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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. I'm MR 15 and am about 2,300 years old.


    I've had a lot of adventures over the years but its not all fun and games.  Quite a few times I've had strange people attack me with swords while yelling "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"  I've killed them over and over but they kept coming back until I started cutting their heads off.  Then I get zapped by lightning and stuff and suddenly have all their skill and abilities.

  2. It's the Pluto relay, I wanna keep it.


    Now if it were the Mercury relay I would love to watch it burn and laugh as all the newer players no longer are able to get to the relays for their syndicates and simaris and Prime trader and all that.





    Not really, that would be mean.


    Though it would be interesting to see what DE would do should an event like that occur.

  3. Nah . If you join a survival mission you have to expect it to go 40-60 minutes . If you only have 20 minutes go ahead and play some Exterminations or simply ask your team if they wanna leave early because you have to leave


    In my experience if someone wants to leave and if the other players try to hold him "hostage" then he will go around and spam activate all the life support capsules, thus FORCING everyone else to either try and kill so many people so rapidly(this gets tougher in the later stages of T4) so they can get the little life support drops, head to extract and bail out, or run out of life support and lose everything.

  4. galatine!?!


    War and Galatine would suck as they wouldn't test them properly.  They would make them with the right materials and they would be badass, but they would be too heavy for them to swing around and the "cutting tests" would be one guy holding the handle while another lifts the blade and lets it go. 


    I would go with one that can actually be swung around and is a bit more iconic like the Skana, or I would love the Dakra Prime. 

  5. That's gotta be a pain for both Stalker, Hunhow, and Lotus to go through all that for each and every of thousands of Tenno.  I mean does Stalker take the other piece of war, repair it, and then go back to the moon to wait for the next Tenno to come along?   And what about Lotus appearing in person to talk to every single kid?  I mean that's a lot more than Santa has to do because he just has to drop presents down the chimney, but Lotus has to go in person to every orbiter, carry the kid to their interface thingy, and then talk to them.  That's gotta be tiring after a while. 

  6. Warframes are still partly alive on their own. In addition to the whole "broke the Hunhow Sword under their own power" implication, they can both bleed to death and feel pain. That second point is espoused by your Zariman Kid, should you allow him speaking privileges.


    Wait we can turn off speaking privileges for our Zariman kid?  How do you do that?  I've been trying to prevent my Zariman from having his stupid pop up messages ever since I completed Second Dream. 


    *break a container* 


    Zariman kid -  My Warframe is Strong

    @Omega-Shadowblade ,


    Break a window on a Corpus ship and wait for the enemies to suffocate (or for the helmetless Crewmen to explode). They won't. Also, in survival missions the enemies may have "personal life support" but it never runs out. And it's clearly small enough to fit on their persons.


    Also, somehow all four Tenno share life support?


    What I'm trying to point out is that the whole concept is flawed.


    I'm more disappointed that there isn't explosive decompression.  When I bust the windows, Moas and crewmen should be sucked out of the ship.

  7. I don't think it really was all the surprising or sudden.  A lot of people have all but figured it out back in U17 with the tennotext thingy.  Also there were hints WAY before.  Take the G3 for example.  If they down you,  then instead of killing you they will but a restrictor thing that reduces the damage you do.  Why would they do that when you're down and they could just kill you right there.  Maybe it's because someone up high on the Grineer chain of command knows that the Tenno were just some kind of surrogotes and that if you "kill" them, then a new suit will just pop back up and start causing trouble again.


    Also there's the fact that you can use revives to get back up if you die or even if you fail you appear back on your ship.  This is easily explained as gameplay reasons just like loading a save if you die in any other game but it also fits perfectly with the story.  A tenno gets destroyed on the mission but since the operator is safe in the void or on his or her ship, they can just turn on a new suit and get right back to it.


    Besides, we have drones that are pretty awesome at what they do with today's technology so it would made sense that someone would try to make advanced killing machines that can be operated from afar.

