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Posts posted by ixidron92

  1. En 15/6/2020 a las 17:35, Brucieman64 dijo:

    This right here! I would love if we could ACTUALLY use different spaces instead of the orbiter. Have Ordis run something like a "virtualization" of the Orbiter, I don't mind hearing his 3 years old joke lines while being in my dojo. Railjack was promised as this,anyway.
    As the Obstacle course, btw, it allready exists...
    And the concept of a "personal room" in a dojo is a dream that I share, my orbiter's reached full capacity in decoration !

    Yeah. I don't know why personal quarters aren't a thing in Dojos. Everyone would love to have their own customizable space they can expand. Orbiters are so cramped and limited.

    • Like 1
  2. En 14/6/2020 a las 15:57, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 dijo:

    I was going to say Octavia Deluxe bundle but that skin is Boltor only.

    Which begs the question: why the f*ck isn't that skin for all rifles? The worst part is, it looks more like an energy rifle than a boltor. 

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  3. hace 14 minutos, Cyba_Zero dijo:

    Actually we already have this: check out the 'obstacle course architect' room - unless you're referring to personal ones, of course.
    The shooting range and challenge room would mesh well with the idea of the simulacrum; a simulacrum entrance for dojos would be handy too.

    Maybe it wasn't as self-explanatory as I thought. I'll edit that, but yeah, personal obstacle courses you can share and make public if you'd like. I'd also like the simulacrum entrance too. 

    If we have public Dojos as player hubs, clans and players can make their own fun and replayable content. There will no longer be a content drought. Shooting ranges with challenges, obstacle courses, challenge rooms, custom missions, etc. All that would make the game limitless.

  4. Hello Tenno, and welcome to this thread about Dojo improvements


    So far, we have 2 social hubs: Dojos and Relays

    Relays are monolithic (more or less), and people go there just to visit the various npcs or to trade in case of Maroo's, but, are they really social hubs? There are no activities, nothing to do. 

    Dojos on the other side, are private. If you're an outsider, you need an invitation, and typically, one goes to a Dojo for a quick trade, or to get some blueprints, or to edit the Railjack, but have you ever took the time to explore your Dojo? It is massive, and your decorator might have spent a lot of time, effort and resources to pimp it out, only for their efforts to go unrecognized. 

    The problem is, by default, when you log-in, you begin the game inside your orbiter. There's no option to spawn in your Dojo. There's no "Go back to Dojo" option. 

    I'm asking for several things here, but they are not massive changes, just small options. 

    • The option to set your Dojo (or a public one) as your default spawn point. So you can enter the game straight into your Dojo, or go back to your Dojo after a mission.
    • The option to set your Dojo to public. I don't mean that anyone can join; I mean that anyone can visit and that they appear on a public listing.
    • The ability to build a room for "Personal quarters". In essence, it's a simple door players can interact with to enter their quarters or other people's quarters if they are public. Once built you can access your very own quarters inside the Dojo. By default, they are the same as your Orbiter's quarter, but you can expand the room and add extra rooms. You can decorate them with both the decorations you own and with Dojo decorations. Think of it as your own personal mini-Dojo inside your Dojo. Again, they can be set to public/invite/friends/members/private. 

    Now I'm asking for a massive change for extra rooms:

    • Shooting range: A room the Dojo decorators can edit, featuring different targets from static, to moving to simulated enemies you can kill. 
    • Virtual reality challenge room: Think holodeck, with players able to create scenarios using map tiles, different enemies, various objectives, etc. Basically, player generated missions. 
    • Personal Obstacle course: For players to create their own custom ones. They can make them public if they like, and select whatever course they want to try.

    Thank you for reading and participating.

    • Like 3
  5. Come on DE, we need one deluxe skin that works for any non-sniper/shotgun primaries. I just can't stand the fuggliness of the scrappy, junk-punk look of kitguns and soviet-madmax look of Grineer weapons. Please, make it work for for all of them, not just a few. Come on, I'm trying to give you money here. 

    • Like 2
  6. That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. We already have RNG gear and the overwhelming response is no to that. RNG gear doesn't work in this game because acquiring gear is hard, and because you then have to curate that gear. In games where you get tons of weapons for killing enemies and those weapons can't be exactly enhanced and are viewed as disposable, yeah, it might work, but here, you can spend hours to get your weapon to its best shape. 

  7. hace 8 horas, Crystles dijo:

    Care to elaborate with details? I'm curious and been looking for actual info. 

    The damage numbers on her grenades, even if built for strength and taking advantage of the +100% strength boost, aren't the best, and while they can deal with low level enemies, they struggle with ESO, arbitration, and sortie enemies, yet the fact remains that the grenades stagger, leading to people building Protea for efficiency so you can pepper the map with grenades.

    The turret lasts 3 seconds and has a limited number of shots. Even when built for strength and a high damage multiplier, turrets deal less damage than most weapons, which means you need to deploy a host of turrets, which leas us back to efficiency for spam. Yeah, having a ton of turrets can deal with high level enemies even if you don't build Protea for strength, but the fact remains that all you do is press 2 as fast as you can.

    this guy explains it in full detail: 


    • Like 2
  8. As stated, cruising speed is an avionics with the single purpose of getting you to an objective once you've killed all enemies and are still too far away. I believe it should be a default railjack mechanic on itself, not an avionic.

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  9. I just can't stand this. I quite the event by the second day. I try, but every time I remember I have to repeat the same boring defense mission potentially several hundred times for a measly reward, I give up. Even if I could get all the rewards with a dozen missions, I just can't. This is no event. This is the exact same basic gameplay ad nauseam. 

    • Like 8
  10. hace 6 horas, WindigoTG dijo:

    Sooooooo, 35000 points divided by 2720 per run means I need to play 13 runs.

