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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. Just now, EoFallen said:

    nah the only thing added from melee 3.0 was the sound and in a hotfix they added more range to heavyblades

    Its not even live yet... and they dont showed us all things so... relax and wait. I am sure melee 3.0 will change a lot 😉

  2. 10 hours ago, S.Dust said:

    that is actually not a bad idea but then we would have people complaining that we're nerfing them.

    This kind of mods are the reason why nothing "is a challenge" anymore. Thats not nerfing. I dont like Primed and Riven mods at all tbh. I dont think it was a good idea to implement them. I wish they added a kind of primed mods (plat boarder and 10 ranks) but with special effects. Not the same modas just stronger. I also wish that they would drop really rare and not just baro.

  3. I just randomly die sometimes with no enemy around or nowhere near that the enemys are able to one shot me:


    Nidus 1100 lives --> I die (passive activates but still WTF?)

    Octavia 600 lives --> I die (just bullet jumping around with no enemys)

    Valkitty 940 lives and a ton of armor --> I die just running around


    Is this a bug? It happend a lot of times already. It is really frustating and sucks out the fun... have some people the same problem? 



    Nidus 1100 lives --> I die (passive activates but still WTF?)

    Octavia 600 lives --> I die (just bullet jumping around with no enemys)

    Valkitty 940 lives and a ton of armor --> I die just running around


    Is this a bug? It happend a lot of times already. It is really frustating and sucks out the fun... have some people the same problem?

  5. The same for me:


    Nidus 1100 lives --> I die (passive activates but still WTF?)

    Octavia 600 lives --> I die (just bullet jumping around woth no enemys)

    Valkitty 940 lives and a ton of armor --> I die just running around


    Is this a bug? It happend a lot of times already. It is really frustating.

  6. 13 minutes ago, tfninja said:

    Please consider allowing damage from Exalted weapons

    I would support this... but Mesa would be the go to then. But in the end I agree that this is not the best way to make it "harder".


    But you should also know that Ivara might be (even with +300%) not a good idea to bring into this mode...

  7. 1 minute ago, Vulhaaltuz said:

    I just tested my theory that Sentients didn't adapt to the damage types from this weapon, or that the slam attack shreds Sentient damage resistances. Neither are true.

    I think maybe that we get an augemnt for somekind of a quest for this... I think they have more for this weapon.

  8. Guys pls think... We are not all MR25. This gammode is NOT for MR25 players. It's a mode for late game players. A mode that is challenging for the most part of the playerbase. Dont see it as the new veteran playground and argue that way. You will never be able to please MR25 people because they have all things already. They should stay because they like the game.

    You want a challange? Disable the ability to use primed or riven mods. End of the story.

    I am MR16 right now and I consider myself a late game player. I dont try to have everything in the game because I know when I have everything I would miss something. The thing is when you reached the end you will see that the road was the goal.


    I just hope that is is a challenge for normal players and have some good rewards for us. Hopefully not credits.. the new mods sound fun! I love the ones that I have heard of. And the thrilling that you have only one life? Oh boy I love that.


    Pls dont turn any new content into a conversation if the players that already have anything will enjoy it. It's for the hole community and not just the late game one. Be glad that they give us something different and something a bit more difficult than normal endless missions. I think the mode will be interesting and if the rewards contain something like kuva and endo it will be played a lot.


    Sorry for this kind of comment but I dont like it if MR25 talk to level MR25 and try to make a mode as much fun as possible but forget the rest of the player base... I know that game needs end game content but I have the feeling that a veteran player only update will never come. This is a late game update and not veteran game mode.


    But that's just my opinion.


    In the end: think also about the NOT MR25 people... people with no maxed prime mods and godlike rivens...

  9. I also dont like the idea to be honest... but I personally hate eidolon hunts but that aside it annoys the hell out of me when it is night. Eidolons are just interesting for late game players (or players that like the "challenge") but for people like me it's just a "oh no not again...". We maybe need new events but dont just include late game content that just a part of the players like.

  10. I would love to see enemys that are rare and appear after a longer time.

    8 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    - Cloaking enemies are not a challenge, invisibility is countered by anyhting with an AoE effect, and lord knows we have those in spades.

    - we already have snipers (Ballistas), they can one-shot people at higher levels. fighting the same enemies that just do more damage is not the same as a challenge. 

    How about a combination? No laser but a loud sound when it fires. Scary but challeging. Would stay away and you have to use cover or sind small coridores where they cant hit you untill they follow. OP? Maybe but the enemys at the moment are a joke. Higher level is not a argument.


    8 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    grenade launching enemies were tried before (Nightwatch Reavers are armed with Tonkors). they were just one-hit BS enemies without the need to hit you directly, and people complained.

    Add them back. So many squishy Frames should be punished for standing out in the open. Hard? Yes but hell we need them back!


    8 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    we already have shield enemies, they are an annoyance at best. anyone using a weapon that fires anything other than regular bullets (energy waves, explosives, beams etc.) can rinse them as easily as any other trash mob.

    How about enemys where you have to hit a special part? Like Kel (Boss). It will take a while but it makes the fights interesting.


    8 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    people complain already about tanky enemies being bullet sponges, we already have enemies that deploy drones (Corpus Techs, Tusk Grineer units), it's just another thing to shoot down.

    Enemys that are imune to all bullets, abiletys and beams would be nice.


    I speak about SPECIAL ENEMYS something like a regular mini boss that appears from time to time and make your live a living hell. And I mean HELL! No good melee weapon or to squishy? Your live ends there... or avoid him and jump from room to room. Not more camping in one room.



    That are ideas I would love to see! Make them appear in level 30+ and in endless missions at wave/ minute 10. Complain all you want but you have to adapt. And just to say "it was in the game and it was bad" or "people would compalin" is not helping at all to make warframe a better game.

  11. So many salty player xD This Luxury problems with rivens and combination with new primed mods... guys: if you are in such a point at the game you deserve to be OP. I dont think that anything really can break the modsytem anymore and a primed streamline would not be the end. Maybe if they make prime corrupted mods one day... and the riven topic is also pretty ridiculous. It's funny to see so many luxury problems in the forum. Thank you all for that smile you bring on my face! 🙂

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