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Posts posted by DerGreif2

  1. 15 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

    If that's all we have this year I gotta say it's really lackluster. Even in last year we got 25% off sale on armors and syandanas and deluxe skins (but not bundles). Used to have discounts for the bundles too.

    Can we not complain until we know it for fact? Thx. Even then. I dont even knew that games make a deal out of black Friday. We should be thankful if we get something. I was not around last year but in other games we got nothing.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

    I can name 4 reasons to do bounties at the moment: A5, S4, N9, B3.

    Bounties should and are full, moreover at least for me, but I take it there are at least 1-2 more people who feel the same, is way more fun and rewarding to kill stuff and gain some reward, than spend an hour playing discount guitar hero for nothing but reputation.

    Ok I give you that one. The relics are indeed a reason but I as an example got Nova prime (full set) just from randomly doing fissure missions. I think you get them more often if you just do fissure missions and grab what you want.


    It is also rewarding exploring caves, sneaking around, climb mountains and get minerals from around the globe. The missions are pretty boring if you played since the beginning. Better than PoE but still. And btw you dont even need to mine. Since 5 days I just go to ticker and throw in my resources and BAM that it. Thats my standing. I will reach max fortuna rank in the next one or two days.

  3. There are no reasons to to the bounties or am I wrong (after you get all the mods of course but they are bad so...)?


    You need round about 15-20 min to finish a high level mission at average and you get about 5000 standing? So round about 1,5 hours (for me) to get full standing.

    Mining? With a resource booster I get 2x the daily standing in one hour.

    Bounds? If you keep helping Ticker and if you have a LOT of useless resources and do that multiple times... you can just do it with that and for its about 5 days I just get daily standing with that.

    Even fishing if better if you know where to fish!

    There is no reason to do them besides challenge but even than... I could play with the alarm system.

  4. 11 hours ago, Rakear said:

    Ivara can do every level bounty solo with zero issues.

    I run a arca plasmor with silent battery, nearly everything dies in 1 hit.

    use a fast hitting secondary (silenced of course) to deal with nullifiers.


    Game doesnt know how to handle invisible players on most missions, the enemies tend to run up to you and just stand around doing nothing on the rescue hostages missions, you can invis the coil car, sleep arrow for anything that overwhelms you.

    only mission type that gives trouble is the harvesters, but you can just pick one and make sure it lives, since you only need 1 to survive.


    Only thing you really need to be mindful of is the big spiders CAN see you if you are invis and will chase you down. (not the little green ones, the middle 2 types the white puffball and the one with the overshield)

    I see you are an ivara main of culture as well.

  5. This thread is a joke guys... there was a thread earlier that claimed that Primed Warframes where useless.


    @Topic: Primed Weapons are to 90% strictly better where by frames the important part are the abilities and they dont get better with a primed version so it is different indeed.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Eisdschungel said:

    Btw that sounds even more elitist. What is more bout bragging: "i can Stay alive in fortuna" or "i can Stay alive in fortuna with 4 Keys and no Mods".  Handycapping yourself is not fun,

    Thank you. A lot people think that that Warframe is a walk in the park. FInally Fortuna was on a level where I thought "Hell yes! Come at me... ok maybe back off... BACK OFF... HELP! 🙂 ". I really enjoyed there. No handicapping yourself to have fun... because THAT kills the fun...

  7. 1 hour ago, Littleman88 said:

    They shouldn't feel like level 80 sortie enemies.

    That are level 2 sortie enemy's... level 80. You know that sortie level 1 ARE almost the exact same level given in rank 5 bounties? THEY SHOULD be difficult. Sure I can deequip all things I have but that is not what people SHOULD be doing. You play through the missions and the enemies get stronger and you need more power to beat them and so on and so on. I agree that we as a hole are to strong. But if if the enemys die with no real fight and without primed and riven mods... there is something wrong... rank 5 sorties are level 60! That is more than the complete starchart! It should be take more effort to defeate them. Powercreep is already a thing but that DE now NERFED THE ENEMYS... it was necessary for low levels but it made the high level sorties boring AGAIN! It WAS not bring but it is now because again the same problem: no real thread. Thats the problem. It should feel like level 60 enemy's... and not like 40 or lower... you can see this effect on PoE... level 60 is a JOKE!

  8. 13 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

    If people want enemies to hit harder and soak more damage, they can remove vitality and serration, or equip dragon keys if they can't bear the thought of actually managing their own difficulty slider like anyone's actually judging them for being an under geared scrub.

    So you support that the hole game is ez mode without artificially adjusting it by the PLAYERS side? Wow dude... games should be challenging. Thats the thrill. The nerf was fine but they need to increase the difficulty for the 4th and 5th bounties. That are level 40+ enemy! They should not be so ez to kill from new players.


