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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    They do. But that doesn't mean all feedback is a good idea in the bigger picture. Also, there's a limited staff number for all the ideas, including the gazillion of repeated ones, going around in all social media platforms. They're not perfect but they have no ill intent either. 

    Besides many times answering a question means commitment to some, and players get aggressive over it. So DE rather thread carefully and only adress stuff when they are relevant, or when they actually have something concrete to say about them. Then you must consider the "dead-horse" topics, which not only breed toxicity, but have already been answered multiple times and yet, somehow, people refuse to listen.

    They are not random ideas. They are really big problems. Not all feedback is good but most of them are. I would agree when it would be some random things that pop up and then never seen again. But this flowing around for months if not YEARS! So its not fitting at all.We find it everywhere! They HAVE to address it or give us answers.

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  2. How about a "join in" difficulty with the same scaling? So lets say:



    Easy - Join at wave 0

    Medium - Join wave 20 for +25% bosst to all rewards (also endo, credits and relics +1 rarity)

    Hard - Join wave 40 for +50%

    Challenge - Join wave 80 for +100%

    Heroic - Join wave 160 for +200% (max)


    So we would just save time... instead of clearing trash for 40 waves we could just jump in wave 40 and start there

  3. Enemy scaling, rewards, endgame, enemy spawn rates, difficulty and so on. That are not things that are new or something. We talk about this for a long time now. I have the feeling DE knows exactly what players want but refuse to answer the questions that are thrown around for a long time now. Its nothing new and its still a topic. We get this kind of requests every freaking day but do we get answers on dev streams or the forum? No. I dont know why? So many people have given brilliant ideas and nothing is even mentions somewhere. Why should we give feedback if the problems that really need to be addressed are never answered? They ask us what they could do better and the answers are the same every time and sill they just pick up random cosmetic question that is really not important.

    I love DE. I really love the game. I want to make it better and also a lot of other people. please give us the answers we want. If not why even give feedback. Again the list that is constanly ask for and where exist a lot of good ideas:

    1. Enemy scaling

    2. Rewards

    3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

    4. Enemy spawn rates

    5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

    6. a lot more


    Thank you for reading. I really hope that we get answers at Tennocon or the next devstream.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Drivrius said:

    Because that doesn't sound like fun, a fight where I need to be aim gliding all the time...

    And here you see that people have different opinions. A boss where the hole fight is movement based sounds like fun. More fun than the other bossed right now.

    • Like 6
  5. 4 hours ago, -CM-Kinnison said:

    An operation exclusive that only certain clans could get, and a majority of tenno would give out the BP for free.

    Seems Baro is a little scammy to be offering the built for Ducats and credits

    bad move DE

    No its mainly for the switch people now. Most of them dont have the option to get it because a lot of clans are not ready. This is the reason why Baro has it. Its nothing for PC but a lot for Switch Players.

  6. 7 hours ago, moostar95 said:

    the closest we got to that is the  simulacrum. Its the best place I use to measure, compare, and goof around with frame powers.  

    That thing is a weapon test region and not for creating new game modes or balacing Warframes. Simulacrum is nothing like the Workshop. Not even close.

  7. 15 hours ago, Unagi604 said:

    The drop rates seem to be higher on the higher level one as best I can tell.  Parts drops have been about 50/50 for me. Only ran the low level one once though. No part drop from that one.

    Wolf 1: 35% drop chance for the hammer

    Wolf 2: 70% drop chance for the hammer

  8. 3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    I mainly play less OP frames, things more in the middle of the road like Excalibur and Baruuk where you can't press 1 key and wipe a tileset so I'm not entirely aware of how bonkers some frame are. (except for things like Frost who can Snow Globe every 4 seconds and block level 1000 gunfire)

    I think the powercreep (both enemies and players) is out of control and that kinda does lead back to my previous statement about how hard content is stuck in a catch 22 situation for DE.

    It could be possible to have some of the Frames retain some of their power while also making enemies not just ignore abilities, maybe something like flat "Ability Only" DR on certain enemies who more rely on gunfire and melee to defeat, and the inverse can be a design method as well with enemies that take less from gunfire but take more from abilities.

    Enemy design is up there with powercreep when it comes to the game lacking difficulty as well, since things like the Wolf are only piles of ability immune numbers.