  8. From my knowledge, sorry if I screw up any for being bird brained.

    1) Wall Hanger  (50 bucks cheap sword)

    rat tail tang made from cheap stainless steel, which you might snap the blade from the tang from swinging.

    These are non-functional replica which are mainly decorative


    2) Functional Replica, iaito, practice sword. ($300 - $600)

    these are functionally intact, with proper geometry and mounting, except the intention 

    is design as a practice sword, which cannot perform cutting or combat.


    Metallurgy structure and processing does not allow usage as weapon, which with untempered edge the edge retention might be poor 

    even if you sharpen the blade.



    3) Battle-Ready Modern Reproduction ($300 - $2000+) 

    These are modern reproduction, industrial grade steel plates, spring steel etc are used to make 

    most of the reproduction katana are made in China as Japan has strict restriction on Steel katana


    Functionality wise these has went through proper heat treatment and forging, just that the steel itself is not 

    made traditionally


    4) Master-Grade Production ($5000 - $10,000+)

    From the steel ore to the final finishing is performed by master sword smith. 

    The manufacturing process is following traditional methods and no steps is skipped


    Bear in mind the master grade production are not necessary Functionally Better in terms of cutting performance

    and durability compared to reproductions made from industrial grade steel.

    However for Katana the Blade Smith, Blade Polisher, Scabbard Maker, Scabbard Painter/ Polisher, Handle Wrapper, 

    Accessories such as Tsuba, Habaki, Kashira, Fuchi etc are made by dedicated craftsmans.


    This isn't entirely correct.


    You can get a good cutting sword for as low as a hundred bucks.  I have several in the $100 to $500 range and they cut no problem and can function in a "battle". 


    The more expensive ones are those that are more antique or artifacts such as those made from smiths that come from a long line of masters such as those found in Japan(some are considered national treasures)

    or are custom hand made by a master smith who puts days and sometimes weeks and months of work into it until he is finished and sends it to the craftsman who makes the hilt and if it's a Japanese sword, it has to be sent to a master polisher to put the edge on the blade.



    If you want a functional battle ready sword there are companies like Cold Steel that make great quality weapons in the $150 and up range.  I have a few of them and so far they have been great.

  9. frankly i'd rather someone else make replicas, someone that would use the correct grade materials to make functional versions rather than just decorative ones.


    Ok either you're trolling or you just don't watch to the end where they show off the finished weapons by cutting stuff up.  I'd go on about the process they use and how high quality their steel and heat treatment is, but I think you're just trolling.



    As for getting these weapons made, it's not up to DE.  If we want them to do it then we have to spam them with posts and comments like "MAKE WARGRAME SKANA!" over and over and over



    or wait a while until I get some more blacksmithing gear and classes and am good enough to start making them, because I totally want to.

  10. Player controlled stalker has been discussed in depth a a couple times before so to address the ususal easily solvable problems that people always bring up:


    An opt out option would allow players who don't want to play it to play as ususal.


    Having it be a matchmaking option and not allowing the stalker to communicate or see the name of their target would prevent abuse.


    He'd obviously have to be rebalanced to account for player control



    They can just add an opt out option in the menu for it.  This discussion has come before and in most cases people have looked at it more favorably than in the case of plain old PvP.




    De would just have to rebalance his abilities/weapons for the player controlled version.  Personally I've wanted this for a very long time.  Stalker and the other Assassins are boring and allowing it to be player controlled would potentially make them a challenge.


    Nobody wants PvP in their PvE

  11. If you wanna be that character and make it emulate you thats all good. If a person wants to emulate a female and not being one themselves because they envisioned a character and want that character to embrace the story, thats good too. In a game with that kind of freedom, there's no wrong choice, because again is up to the player. Silent or not you still envisioned yourself(speaking generally) as being in that characters choose, just like D&D table rpg games. You yourself and your choices in that game makes the immersion possible, bashing on the other because it doesnt conform to your sense of immersion is flawed and pointless.


