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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. Hello there,


    I love using my Valk P Eternal War setup. My problem is that I dont really know what kind of weapon what kind of mods are useful. In the moment I use a Whip (infested one... dont know the name right now) and it works kind of. I wish this build had more power. You could even tell me what mods you use on your warframe if you want.



  2. vor 4 Minuten schrieb -VV-william:

    you can't build it, and if he can build it he can't equip it afaik

    I ask the question because if you buy the Prime Vault you get as an example the Bolton Prime that needs a MR of 13 but you can use it even if you have a lower MR. I thought it was the same for Frames. But Building it is another thing then... good to know.

  3. Hello,

    one of my friends own all parts of Mirage Prime.

    The Wiki says that Mirage Primes needs MR 8 to be used.

    What does this mean? Can he build it but not equip it? Or is the MR irrelevant when you have all parts to build it?


    Thanks for the Answers already!

  4. vor 14 Stunden schrieb KentuckyKid_69:

    To your questions:


    Yes, Rhino Prime is good, most new players probably use him a lot because of his (2) Iron Skin. Only difference between the normal Rhino and the Prime is more armor (190 > 275), slightly more speed (0.95 > 1.00). And a very good ability in his (3) Roar and his (4) Rhino Stomp. I leave this here in case you want to check him out: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Rhino


    Nyx is very very good if you know how to play her and build her the right way, but not the most popular WF these days and I believe a rework is coming so we will see. I would recommend to try her out and learn her abilities because she can be a ton of fun.


    Yes, if you buy them you can use them. Ankyros Prime doesn't have MR restrictions, the Boltor Prime is for MR13 but since you don't need to build any parts you will get the weapon the moment you buy the pack. Hikou Prime is MR4 and the Scindo Prime also MR4.


    It is worth the money if you don't have anything they are giving you. BUT I find it more fun to farm these things and go for cosmetics if you want Fashionframe. That is up to you if you want to spend this kind of money.

    I hope these answers help you a bit to decide what to do. Last recommendation I would give you, don't rush the game, enjoy it and learn every WF and how to build them for what your play style is.


    Thank you. I think I will buy this pack then. I also want to thank DE for that great game. 50+ hours for me right now and I love it. Thank you for your reply again!

  5. Can someone explain the different status effects to me and also the combinations?

    Here is what I think (as a beginner):


    Poison is just damage over time I think so just useful vs boss enemy.

    Shock is kind of something like a stun maybe.

    Fire is faster damage over time.

    Freeze is a simple slow.


    Freeze+Shock = slow stunned enemys?

    Fire+Shock = AoE effect?


    I dont have a clue...


  6. Hallo,

    I am a new player and played all Missions to get Access to the Mars bridge on earth but can not activate it. I have to do all the missions to get to the bridge I know but I also cant activate the NORMAL Eidelon mission (NOT THE OPEN WORLD THING). I just want to go to mars but I cant do the missions... can someone explain me what I have to do? The open world thing is to hard for me...

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