    17 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

    And no, the alert pylons aren't a great way to control the difficulty out there on the Vallis.  It's totally random whether or not an enemy will place one down, and there's generally no way to lock it to level 2 or 3.  You're pretty much looking at 1 and a trickle of basic fodder enemies, or 4 and a tsunami of specialized, durable and lethal elites (the overtaker replaces the crewman and is basically a Bombard with a rapid fire missile launcher, and that's just to start.)  If DE wanted us to have finer control, then each pylon would = 1 star, and AoE weapons couldn't slag them.  And for what its worth, enemy special abilities remained largely untouched.  They just reigned in the raw firepower a fair bit so non tank frames could exist up through at least star chart levels.

    Agree. It should be more on the players control how strong they the enemies want. Maybe choose from the beginning how much the alarm level should begin with? Maybe 5. tier sortie as default one point and on the others you could choose.

  9. 8 hours ago, Firetempest said:

    Their damage did not match other enemies of similar level. It's still the second planet. They could independently boost the final bounties enemy level but Rio likes drama for clicks.

    But he is right... we are OP and the old enemys where not a walk through the park like almost every other content in the game. You finally could die once in a while! People need to get used to it that they should not be OP all the time even with low level equip. He has a point and I wish they would make level 4 and 5 bounties harder. Like +20% more damage for enemys and the beacons cant be destroyed anymore. Just hacked and deactivated. Maybe add also a permanent alarm /1 out of the 4) for level 5 bounties. Its a early planet yes but level 40+ enemies are late game content and should not be easy to beat from a new player... there are bounty stages for a reason... the enemy's are to easy. I hope DE changes that. Its pretty dull to wait for 4 beacons (and hope that they dont get destroyed) or wait 30 min in survival untill the game become interesting...

  10. The riven system on its own is a gamble. You can see wich weapons people bring to the field and you know that rivens are balaced around that. Be clever and if you see everyone and there sister play with an Arcor there could be a negative change incoming.


    Also people are overreacting. You dont need rivens anyway. So many of the riven users rarly play 20 min missions so they dont even need rivens...

  11. I know that this is venus BUT this type of bounties are with level 40+ enemies so like the last planet on the star chart. Pls make them more difficult to finish. Fortuna is not JUST for beginners. It's for everyone and the last two bounties should be for late game players and not so easy to beat with almost every frame in the game.


    Higher the damage of all enemies by 20%. For bounty 4 and 5.


    Bounty 4: Alarm beacons can just be hacked and not be destroyed.

    Bounty 5: Alarm beacons cannot be destroyed with attack either and are only hackable. Not possible to solve it with a chipper. Also has one alarm at default that cannot be removed.


    Fortuna is for everyone and just because it's on venus dont mean that it should be a walk in the park even when doing the hard bounties aimed for players that have past the start chart.

    Pls consider this. It was fine that DE nerfed the damage for low level but it was interesting and challenging at higher levels. Pls give us something and not just wait that 4 beacons drop and that is THEN things become a little bit challenging.


    Thank you for your time.



  12. There is a reason for bounty level and rewards for them... you also cont get mesa or Saryn as a MR5. Why should you play bounties with level 60+ without any problems? It's fine that they nerfed it but the 4 and 5th bounty should be for higher level player. I would suggest:


    A rank 5 bounty has a level one alarm as DEFAULT! Yes you read it right.

    More damage for level 40+ level enemies (like before the nerf). You know that level 40+ is along the line of the LAST PLANET in the star chart? A new player should not have no problems with that.

    The beacons for rank 4 and 5 could just be hacked but not destroyed and the level 5 could not be solved with a chipper.


    New players should not be given all things of fortuna. PoE is to easy a d people maybe have gotten used to it to win all fights and never die. This should stop. And fortuna was a brilliant place! I feared some units to pop up! That is such a great feeling not to be OP and unkillable with anything.


    Fortuna is accessible for new players that should not mean that they should do all things possible even without a good setup... there a level bounties for a reason.

  13. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    Too many players have become WAY too over-reliant on Rivens it seems

    This. And most of them not even do 20 min missions... Rivens in my opinion are for weapons a possibility to deal with 100+ lv enemy's and not for the star chart to nuke everything.

  14. It would be a good idea but I think they will leave it how it is and I have to say it has a charm that it is different from other games with a waitlist. We can build multiple things at one that's not possible in games with a waitlist. And to want both is ok but is it really needed? I crafted 20 min just minerals yesterday  so I can feel you but...

  15. Mediocre. She is cool and all her abilities are interesting but they all miss something to make them good.


    Effectiveness 5/10

    Look 9/10

    Feeling 8/10

    Sounds 10/10

    Usefulness 4/10


    Her 1 blob and her 4 so slow...

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