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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Lottery batches are still in progress, but one thing to remind everyone of:

    This is an Off-Site Party. Invitees receive a party invite, NOT a Gamescom ticket.



    I guess I can get my own Gamescom ticket, but I still expect the private jet and everything else.  The jet should preferably be one of the ones they use for the President that becomes Air Force One when he boards it to maximize my  comfort and safety, so you should probably start calling the White House, or Congress or whoever is in charge of that over in DC so the paperwork can be underway and completed because you know how bureaucracy works.  You need to fill out forms to get the forms for the forms that you need to fill out for whatever it is you need nowadays. 

  2. If you can't handle the swag then go back to your normie weapons. 


    I for one, love all my bling bling swag on my fancy weapons.  It really impresses all my home dawgs and sweet honiez back in da hood yoyoyo ya know bro?

  3. Problem with Excals combos in the Exalted Blade stance is that they use the atrocious Pause and Hold Mechanics that DE stubbornly sticks to(Yes, there is the ONE RMB combo, but it's use is limited at best and most times it's still better and easier to just spam E), and expects you to try and get right when you're fighting 50+ bad guys on your screen in a T4 survival. 


    It's like  "hhmm lets see EE Pause E E DAMN DIDNT PAUSE LONG ENOUGH! Gotta wait for the animations to all reset and here we go again E E Pause E E Damn! Still didn't work right, alright lets try this one, E Hold E DAMN DIDN'T hold it long enough aahhh screw it I'll just E spam EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *bad guys all die* 




    Oh and BTW   LEAVE MY EXCALIBRO ALONE!  I was rocking him back when he was considered garbage by many people and trying to use him in high level missions could and would get you laughed at and kicked from the group, so let him have his time to shine now!




    And if this is not about melee combat but gun fighting then please explain why there is a cornucopia of melee weapons big and small with unique fighting styles and damage types that can really mess people up.




    TLDR  The rework was awesome but the stance combos kind of stink due to the clunky hold and pause mechanics.


    Also love that they took out the P4ToWin

  4. I saw trailers and stories about it when it was in beta about a game where you could be cool space ninjas with fancy space guns and fancy space swords and fight fancy bad guys in fancy space.


    I then started thinking, "HHHHmmmmmmmmm.  I like Space.  I like Sci Fi.  I like Space Sci Fi like Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, and other shows, movies, and video games set in space.    I also like ninjas.  Ninjas are cool.  They're quick and stealthy and doesn't afraid of anything.  Now they took the ninjas and put them in space.  So now the ninjas are in space and instead of their normal medieval ninja gear and weapons, they have fancy new ninja gear and weapons."


    "Now, since I like ninjas, and since I like space ergo via the scientific method, I believe that it would be a correct hypothesis to state that I would like a game where you get to play as cool space ninjas with cool space gear, and cool space weapons fighting cool space bad guys."


    It was a long thought process and many tests were involved but the end result was me downloading the game and then buying the Grandmaster Founder's Package.

  5. They work consistently to improve and add content within the parameters of a profitable business model as well as any company I've seen.

    As to what you are asking for, I give you: THE BOLTOR PRIME CRISIS.

    Finally, your word selection actually hinders any argument you would present. If I told you to "get YOUR $&@" together before posting inflammatory statements, you wouldn't really listen to what I have to say...just how I said it.



    Sorry, I didn't like the way you said what it was you said so I didn't listen.   Now if you would have told me to get my S#&$ together before I make a post followed by inflammatory statements then I would have been much more receptive.

  6. loot table ARE broken, but you still can have bad RNG. It may take you 100 tries to get what another guy gets in 1.


    Do i tihnk the tables are full of crap? yes.


    does DE know thte tables are full of crap? Yes


    have they changed it? Not really


    will they? probably not





    whats wrong with spending money on the game? last i checked companies need revenue to pay employees to make a product.



    Wanting us to spend money on the game is fine.  I've spent quite a bit in the past. 


    However if DE expects us to spend our money, then they gotta get this S#&$ together.  Stop making us continuously grind the same crap over and over again.   Stop making us do ten void missions to get that one piece we need and giving us ten different void keys each time.   Make the loot tables and RNG actually bearable instead of just trolling us with crap.  

