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Posts posted by 7grims

  1. Hello, this is not a grunt.

    I was counting some of the event rewards, since the gradivis dilema event until now.

    I counted:


    Mutagen mass: I received 9, and only have 2


    Detonite injector: I received 9, and only have 4


    Fildron: I received 3, and have 3


    I'm pretty sure I did all dojo weapons before receiving any of these recourse rewards.

    I'm just wondering if there are more weapons or any items that spend these, or, in fact I did not get all the rewards.

    Anyone noticed this?



    I opened all the inbox messages, that's how I counted all these.

    And also do not forget, some of these earlier rewards from past events,

    gave you not 1, but 3 or 5 of these prizes as a single reward for a mission completed.

  2. Penta means 5.

    And probably its a theme around the gun.


    But right now, this gun is making magazine capacity mods useless.

    I upgraded my penta to shoot 7 grenades, but I when I shoot the first 5 rounds,

    even though I have more 2 grenades, it wont shoot more until I blow up the first five.


    Since you can reload without detonating those 5, spending magazine mod capacity points into your build seems useless, may give some strategic advantage, like not having to reload right after the first 5 blow, but still not worth for this little advantage.


    So either this is a feature or a bug on this gun.






    Well, I finally got a reply from the support.

    The fact is they did not reply as it been a feature or a bug, but they replied just like any other support bug report.

    The thing is, if it was a feature they might have already said it wasn't a bug, or they just may be looking in it, cause they probably dint thought it true cause of magazine mods.

  3. As far as orgis versus penta, I think some ppl already made some good foruns about it, and they both have place in the game, making them very different and useful for different situations, either way I'm just keeping 1 of them, as I already put a potato on 1 of them.


    And yah, more self risk weapons, besides these 2 we also have bows, but I would like to see others ideas that aren't always about explosions.

  4. penta seems more fun, specially if you are trying to hit far enemies, or trying to get those grenades in strategic spots by mentally calculating were its gonna bounce.


    I only use my ogris in defense maps, were I get in a defensive spot, and stay there just killing and ruling like a supreme assassin, the penta allows to play in regular missions, your not always facing the problem of self kill, or an ally getting in your face every time you shoot.


    Either way I already put a catalyst on the ogris, so keeping both guns seems useless.

  5. I want to believe DE made this so ppl would stop grinding easy affinity. If the gameplay would resume to grind things over and over, this game will end up being boring and ppl will abandon it.

    Also as a faction integrated in a game and in the story, this makes sense.


    Lets not forget warframe is in beta, and also this new change is experimental, its very broken at the moment, but they will make it right, we hope.

    Still I would say they made this change too soon, or too late, mostly they didn't planned it right.

    Theres not enough factions to create variety on the game, and now it seems infested get even more rare, reducing it all to corpus and grineer. And void towers doesn't apply, still feel its a lazy copy-paste faction.


    We also lost the option to play different missions kinds with infested, and also lost the option to fight against infested on different difficulties.


    Scanning infested is now more complicated to do, just like collecting the mods infested drop.

    We all know derelitcs exist, but just like the void towers, those aren't missions we can jump into at any time.

    And derelicts also don't have mobile defence, some enemies are so rare, they just show in specific mission types.


    Bosses are missing, were ppl gonna collect frame parts? And the infested planets didn't even get a replacement boss, there is just nothing.


    If the fact of infested are too easy to kill, and ppl grind those missions too much, well, why not keep in ming solutions like they could shoot poison darts, or spit acid etc, after all, how do they infect others?

    They should also mind, that if a infestation spreads true the nodes of a planet, ppl might still want to play the original missions, and just like nightmare mode, there should be an option.


    So yes,

    I support the new infested change,

    but it needs allot of fixing.

  6. I just likes to kill infested.  i likes the noises they make when you hurt them.  Seriously tho, infested were an easy way to level a wep, and i just likes to mow dem down.


    that may be one of the main reason why they changed it, to stop grinding, because if the game resumes itself to that, sooner then later, ppl will get tired of it.

  7. What if you opened your Market, Go to Keys and build yourself an Orokin Derelict Key and scanned them there.

    What If you farmed your keys in the Orokin Derelict?



    On the topic at hand:


    I find the fact that the Infested actually "invade" and "attempt to spread their infection" to be very refreshing and in order.


    Just because something got harder to do doesn't mean it's the end of the world in all honesty


    last night I was very disappointed with the fact that theres no more infested, but I came around, now I also think this is a good idea, but lets just hope theres always different types of infested missions and present with different types of difficulty.

    The only downside is that now the game seems reduced to only 2 factions, and the void is a lazy copy paste of solar enemies... variety is missing.

  8. 1) knowing she is very fragile, just some nerf on the damage M prime deals would be enough to make it very hard for her to survive any high mission.


    2) leave as it is, but limiting the number of enemies she can molecular prime.

    or leave as it is, but removing all affinity gain from chain reaction explosions. (just as in a way to make ppl abuse this ability less)

  9. I like the idea of limiting enemies she can M prime, feels nice and probably will work fine like that.


    Better then my original idea, removing affinity gain from chain reaction explosions, although it would stop a few from abusing this power, and this way she wouldn't be week; but eventually ppl would still abuse it cause it would still be powerful.

  10. I like the part of multi objectives and phases, most missions get repetitive, and you always end up grinding 1 or 2 over and over just for loot or etc.

    Making a more complex mission, would be fun, something you get in and get focus on completing.

  11. And how about keep stuff as they are, but instead of 1 reward you get 1 to 3 rewards, according to which tier you just made.

    Cause if you compare survival to the other void missions, its absolutely unbalanced, in one single mission of survival you can get allot of prizes, and almost all the parts for whatever you are trying to build. In the other hand, if you do a T3 defence, you can only get 1 reward, and you got to work harder and longer for that 1 prize, its unbalanced.


    Either way, I feel in the near future there will be so many new reward stuff, that they will have to make new types of missions.

  12. I'm a moderator for both the portuguese community and the general community, as well as a volunteer translator for EN>PT.


    That said, it seems that the images are still not showing up. Could you use a different hosting service, such as imgur?


    Still not showing :o


    damn, yah I guess I have to try a diferent posting site, thanks.

  13. Your bug pictures are bugged.


    Nevermind, uncle Renan fix pictures for you!


    Your a moderator only for portuguese community?

    Also didn't see anything fixed, but I just re-uploaded them, and this time hopefully they will stick.

    Fica bem amigo, e bom trabalho.

  14. Hostage decides to get
    stuck in a little corner.

    Nekros doing
    abstract art.

    End of a survival mission, in extract, a ancient hit me so hard
    I got upsidedown, i was so confused I ended up dead.

    Before a crash, I got this screen, I don't know what it is,
    but I bet it's some secret thing DE planted in the game.

    During lockdown, I couldn't access
    the panel, cause it was facing the wall...

    An osprey drunk off her &#!, upsidedown
    and strolling on the floor, didn't even tried to shoot me.

    Grinner signs,
    sticking out of the wall.

    Love Warframe, and sometimes we forget it is still in beta, we cant let that stop us from having fun.


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