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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. I'm sure everyone knows about Typhus


    And yet DE still hasn't made him yet, so either they're being stupid, some crazy Game of Thrones S#&$ is going on that's preventing him from being made, or not enough people know of him.


    Either way we need to get the word out.

  2. Just tell me one thing: How are you going to put this on your back?


    Maybe it can fold up.


    Though really scythes are overrated and in RL would be a piss poor choice to use in a fight unless you got attacked by bandits while farming with it,  of course this is a game about crazy space ninjas so realism goes out the window.


    Even at that though, if we get a scythe I would much rather get a warscythe which is more of an ax/halberd type thing

  3. You're not meant to kill them?


    Maybe if the Lotus said something about not killing them, less people would kill them.


    They got introduced with no in-game explanation, I'm still not sure what they are.


    When I first found out about the synthesis targets I thought you had to kill them too, so I did and then Simaris got extremely upset and makes it clears you're NOT supposed to scan them.


    You use your scanner and scan them several times and they disapoof and you get the credit and Simaris is happy.

  4.  I'd say iit is abuse because it is using a function intended to negate forms of harassment instead being used because they do not like your offer. its the mentality of "il block everyone who doesn't fit my every whim" instead of being used as intended..... That's why I think it is abuse. It is coupled with the same playing field of give a child everything they ever want and you can  expect all hell first time you tell them they cannot do something. I think players should have the ability to block everyone and anyone they want but I'm starting to think the community shrinks within itself every day people are allowed to segregate themselves away from the rest of the community shearly because they didn't like that one offer you gave them over a year ago.



    If they're gonna ignore you just because they don't like your offer, then they were probably gonna try and lowball or do a highway robbery on you anyways.  You're better, and if a person really really really doesn't want to talk and/or play with you, trying to make a system to force them too is just gonna make things worse.

  5. And there resides the root of the problem. People know its overpriced, people know its way to much money for what it offers, people still buy it. 






    DE's still gonna make their profit and continue their increasingly insulting and abusive business practices.  We as players ALL need to take a stand and say NO! We are NOT going to buy this at the prices you offer, lower them and we will.


    And then here's the tricky part, after we say that we have to NOT buy them.  So adults, keep your credit cards and paypal accounts away, and kids, take a moment to realize that you REALLY don't need this shiny new set of ones and zeros. It won't help you make friends in school, it won't help you in life, and by taking a stand now you can possibly get it and many other things for much more in the long run.


    Also your parents really deserve  break from your whining to buy you nice things you little ungrateful punks.  Why if you were my kids, I would kick all your asses and then leave you in the woods with a knife to learn what REAL hard work is life.  And after you spend a few days learning to survive and find your way back home, it's off to the coal mines.

  6. this topic keeps showing up in the comments.


    are you saying that when charge attacks are installed, it would be a lot harder do execute combos?


    and also, are you saying that DE should branch out there button combos to unused, reachable, keys to fix it? especially unused ones like the R key? and replace all "hold E" combos with the "R" key?


    if my outline is right, ill post it on the topic. if its wrong, please warn we before i do.


    the thought is logical to think about. the same problem is on console. we don't use the reload button "square button" when in melee mode besides interaction. is it the same thing for PC?



    Basically the R key should be used for melee also with separate attacks.  Perhaps heavier and slower ones.  If you ever played Dynasty or Samurai Warriors, then it would be much like that.


    The R key would work great for this because it's literally right next to the E key and is not used in melee mode.


    Therefore, while DE would have to make new combos and attacks using E and R, mapping the R key would be a pretty easy fix.


    Now all combos can be combinations of E and R so combos would be like E E R E R E and so forth instead of


    EEpauseEholdEpauseE BACK E and that clusterfuck which causes most people to just say screw it and spam E.



    I'm PC master race so I have no idea what the default reload button is for console but even then I suspect it would still be a pretty easy fix to map the alternate attack button to one of the main console controller buttons.


    I hope this helps clear things up for you.

  7. I guess it'll be like Excalibro's slash dash, camera behind the back with Ash snapping from enemy to enemy.


    That would be pretty cool especially since the camera angles as it is are just awful.



    Another change that might work but would be a lot more drastic would be to make it like Excalibro's Exalted Blade, and give him his own stance with his hidden blades and melee buffs so the player can control him running around and hidden blading the bad guys.


    Maybe make like a smokey aura with a sort of perma stealth when in his ult or something like that.

  8. How about no RNG or Grind to do the quests?


    I don't want to wait for some drone thing to randomly pop up in a mission to start unless that drone thing is a guarantee and not based on RNG.


    I also don't want to farm a bunch of Argon to make a thingy majig that's necessary to complete a quest or have to seek out rare enemies like juggernauts, fight them and deal with THAT RNG all the while ORDIS is hounding me about not getting things done.

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