    It's one run a day for two weeks. Event will last for four weeks. Plenty of time.

    What's insane or grindy there?

    Note that 13 runs is 78 Murex if you do it that particular way, which's already been said it's unfeasible due to the cap on how many you can do. 

  11. hace 4 minutos, 844448 dijo:

    Sometimes I question you people, like, Tenno, you have roughly 3 weeks or 504 hours so is it really important to have them all day one?

    Even after you've done getting them all efficiently, what are you going to do? Complain there's nothing to chase/do?

    Day 1? People who can't do several hours a day will barely make it by the end of the event or at all.

    • Like 8
  12. hace 1 minuto, FireSegment dijo:

    Here's a controversial idea: That pattern actually is a good thing to have. Specially for a game like warframe.

    The devs don't pretend that this isn't a bad grind, it's practically their way of saying "don't burn yourself out, it's not worth the time, come back after we sure we got it right". 

    So, in essence they are doing it so players don't play during release, which is when normal companies want players to be active. They are saying: F*ck it, we're releasing something insane in terms of grind, glitchy and broken, don't play it until we've fixed it or all your time investment is for nothing.

    Quite a sh*tty strategy imho.

    • Like 9
  13. hace 4 minutos, (NSW)Greybones dijo:

    Gaslighting is very serious and abusive behaviour. I’d like some additional clarification before I entertain the idea that I’m being subjected to it.

    This quoted post is your response to the sentiment that companies act like they’re listening to feedback, but they planned all along to only make it seem that way. The only way I can think of providing feedback at the moment is on the forums or (to a lesser extent) reddit or twitter or social media in general. I’d like additional sources of feedback if you can provide, and wish to expand my knowledge regarding them, but because we’re both posting in the forums I’m focusing on the forums as feedback.

    Based on what I know about the dynamic of feedback and implementation, the question I’m asking in search of clarification is: People are leaving in droves because they’re not being listened to on the forums?

    I've denounced that in the 2 previous occasions, both the reactors and the lich system being insanely grindy on purpose, and also doing the math for the reactors, though someone else did the math for the Liches.

    • Like 1
  14. hace 6 minutos, Crusher4881 dijo:

    There is something that makes the grind much easier. Namely, if your flotilla kills all 100 murexes within the time limit,you get extra points, up to 10000 if you scored 5000 points during the mission. That cuts the grind by 2/3rds or so.

    That would mean like you and 3 other in your squad need to bring down 9 Murex for maximum efficiency, which allows for 11 squads to get that bonus (if the timing is perfect and everyone stops at 9 kills). I dunno how many people can fit in one flotilla, and considering you can't exactly coordinate with everyone, my guess is there will be people left out of the reward.

    And even so, it's a 10k bonus every 2 hours. So, it's better to keep going after 9, which will bring up much more competition, which in turns means even fewer peole will get the reward.

  15. hace 8 minutos, Katinka dijo:

    Or maybe they start with conservative numbers while the player base does the first few days of testing and then they'll tweak gameplay, fix bugs and adjust rewards/costs based not just on feedback but also their own metrics.  This way they can make sure exploits have less of an effect.  Same reason why the rarer Arcanes aren't available yet.

    Those are one heck of a conservative numbers. When even the simplest weapon would take 23 consecutive Murex runs. 

    • Like 3
  16. To me, it seems they are unwilling to fully commit to another rework and are hoping small changes can fix her. Sure, the changes are great and she needs them, but they need to do something with the Lantern/Spellbind overlap in functionality, Diwata being the crappiest melee ever, Razorflies vaporizing over level 60 content and a long etc.

  17. hace 15 minutos, zhellon dijo:

    Oh. I feel trash rework again. They just accepted the weakest offers from the players, so as not to spend a lot of time on rework and it will fail again.

    Thank you for the information.

    They didn't brand it as a rework. For some reason they keep adding small QoL changes to Titania instead of giving her the rework she deserves. They said they'd showcase more Titania changes in the next devstream, if I remember correctly.

  18. I can't believe I'm gonna praise Raid SL here, but they have a daily/weekly/monthly mission system too, much like Warframe's nightmare, the only difference being those missions are actually you'd normally do while playing. So, in essence, they reward people for doing what they are supposed to do. Nightwave, however, takes the opposite approach and reward people for doing stuff you wouldn't necessarily do, and once you're done, that's it. Most people won't bother with the measly credit reward. I mean, come on, 1 week to get at most 60 credits? Not even enough to get a #*!%ing potato. 

    I think nightwave needs to have a more custom, personalized approach and give you missions organically depending on what you're actually doing and present you with several choices you can agree or refuse to do. 

    Say, the game detects you've done several thrall missions in a row and gives you a weekly challenge: Kill or Convert 1 lich. You can then accept or refuse. If you refuse, the game will simply present you with another one. Say: You're using the ignis for a few missions in a row and asks you to kill X enemies using the fire element.

    On top of that, I think alerts need to come back and reward you with nightwave credits.

  19. We should get beaten. The sentients have been evolving and accumulating power for millennia. Not to mention, the sentients have been trying to develop resistance to the void and strategies against the Tenno. During the old war, we send the packing, but barely and thanks to the betrayal of the lotus. Back then, we had an entire empire backing us, with a well oiled military machine, a fleet, supply lines, not to mention Dax and Grineer auxiliaries.  

    Right now, we're but a former shadow of ourselves, with part of our true potential locked, without leadership or direction and with a greatly diminished capacity when it comes to numbers and firepower. We're scattered, divided and without notable allies. By all accounts, we're far worse than we were in the old war and the sentients are far better.

    We should lose, but barely, of course. We should lose only to unite the entire system against the sentient threat and then counterattack.

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