    You're right and I agree with you 100%.  Also many people choose not to go for the immersion and just want to pick the characters that are the most OP or have the biggest butts, and that's fine too.  If that's how you wanna play you're game go ahead.  I'm not knocking any guys because they like to play as FemShep, or play games like Tomb Raider.  I'm sure many guys are gonna wanna play as Evie Frye instead of Jacob Frye in Assassins Creed Syndicate and that's great too.  Those are great games and Shepard is a badass whether its DudeShep or FemShep.  The new Tomb Raider reboot is pretty awesome too and it's great to see strong female characters. 


    That being said, it's not only silly, but also somewhat stupid for DE to claim that they want to have so many customization options and not have the Tenno talk all because they want the players to better "immerse" themselves and imagine themselves as the Tenno and then refuse to not have genderswap skins for all frames.   It would take some work yes, but compared to so much of the other changes and additions they made to the game, genderwap skins would be pretty simple.   Hell there's already tons of artwork and models fans made of pretty much every frame in a genderswap role.

  12. I play as what I want, when I want.   I don't give a damn if a frame is popular or "meta" or "OP"  or even if its hated.  I play frames based on my personal preferences, and playstyle.  I don't give a damn how OP some frames are(Old Mesa with peacemaker) if I'm not into the playstyle then I'm never gonna play it.


    On the flip side even if a frame is considered lame or weak I'll still play it if I like the style or aesthetics.  I've been rockin Excal(actually Prime) since way before the rework when he was considered garbage and if you tried to take him into the void, people would be like NNNNNOOOOOO!! NOT EXCAL!!! WHY!!!!???? And I would kick &#! as him. 


    I also rock it at Rhino Prime even though he's not really in a good spot right now.  I don't care.  I like the style, I like being a wrecking ball and smashing everything and Rhino does that well and I'm gonna play as him, and if you don't like then tough beans for you! 





    Sorry got a bit carried away there, but yeah I play based on my personal preferences and what I like regardless of what the rest of the community thinks.

  13. You will have to go to DE's offices in Ontario, and fill out an application.  Once they go over your application(be nice to the receptionist or it will get "lost") they will decide if you can then buy Excalibur Umbra.  They will then give you directions to head to the proper room and on the way there you will have to do various physical challenges and answer trivia questions.  If you fail too many then they open a trap door that sends you sliding down a garbage chute into the dumpster outside.  If you make it to the room, then you have to pay in cash and you will be given a card with a scratchoff area.  Scratch off the area for a code that you use to redeem for Excal Umbra.



    If you don't want to do all this, there is a shorter way.  You have to flip a table at the DE HQ.  It can't be just any table, it is one that is secretly randomly selected and it switches each day, but you have to get it right because if you don't get the right one then you are permanently blacklisted from EVER getting Excal Umbra, so it's probably just safer to try the application and trivia thing.  Even if you get trap doored to the garbage chute you can at least try again with a new application, but BE NICE TO THE RECEPTIONIST!

  14. While not exactly a holiday, it is a superstitious day and for some is considered a special day of sorts.  Will anything special happen for us during this quasi-holiday?


    Happy Friday the 13th!


    It's a superstitious day because way back in 1307, King Philip IV of France decided he didn't want to the Pay the Knights Templar all the money he owed them money he borrowed to finance a war with England.  So he teamed up with Pope Clement the V and made all kinds of crazy accusations against the Knights Templar and arrested the Grandmaster Jacques de Molay, and many of the other leaders.  The ones arrested were put under crazy torture to confess to crazy bullS#&$ crimes they didn't commit and Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake.  


    And that's why Friday the 13th is considered to be unlucky.  Yay history!

  15. Chief talks a lot dude. Like pretty much any time there's an allied NPC around. Gordon Freeman is probably a better example.


