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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Does coloring everything basic black count?  Cause that goes with everything.


    I prefer to go with darker grays, and lighter blacks,  if you go full on true black then you miss out on seeing the textures in your frame and weapons and everything just blurs together.  If that makes sense at all.


    Marked by defiance; boldly resisting
    1. Having distinct limits:
    2. Indisputable; certain:
    3. Clearly defined; explicitly precise


    I believe was the point Beas7ie was trying to make.



    This guy wins the prize.  Congratulations sir, you win one free internet.  I just need your mailing address so I can send you your internet.

  3. Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

    Mine and many others about a stupid decision that makes no sense. Lets have the off hand use the really cool sword and have the main hand use the stupid dagger thing. Its unrealistic ineffective looks weird and is just stupid.

  4. Quick return works... But it makes me sad because it means I will never be able to get that warm fuzzy feeling, when I hit a perfect rebound to kill an enemy standing behind a pillar.

    "You got to make some sacrifices to not kill yourself."

    I just don't understand why sacrifices have to be made at all, why did they randomly decide "You know what the Glaive needs? It needs to explode for no reason. Better yet! It needs to explode and kill its user for no reason. Yes, this is what the game has been lacking. This is what the players want."

    I agree and in the same vein I feel that this should apply ro the penta ogris bows with thunderbolt and the absurdum and that I should not be killed when shooting something point blank with something that explodes. Because exploding sruff point blank killing you is very silly and unrealistic

  5. im thinking about a parasite, and if the infested hunter wins, he will infect the target and sooner or later on another mision the player's warframe will transform into a new infested hunter, taking a new target, unless you use a cure that cost 2 argon crystals to make, well at least thats how i imagine it


    Make it 3 Argon Crystals, 300 Oxium, a neural sensor, and 5 potatoes,  and you have to buy the blue prints from the clan research in the dojo that takes 3 days to complete.  

  6. I've never seen any section where you HAD to wallrun to get past, except for the old Orokin Void Secret Treasure Rooms.  There are lots of wallrun areas sure, but none of them are mandatory.  There are always alternate routes to get around, or in most cases you can just zorencopter past them, so I really don't see the issue other than OP is a skill less fool, or just trying to troll.

  7. Would be kind of cool.  Kind of like ODSTs dropping down in Halo.


    Would be also cool if you can do that yourself.  Instead of having the ship slowly fly down and drop you off, just get in a drop pod from space and get launched towards the enemy ship or down to the planet.  


    Feet First into Hell.

  8. DE doesn't need to make a new stance just for twin longsworfs the stances we have now are fine. I just want to ne able to use swords in each hand and not that stupid dagger in my MAIN hand. I want DHS DHS Naomi Naomi. Sana sword S kana sword. ETHER SWORD. ETHER SWORD. BASICALLY I WANT SWORDS SWORDS SWORDS. And also give us dual Dakra prime

  9. Dual wield SWORDS lime sword swords and not that stupid dagger thing in the main hand

    Bosses don't have invincible shields and one tiny weak spot feom which they can be damaged. And tou can actually hurt them with melee. I want ro be able to climb lephantis like in dragons dogma and stab it in the faces

    Easier to use melee comb o s with a heavy melee attack and no morw of this eeepausee crap

    Yeah I like melee

  10. ceres defense missions, delta beacon drops in a room, vauban spawns dozens of bounce pods to keep folks from claiming it.


    loki can irritate one person, vauban can irritate the entire group.

    And then I run by with my carrier that sucks it up and I'm like Nice try dude trololololo!

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