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Posts posted by ixidron92

  1. En 27/12/2019 a las 0:24, taiiat dijo:

    you can pretty easily get like 200 Skill Points from a few hours of play - you don't have to nolife even remotely.

    If you're into mindless grinding for sure. That requires a specific strategy and endless repetition. DE expected us to play, not just focus on getting to the max level by repeating the most efficient route for hours and hours every single day. 

  2. hace 5 minutos, 0_The_F00l dijo:

    Vidar for everything ,

    Only Zetki cryophon is kinda just as good as a high roll Vidar,

    Lavan is probably only good on Photor. though photor becomes weird to use after getting used to projectile speeds.


    Vidar is better fro cryo. A 50%+ dmg vidas deals more damage than a zekti but has half the heat accretion, and since you are gonna be one-shotting everything, there isn't much point in having faster firing rate or CC/SC.

  3. The anomaly lasts for 30 minutes. The only purpose of playing there is to get the unique items. If you don't get them, what's the point of finishing the mission? The resources of which everyone already has metric tons of? The 0.7% chance of actually getting a good reactor? No thanks. You get one chance, maybe 2 if you're fast enough, to get the piece you want every 2 and half hours. Why would anyone bother finishing a run without a part drop?

    I don't even know what's the problem here. You can easily park the railjack inside the ship and it won't get killed. Furthermore, by the time you exit, half the enemy fighters would have died, crashing facefirst against the sentient ship. For some reason, their pathing AI doesn't detect it. So, if you're looking for parts and one drops, you've got half the work done for you by the stupid AI.

  4. hace 10 minutos, (XB1)Huggs93 dijo:

    then why waste your time commenting on something you dont even believe in? you dont find athiests in a church so why find you here?

    You don't? Huh... perhaps you're not looking hard enough. If you disagree with something, there is nothing wrong with stating it. If we had kept that mentality of yours, we would still be in the dark ages. 

    Let me welcome you to real life. People are not gonna agree with your opinion. People might have a completely radical and opposite position entirely. You might want to change something, others might want to keep it that way and others, like myself, might want to get rid of it entirely. I find it funny that a lot of people believe that change vs no change deserves discussion, but when it comes to getting rid of something? Goodness, no! If you don't belong to either side of the argument, better to shut up! There is no third option! It's one or the other.

    Yeah... f*ck it. I'm sticking to my opinion, even if you're can't understand why.

  5. hace 17 minutos, (XB1)Huggs93 dijo:

    That's a valid opinion yes a critisism? No, and its not constructive critisism even if it was. Also before you continue to act like you think you know me (which no one should ever act like they know someone) a few things to note I give zero #*!%s about politics snow flakes and as someone who loves philosophy views every viewpoint as significant. This was how to make it better a way to create it into something unigue. Not a post for people to discuss their salt. the post wasnt meant for negativity it was meant to get creative juices flowing. so yes it isnt a constructive critisism or critisism in general its an opinion and a way to express their salt. wether we like it or not we will have the archline ability so we can discuss a way to make it better instead of focused on the negative.

    We've already stated our opinion. It should be removed. That's criticism. Just because you dislike it or it doesn't agree with your vision it doesn't make it non-constructive. That's is our criticism and we've make it quite clear. We do not believe archline can be polished, fixed or even saved. Criticism doesn't need to be a minor tweak or an improvement. Sometimes, you need someone to tell you what you did is utterly unsalvageable and should try again with something completely different.

    You call that salt, simply because you can't accept that as a valid opinion, but I'm afraid to say, that's just plain close-mindedness on your behalf. You want us to agree with you? You want us to suggest tweaks? Not gonna happen, because we don't believe tweaks are gonna do anything. If you can't understand that people might have completely different beliefs, you're not gonna make any advancements. 

    You're not even defending your position about why archline deserves tweaks. Hell, you're not even arguing against ours. Instead, you're attacking our position and trying to discredit it. I'm afraid, when  it comes to debate, you've lost, plain and simple.

  6. hace 12 minutos, (XB1)Huggs93 dijo:

    If you are going to be negative please dont bother wasting your time commenting. It saves both time and energy. plus these are not even valid critisims so I cant even take you seriously and neither would the devs.