    He might talk more in the newer games, but back in the older ones like Halo 1 and Halo 2, he really didn't talk that much.  Bungie said that the reasoning for that is for the players to better put themselves in the shoes of the badass supersoldier who saves the day.  Later on they(and 343 after they took over) must have decided it would be better to flesh him out more as a character, and the players can better immerse themselves as the multiplayer Spartans that they can actually customize and stuff, and one of those big customization options is the ability to make Female Spartans.  So um yeah.



    But you are right about Gordon Freeman, he would be a good example of this trope(if this can be considered a trope).

  16. It's a cool concept but I kind of feel that the lion ult doesn't fit.   Sure lions were used sometimes in the arenas, but not really on the battlefield and not by Greek warriors.


    Perhaps something like spectre type warriors pop up around him and form a phalanx.  Then do a charge and deal all enemies in front of you, and/or throw spears that deal more damage.



    Just my opinion though so do what you want.

  17. No dedicated servers.  The few times I got into PvP it was a lag fest with everyone just spamming the same slide dash with the Bo or Bo Prime.  I haven't even been able to get into a match with the new parkour 2.0 because the servers are crap.



    The mods are a turn off as well.


    And then the main reason is this game isn't meant for PvP, to make PvP work, you would have to completely change some of the core gameplay concepts.  It was designed and built around PvE.   If someone really wants to do PvP, then they need to go play Call of Halo Ops or whatever first person no field of view shooter is all the rage now.

  18. I find this comment rather silly. If you want immersion and realism on your game thats your cup of tea, if someone else wants their models to look like sexy women that is their thing and it should be respected. If a person played a game just to be immersed, you can be immersed either way you can't shove that thought "that because is a game of medieval or viking inspired era, anything else deviating from that is useless crap" because guess what all games are wether they try or not to aim to realism, just a hunk pixels in a fantastic setting. Gender in a game is more or less only relevant to the person or character they are trying to portray and saying anything else is just plain silly opinions.

    On topic though, I do like the idea of gender changing skins, but also I see why DE doesn't do it. We can only assume, yet I have to be honest, they maybe planning a frame with similar abilities as their opposite gender's frame counterpart and gives us more content to enjoy.


    I'm saying that it's lame how people who like to be immersed in their games and thus try to make or play characters that they can better relate(often the same gender) get called out on it, yet it's perfectly fine for everyone else to play as a near naked girl with ridiculously large %$# or boobs.


    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I do like immersion in games.  They're a form of escape from what can be a rather droll RL, of work, school, chores, out in the RL where I'm just another A****** going about his business.  In games I get to be the "hero".  I'm the awesome badass who saves the day, slays the monters, takes on supreme evil and all that.   Thus I like to make my characters immersive, almost as if it is ME in the game. 


    This is also why games like Halo have Masterchief rarely talk as they want the player to feel like he or she is the Spartan kicking alien &#!.


    It is also why DE originally made the Tenno silent so that us the PLAYERS could get some more immersion and better imagine OURSELVES as the badass space ninjas blasting and cutting through bad guys.


    Now gender locking the frames kind of goes against that.

  19. I just don't think there's a point in them spending the time and resources on making alternate skins just so someone who ''doesn't like playing as girls'' can feel better about playing their frame. I mean, I get it, you want to immerse yourself, but I don't think all of you understand how much time these skins take.


    The main reason I don't see this working is because, IF DE does do it, then after they give us alt gender skins, there are going to be people saying "We should have Alt-Gender Immortal skins! or Alt-Gender Premium skins!" which means even more time and resources putting into making the existing alternate skins fit onto the male variations, and at that point they may as well just make a whole new frame


    Notice my comment Morec0 senpai


    And I don't get why it seems that us who like to play as the same gender for immersions get crap, yet it's fine that the majority of people who do play as gender swapped characters only do so because they want to stare a female's &#! all day.    Much like so many MMO players play as some scantily clad female so they can see her almost bare &#!.


    And don't get me started about all the Skyrim players who run almost entirely skimpy armor and big boobs mod.

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