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Posts posted by Beas7ie



    Because of this I stopped doing most of the revamped bosses.  It's great to make them tough and require skill to beat, but there's a difference between making a boss that requires skill and thinking to beat(Mr. Freeze on Arkham City even though it's a completely different type of game) and just a shoot boss one thousand times at a weak spot, wait for invcishield to wear off and fight the goons, rinse and repeat until boss is dead.

  2. We've all played or at least seen Left 4 Dead, right?

    Just take a look at the Boomer for an example of an explosive enemy done correctly. A proper exploding enemy should be an uncommon occurrence and a case of 'DROP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND KILL IT BEFORE IT GETS CLOSE' rather than being another trash mob that you can pretty much ignore in most cases.


    Another example is the carrier on Halo.  Even though they're more numerable and a lot slower, most people try to take them out ASAP as they don't want to get close and explode into a bunch of little infection slugs right in front of your face.

  3. I would like to see an actually dangerous trap that DISCOURAGES people from being stupid about rushing through areas.


    I mean, it's not like a land mine stops people from going through an area. (Seriously) it makes them more cautious about doing it. The whole IDEA of traps, land mines, etc is area denial. To constrict an enemy's movement. They cannot STOP movement. They CAN slow it.


    The arc traps as they are do not do this.


    Now if they did damage based on the speed of the player moving through their area of influence... Maybe snared them in place for a bit? Or even better... dispelled any abilities that were active when the player enters the zone... *evil grin*


    When I go through a mine field, I run as fast as I can so I can outrun all the explosions while someone is filming me from the front so there's awesome shots of me looking like  a badass with a ton of explosions going off behind me.

  4. Well I blame the players on that. Because when a Grineer Invasion (to Ceres for example ) comes ,instead of helping the Grineer get it back,they help the Corpus to mantain the control or when the Corpus invaded Ceres people still helped them instead of the Grineer and now they post this kind of stuff on the forums. I really wish I knew why they like the Corpus so much,they are the ones disecting and torturing our fellow Tennos. The Grineer are easier to kill,yes,but still... Help them


    The players did this to show DE what a piss poor idea their RNG thingy majig for the Prosecutors just to be able to fight the new Vay Hek was.  The plan was that by making it impossible to even fight the prosecutors DE would HAVE to find a new way to be able to get the keys to do the Vay Hek missions.

  5. You'd think so, but learn a little bit about the planets in our solar system. The average temperature of Mercury is about 442.5K whereas Venus has an average temperature of 735K, Venus is covered by a thick coat of atmosphere, that means heat has trouble escaping.


    Atmosphere and thick thick clouds trap in all the heat.  Mercury gets extremely hot during the day but the nightside is freezing because it has NO atmosphere.  


    Also Venus not only is the hottest but it has EXTREME pressure.  So much that even if someone were to use a suit that could protect against the heat the pressure on Venus would flatten him into a messy pancake if he ever went there.  

  6. The rocket launchers will be balanced, take my word in it -- It's in DE's board.


    Just so long as they're not nerfed too hard where you can't get any ammo from them.  I don't want them turning into "too awesome to use" in that sure they're powerful but you have so few shots to begin with you don't even use it because you don't want to run out of ammo for when you'll really really need it.

  7. I personally like the Paris Prime.  It's got that bow thing going on and also looks part shield like so you can block S#&$ being shot or thrown at you.  Best of both worlds and it also does TONS OF DAMAGE!


    No the Orthos Prime looks like crap.  Basically it's just the Bo staff with 2 small fish hooks on it.  Looks more like a fancy to catch the the fish in the koi ponds and gardens in the dojo then a weapon used to cut enemies into small pieces.

  8. Too bad none of the animations in Warframe have anything to do with Katana fighting except the new combo added to DJ, which still uses that terrible two handed fencing opener.


    Almost none of the animations in warframe are even close to how the weapons were actually used in real life, which isn't really a bad thing and it would be kind of dull if it really was like that as in RL people were much slower and burdened by heavy armor, that and trying to do all those fancy flips and spins would just get you killed, but futuristic space ninjas can pull it off.  


    Though with that being said, the combat system needs VAST improvements.  Main thing is that this  E E E pause E E E style of combos doesn't work.  It requires perfect timing to pull off and when you have bad guys that can easily knock you around, or even squadmates that will happily shoot the bad guys in head over and over with their maxed out Boltor Prime then getting that perfect E E E pause E E E combo really isn't going to do any good unless you want to teach that air who's boss.  And I don't think that air is really intimidated by your fancy combos.


    What DE needs to do is make another type of melee attack like a more specialized attack or heavy attack.  Map it to another button.  Last I checked the R key wasn't mapped to anything by default(at least for me it does nothing) and with it being right next to the E key it makes doing the cool combos much faster and easier.  So now combos can be more like E E R E RRE  


    or just go the Dynasty Warriors style with combos like E  E R  EERR  EEERR  EEEERR EEEEERR.


    But I guess that's a topic for a different thread.

  9. Some sort of iaido based stance would be nice i guess. Strong singular or maybe dual swipes in a medium area in front of the frame... much like the no-stance-spam but more stylized / stronger / slower. Each combo ending with slowly sheathing the sword if the damage bonus warrants it.


    We might as well get the full iai package if we have the sword for it.


    Stat-wise though i don't see any problems. It isn't really weak, and i personally find most melee combos useless / marginally rewarding anyway.


    Oh and the model is fine too. I'm sure we all could come up with a couple dozen of sci-fi excuses why the blade is so slim.


    We kind of already have that with both stance mods AND even without stance mods.  


    I personally am for LESS sheathing of the blade except after certain combos or attacks.  The whole iaido thing(such as DMC Vergil or DW Zhou Tai) is overrated, makes little sense, and doesn't work.


    The Samurai did practice iaido but the whole point of that was to just get one quick attack right at the beginning of the fight and then they would keep their swords drawn until after the fighting is over, then they clean off the blade and sheath the sword.    


    The best example I can think of is Ninja Gaiden 2.  During fighting, Ryu NEVER sheathes his weapons but then after the fight is done, he will do a swipe to fling off all the blood and gunk and then sheathe(or put away if not a sword) his weapon.  It works great, and looks cool.

  10. Bladed Tonfas are coming I just hope that they are Puncture based rather than slash


    Depending on how they're used, they should probably be both.


    Me personally I just want actual dual wield SWORDS, as in a SWORD in both hands.  Not this main hand dagger, off hand sword bullS#&$ they keep on doing.  It's not realistic, not practical, and with the movesets and stances, it doesn't even make since as all it does is basically nerf the range with one of your weapons.  

  11. I want to be able to go to different areas in Grineer and Corpus ships.  I mean like Crew Quarters, Mess Halls, Recreation Areas.  Even Grineer, and Corpus Crewmen have to sleep and eat sometime right?  And I'm sure they have some downtime to watch T.V, or play pool or something like in Modern Military Ships.


    I also want to be able to go to the bridges on the ships.  And for the bridges to be the ones in Star Trek with the consoles, and stations, and the big captain's chair in the middle, and I can sit in and be like "FIRE PHASERS AND PHOTON TORPEDOS!  RAISE SHIELDS!"  

  12. Mr. Fuzzikens


    Named after Mr. Fuzzikens that cute snuggly Brumak I got to ride in Gears of War 2, he was so cute stomping through that horde of locusts, but then he got in the radiation crap and mutated into this giant tentacle monster and I had to use the Hammer of Dawn kill him.  I was like MR. FUZZIKENS NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!  And I cried fountains of tears.

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