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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. Warframe is a loot Shooter. WTF has Railjack to do with it? Nothing. I wait now a long time for new planets, bosses and such. Nothing. BUT now they wasted 2 years (and more in the future) in Archwing 2.0 that has nothing to do with the core of the game. Why people are pissed? Because they throw out the same thing archwing just with more micro management and a lot more bugs. Yes they will fix it but how long will that take? 1 month? 1 Year? And what will we get in the mean time?

    Why do they even release new prime frames and weapons when we now got another mode where they are usless? I really wished that they would create a new system with missions, planets, and new bosses that also have new items to farm or frame to unlock all together with calssic quests... nope. Now we have waited a long time for archwing 2.0 and the new war that also has the focus of archwing 2.0 will come out in a few months. So when do we get new REAL content?

    That the Lich system was more popular is because it was core gameplay. This stuff here is another minigame... and it is not huge spaciship battles like I thoght. Its simply archwing 1.0 with micromanagemnt and a little bigger enemies...

    • Like 1
  2. Don't pretend that the old system was a lot better. Now with railjack around of the corner it's better to have a flight mode where you know where you are going instead of sometimes needing a full minute to relocate yourself again. The loopings where fun but the other 1000 things that where also possible with the upside down flying where horrific.

  3. 12 hours ago, Voltage said:

    The problem with unifying the community is that while intentions are great, the value of Platinum will mostly break. PC has highly inflated values on Rivens due to discounts, higher player counts, etc. It's hard to bring these other platforms together when updates are staggered and the economy of consoles are separate from each other.

    Oh don't come with the "economy breaks" problem... it's not an argument. The only thing that is really a problem lies on the side of Microsoft, Nintendo and such.

  4. Oberon is a pretty good frame. If you are unhappy with the one use the augment. It's pretty good. And the other abilities are fine and versatile so no he does not need anything.

    What about Nyx?

    Or Valkyrs 1 or 3?

    Or Hydroid?

     That are Frames that need a look at because you play them for one build that is not even that good. Oberon has a lot of builds to choose from and all are viable.

  5. How about spending about 1 mil nano spors for some kind of a nano spor farm that gives you 10.000 spors every 8 hours? I kind of like the ideas of farm and when railjack launches we have enough place for Farms 🙂

  6. We do not need more powercreep so something like primed stretch will hopefully never happen.

    But prime movement and QoL mods? Sure! Animal instinct was a great example for a not broken but useful mod.

    So no mods that enhance damage, elementals, abilities pls.

  7. I think also we should reduce the engery income. However removing all of them is not useful at all. There are good and bad ways to get energy.

    Good ways:

    - Teamwork (Trin, Harrow, Limbo)

    - Mechanics (Deathcubes Mod, Embers 4 Augement)


    Bad ways:

    - Pizza spamming

    - Operator unlimited energy use


    I also just use Zenuric because I love caster Frames but I think we need a little bit of a cap. When I play Trin often times the other teammates don't need me for anything because the can regenerate health, can all tank and have unlimited energy.

    We should be careful with nerfing everything but is this case it could be good if it would be don't right.

  8. If you have trouble building the Railjack you dont play long enough to deal with the Sentients in the new war. MR10 is nothing. In general MR dont proofs anything. How many hours do you played in general? I dont think you are ready for the new war if you think THAT is hard

  9. I r4ached the point where I just think: f it


    1. Drakoon 31%

    2. Twin Stubba 26%

    3. Tonkor 27%

    4. Drakoon 28%

    Current: Tonkor 26%


    I mean what? Can I at least get a weapon that is a small improvement over the last ones? Does it really goes to 60%?


    I mean why should I grind for a weapon hours just to throw it away. Nothing gained and wasted hours. Nope. F this system...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    ...If a game reaches a point where you need to intentionally not have fun to have fun later it is no longer a game, it is a job that you aren't even getting paid for.

    The fact that people are absolutely losing their minds over people not liking the Index grind is more confusing to me than any other general insult that people throw out.

    I have been grinding my credits, I almost have what I need actually, but that will never make Index fun for me, nor does it make the natural credit gain in the rest of the game not pitiful.

    It's not a limited event or weeks of playing required. Just make the index runs and be done with it. I already said when the people that complain here would just do index runs instead they would be done already.

    You will never have a game that 100% is fun all the time. I also dont like aspects but in WF there is no need to grind months while doing something that is not fun. It is a few hours. And we talk about 3 at max without any boosters. And by the way you have a time before we need the Railjack so chill. This thread is just whining that thay have to earn so.ething and will not get it right now with no effort from DE.

    • Like 1
  11. "I dont play index because it's not fun"


    What kind of BS is that? Do you really think farming minerals on the plains is fun for me? Or on fortuna? I hate open world quests and also Eidolons but I dont complain how unfair it is and that the things should be found everywhere.

    You have to earn the Railjack. If you want the most efficient way play index. It's not fun but you get the job done fast. If you dont want to do that play sorties and other missions but it could take a while. You have the choice. Ita not everything 100% enjoyable but the reward is worth it.


    Guys deal with it! My head hurts when I read some of the "reasons" why it is "difficult" to earn 6 mil.

    • Like 1
  12. On 2019-11-27 at 11:15 AM, Vyra said:

    What if i still only have my 2 warframe slots + the one we get from umbra?
    what if i never made any platin by trading  because i never get so lucky to get enough relics to have a chance to get a rare part at all?

    Then you have done something very wrong and it's your fault. When I finished the 2. Dream I had about 15 WF. If you run around with 3 WF you can be still considered a new player and Railjack is NOT and I respect NOT FOR NEW PLAYERS!! Ita simple as that. If people would do the index instead of typing BS reasons in this thread they would be done already. And I am serious. 6m credits is not a lot when you can go to the index. If you dont want to make that investment in Railjack its their problem. Stop protecting players that dont think or want all things without doing anything.

  13. All I hear is a player that had no clue what we was doing and now is angry that he dies here and there? Dude... you dont play many other games do you? WF is one of the most "friendliest" games I have ever played. The lich is the one thing in the complete game that you can not blast through and people whine about it... I think you have to accept that WF is going a different direction now (Lich, Meele rework). Stay and adapt or go. There is not much that will change in this case.

  14. Railjack skip? Do you want also a auto completion for the quests? Because that's what you are ask for.


    It's ok for cosmetics, frames, weapon and things as forma (no Umbral!!) And potatoes. The rest? A big fat nope.


    The market is good as it is. The Kuva lich pack was a bit over the top but that's not a reason to make something ridiculous like the Railjack buyable.


    Dude chill and farm. You have time.

  15. 16 hours ago, Vyra said:

    SO casual players should not enjoy the update?

    Yes and no. Casual players need a lot of time to get there. It's simple as that. For some people it takes a week and for others maybe months. People with more time will have it faster and people with less slower. There is no need to rush things.

    I am glad that the Railjack feels like a reward and not something that DE throws at you.

    People need to deal with the fact that this is content for players that play for a long time or play a lot in general.

  16. The costs for the Railjack are perfect. Not overpriced but also nothing that you could do while sleeping. It's a good middle ground. Some people maybe will take a while to get all of the needed resources but we also have a few months before we can use that thing so:


    Tdl: farm and chill we have time

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