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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Su wut ur saiyan iz pupil wit bud grummar is stewpid? Huv u evur putt two cunsiduratoin nut evury Wurfram plier huz Engulish fur thier mun lunguwage?


    A mistake or two is fine, especially if English is not your first language.  However, the scary thing is, the majority of people who DON'T have English as their first language have far better spelling and grammar than a lot of people that do.  


    I blame the schools. 

  2. That is what mods are for ^^


    Mods are supposed to be optional not a requirement.  Stamina was fine until a few updates ago when they nerfed it hard.  Now if you want to run a decent distance without stopping for you  NEED either need Marathon or Quick rest(sometimes both).  And don't get me started on how bad the stamina drain is with these hyped up melee 2.0 stances.  

  3. This is more variation. Since we get enough dudes with guns from the Grineer.


    There still needs to be a balance though, theres like 6 kinds of crew + eximus variants needed for the scanner.


    I really don't see it.  Most of the Corpus enemies are literally guns on legs.  They don't make the nice squishy sounds and get cut in pieces with organs and body parts and blood when you kill them.  They're not even humanoid like mechs or robots in other games, they are literally guns on legs.   Compared to other enemies I personally find them boring and dull to fight. 


    What we need is more robot types, like actual droids or mechs.  Like ones in Starwars, or maybe even Enslaved, ones that can transform, move fast, and are fun to cut into little pieces.  And there need to be a a cpl of badass Corpus soldiers that will actually fight and then a few crewmen that will RUN  AWAY! when they see fighting, because those guys are more like engineers and maintenance crew to fix things and operate them.  It makes no sense for them to do suicidal charges at hyperlethal space ninjas destroying everything on the ship.  They need to try and GTFO when they see danger and let the guns on legs do the fighting.  

  4. DE doesn't want a cover system because it would slow down the game movement to much. If you really want to hide, then just stand behind a box or wall. Works more or less the same.

    if they don't want the game to be slow then they should buff stamina
  5. I think this is a completely wrong aproach,we are being forced to do some stuff instead of rushing onto the objective,

    It feels just incredibly wrong to have a door standing before you and need to wait ...

    If it would be atleast a survival-ish area this indeed would have been great but it was just annoying to have all the enemies spawn around completely ignoring that you have to walk BACK to them and dispose them ultimately wasting more time than waiting for the door itself

    Nothing good will come from sequencing missions.

    For example the new Vor and VayHek are terrible too, even though Vor can be oneshotted with vectis he still gets back up and recharges,

    Vay Hek is incredible annoying because his face is so tiny even though he still can be one or two shotted with ogris...

    We dont need barriers,we need more enemies!!!

    Those moa packs waiting around the corner (30+enemies) THAT IS WHAT WE NEED

    I was walking around the corner with Rhino and suddenly (pewpewpewpewiekabouwboom) I was downed and that was AWESOME

    Well maybe not this extremely awesome but it really made me smile which is more than I can say about the new doors and bosses



    Ugh hate the way the new bosses are.  Invincibile most of the time and the few moments they are vulnerable you can only damage them if you shot their tiny tiny weak spot.  And here I thought I was actually gonna be able to use melee on a boss, seeing as how there was this big deal with a melee rework and all that.  But then again that would actually make sense and we can't have that around here.

  6. The G3 and Harvester aren't that bad.  I've soloed Harvester a couple times with lower level gear.  The problem I have is that damn Stalker and his frekking dispell.  Try to be Loki or Ash and go invisible, LOL NOPE DISPELL!  Ironskin on Rhino  LOL NOPE DISPELL!  It's OP, lame, and ridiculous.  The point of being a cool ninja with our abilities in the first place is to be able to use them on powerful enemies and it defeats the purpose if the guy you're fighting can just wave his arms around and go LOLOLOLO YOU HAVE NO BUFFS NAO FUK YOU!    It would be fine if he had an ability where he would actually have to hit you with his weapons or a special attack like an Ancient Disrupter, but the way they have it now just takes all the fun out of it.




