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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 5 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    The game needs to cater to players of all skill levels...including noobs.

    DE are trying to figure out how to provide more challenging content for veterans, without screwing up the game for everyone else.

    The thing is: there is nothing for vets... this is the problem. New players dont have problems with content and stuf to do. vets have. In the moment the game is catered to "noobs" and new players and that screws vets since... when did warframe had an endgame?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

    What are your thoughts on the current state of the game?

    Good for new and casual players. Extremely bad for Veterans...


    4 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

    Is there anything you would like to see?

    Reward reworks, better AI, nerfing Nuke frames (deal with it), difficulty slider with better rewards and: endgame stuff...


    But here we go "Just Youtubers" and "The game is fine" and such stuff -.-

    1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    Ah, another "youtuber said a thing" thread.

    And the first one... thanks for your "input"...


    • Like 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Forcing gear choices on players is unfun. Challenges should encourage you to think outside the box, not restrict your gear choice. Forcing solo is awful and should not be a challenge. I would much rather have progressive grind over RNG, but the majority of players will ensure that the challenge is not very hard or long. At this point, I'm happy with either as long as DE sticks to the numbers they release with and double check before shipping. If the next rare drop is 1% or 25%, as long as that's the final value, I wouldn't mind. Changing drops months after is annoying

    Challenges should only doable with the most optimized gear and frames. Thats why its called a challenge. If something is difficult there is one way to do it the securest way. Thats a fact. To solo Eidolons or Orbs is difficult for the most people and that is the point: they are not for the vast majority of players. Otherwise you could just slap a platinum price on it or a roulette (like it is in the moment). Also there is no progressive RNG grind. The chances are the same every time and dont rise over time. A newby with luck could get it in the first run and a vet would give up after 100 runs. Is that fair or equals "challenging" for you? Its the best way to burn out players by slapping RNG on it to acquire. And changing after months is annoying? Dude? Thats called fixing, tweaking or changing in games in general. That RNG BS is also the reason why people are so pissed about the wolf. Its RNG (if he shows up) over RNG (if you get a part) over RNG (that you get the right part. Why not make him an actual boss and let people grind him (fair RNG) or give us the weapon after we beat him and make him extra hard. RNG is not a way to reward players. It never was and it never will be. People need a goal or a bar so that they can work on it. Not pure RNG.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Everyone enjoys the game differently. I'm a minority for enjoying low drop chances, because I enjoy playing the game.

    It is annoying. Its pure luck and ephemeras should be an accomplishment! They said that they would be goals for vets! Its not. A goal should not be "farm the stalker 1000 times" it should be "kill the stalker with War or broken war only" or instead of "kill the exploiter orb 1000 times" it should be "kill the exploiter orb solo within 20 min". That are challenges. You should try 1000 times to finish the challenge and not do it 1000 times to play roulette. Its extremely bad. Dont protect this behavior.

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Urlan said:

    Hasn't the Plague Star shown three times now? I thought the first appearance, the mini-event; was well enough done. The Lephantis variant wasn't too annoying and you could play around the high burst damage the giants did, only really having to stress about how the melee Grineer could just oneshot the terminal in the second part. The last two times since have been rather annoying with the boss being immune to statuses and able to down many warframes in one shot while being a sponge for damage in excess of the reward. I wouldn't mind some of those pumps it got being toned down and the deal being made more rewarding for the investment though.

    15 min at max With a normal setup... you should not play through all content with one Frame. It's still a boss and the reward at full level is a build forma. Alone that is rewarding enough.

  6. 6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    THE BAD: The damage reduction, the goddamn damage reduction on those things. I swear that my 300%+ PS Chroma at maximum buff doesn't increase my damage against them. Opticor blasts start at 500-700, they are still at 500-700 when buffed.

    Dude look at your first point... if you remove it they dont survive longer than 15 seconds xD

    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    THE BAD: Economy got turned so upside down you barely need new resources anymore.

    Thats not a bad thing. To get fish and ore stuff on the plains was horrific. Its a good change. Ignore the market.

    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    THE BAD: Blueprint drop chance is 2.5% for medium thumper or 5% for the hardest. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 mixed kills so far and still nothing. Also, weapons stats seem to be pretty average to warrant such a gate, I'm only farming for it for that sweet, sweet MR and 100% completion.

    Again: Its a reward that people dont have after 10 seconds. Thats a good thing. Buy it with plat if you want it so badly. That option exist.

    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    THE BAD: Good fooking luck shooting those legs. Especially solo. Especially when it's two rear legs. Especially because Thumper AI constantly tries to face you so you can never get a solid shot on two rear legs. And that's 50% of it's HP in those legs. 

    Its ez solo without anything really. Its the gimmick of this mini boss... do you also complain about Lephantis fight? lol Thats how bosses SHOULD be killed/ damaged.

    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    1. Wind back that damage reduction a bit.


    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    2. MAKE THEM PAUSE MORE OFTEN. The same way Profit Taker collapses when you take all her legs out, stopping it's attacks and giving you a shot at her exposed state, make Thumpers collapse for 10-15 seconds if we deal enough damage to their non-leg or non-HP-related bits, giving us a shot at those LOTUS-DAMNED REAR LEGS.

    No. We are so mobile... why should the enemies be so slow. The fight is meant to be confusing and not a boring genetic ez fight.