    Overall I think asking for hard content is like putting a cart before a horse right now, or maybe more like a tree sapling before a baby horse...

    Agree completely. I would also mark excal OP with his 4 but that aside I also try to play non meta frames. But because the scaling is out of control they just die the hole time if you not extract after 20 min while the other obliterate even after 3 hours...

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Dishinshoryuken said:

    Seriously....what is wrong with the players on here?

    These are fun mods. They aren't made to help 1-hit kill level 500 enemies or trivialize boss battles. They are made to make doing different things in the game most players do not do more viable.

    How can we fit this on our builds....I dunno...make another Frame that you can use for different things? I have 5 Excals, 2 Chroma, 1Chroma P, each of the regular versions still and the Primes as well. (I did mess up and buy another Baruuk thinking each one would get their own kill count area....so much for No Kill Baruuking)

    It's a game where there are no leagues to make real world money off of. It's a game to play and do things that we will never be able to do in the real world. It's a game to customize different ways and test OURSELVES with them. Players only do spin to win yet I never see anyone latch or wall jump since it is easier to press 2 buttons with the cursor in one spot than it takes to find a wall, latch, aim at the enemy you want then jump towards them.

    I sometimes wonder if we are playing the game the way DE envisions it or we are doing things that they have to adapt to our playstyle of playing instead. Go out, make a new frame to try these on until someone meta breaks them and then players start clamouring for them at 500 plat a mod.

    Go .....have some playing fun for fun sake.


    Let the mods have some cool visual effects or sound and we have a deal. I dont care if I shot something on the ground and he dies or if I latch on the wall, land and he also dies with higher numbers. Why not make a poison effect visually? Or webs during wall latch that are just there for 20 seconds without effect?

  10. 3 hours ago, trst said:

    Everyone complaining that these are useless seems to not understand the drawbacks of always meta-building their weapons.

    There will never be room in any meta build for sub-optimal mods.

    But the biggest issue here is that 99% of content does not require a single meta build. And even within that 1% of content sub-optimal builds are still capable of being viable.

    If you want to only use meta builds on your weapons then don't complain when non-meta mods get released. For everyone else these are capable of offering unique sub-optimal playstyles for fun.

    They are not interesting enough to use them. They add some damage. Why not something else instead? If they would fire a firework rocket for every abilitiy I use I would equip them even all of them if they fire 3 if they add up! But in this state where they give something we already have enough from? Please... these mods are trash because they target a niche that no one uses because it's boring.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    Its a feedback loop, nothing is hard so vets need something hard but because vets can already nuke the hard content within days with no effort because they have every tool in the game, which then leads to nothing hard in the game and the cycle repeats ad nauseaum.

    Until vets can't smash numbers and cheese into content and then complain it isn't hard there cannot be hard content like how people would want.

    How about... maybe nerfing some Frames? Oh God now I have hit a nerf and right there I see the "deepuip mods" and "use keys" guys. Warframes are to strong and we suffer from powerkreep. I understand power fantasy but if a Saryn or Mesa can nuke the map before you even press a button there is something wrong. DE needs to start balancing things. But I think I ho now because this thread is full of "Its fine you just xxxx" people.

    • Like 1
  12. On 2019-05-07 at 3:39 PM, Gabbynaru said:

    How about we just let the game be a power fantasy, as it is meant to be, and just throw in a sign saying "Dark Souls this way" for all the people who complain about difficulty.

    So the typical "Warframe is fine" answer. How about fixing rewards, scaling and enemy AI?

    I don't know... theis thread seems to be full of Fanboys who want to go around Warframe and want no challenge at all. Can people who want challenge please get one without removing all things you have earned throughout the game? Jesus why do this community have to try push ideas back that would extremely help warframe. Vets have nothing to do: give them something. Enemies are to ez? Give them a level slider (and fix the scaling).

    God forbid someone said something against DE. I read here somewhere that 35 is indeed high level... please stop. Vets relly enjoyed Fortuna level 4 alerts. If they would add that to any gamemode and increase the loot for each level is not hurting anyone. Also dont be anti loot in a looter shooter. The rewards are a joke. When you reached Saturn you can also do the last planet with that setup. Again: fixing scaling would fix a lot.

