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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. This was how they historically fought too.  A samurai did practice cutting and striking while drawing from the sheath but unlike most games and other forms of media depicted today, they never did silly things like attack,sheath,attackattack,sheath attack.  That's just wasteful and stupid.  A samurai practiced striking on the draw but then kept their sword drawn through the rest of the fight.  Sheathing the sword over and over is just slow, silly, wasteful, and stupid.

  2. I agree except for his casting debuff preventing you from using powers.  I hate that S#&$ and it goes against the whole point of playing a super powered space ninja.  It's also cheap and poorly thought out.  "HEY IM STALKER I JUST WAVE MY ARMS AROUND AND YOUR POWERS NO WORK BECAUSE F*** YOU!"  NO NO NO!  That S#&$ has GOT TO GO!  It's cool if he has a special targeted ability in which if he hits you that it cancels your powers or drains your energy, like ancient disruptors but this crap where an enemy has some skill that renders all your cool powers useless just because you're in the same area code is so lame.


    It also takes away most of the fun and just keeps it into "Ok I have no powers, I better just unload my boltor prime into his head".  


    I want FUN memorable encounters with the stalker.  Like I want to have a slash dash duel with him when Im using excal.  Just like in the movies and anime.  And then if you kill him like that he'll stand there for a second, and then fall.  

  3. Last time I checked working on a major thing in a game doesn't mean the development has ceased -_-

    True but if the most complex and advanced thing in the game is going to be the Damn space dogs then that's kind of a problem. The dogs are nice but I want better melee, I want sword and board, I want to be able to climb lephantis and stab him in the faces with my sword and board and I want Dragon. Along with the other fixes.

  4. Not to sound rude, but Bosses arent supposed to be able to be taken down by everything. They require planning and adeptivity. And Tyl Regor is getting a revamp to be more melee focused.

    Most bosses require waiting for their invincible shield to drop and then shooting them a many times as you can with your boltor prime or soma in their tiny weak spot. And then repeating that process until they die. That is not "planning and activity" a good fight that uses planning and adaptivity" is the mr freeze fight in arkham city. It requires you to use your various gadgets and skills and yet he adapts and you cant get away with the same thing twice.

  5. This is no guarantee, they said that after Vauban the chance is small. I think the chance is much larger now, though. It would be a bad business move to not make them, and a prime access for each.

    If they stop at vauban then they are gonna lose SOOOOO much money both from the lack of the ovetpriced prime access andnthose people who buy plat jist to trade for that part or parts they need to build the new prime themselves. Also the same goes with the primed weapons so No Im notbuying it. So lonh as Warframe exists, and they keep making frames, they will keep making primes.

    Besides its not like its overly hard. Add some nice textures, slap on da bling and sell for da moniez

  6. You have to collect the cards you get from spending Steam moneys, when you collect a set you can craft them into a random reward card. It is not necessarily a Warframe reward so your best bet is to just buy the Rhino and syndana as you can get either for under a buck from the community market. If you have a lot of steam cards in your inventory then best of luck to you!

    This account is unable to use the community market.

    Damn you valve I want my money back.

  7. I would love this to be added, but do victims become infested so rapidly?


    Back in Dark Sector it was a slower process as most of the victims turned because the virus caused such excruciating pain.  Hayden Tenno was one of the only ones that could control it because he had an extremely rare real life condition in which he couldn't feel pain.


    Of course thousands of years have passed since then so it's very possible that the virus has evolved to infect things much more rapidly.  So it would be pretty cool to have 3 or even 4 way battles between Corpus, Grineer, Tenno, and Infested.

  8. thats just ignorant.


    No it's not.  You can make a new decent gaming PC or upgrade your existing one for just a few hundred dollars, and the specs will be about equal to or greater then the newer consoles.  If you can't or won't upgrade your PC to be more powerful than the average toaster then gaming most likely isn't a big deal to you and if it is, then you need to rethink a few things.  

  9. It would be damn amazing though if we get an entirely new region all of a sudden like "BOOM SURPRISE PRICE!"


    And then it's locked behind the most massive of grindwalls in that you need special beacons or keys to get to them and you can only get to those by playing another mission type that can only be unlocked by special keys earned from high level interception missions.

  10. It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


    It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.


    That would actually be pretty badass.  Maybe also instead of keyboards and controllers we'll have nervgear like in SAO only they will actually be tested to ensure that they won't fry anyone's brains should they die in the game.

  11. That's one thing I love when I play Loki.  HEY!  You at the door!  Get back here!  Switch Teleport


    Do that a few times and they get the message.  If they don't then you can get nasty and port them into a crowd of enemies.  

  12. Six weeks is still "a few weeks" actually. Sorry to burst your instant gratification syndrome bubble lol


    Actually it all depends on perspective.  A ,means "a small number of".  Not whether or not 6 can be a small number really depends on each individual and situation.  If you go your doctor and if he says "I'm sorry but you have a terminal disease and the best estimate is that you only have 6 more weeks to live."  Then to most people that's a very small number and those 6 weeks are probably gonna go by fast and it would be understandable to call them "a few".


    Now on the other hand if a guy comes home from work one day and his wife says "Oh hi honey, my mother in law is going to come and stay with us for 6 weeks."  Then to a lot of guys that 6 six weeks is suddenly an eternity and there is no way they would classify it as "a few".  


    Now in this instance when DE comes out and says that an update is "a few weeks away", then most people are gonna expect it in about 3 weeks maybe 4 because a lot of areas generally "a few" to be about three.   So therefore when it's 6 weeks and no sign of that big update, they're gonna get upset.  Even more so considering that the update is most likely still not ready yet and may not be out for "a few" more weeks thus making the total amount of time to be about 10 weeks from the date that Steve said "a few weeks" for u14.  


    A lot of people do not consider "a few" to be about 10, but them again, it's all based on perspective and the situation.



    There's your lecture for the day kids, now try and go learn a few other things this summer so your brains don't atrophy into piles of goop from playing video games all day every day.   Get some exercise or read a book.   That way when you get back to school in the fall and the teacher gives out a quiz or test, you'll ace it and look smart because you kept on top of things while your classmates just goofed off all summer and now look like dumbasses compared to you.

  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS


    as much as i think SOME of the new animations are nifty, i am incredibly disappointed with melee 2.0


    the 'combo' system is a joke, hold/pause was an awful idea, light/hvy would have been MUCH better


    some of the combos that use a directional button press are not too bad


    we were told we were getting an unlockable tree of different attacks that we could then pick/choose to create our own custom combo strings with various effects (bleed, kd, etc), we did NOT get that, instead we got what we currently have


    AND we lost charge attacks during quick melee mode, which is ridiculous, because there was no reason to remove it =[


    AND we still have no ability to aim melee up or down or anything other than purely flat horizontal =[


    our only vertical melee option is the stupid jump slam attack which many melee weapons have almost zero AOE on =[, still no mid-air slashing =[, and its dumb to have to jump and hit the ground under a camera or turret to dmg it


    Hold and pause is terrible and the directional pass ones aren't too great either.  The main thing is if you're trying to run up to an enemy but the combo requires you to press or hold the back key, then you many times you will miss the combo because you have to back up in order to pull it off.  

  14. Totally agree, especially with melee and the boss fights.  The new bosses look nice but they suck and I hate fighting them.  They just spend most of the time in invisible shields and then when those are down the only way you can hurt them is to shoot a tiny little weak spot.  And now Nef Anyo is probably gonna be the same way.  Though it would be awesome if we can hijack his floating platform thing and beat him down like we did in Halo 2 when you fight the prophet.

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