    Well she doesn't dissect our Tenno brethern and make them into Tenno hunting robots so there's a point in her favor right there.  

  8. To be fair the concept makes sense, they just need to swap the hands holding the weapons. Dagger in left, sword in right. That's how they did it back in Europe.

    It makes sense in other games like assassins creed where the combat is more realistic but this is a game with futuristic space ninjas fighting the flood robots and clone armies. If you want realism then you've come to the wrong place

  9. So having proven it isn't that hard to accomplish you try to make it harder for other players? Trolls will troll I guess.


    To be honest I just bought Hyrdoid with plat.  I farmed for those damn beacons over and over and over and the first 3 dropped, but I only got like ONE of those damn delta beacons.  No beacons, no keys.  But Hydroid seemed cool so I spent the plat, got him potatoed and with my own slot.


    Though right away I realized I probably just fell for DEs plan, which was to INTENTIONALLY make Hydroid hard as hell to get and therefore more players will just buy him with plat.  

  10. I personally want to see a tile-set on Titan based on a volcanic surface world stages, and Europa be remade into under-water aquatic stages.


    Honestly, I think a lot of the Ship tilesets should be put away, or had as sporadic tilesets, and not in every single part of a world.  Some of my favorite places are the world-bound tilesets.  I mean, what is the point of having all the missions be situated at a planet not even include a single part of said planet?  Why are we at a planet at all in this case?  This could be a random location in space for all intents and purposes.


    How much would you want to see a shattered dystopian vision of a Grineer city on Saturn (or the very least, some of it's asteroids which make up it's moons, with the planet plus some of the ring visible from the area)?   What about having Mars being a near permanent war between the two factions, where Corpus and Grineer both fight amongst the ruins of Orokin settlements on the ground, while in space, you always have the invasion type mission between them?  What about stages where the ship is being destroyed around you, and you escape out onto the surface of the world to reach extraction?    It could open up a lot more interesting environments than just another ship.


    When I first started playing, I thought most of the different planets had their own levels and tilesets.  For instance I thought Mars missions would be more like this.



    I was quite disappointed to see the same ice moons and ship tilesets regurgitated over and over and over and led to me not playing for a few months.

  11. Because you already have Hydroid? Or because you just don't care?


    I have Hyrdoid, leveled him up to 30 and now rarely use him.  I know your post wasn't directed at me but I support the Corpus on ceres not because I want to F*** with the market or increase my chances for harvester to target me so I can get the Detron.  It's because DE used a pathetic, lazy, and piss poor excuse of the already hated RNG system to work out how to get the parts to get the keys to get to the new Vay Hek boss.  


    Ok it's also a little fun to F*** things up.  Now I get why the Joker does all his crazy evil plans.  But that beacon RNG thing is still MY main reason for supporting Corpus on Ceres.

  12. I'd fight for free for a clan that regularly had 0% to 10% taxes on their nodes like Space Confederation over a clan that has 50,000 battle pay but then taxes out the wazoo.  Even if I make no money in battle pay, I can easily make 30k to 50k by busting out defense missions to wave 5 and then bailing and repeating.  Also get more exp and resources that way due to the bonuses.

  13. Yes, and part of the problem is some players, for whatever reason, refuse to play frames not their gender. I think DE is generally against that kind of thinking - if not in so many words. I personally don't get that player mentality and typically refer to frames/tenno in game by their gender, because you know, not all players are male even if that's the majority.


    I don't play frames or in other characters in other games against my gender because to me it's an immersion thing.  I'm a dude and like to play as dudes doing cool manly dude things and I just don't have as much fun when I play as a character or class against my gender.   I don't have anything personal against female characters or people that want to play as them.   It's great to see strong female leads that aren't all about breasts and boobs and looking sexxay.


    But at the end of the day it's an immersion thing for me.  I like to imagine myself AS the character doing all the cool heroics like a lot of game companies want you to do.  That's pretty hard to do if you gender swap in game.   That's just my 2 cents.

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