be a different son."


    • Like 1
  4. Holo-Lotus, hands down. It's a lazy placeholder and makes no sense given the current story timeline. We have all these syndicates and factions, several Cephalons, Nora, and so on that can be used to direct missions.... but nope. I think that's probably one of the reasons I find myself playing Railjack more since the update. Less interaction with Holo-Lotus.

    • Like 2
  5. Hydroid, Inaros, and Loki.

    Hydroid is ruined by the charge times on his abilities. Add on top poor damage scaling and clunky CC/ability hitboxes and he just makes for a very lackluster frame. A shame, because his deluxe looks absolutely awesome. Desperately needs Pablo's midas touch.

    Inaros is a meme frame. People use him for his 'tankiness'. Those same people also think Nyx is awful. I laugh when they die as Inaros to profit-taker while my Nyx carries them. But I digress. All his abilities are boring as all hell, don't scale, are super slow, and just... bad. Same tier as Hydroid in terms of bad imo.

    All Loki has going for him is his invisibility. He's so good at it in fact that the majority of the community seem to have forgotten he exists, let alone was one of the original three starter frames--even DE lol. Needs a complete rework from top to bottom.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2020-07-15 at 10:40 PM, Tynam said:

    Seconding this.  Autoexposure locked is actually a disability / access issue - people with migraine disorders cannot safely use a game where brightness is that unpredictable whenever you turn.

    I've spent the last six months helping my disabled partner recover so she could play again.  She was looking forward to rejoining a clan.  But now that's off - if she tries to play with the locked autoexposure on, she'll be in literal screaming pain within two minutes.

    Which means I'm going to have to stop, because I'd feel like a $&*^ playing a game that's just made itself physically inaccessible for her.

    Coming on the heels of DE's wonderful colour-blind setting, it's an especially nasty blow.

    Please, please, DE - give us back the adaptive exposure toggle.  Some people really, really need it.

    ^This. I have a friend that suffers from light sensitivity issues and gets bad migraines as well. Whatever DE did recently has made this game pretty much unplayable for them.

    • Like 9
  7. After the Safi'Jiiva update for Monster Hunter World, I feel like DE should take a page out of Capcom's book when it comes to augmenting/rolling regarding the Riven system.

    For example, in MHW, if you level up your Safi weapon and do not see any stats you want, you can store that used Dracolite (in Warframe's case, Kuva) to increase 'potential'. Meaning, when you level the weapon up once more (use kuva to do another riven roll) your chances of rolling for better, higher stats increases. The more stored potential, the better the chance.

  8. Arcane Healing. Use it in radiation heavy missions, and you'll never have to worry about being self-proc'd again. Or better yet? Use an Oberon or Titania during a radiation mission. Or hell, even a Hydroid if you have his augment. Procs-b-gone.

    Other than that? Just be aware of it. We already get a graphical and sound notification when we get proc'd. Just don't be a tit and use any aoes if you're under the effect.

  9. Zephyr, followed by Loki. Loki seriously needs a revisit. He hasn't had a proper glowup in... well, ever, and is still very much the same since the game released. He was The Stealth Frame™ back when DE put a lot more emphasis on the stealth mechanic. Those days have looooooooooong since passed, and their vision for stealth never bore fruit.

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I think it was one of the most rewarding events ever in Warframe. We got 2 weapons, 2 cosmetics, 3 badges, access to a bunch of arcanes and a farm for rare shedu parts and intrinsics...and people still complained it was too grindy!

    i challenge anyone to name an event that showered us in more rewards. Plague star comes closest, but still cant compare to practically handing out full arcane sets that previously took years to complete. 

    ^This, and I've been playing since 2013. While the event was pretty meh and started off super rough (the amount of creds you got at first was just awful) in the end it felt like your time spent  grinding defo felt rewarded, if not a tiny bit much lol. Came in to the event super late with only 3 days left, yet despite that I was able to get both wep bps, the simulacrum scene, the ship cosmetics and glyph, and managed to max out a whole bunch of arcanes. Literally no other event has been that generous.

  11. 12 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    I too like to see the fun of other players taken away. Especially if it has zero relevance to my interests personally.

    If DE had pulled the mode for no good reason despite the vast majority liking and playing it? That would have sucked, even if I personally would not have liked it. But since raids were quite literally not being played by 99% of the community, investing time and resources into remaking the mode that only 1% of the player base participated in would be an incredibly foolish move, financially speaking.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    Apparently the two talk...



    Whenever we're not there.

    The Cutest Angry Face - I Can Has Cheezburger?


    7 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    simaris may be involved as you can see the trap from his faction available as a ship decoration item ,  perhaps? 

    I really hope that 'involved' doesn't turn out to be a non-voiced, no video, plainass inbox message.

  13. Loving the sound of Glassmaker. Making Nightwave stories interactable is a really neat idea. Making it an investigatory murder mystery is even more neat. Also Cephalon lore? All the neat.

    What would ruin it for me though is if Ordis and Simaris have absolutely NOTHING to say about it though. Simaris would be THE FIRST ONE TO KNOW about more cephalons entering the weave, and Ordis would hear from Simaris and sense a disturbance as well. Suda too, though she's doing Suda things tbh and wouldn't care as much.

    (Still salty Ordis had zero to say about Cephalon Cy. He'd have been questioning Cy's trustworthiness and stability all throughout the Railjack reconstruction. Come on now, DE >:|)

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