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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

    But Fortuna’s “people” look terribly contrived. They look like bots. They sound like bots. They are animated with all the care of bots

    You know that we talk about a game where a living spaceship is a boss and that we fight vs the corpus since the  beginning? Also if you know other scifi games or films it is not so far fetched that they replace almost the complete body with cybernetics. They are cyborgs and not just for fun they have a reason. You can say all you want: Fortuna fits perfectly in Warfarme. And I am hyped for it.

  2. 21 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

    I've never met a Corpus that didn't die to corrosive damage. You don't need to +75% damage type something to decimate it. Corro, heat, viral, blast, all are super reliable damage types. If you wanna swap configs around every mission, be my guest. But I've never done this, and I've never struggled to kill anything either. I click on my missions and get 'em done. None of this, "hold on guys, gimme a few seconds, gotta put on my Corpus configuration."

    And thats the reason why my weapons are modded for Corrosive 90% of the time... you can use this everything... the exact opposite of magnetic...

  3. 43 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

    Fortuna may yet suprise, but at the moment the k drive, again the odd gesture of modified “humans” without human heads or expression don’t bolster my confidence. The tax man stuff feels contrived. Nef is just going to be a silly egotist. Why do tenno even care about robots with human arms plastered on? Where is the man in the wall or mother?

    I find that the story is a pretty good one. If they reach Tennos and try to get help it's there choice to help or not. People like you are a good example for that. "I dont care about the people. If you pay me and give me things that I want I will help you. Nothing more nothing less."


    And others like me just want to see Nef suffer. I also find Fortuna more friendly that the Cetus people and have more interesting things to do.

  4. 1 hour ago, Chewarette said:

    Probably a one-use BluePrint. In any case, I don't really care, I think they've just added this as a way to dump your Vitus Essences when you have already bought everything else.

    I've already bought all I needed, but I'm still continuing to do Arbitrations because I like them, so Vitus Essences will stockpile quite fast (and the only way to dump it was to fill my Liset with Illuminas). This is interesting, and more stuff will probably come over time.

    That said, don't need it right now, I'm still sitting on 1k Blues and 100 Ambers, but Arbitrations will likely drain Ambers quite fast.

    They said the blue print is permanent. So if that's true it would be worth it. Otherwise not.

  5. 57 minutes ago, --Zen-- said:

    When you log on to your account on the switch version is makes a carbon copy of your PC account so can own a PC AND a Switch account with all the work you've done so far. So for me I'm looking forward to the Switch version but it won't really affect me much since I already use a laptop.

    If that's the case... I could use it just to play around and be real on my PC... maybe a little but hype. But still not much.

  6. 13 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

    No, but when people go "Garuda is a discount Rev because of her 4 and it's unoriginal, hey let's give her exalted claws making her into a discount valkyr, yeah that's so original" That's when i take umbrage.

    Everything with exalted melee weapons will be like valks 4. But that's fine because its also different when you fight with a wip or a sword. The feeling is different and I am sad that they dint did it. Why? Because she has freaking huge sharp knifes on her arms that she only use in one ability! I dont care if they would make Garuda Valks little sister because they would be different play wise.

  7. It's a win win situation and makes the community feeling stronger than in other games and also makes clans more interesting. A relatively new guy had only two parts for rhino p and got the last two parts from the clan. Also that would not be possible without trading. And it's not a easy thing to implement and not normal for games at all. It's a special point that makes the game more interesting in a number of ways.


    And no it's also good that DE also benefits from this.

  8. 10 hours ago, DemoniesGaming said:

    Eidolons nah, there is no such thing as too many arcanes, so as long as they are the only source, eidolon hunting will never die. About bosses... meh... they don't really feel like bosses anyways. Newer players will complain that it takes too long to grind it and that the game is p2w because other cosmetics are plat only. Veterans will either rush through the bosses and leave the armor hanging anyways, cause they already have their favorite sets, or ignore the addition outright, because they have their sets, and this armor gives no MR exp, so why bother?

    P2W is getting an advantage over others that's only archived through real money... cosmetics are never P2W. In no game.

  9. Because of the new Arbitration alerts they should remove it... it's so pointless with so many sculptures in the game now the statutes form the sortie feels like a "you get nothing!" Reward.


    The only good rewards for stories are the core and rivens... endo and sculptures come from arbitrations, potatoes can be bought ready to use for 20 plat and exilus is the same. Kuva is meh. It is pretty bad right now. Feels also pretty because of arbitrations.

  10. Plat or Play? I bought at the beginning (also about MR5) Octavia and... well after I had some mods it was the best choice for me. Flashy as hell and the damage scales with the enemy. With metronome and a spam song you are almost not kill able because they dont see you. From MR5 to now MR17 she is a monster and so much fun to play.


    Skill her to

    1. Duration

    2. Range


    That's it. Octavia 4 ever! ❤️

     - a biased Octavia main

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