    Really? That's how you deal with disagreeing opinions? Yeah, it's a common trend since the new millenia. Simply ignore anything that won't agree with your views. Dismiss it and ridicule it. It's not an uncommon tactic in politics, and I hate it. "If you don't agree with me, shut up". It's so infantile and despicable.

    I see it as a perfectly valid criticism, and apparently not an uncommon one. I myself made a thread with over 25 pages of responses about the issue, and most would agree that ripline is an ability that needs to go, not be "polished". It needs to disappear, period, be replaced. That's a valid opinion, a valid criticism. If you can't stomach that, if you can't see that other people might thing radically different, accept that and argue with reason against that, perhaps it's we the ones that shouldn't take you seriously.

  7. hace 4 minutos, Anduvriel dijo:

    Warframe - 100% of everything that you might ever NEED to succesfully play any content comes from special spots you can farm with extremely high chances of success or outright get for resources that have extremely high chance to drop (getting necessasary frames, weapons, mods*). No content locked behind rng. 

    This is literally why I play Warframe. I do not like nor want a million layers of RNG preventing me from progressing. I want to invest time, effort and resources, not play the #*!%ing lotto.

    I would have been fine with RNG stats if we could use spare copies and/or resources to boost the stats, but I won't accept RNG stats without any kind of hard fallback mechanic. That's the reason why I killed 4 liches and quit playing that system. The RNG everything was too unappealing to me. That's why I'm basically pondering right now if I should spend more time grinding the Railjack system or just give up and wait for the new war, and that's why I'm not dropping another freaking cent if the current trend continues.

    Railjack is fun. I have fun piloting my ship, destroying enemy fighters, blowing up crewships with my BFG, but every time I get to the mission reward, I just want to punch the screen. I'm not making progress. I am stuck, and it's not because I'm not investing time and effort, it's because a #*!%ing machine decided I can't progress any further because the dice didn't roll in my favor.

  8. hace 1 minuto, Teridax68 dijo:

    But it's not just the community, though, because DE keeps releasing content in such a way that it still gets consumed, rather than integrated for permanent reuse. The Kuva Liches we were promised were an integrated, replayable system, for example, but were converted into a grindy, ultimately finite portion of content to only be played for the rewards. Railjack is in a similar state, having fallen from its initial promise of connection across the Origin System to essentially an additional set of Archwing missions, with nothing more to offer the player once its rewards are obtained until DE adds more content. Both of these releases were meant to be major expansions to the game and its replayability, but ended up being much like ESO and Arbitrations before them -- isolated, repetitive, and limited in replay value in spite of their grindiness. DE had the option to focus on replayability through integration and more permanent incentives outside of loot, but ultimately chose not to.

    Yeah, they promised integration. They showed us being able to call our railjack from the Vallis because a ship in orbit was bombarding us. They showed us being able to take the fight to the our lich by attacking their flagship. We were expecting railjack to unify the entire game, but in the end, it's just another island of content. Still, this is just phase 1. We're missing corpus enemies and many more features. We might get what was promised... maybe.

    • Like 2
  9. hace 11 minutos, Vyra dijo:

    The Sentients are the Good guys in this game.

    Ironically enough, that is true. The sentients terraformed the Tau system to make it habitable and didn't want the Orokin to destroy everything they've worked for by turning Tau into Earth 2.0 (which was a wasteland at that point), and they also wanted to continue existing, since they were supposed to shut down once terraforming was over. So, the rebelled against their creators.

  10. For the love of god, CY needs a better CPU, because his reaction time is baffling. I'm really, really, really tired of hearing the ramsled warning when the ramsleds are literally in my face. Can we give that warning a bit more priority? Make it a bit faster? So we're warned about ramsleds when they are launched isntead of when they are 10m away from your Railjack. Heck, sometimes I've been warned about ramsleds AFTER being boarded.

    • Like 3
  11. hace 22 minutos, SneakyErvin dijo:

    First off, this isnt an MMO. Secondly, plenty of games comparable to WF, including serious MMO's include random stats and have done so for over 20 years.

    Dark Age of Camelot is an old MMO that utilized random stats, even when it came to crafting. The difference between a 95% and 98%+ durability roll was massive. 95% was OK, but if you wanted to be competative you'd need a 98% roll atleast to stay even with others. Same deal for armors iirc, where lower durability ment lower protection.