  7. I don't do this for just anyone but I guess I can take the time to come this party.  Now, I have very strict standards.  First, I must be flown in by private jet.  In fact I want to be flown by helicopter to the private jet and then flown to the site.  I must be booked in the nicest hotel and have the penthouse suite.   Don't cheap out and expect me to just go with a "luxury suite".  It's gotta be the penthouse.  I must have a personal assistant to take care of anything I need.


    The assistant needs to be extremely skilled and intuitive.  I shouldn't even have to tell him or her what to do.  I expect them to just realize I want or need something and take care of it.  For example I shouldn't even have to say "Coffee Run! Go!"  They should know when I want coffee and go get it on their own, and it better be right!  I WANT 3 TABLE SPOONS OF CREAM NOT 2!   GO BACK AND GET IT RIGHT!


    They must also know that the last example was a trick as I do not drink coffee.  I drink a cup of green tea every morning and then again in the afternoon.  Much healthier for you than that swill with caffeine. 


    I will have my people await your response.

  8. I would love to have a system like this but unfortunately in order to really implement, you would pretty much have to change the core gameplay.  If you want a combat system like in the Arkham series, then that would require slowing the gameplay here down considerably, which may be quite rage inducing combined with the extreme grind and the RNG systems tendancy to give out useless crap rewards for missions.


    This may be possible in the future but I don't see it happening anytime soon.


    What can work though, is to add a new attack key when in a melee stance.  The default reload button "R" is not used in melee and can be used to do heavier attacks while E can do light attacks.  Combinations will be a combination of E and R instead of the horrendous system of using "pauses" to do a combo.


    Example  Combo 1 - Crashing Spiderbear =  EERERR

  9. DE is thinning out the Drop tables to help with drop table dilution. These frames and weapons will be reintroduced at a later time. 


    I'd believe that if they were actually getting rid of stupid void key awards instead of prime parts.


    It's infuriating that the last times Ive been in the void it's been 90% void keys.


    THOSE are what need to be removed.

  10. I think the point of the event is to get the catalyst and then the stratos badge/sigil thing since they are guaranteed on succession. 


    Not to grind for the other rewards, there is a chance you'll get them but there are other ways. 


    If you think this event is "Trolling players" (Hahah wow.. gees) you're wrong. 



    That's right.  DE doesn't troll us with the events.



    They troll us with the void mission "rewards".

  11. I feel that the range and speed on it is fine.  The targetting is sometimes wonky as occassionally go flying PAST the enemies, so that may need to be looked at, but all in all the speed and distance it covers is good and it's a lot of fun zipping around cutting down enemies.


    Also keep in mind that you can dash again right after the last one, so you can spam it so long as you have the energy.

  12. It was nerfed significantly. It now summons a max of 12 javelins, before modding.


    The damage also seems to have decreased significantly too.  Before when I used it, I would easily kill all the high level enemies near me, now they just shrug it off.



    Not that it's a bad thing of course, as it's no longer an ult and should get a big hit on its power.


    On the flip side the way the javelins shoot out has been changed so that more enemies are hit and less javelins get stuck in walls or crates and whatnot without even hitting any enemies.



    Edit: Sorry about double post, the multiquote thing got kind of wonky on me.

  13. u sounded like you dont revive them, sry if misunderstood

    and i don't need jesus, i prefer doing stuff myself than hoping that someone will do it for me

    and its not like he will magically appear before me when i magically will need his help.

    to say "you can do it son" i have my parents. not that they say that very often, lol


    I also suggested Thor

  14. blah blah blah ridiculous randomness about other frames and ults and  spiders and stuff





    that is the most ridiculous thing i've heard this week. and is saying a lot about what kind of person you are



    What concerns me the most about your post wasn't the ridiculous arguments and reasoning you gave but your reply to what I said about reving.


    Reviving people is ridiculous?   I thought of it as a common courtesy, help your teammates kind of thing.  I  always try to get to teammates if they get downed so I can help them out, and I hope they'll do the same for me if I get in trouble.


    Your statments about reviving people as a common courtesy greatly disturbs about the kind of person YOU are.   Go to Church son, you need Jesus.



    Alternatively you can go out and fight a bear or something to make an offering to Thor. 

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