    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    Thumpers are annoying bulletsponges with teeny-tiny weakpoints that have way too much damage reduction,

    You know what? That is exactly what a (mini) boss should be like. Never played other games?


    6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

    and apart from a MR-granting weapon that's locked in their loot table there's no reason to fight the frustration of fighting them. 

    Then ignore them if you dont need anything from them.




    • Like 3
  7. 23 hours ago, HatedByLifeItself said:

    Atlas is bad, unless you like to punch things and be slow at doing missions that require mass killing (exterminate, defense, survival). Other than that i like the idea of angels, maybe something like a Holy frame, let me put abilities below : (this is my imagination, no judging) :

    Ability #1: Elizabeth clocks herself with divine energy, providing more damage output and blinding enemies in range.

    Ability #2: Elizabeth calls down a divine sphere of light, enemies hit will have all their resistances removed and blinded for a short duration.

    Ability #3: Elizabeth calls down her fellow angels to fight beside her, attracting enemy fire and providing back up.

    Ability #4: Elizabeth create a holy ground ( like oberon's 3), removing all status effects and providing the #1st ability buff to allies.



    Source of picture : found in this warframe forum https://forums.warframe.com/topic/214034-artemis-angel-concept-light-power-warframe/


    In the same forum the name Arthemis for a angel-like frame was suggested, i like the idea and the abilities i put are just my view of an angel-frame. Feel free to imagine all you want 🙂 .

    Wow the look of her is awesome o.O


  8. 19 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    RIP Hydroid ? 

    Is this the same Hydroid that can become invincible and Drowns level 140 Bombards in 14 Seconds ? 

    If not then I agree.

    What a nice scenario you have here... would be a shame if the missions where different...


    Hydroid is played because of loot... that it. Same with Nekros.

  9. How about a mod that regend health? And I dont think about aura or exilus mods...


    Maybe a mod, vazarin, 6 to 16 drain, rare

    1 to 11 health per second.


    Therefore you could choose if you want it or not.

  10. Whisps 3 as a hole is bad... they should rework it because if you dont use your 1 you cant use your 3. Then she just have a mobility skill and a beam. That's it. All in all I dont think that she is good.

    Can she tank? Nope

    Can she support? Kind of

    Can she nuke? Maybe

    Can she avoid damage? Not really

    Is she beneficial for a team? Maybe

    Does she look good? Yes


    That is not a good thing.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

    Well the Corpus Gas City remaster comes with a new boss fight.

    I guess we know now who it's gonna be

    They said it would include lore. I think indeed that he is a new boss and that we now know where he came from.

    3 minutes ago, Proper.Felon said:

    Would be nice, altho him being somewhat like the stalker is fine too. Better not be a level 14 boss tho ! hahahahah

    Maybe a new place on Jupiter? Like the void that some missions are unlocked later. I also think that Whisp might be the frame we get from him.

  12. Just now, Jinzanami said:

    before the Tiberon prime was released, the price for its riven was going for 30p average and 50p at most, fast forward to Tiberon Prime release with was the most powercreep weapon the game have ever seen, and the price jumped to 2k and beyond

    And it's the player fault. DE is not regulating the market. You can sell a riven for 30000 plat just because there is a guy stupid enough to pay that price. In that case it's the same. No one that is saint would buy a tiburon riven for 2k. Deal with it. It's the stupidity of the players that makes that possible.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Jinzanami said:

    false, you're going to the extreme here.

    let me educate you how the Rivens system work,

    lets say you want to get a lanka riven for eidolon hunt without spending any real money  :

    first you need to sacrifice a black goat to rngesus (duh) and pray for ---->

    a riven to drop from sortie (rng on the reward + rng on the class of the veiled riven)

    for your unlock to be a lanka riven [rng again]

    and then you need to farm the most boring resource in the game to use it in a lottery for the perfect stats (another whole level of rng 🤪]

    will they're not a classic lootbox they still a cancer on ever level and dare say more than lootboxes because in most cases they only used for skins will Riven system is a core mechanics that effect the way you play the game.

    You cant include a plat market that is managed by the players and intend that its DE fault. You dont need rivens for anything so you are not in a disadvantage if you dont have a rubico riven. It's simple as that. No lootbox in Warframe besides modpacks that noone even buys.

  14. You forma a weapon where you need more mod capacity. So normally it's a weapon you potatoed and you would use. In that regards this challenge is trash. I formed my pet 3 times and Limbo prime 2 times last week. I will simply skip that one but it still stands: this "challenge" is crap when you think about it that it costs you 3 days or 35 plat to have 3... just to use them on useless frames or weapons that you dont play. I am all in for not meta weapons but that challenge is utter garbage.

  15. 35 minutes ago, Eruyt said:

    Do you consider the Riven Trade a form of monetization in Warframe?

    No. It was a try to make not meta weapons stronger but it failed because it made the OP weapons even stronger and created a power creep so that we dont have a challenge anymore.

    36 minutes ago, Eruyt said:

    Would you compare it to a loot box/gacha system? (what is a loot box?) 

    No. A loot box is a one time only thing and you have to live with it. Riven mods can be rolled endless with Kuva that is not buyable. All in all it's a time sink and the player started the riven price drama. It's the fault of the players only that it escalated. So no. Not lootboxes.

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