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Posts posted by 7grims

  1. Survival missions changed a wile ago, the way for players to extract.
    They used to need all of the team, for an extraction to begin.
    For some reason it changed, for those who wanted to extract earlier and couldn't , they would get stuck in the game until all others decided to leave.

    Nowadays only 2 players are needed for extraction to start, and now the players that want to stay longer are forced to extract, even though they don't want to or aren't even in the extract zone.
    So 1 way or the other, this system is not balanced.

    My suggestion:
    After every 5 minutes, or after a reward, there should be a limited time window, like 1 or 2 minutes for players to extract, this way, players can choose to stay or leave as they please.
    Players that are weeker, or just have to go, can leave when they choose too.
    And players who want to keep fighting can stay on the mission.

    If this solution sounds strange, well... it isn't, defense missions have this systems, and its good for each player to decide how and how much they want to play.
    This suggestion isn't the ultimate fix for this problem, so leave a comment with a better one, or just upvote this post, developers awareness is needed to make this better.

    note: I deleted and reposted this topic, cause I was informed ppl couldnt comment on it.

  2. One step at a time. I think DE would explode if they didn't create a new problem while fixing an old one.


    But DE always makes that, also it's part of developing a game, in beta, u change something here, its gonna affect something there.

    The real problem is when they fix something, and even more ppl get that bug, or just a few days later that bug return, thats the true real weird problem I saw until now with DE's work.

  3. "- Fixed issues where damage inflicted by clients would power up Nyx’s Absorb or Nova’s Antimatter Drop."


    So other players shouldnt be able to increase the damage of these by feeding it??? Thought it was better to do it so, since everybody stills nyx targets wile she is in the bubble...

  4. I said it before, it's situationally dependent in the extreme and most people have no idea how to properly use it.

    Most try to use it as a panic button, and generally causes more problems than it solves.


    End result, if you don't know how to use nekros and shadows of the dead.... don't use it.


    Yes, you understand me well :)

    If nekros even haves an panic button, that should be terrified.

  5. "Fixed Corpus security lasers to force knockdown as design intended."

    I though that the laser doors was a new thing, the knockdown was really kind of anoying, and making damage is way better, and keeps the flow of the game.

    That bug should had be kept as a feature.

  6. staker_mod_by_7grims-d6vrob3.jpg


    From my current knowledge:

    - Stalker haves a 5% chance of showing in any mission.

    - Stalker is an enemy of the same difficulty as the mission enemies +15


    The idea is to get a mod that can bring out Mr. Stalker Kun more, even if the mod costs 20 or 25 to equip.

    I'm mastery 13, and even after all the time I've played, stalker never dropped despair, and for some people he never drops hate or dread.

    For bosses prizes its pretty regular deal, you know were to get them, and you know how much work to apply for those weapons or frame parts you need.

    For those reasons, stalker making us crazy for not showing, or having broken or bad drop tables, this mod would be a blessing, even if he is stronger then usual to defeat.


    Give an upvote if you like the idea :)




  7. yesterday i found out this:


    when doing hacking puzles, mouse 1 turns left, mouse 2 turns right.................. why was there no info on this???? I'm mastery 13 and just found this out now.... so sad

  8. That idea for nerf is good, even though, I'm thinking a little "ahead".

    That extreme power was given to her for a reason, she is fragile as porcelain, just look at her suit, all shattered and broken.

    So she need to keep being powerful, or else it would become a frame too hard to play cause of her low damage resistance stats.

    My idea for this frame would be to remove the affinity gain from M prime, chain reaction explosions. (nevertheless any enemy shooted normally under M prime still gains affinity)

    This way she could still be powerfull, but players would think twice before using her, since there wouldn't be all that profit from using nova.

    And also this would balance Nova like other frames have been, Nyx used to be the best frame long time ago, since her nerf, ppl dont spam chaos so much cause they know it isn't a profitable power.

    I love Nova, she is very good to play, but even though i have other cool frames, I end up always using her, because of how easy you can be godlike on any map.

  9. true, I though about it too, just makes immediate sense if u think of frames like frost and ember, they are already in sync with those elements so its would make sense such elements wouldn't damage them as much.

    On the other side, this would also mean, they would have strong weakness against the inverted element, frost would be very fragile to fire, and ember very fragile to ice.

  10. I like this allot.
    Hope it's made in such good standards that theres no longer those best builds, and best weapons, that makes all else irrelevant.

    Yet warframe players have a good eye to quickly find loop holes, but this will be a good chance to start deleting all these godlike set ups.

  11. gimini_by_7grims-d6uj9fl.jpg


    Gemini haves the theme of twins and duplication.


    1st ability:
    Gemini targets an enemy, an exact duplicate of him his created on the back of the enemy, and simultaneously they do a forward melee attack squishing the enemy in the middle.


    2nd ability:
    (to be cast on all enemies at range, or only one enemy the player targets)
    Gemini will duplicate the enemy, but either the original and the copy, will only have half the rank the original had.
    Example: 2 grineer of rank 100, will become 4 grineer of rank 50

    3rd ability:
    Gemini will lodge energy on enemies at range, upon their death, they will drop double loot.

    (including mods)

    4th ability:
    Gemini will duplicate all team mates in range, these frame duplicates will shoot the enemy that the correspondent player is shooting, and melee attack when the player uses melee attacks.
    If the player uses his ability, the duplicate will have a 20% chance of casting the same ability/power the player used.


    If you like this idea, give it a upvote :)
    (Did an editing based on the critics I received)

    Just an extra info from the wiki:
    "In astrology, a planet's domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership.

    The planet said to be ruler of Gemini, or those associated with Gemineans, is Mercury."

  12. U seem to know ur stuff, and good post there ;)


    Yah I also fear that a couple of days will be only what it takes for ppl discover the new best build, and then everybody will always use that all the time, everytime.


    Seems like if they don't do their work right, all they done may go to waist.

    Im not saying they keep failing or are incompetent, but sometimes they do lack the predicament, of players exploring and abusing the system, just cause they found a little loop hole.

  13. shadows of the dead? that thing is broken right now. please, don´t speak about abilities of warframes you don´t own


    I dont own? how da hell would u know that?

    Also, shadow of the dead was an example, cause im pretty sure I hate nekros and that ability, it kills me and the rest of the team more times then it helps. When I used to play with nekros I would soul punch all the way, much better.


    But what did u mean anyway? that ability isn't giving xp, is that it?

  14. Of all those mods u refer I only need redirection, I used to use vitality when I was still young in the game and didn't knew what to do.

    As long as have I shields im up to take a beating and kill all I see, when the shields gonne, time to run, hide, making time for them to recharge a little.

    And if ur loki, u have all the tool, to take some heat out of u, weather u get invisible or make decoy, its a good way to make sure ur not always being hit.


    As far as playing High levels missions with new and weak frames, well you got to choose them properlly, not all underanking frames might make it, but with some class and good guns you can play as well as with an finnished frame.

  15. From what I've seen on the net, Nyx used to be a very good frame, and then she was nerfed cause she had to much power, but nowadays there are frames that have that much power or higher.


    Nova, molecular prime, is a good crowd control ability, powerful and collect affinity.

    Nekros, also good crowd control, and also collects affinity with his shadow of dead.


    Seems odd that Nyx chaos ability, doesn't get any affinity, nowadays your team mates will hate you every-time you use it.

    So if we don't get affinity, the ability should be permanent, until all controlled enemies are dead.

    Or, the ability stays with its time limit, but actually gives affinity.


    Balance needs to be restored.

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