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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. Some people will never be happy. I play the game for quite a while now and have to say it's awesome how much content this game has to offer in terms of events. I am used to have one event in a month that mostly is nothing new. Here? A lot of things going on every time and even when the events are recycled... we have a reason for it that are both HUGE projects that will be a blast to play. In my opinion DE is making a great job. We know why the recycle eventa and know what comes soon. To start now moaning about that is just...

  2. 1 hour ago, Ermadily said:

    Daikyu with a gas build in corridors. One bow through like sixteen enemies, the rest is suffocated by the gas proc. Very satisfying. Also, multishot is advised.

    Why gas? Do it have some kind of explosion or why is it usefull? I play with the cernos prime with multi shot, speed trigger, shred and some elementals. Feels so good to fire a volley of arrows into groups of enemies with a 2.2 punch through 😄

  3. 1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Don't compare yourself to others.


    1 hour ago, DerGreif2 said:

    Also one of the weapons I see daily.


    1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Oh and the Sobek is fun as well. That splash damage lets me giggle every so often

    Early in the game I liked the tonkor but I dont had the feeling that she was impactfull. But that was also without forma and potatoe.

  4. 2 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    I have seen many people discuss how it is also a meta weapon.

    Thats a joke right... Lenz as a meta weapon? Never seen it in... about 300h in Warframe? Just saw a few videos. Why the hell should the Lenz be a meta weapon? 😉


    4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    As for power, I have never used Amprex for that.

    Since I saw it the first time on Io murdering groups of enemys in seconds without really aiming... it was just a must have. Also one of the weapons I see daily.

  5. 1 minute ago, krc473 said:

    Why single out these two? Are we not allowed to have fun with them?

    Meta weapons. All powerful weapons are "fun" for the people that just want to play the best weapons in the game. And these two... are defenelty on the top list. So I mean more... unusual weapons.


    3 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Lenz is terrible and dull. Amprex is far more fun to play around with.

    I own the amprex and with corrosive its good vs all factions... you dont see multishot... dont really need to aim... just rarely have to swap mods... I dont know... she is effective... but fun? For me she is on the boring side of weapons.

    Lenz is a pure fun weapon. Add multishot and some charge speed and this thing is pretty good... (unless you blow yourself up with it). You can play dive bomber with zephyr 🙂

  6. Come on! Some weapons are interesting... what about them?


    I build the Lenz in the moment and nuke my way through a lot of missions!

    What are your go to fun/special weapons that you use?

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)XDGamerNerd said:

    i just received a real life threat in game on ps4, i have screen shots of it, im sorry for posting this here, i just dont know what to do, please help...

    Simply ignore it or contact the support... nothing to worry. Most of this kind of persons are little kids that make fun of such things. Even IF they would live in your country (we are from abround the world btw) the dont have any information how to find you. So chill.

  8. I dont think that Mesa, Octavia or Nidus will get a Prime skin in the future. They are different than other frames in terms how to get them and in terms of power level. If they would get a prime version they all should be locked behind MR 8 or 10 at least and the most parts sould be rare.

  9. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Mesarthim:

    Hope you'll get unbanned DerGreif2

    I did that already. I mentioned my mistakes and I am not banned right now. I explained the support the hole issue and hope for a positive answer. I boughjt even the Vault pack and platin from DE after my mistakes... I got the message from the support that something was suspicous and now I am waiting...

  10. vor 22 Stunden schrieb Letter13:

    Buying platinum from any source other than the DE website or an authorized seller (such as Steam) is an EULA violation and will result in all associated accounts being banned. 

    So I am getting banned... good to know. Ok thanks for your help. There is nothing I can do to unbann me?

  11. I bought platin from a friend when I was starting warframe and a little bit later and the support mailed a few days ago that suspicious transactions where found on my account weeks later.. I made a ticket and I am now waiting. Does that take two weeks and ... is that forbidden to get plat from a giveaway or a friend? I am worried... can I get banned for that? I dont think it's bad plat so it should be fine. Should I be worried?

  12. I bought platin from a friend when I was starting warframe and the support mailed me that suspicious transactions where found on my account weeks later.. I made a ticket and I am now waiting. Does that also take two weeks and ... is that forbidden to get plat from a giveaway or a friend? I am worried... can I get banned for that? I dont think it's bad plat so it should be fine. Should I be worried?

  13. Am 29.7.2018 um 23:02 schrieb (PS4)vidare:

    Sorties could be so much more, but some game modes don't really get harder, like spy and rescue. Those missions don't get harder by raising enemy level or sniper only.

    Restrict to non stealth frames maybe?

    Survival 10min is also way to easy due to the amount of lifesupport towers, remove them and it instantly would be more challenging. 

    Defense is way to easy cause we can just revive the dude.


    You don't have to overdue it. I would like a hard more for all mission. Like on earth hard mode the enemy's start at level 50 and from planet to planet they go higher. Or just eximus units like in some mission. I love the razor mission in the moment and not for the boss at the end. It's a shame that you can just run through... I wish there were more where that came from. I am MR 13 right now and have 200 hours and I just wish there was a little bit more of those flashy battles.

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