  13. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    I dunno, I disagree.

    I use almost -0- rivens, and I do just fine in -every- bit of content I play.  I actually hardly even use Arcanes yet.  

    I think players need to decide, they either want to have a horde shooter that allows them to easily, and in very entertaining fashion, mow down entire armies with relative ease...OR they want to be ducking and dodging in a desperate effort to stay alive when facing incredibly powerful enemies.

    Thing is, Lore-wise, us becoming OP is sort of accurate.  Us mowing down hordes is exactly what stories would suggest.  It's like playing a Batman game..you'd expect thugs to be little to no match, provided you've put the time into improving/mastering your combat skills and such.

    If you pick a grineer from Saturn and one from the Kuva fortress and you can kill both of them with almost the same effort there is a problem. Other horde modes will get harder for more loot and better weapons untill to a point where you cant progress and have to farm again. In Warframe you can rush the hole game with a unpotatoed half modded Hek. And that's the problem. Horde does not equals ez mode. Go to Diablo 3 pick one torment level of your coice and look how you get destroyed because you dont have the equipment. The hole game is running in easy and we cant change that because we have no difficulty slider. A game needs challenge. And Warframe needs it pretty badly.

    People that want could still play on ez but please let the players decide and dont say "the game is fine" because you think all horde games should be run on autoplay.

  14. On 2019-05-07 at 9:41 PM, Aldain said:

    Because vets literally obliterate any and all content directed at them

    Because nothing is hard. That's the reason. Vets need a really hard mode because we have almost everything. Not a mode like Arbitration... if a normal player can blow it away it's not a mode for vets. Simple as that.

  15. So after we got 9 new set mods... that will never see the light of the day... can we please come together and look what to do with sets? I mean look at other games like Diablo 3 or Division!

    What is a set: normally it's a item that alone is weaker than the common variant of that item. What would you equip it? Because when you have the complete set you get some awesome bonus. There are a lot of sets that you equip because the set effects are so good.

    And here in Warframe? Each set has a little bonus that really no one cares about. It's nice but never the reason you equip it. And that alone fails to classify them as sets. When you equip a complete set you should get some really awesome because you sacrifice a LOT!

    But what do we want to see? Maybe change sets that they have a giant effect when you have all equipped. So how to change the sets?

    Augur: 90% damage reduction for shields.

    Vigilante: All weapons get +20% base critchance.

    Gladiator: Melee attacks have 20% livesteal.

    Hunter: Silent (just Bows, throwing knifes and so on) range weapons have unlimited ammo and +3 punch through.


    That's how sets should work. You use all 6 mods and you get a very good unique effect. Not what we have in the moment. Are the sets OP? No because like I said you have to sacrifice a hole lot to fit 6 mediocre mods.


    I really miss real sets and after I saw the new Rapor, Spider and what ever set mods... that's a joke. DE please rework set mode that they are really a set that you would use!



  16. 8 hours ago, Benour said:

    So this turned from nyx is useless ---- to nyx is op cause Assimilate augment. :facepalm:

    Truth is shes JUST fine she has her niche/use. Yes her rework didnt do much, yes it couldve been better. Yes shes not octavia lvl of broken OP. And yes if you nerf her Assimilate aug shes done, useless, CC and "invul" bubble is her only niche. Her Assimilate aug is her only saving grace, period. 

    Nuking with nyx was NEVER a thing btw, its to slow/obnoxious for team. Also we have so many nuke frames already that can dish out 10x more dps than nyx sitting in bubble doing literally nothing. Passive gameplay at its finest. 👍


    Because of one comment pls... Nyx is trash because if a frame does not tick one of the following things its bad (even the Statistics show that):


    1. Some form of Damage reduction


    2. Nuke (wide AoE damage)


    3. Invisibilety


    4. Heal


    So lets see what Nyx has... oh right nothing. Why should you struggle to survive and use a ability that slows down the mission? because all in all her 3 is the only ability that is fine.

    • Like 1
  17. Just now, (PS4)chazmantaz1113 said:

    wisp might not be effective but who doesn't want to fire a giant sun laser from their hands. 

    A lot of people I think. She is not fitting her ghost theme at all. From all frames she feels like a patchwork frame. Her Sunbeam would fit ember a lot more...

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