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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. This argument could be compared to Mass Effect. Was is good or bad to let the player descide the gender?

    We all know the hero is a man right?


    Same thing with Dragonage 2, Halo Reach and other games.  The point is to better let the player "be" the main character and that in a way each Mass Effect experience is different and separate from the "main canon".   It worked out fine even though the main reason that fem shep was played so players could stare at her &#! all day.  But then again that's the main reason most guys play female characters.  


    And to make gender swap versions of the various warframes honestly wouldn't be all that hard.  For female to male, mostly just make them taller, flatten the boobs, and make the arms and legs a bit thicker.  Then do the reverse for male to female.   Boom, main changes done.

  2. It's funny, around update 5 this was a really hot topic that had allot of support including my own. Now, each frame has a personality that is directly connected to their gender and I trust the release of further frames and this balance. But if DE decides to make the Dragon frame and it's a girl I will be sad faced.


    I will be &!$$ed.   Like wanting all my money back &!$$ed and/or gender swap skins.  In fact I'd probably be so mad that I would go on an epic quest to DE studios to find the owner, president, whoever the big boss is, or just go to his house and start flipping tables.  So many tables, so much flipping. Ok maybe not that mad, but I will still be mad.


    It also doesn't make much sense lore wise to gender lock the frames.  The main idea is that there are thounds, perhaps millions of Tenno and there are many variations of each frame.  Just like there are many Excalibers, many Rhynos, many Embers, and a lot of Saryns.   DE also stated that in order to add "immersion" and make it feel more that you, the player IS the Tenno they are playing as, they will never show the faces of the Tenno, thus implying that we, the players are supposed to fill that role.  Gender locking the frames completely goes against that.  


    I also don't see why people are saying this would even be a hard thing to.  Games have been having male and female versions of their races and classes and characters for years.  Halo has male and female Spartans, BF and COD have male and female soldiers. Well maybe not COD so correct me if I'm wrong there.   Many RPGs allow you to determine if the main character is male of female.  Why does Warframe have to be so different in that regard especially when they say things like "We won't show you what the Tenno look like without their suits because you're supposed to imagine yourself as the Tenno you are playing as" or something like that.  Maybe I'm alone here but I feet that it would be really freaky and disturbing to imagine myself as a chick.  


    Also I want Dragon, and it needs to be male and look very much like the original designer intended.  


    Rito Please!   Whoops, wrong company.


    ED Please!

  3. I like thus but maybe also have situations where we TEAM up with the pirates. Tennis fight for the highest bidder whether that be grineer corpus or some other faction. I think it would be pretty cool to be hired out by pirates because they want a fancy corpus ship or grineer weapons.

  4. Eh...


    Personally, I don't want it. It doesn't seem like the style of weapon to be dual-wielded.

    Contrary to popular belief k atanas were dual wielded quite often. I've even done it myself in RL so dual wield nikanas would be awesome. Just so that its both swords and not that stupid dagger thing they do to ruin the other dual wield weapons.

  5. Well when you have an awesome frame and weapon and then hide it behind massive RNG, Grindwalls, and dilluted drop tables, this is what happens.  A little grind is one thing, but when you make it a grindfest just to attempt to get people to buy the overpriced Prime Access stuff, then they're gonna get mad.  

  6. Hate those bastards.  It's one thing if you get hit with a special skill or attack like the Disrupter Ancient's attack, but it pisses me off just to see my energy get drained and my screen go haywire just because one of these bastards is in the same area code as I am.  It's just cheap and anti fun.  I'd rather have to run through a hallway full of arc traps then have to put up with this "shock eximus" bullS#&$.


    Same goes for the Stalkers dispell skill.  "HAHAH I WAVE MY ARMS AROUND AND YOUR POWERS NO WORK F*** YOU HAHAHAHAHAHA!  

  7. Congrats on taking the extreme step of uninstalling and declaring that you're done with WF.  Very commendable and much more decisive and firm than just hanging out in recruitment chat and getting a taxi to T4 missions like most other people do.  You are a very radical individual with amazing potential and a great future and I wish the best of luck for you sir.  Live long and prosper and may the force be with you.

  8. some people like the immortal skin to cancel it. what you are asking for is the alabaster skin, and that should be in its own thread lol

    This makes no sense. Why would you play as him if you don't like yhe bling. Other than the helmet thete is no difference visually between the two excels ifyou use the immortal skin. I use pendragon helmet and if I use the immortal skin no one can tell I have prime. Really he needs a remodel to get him up to par with the other primes but ill be happy with the small fixes if they get done. What is this alabaster skin?

  9. And how would the mod system work if you just put two weapons in your hands? The UI would be a huge mess. Stop trying to put logic into space magic and video game mechanics >>

    I want a giant spaghetti monster boss and a large ketchup gun that does poison damage. Dont try to put logic in it.

  10. Founder proceeds to get warning? That would be fun... 1,000 posts, founder, and he doesn't even read the patch notes


    You can be reported for naming and shaming, as it is a community rule and frowned upon. He cannot be reported, since it was at his own discretion to revive you, leave the game, or disconnect. You're a Founder and have 1000+ posts. You should know this by now.


    PRIVACY – Do not publicly post any form of real life information of yourself or another user in the forums. Real life information includes, name, phone number, address, email address, private/email message content, personal pictures, IP address and anything else that may identify you or a user to the community in some way.


    That's all "RL" or in other forums "PI" AKA "Personal Information", and yes in most places it is a big NO NO but that does not include or mention forum or in game names.  Unless it's stated in the rules elsewhere, the OP didn't violate those rules in this case.


    Now if he came one and said he did some "research" and posted the guy's name, home address, IP address, work/school schedule, and favorite hobbies, food, and interests, then you've got a case against him.

  11. I never said it isn't reportable, but the entire community doesn't need to know.

    so remove his name, and let me find it.

    (If i don't find it, go ahead put his name back on. (but trust me, I will))


    Actually a lot of people including me DO want to know.  If this guy is doing S#&$ like DCing at 40 mins in survival just to be an &#! or just because he doesn't like the rewards(really stupid since you lose the key anyways) then I want to know so if I ever see him in game then I'll know not to join him when he hosts a run.

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