    Diablo 2 and 3, Path of Exile, Borderlands 1-3 and other games simialar to WF all run on heavy RNG stats on items, several layers of them in certain cases. Marvel Heroes repeated the old D2 formula aswell, which was just as enjoyable with variable stat ranges on all gear pieces.

    Or those are suddenly not serious games?

    Never heard of Camelot, but that single example hardly qualifies.

    D2 and D3 function way differently. For starters, you can modify the stats, there are sets with fixed stats, and the stats, while random, depend on the enemy level, not to mention, those games heavily rely much more on skill and abilities than gear, while Warframe depends entirely on gear for progression.

    Borderlands, same as Diablo, showers you with gear, and there is much less emphasis on having good equipment, since most stuff just works for whatever. Not to mention, you were usually given enough gear as progression rewards or boss loot to continue playing without trouble and in any of those games the grind is remotely comparable with WF.

    I can't comment of PoA since that's the only one I didn't play, but I'm guessing is similar to Diablo.

    Warframe however, works like most MMOs (or used to work), where you're expected to grind an spend time, effort and resources for good equipment, guaranteed. Now you're expected to spend an outrageous amount of time grinding for a reward that might be worse than what you already have, or not, depends on RNG. Tying progression, TRULY tying progression to pure and insane RNG is indefensable bullsh*t.

    • Like 2
  12. We're literally warlords that offer themselves as mercenaries. We fight for whatever they offer us and when not we literally raid anyone and loot everything that's not nailed down.

    We assassinate, sabotage, plant bombs, engage in espionage, take hostages, raid supply routes and recently, we've engaged in salve trading. We literally operate like insurgents, using the same terror tactics.

    The Grineer might be an actual military, but the corpus are literally rent-a-cops. We're killing civilian security guards.

  13. hace 5 horas, OriVerda dijo:

    I don't enjoy it myself, even with Umbra and a Paracesis it's like chopping down a tree. 

    In the Erra cinematic we cut them down with ease, there's a huge contrast between that and what we have. It always made me wonder how the heck we beat them in the past, probably with some sort of unique Orokin mods or super-Catalysts. But I digress.

    As much as I dislike they're tankiness, they're more or less necessary as a proper endgame and high-level enemy in my opinion so I can appreciate that at least.

    You know it's been like over a thousand years, right? And those are sentient machines that constantly evolve and adapt while we're using outdated technology.

    I just find it funny that Balas gave us a sentient slayer... melee weapon. Like... dude, those things fly.

  14. hace 10 horas, fiendishrabbit dijo:

    Concerning reactors/shields/engines.

    I get the idea behind random stats, we are after all salvaging technology that's been degraded by hundreds of years and then inexpertly patched (with sigma reactors representing a balanced design based on the best modern tenno technology, from either new or scavenged components).

    However, if this is the case, shouldn't we be able to cannibalize components of the same type to get our own items closer to the maximum possible output (topping out at maybe 90% of maximum output)? So if I have a Mk III Vidar reactor I should be able to cannibalize another MkIII Vidar reactor to boost either avionic or flux output and getting it closer to the ideal maximum output?

    That's a lot of mental gymnastics to justify a poor development decision. 

  15. hace 3 minutos, DrakeWurrum dijo:

    Point? Use that body to distract somebody so you can get a stealth kill elsewhere. It's also not impossible, while they're standing there alert looking one direction, to dash in from behind and regular melee attack to one shot 'em. Hell, if you're really patient, they'll eventually stop being alerted.

    This isn't hard, unless you genuinely believe that patience itself is hard.

    Point is it used to be easier. Being able to instakill anyone from long range without alerting the enemy is easier than not doing that. i don't know why would anyone disagree with that.

    • Like 2
  16. hace 30 minutos, -S-O-Vetula_Mortem dijo:

    nothing changed in difficulty

    Edit: i recomend the redeemer as you can kill enemys from about 20 meters without the noticing the shotgun blast.stupid i know

    Previously, you could instantly kill enemies from very far away and desintegrate their bodies using channeling, which made things quite easily. Now, channeling is gone.

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